Choose Your Starter Pokemon By Only Hearing Its Cry

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these are a set of randomized starter Pokemon but this is all I'll hear when I'm choosing one my friend I will choose our options by only hearing their cries six times each and then we're gonna have a battle which of these cries was the most recognizable [Music] heads or tails big bro smashed it I'm on point so you're gonna flip around first and give me my choices first if you want me to yeah I would enjoy very much so my brother [Music] no way no there's no way there's there is no way there is no way that this has happened you've got a shiny and I swear this Pokemon I that's your first option here's your second option your last option I mean listen I have to right they're gonna be angry if I don't yeah exactly just do it okay I gotta go with the first one is gearzina so remember that Japanese video we did last week or whatever it was it's shiny is it really it's exactly the same as what happened in the Japanese I'm so confused man your first Pokemon is uh there's no way you get this uh your first one is oh oh that sounds so familiar oh my gosh all right well Giratina just loves me huh yeah apparently cool and what form is it origin okay cool yeah I want you to guys to understand that I randomized the files and I specifically gave Shady a different list of Pokemon and you still got it yeah you literally were like I think you're gaslighting me and cheating and I'm like no no I'm not doing nothing I'm not doing nothing this is your first one uh here's your next one the Diglett your final option I have no idea what that is I want the horse I want the horse it's Cali Rex and it's you know they're fused wait it's The fused one yeah and it's ghost B ghost time okay revealing all right here you go oh it's a cutie oh oh that's a giveaway that isn't it I do like that one and then that's like either do bite or a rack when it I don't even know if they're in the game oh I don't know either wait can you play the middle one one more time I mean that sounds like one of the legendary birds okay I want the middle one what is it no dude I'd like to everyone to introduce the newest legendary bird venomoth so your options from left to right were School bunny moth and then slagu oh Sligo okay it was very bubbly that is true all right let me reveal let me reveal come on we got oh okay oh um that is shiny here you go here's your first one on the left here is your second one right in the middle and then this one I think you're gonna get that sounds like a ride Pokemon from history play the first one to me again never mind the second one second one okay I think I'm gonna go for that one that is Appleton oh no about the history Rye Pokemon's like oh Saloon are all weird here or something it is it is weird here yep you started saying that I'm like bro he's on it he's on he's on it and thank the Lord you did not choose the first one because it was a shiny slack off oh just like I never would have gotten that yay I am revealing what do we got okay who's this oh I don't know I don't know that cry no it's a new one not in it who's this and then who's this that's Kyrie Ellison probably who do I have I currently have a venomoth and a Giratina I want my dog I want to be Arvin right now give me the dog as Dash bun oh okay honestly I'll take the Ashburn and from left to right it was it was crocolor Finn is in and then Dash bun wow oh my gosh well I'm glad a Dodge finishing because I have its ability yeah it's not the greatest yeah not the greatest let me reveal real quick oh okay uh one of these you're gonna know immediately because I know you're my brother this thing so here we go your first one is gonna be your second one will sound something like this and then your final one yeah I think I'll take that one yeah yeah yeah that's his Suey in zarork what that's what this fry is yeah shut up all the other ones it was Articuno and then snow runs is it was it regular Articuno was it the it's regular article okay Dodge huge Dodge Pokemon my bad oh good bloody Lord this Pokemon's not in there I'm about to go to the old YouTube for this one all right prepare your ears it might be a little bit loud here we go and then we've got oh that's a big boy and then we got oh he's got a tree is that an ultra Beast that is the ultra beasts in this game right you should pick that one for sure no give me the first cry again oh duh this game is game is future I want that one I want the first one yeah it's iron Valiant a middle one was box caliber and the last one was hattorini oh I know now all right let me spin around I'll take iron Valley in all day let me spin around see what we got oh oh some pocket monsters so here is your first option on the left specifically uh this is your second option you're joking you're joking you made that noise yourself nope here we go one more time there's no way at a real cry all right and then your final option you're gonna know oh you know what I think for the memes I've just got to pick the one that was making the funky like beat oh I want that guy that's household what the hell why is he trying to make why is he beatboxing bro he's spinning bro no the kid in the back is like yeah who left cook there's no way right I'm gonna turn around I'm going to reveal your three Pokemon oh let me hear him listen any juice listen any any monsters I don't think there is much juice here to be honest with you so good luck yeah what that's not juice no that's like what is juice oh that sounded painful that was like that was not pleasant at all and then you got this bad boy drop someone down the stairs it's like I kind of want the stairs mod just like you name it stairs I'm taking that one I don't think it's good but he built like a set of stairs you got knackle stack okay okay I'll take Michael snack I'm literally putting down the notes name him stairs first is Haxorus uh second was graphia oh okay I wouldn't have got that all right cool sweet let me turn around and see some boys okay one of these you immediately get and you're just gonna choose it this is gonna be your first cry wonder who that is Frozen and your second cry and then your final cry is something like this that's the easiest road to my mother about which oh which form is it which form of growthum is it you're gonna get Easy Bake Oven Rotom Northam heat yes it's the best one I mean best one more time watch is right there let's calm down for a second but he's the best one he is the best one though anyways well who the other two what's that middle one the other one was Marini oh okay and then it was Raichu was it it was a lowland right ah that would have been a good one as well it would have been good all right bro you can't go wrong with real time though true I'm gonna turn around right now and you have the worst starter choices possible why why would you stop did you manifest that you gaslighting me here's your first one buddy that's the easiest choice you like what this one oh the ending of that is so gen 9 and why does he have something in his throat he's straight gargling um can you give me the middle one again one more time sorry that's the middle one that's the middle one they both gargle a little bit all right how I'm gonna roll dice one two three middle four five six the right gargler five I'm going with I'm going with right all the way to the end the last gargler yes okay so from left to right you had hatrum right okay middle was eternitus I'd like to shot you bro holy God yeah and the next one the one that you got is iron leaves iron leaves yeah [Music] eternities bro why couldn't he gargle it why couldn't the dice let me do it all right these are the three that you get this is your first option from left to right how do you feel about that that's chlorite sir that's quartzer here's your second one that's easy actually I think you're gonna go three for three on this one here's your final one no I have a ghost type or even normal type and conscious ass I think your options suck um I think I'll drift blem and Jeffrey's the best Pokemon out of the ones yeah yeah that's the middle one you got it right and you had them all right closer and it was regular done first you three for three that beautiful let's go all right well am I gonna build the best teams they possibly can with the options that we got hello me back here [Music] I'm back my best friend Shady here we go yeah your best friend right he's getting under my skin in between and he's this is his plan he's got the psychological warfare I already know it dude I've already won the mental battle it's over for you son of your house it's gone I know you want to go instead of Venom of toxic spikes me do it do it you think you think that venomorph gets toxic spikes but do you play Pokemon I think venomoth is an underrated Pokemon and I think that you're gonna put him work with it today ah stairs ah stairs that's the delivery for it questy oh Choice specs vessel of Ruin yeah I love that so I got free nuke you don't get a free nothing brother okay I don't want to hear the word free oh dude it's a free Draco meter and a half oh you do get Draco meteor I have a fair I've Dash Bund you know Josh bun I did it I'm really angry if you I'm really angry if you click Draco meteor I'm so angry yeah so the thing is Shady is I didn't think you'd go into this knowing I got Dragon move so I actually thought you'd go into your fairy mode because that's the smart plane oh you you played three oh a special d drop is worthwhile and I do you a favor I forgot I have red card buddy oh I'm so angry who do I go and see it's a beautiful day intimidate on whisp yeah um this is really bad I do have a switch in do I want to switch into that though it's a good question oh the double the opportunities gotcha ah the drift blame I'm gonna T wave here how did your team wave I could have just killed you you're crazy today yeah but I knew I knew that you knew that I knew you could kill me so why in the world yeah I'm over reading you a little bit that's a bit rude what's wrong gotcha you know what I messed up on is that that's why we've got illusion I forgot about it so I could have bought it I should have brought it in first a knife for a guy I forgot who is okay yes all right so now here's the problem you know that I know that you know that I know about that you can just oh come here right so it's like oh I'm probably going to swap out but because you know that I know that you know that I know it's like am I actually gonna swap out or am I just gonna click Thunderbird again oh it's like nasty plot you know like so you are set up Samuel but you do not nasty plot in front of a gear team that you know has Thunder Wave so you just take me out it should take you out right you have minus one I guess that's fine oh you're life orb yes bro okay that gives me some info let me see what do we do here I would say listen to me I am listening I was building this Pokemon while like you said listen to me or something so it kind of just stuck oh this is fairy fighting isn't it so the fairy move is one Hondo billion percent coming out right now wow you off scoffed and a half you're scarfed you're gone and a half let's see sub to get oh yeah I mean yeah of course this thing oh this is gonna hurt me so bad so I out speed you though your scarf you don't know anything about my family oh I just miss clicked did you yep I'm gone so long listen to me you're living oh we are trading blows yeah yeah you resisted you resisted yeah I forgot about that wait your choice you don't you don't know that I enjoy scarves you why would you say stop me Shady what wait why is he called our stairs as well he's the one that pushed him down I'm astral barraging you into the middle of next week I don't know what that means but I don't think I can win this battle I'll tell you that much bro is it's a revolving door of Pokemon I can this Shadow Specter is the most broken Pokemon what it is the only way you're playing weird today man you're confusing me listen yeah he was not Choice scarfed you outsped me though I didn't outspeed your horse you went first oh yeah oh yeah I'm losing it Texas buns what does dashboard do uh it has Texas buns you put it in the microwave for 30 seconds and they taste so good I have no idea what a Texas bun is and it's scaring me oh my goodness so the only way that I can fight another microwave meal is with my crusty pie smart you're questy the Teeny I respect that oh I'll do something um um you are Choice specs so you're gonna try to hurt me oh he does do a little how okay that's damage I spit in the face of adversity dude what is with these Special D drops dude you can specialty all over me this is crazy huh all right now what happens that's the question what actually happens here you have a lot of thinking to do pal I have so I have so many thoughts that I have to share I'm just gonna play around that's nothing actually such a fat unit it's unreal yeah I'm just gonna wish you don't take me out with one with one of those bro your mind is better bro I don't minus one but I don't go down oh the crit brother really listen don't hate don't shoot the messenger bro I didn't you know I didn't mean to do that to you yeah I don't want to hear dude honestly you're making me sick to my stomach you're gonna quiver dance on me and I am not here for it what are you doing why are you withdrawing if you've got an equivalence on me yeah it's my only hope you you guessed up gasoline oh you have this stupid Pokemon you best watch your mouth over here on GBL we do not take slander towards Rotom you have this Pokemon that I am not happy exists you best be careful I wish it didn't exist you live one yeah yeah I definitely do I definitely do obviously you saw on the specs you saw the balloon like inside so what I have Abilene you saw the balloons I'm not specs you know I'm not specs you definitely yeah I know you're not specs I understand that but I gotta get out of here come back uh how to get out of here you're just gonna full switch anyway go out of the glass your team is so broken today brother um all right you overheat here we don't call that damage you call that damage in my house okay dumb walls here we go we're gonna go for a little bit of this I don't want to be Rock moved you don't I don't bring rock moves I'm the weakest Pokemon in the game Pachinko okay b-switch that was just a tiny tickle for my pickle this name questy detainee all right questy's back I don't like the questies back actually oh that's really unfortunate for me this Appleton is actually a pain in my rear why get cured what does salt kill dude okay oh it's still hard it's all out it's salty I'm salty I'm so salty you're salty are you kidding me right now with all this oh I should use recover you don't have her cover I do actually it's my fourth my move says Drake I'm eating your Apple acid Dragon pulse and recover you don't have recover stop it please no I can't grant them off I can't do that it's my only win con oh you're dead oh I'm gone long live the king I'm here for it how do you live that you're still cured baby wow even though you left the field that seems cheap yeah that's it dude they're so you're covered in salt what are you gonna do that's you you're cheating I'm not I'm not cheating it's just what are you gonna do oh cyblade oh I have to say that's the sickest move animation I've ever seen that was so sad animation was really sick oh she's dead all right am I gone now oh there you go the girl's gone sorry Austin the the the the the murderer you committed the act the stairs it's been time what are you talking about Skype of the distant past I love that uh your kings who hurt you you wanna try me that's all I want to know you wanna try me you're really gonna pop bomb me right now okay there's no fall this is your video nine oh wait I said 10 times yeah [Music] there's no way that you're doing this right now brother there's no way you're doing this I've never been angrier I've never been angry if I Flinch right now thanks my heart is genuinely racing hey nine ten ten times one in ten times yeah because that road time is giving me the heebie-jeebies brother oh that's true all right well all right well here we go again oh you're gonna locate I eat that I eat that all day [Music] calm down oh yeah this thing this thing is a pain brother This Is Us stairs is nothing to be trifled with right no listen okay no you don't I get full recovery realize what what you forget your planet is oh this video this is the best this is the best experience I've had a Pokemon in my entire life oh great creepy too okay who's the first creator of the park okay yeah are you just listening this is all I've ever wanted to do to you ever in Pokemon history this is all I've ever wanted to do please please please no are you is it is this actually gonna happen are you normal terrain so you secure the KO uh actually I think I messed up I think I think I think I'm the wrong Terror I'm fire oops I thought I was fighting if you were fighting that would have been yeah you would have got the Ko No I still got the Ko No you don't yeah I live on two dude I'm so and and my focus test doesn't matter on on Volcarona this Pokemon is so unfair that was the least amount of fun I've ever had on the Pokemon uh then we fight for sure it's really high up there dude [Music] it's really high up there yeah long live the king long live the king well you love these you live these I'm sash a are you sensuous that's why I was like oh you just pop on the mean I'm gone but there's nothing I can do I don't have any coverage if I was water venomoth I might have had a slight chance but that that horse was always gonna come in and run me over let's be honest I'm doing this I want to see what ability you have give me your skill foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: GameboyLuke
Views: 154,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameboyluke, gameboy luke, pokemon challenge, then we fight, pokemon then we fight, then we battle, 15 min to catch pokemon, pokemon but, custom pokemon, random starters then we battle, pokemon sword starters randomized, 15 minutes to catch random pokemon, pokemon wifi battle, legendary pokemon, we can only catch, swsh randomizer, pokemon randomizer, scarlet violet randomizer, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarvi randomizer, pokemon challenges, Choose your starter
Id: yIRUZ7auYbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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