Choosing Speakers...? ALWAYS Ask These 3 Questions!

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If you're building an audio system, I've got three  questions you can ask that will help you to choose   the perfect speakers. The answers to these three  questions will be your guide to understanding the   features and specifications, so that you feel  confident you're making the right decision.   Speaker spec sheets can be difficult to navigate,  especially if you're not used to looking at them.   You've got to be careful, because some  specifications might actually mislead   you into thinking that a speaker is much more  powerful than it actually is. You'll learn how   you can find and understand some of the key  specifications that you should be considering   when choosing your speakers. It's best if you can  start the process of designing a sound system with   a clear understanding of the goal. Here are the  three questions to ask before getting started. Where will the audience be located? I think this  question is the best place to start. Is this a   listening system for one person, 50 people, or  a thousand people? If there's only one listening   position, you know where the listener will be at  all times and that means that you can optimize   the system to sound best at that exact position,  maybe even employing a stereo or surround setup   to make the experience even more immersive for  that listener. When designing a sound system for   a larger audience, just providing even coverage  can be a challenge. A sound system can really only   be optimized for one point in space, so you'll  have to make some sacrifices when optimizing the   system to sound good throughout a larger audience  area. In a speaker's technical specifications,   you might find a coverage angle that describes  the vertical and horizontal angle that sound   disperses from the speaker. There's only one angle  listed for this particular speaker - 75 degrees.   That means that both the vertical and horizontal  coverage angles are 75 degrees, but the vertical   and horizontal angles aren't always the same.  Some speakers even have variable coverage angles.   If a listener steps outside of the speaker's  coverage pattern, it will start to sound dull   to that listener because high frequencies  are more directional than low frequencies.   It might seem like the wider the coverage angle,  the better. However there are several reasons why   this isn't necessarily true. One reason is that  you'll usually be aiming for a consistent level   throughout the listening area and the sound  from overlapping speakers will add together   at the point where they overlap. The areas  where the speakers overlap will be louder   and the areas covered by just one speaker will be  quieter. Not only will the speakers add together,   but they'll also cancel out at some  frequencies because of phase interference.   I've got another post that goes into much more  depth on why this happens, but the result is a   change in the frequency response of the system.  Obviously, designing a home theater system is   much different from designing a PA system for a  music festival or a paging system for a building.   In a surround sound system, the goal might be for  the various speakers to work together to create an   immersive experience for a single listener. While  addressing larger groups, the approach as a whole   might change to groups of distributed speakers  that address smaller portions of the audience. The second question should be, "Where  should the speakers be located?".   Unfortunately, the question is most often, "Where  can the speakers be located?". The best location   for a speaker, in terms of sound quality, might  be directly in front of the audience. However,   if the speaker obstructs the view of the audience,  it doesn't really matter how good it sounds.   The speaker will need to be placed somewhere else  where it won't obstruct any important sightlines.   The reality is that it's commonplace for visual  aesthetics to be prioritized over sound quality   and, in most situations, you won't be able  to place the speakers in the absolutely ideal   position. Paying attention to the coverage pattern  of the speakers not only helps to provide sound   where it is needed, but it also helps to reduce  sound levels outside of the listening area.   This could be used to prevent sound from  leaking into nearby areas or to prevent   unnecessary reflections off of nearby walls.  It's important to understand the relationship   between the coverage pattern of a speaker  and the placement of a speaker. Naturally,   the coverage area becomes larger at  longer distances from the speaker.   While a ceiling speaker with a 135-degree coverage  pattern might cover a 14-foot diameter from 8-foot   ceiling height, that same speaker could cover a  24-foot diameter from a 10-foot ceiling height,   because there's more distance for the sound  to spread out before reaching the listener.   That means more speakers are required  to cover the same listening area   when the ceiling height is lowered. The same goes  for surface mounted speakers. A 75-degree pattern   might seem narrow at short distances, but a  75-degree speaker on each side of the stage   might cover the entire audience if there's enough  distance between the speaker and the audience.   Often fill speakers will be used to cover the  areas not fully covered by the main speakers. The third question to ask is, "How loud does the  system need to be?". If you know the location of   the listeners, the location of the speakers,  and you have a target level for the listening   position, you're off to a great start. To give  you an idea of what the target level should be,   let's take a look at this chart. I usually aim  for a music system target between 80 and 100 dB   SPL at the listing position. Having that extra  headroom is unnecessary in many situations,   but I'll leave that up to you to decide. This is  a good time to mention a pair of specifications   that help us to understand how loud a speaker can  get: sensitivity and continuous power capacity.   The speaker's sensitivity tells us how loud the  speaker will be if supplied with a given amount of   power. Most often, you'll see something like this.  When one watt of power is applied to this speaker,   you can expect 97 dB SPL measured  from one meter away from the speaker.   The speaker's continuous power capacity describes  how much power can be supplied to the speaker   consistently over time without causing damage  or permanent change. Speaker companies will   often boast the much higher peak power capacity,  which merely describes the maximum momentary power   that can be supplied to the speaker without  damage. I think comparing speakers based on   continuous power capacity is much more useful  in almost every case. Let's take a look at how   sensitivity and power capacity are related. If  this speaker is capable of producing 97 dB SPL   at one meter away with one watt of power from the  amplifier, how loud will it be when supplied with   500 watts (its continuous power capacity)? This  formula will help us to answer this question.   By the way, many of the formulas and charts  you'll see in this video can be found in the   Audio University article on decibels. Power 1 is  our wattage from the sensitivity specification.   Power 2 is the continuous power capacity -  500 watts. This formula can be solved using   a scientific calculator like this one. I'll leave  a link to this one in the description below. The   formula tells us that the difference between  1 watt and 500 watts is nearly 27 decibels.   So, by adding 27 to the 97 from the specs, we can  calculate that the speaker is capable of producing   124 dB SPL at one meter. With this information,  we can determine if a speaker is capable of   achieving our target level at the listening  position. The inverse distance law states that,   with every doubling of distance, there's a 6 dB  loss in level. This is another reason why it's   so important to know where the speaker will be in  relation to the listening position. Let's say we   plan for the speaker to be placed about 10 meters  away from the listener. This time, we're going to   use the non-power decibel formula, because  we're comparing distance rather than power.   Distance 1 is our starting distance that we  found in the sensitivity specification - one   meter. Distance 2 is the distance between the  speaker and the listening position. This formula   tells us that there will be about a 20 dB loss  over that distance. So, subtracting 20 from 124   tells us that the speaker will produce  104 dB SPL at the listing position. That   means that the speaker is certainly capable of  providing adequate level to listening position.   If the speaker couldn't get loud enough at  its continuous power capacity, you'd need   to choose either a more sensitive speaker or a  speaker with a greater power handling capacity. I think it's always best to choose speakers first   and then find an amplifier that will  provide enough power to those speakers.   If you're ready to learn how to choose  the right amplifier for your speakers,   check out the video that's on your screen now. I  provide you with a simple guideline for choosing   an amplifier and explain why it's so important to  match your amplifier to your speakers properly. If you found this video helpful, hit  the "Like" button and share it so the   video can reach more viewers.  I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Audio University
Views: 134,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speakers, choosing speakers, choosing speakers for amplifier, speaker guide, speaker buying guide, speaker sensitivity explained, speaker sensitivity, speaker power, which speaker should i buy, speaker specifications explained, speaker specs explained, speaker specs, sound system design, speaker coverage angle, speaker coverage pattern, best speakers, loudspeaker specifications, choosing the right speakers, choosing the right amplifier for speakers, matching amp to speakers
Id: nxIajDzQjzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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