Choke Pear - Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind

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The year was 1626 and a husband and wife  were sleeping peacefully in their warm bed,   oblivious to the fact an exceptionally cruel and  completely unhinged thief was about to change   their lives forever. The sleeping couple, who’d  enjoyed comfort and wealth all their lives, were   in for a terrible shock. They were about to be  confronted by a man who was not only going to take   all their valuables, but he was going to introduce  them to one of the most evil devices known to man.   It is known as the Choke Pear, but we think  its alternate name is more fitting given the   pain it inflicted on its victims. That name is  the Pear of Anguish, and today dear viewers you   are going to see just how horrifying this small  contraption must have been to those that wore it.  Let’s get back to the sleeping couple. They were awakened by the thief,   whose intention was not to silently rob  the pair and make off into the night   but to wake them and demand to know where they  were hiding their most valuable belongings.   To do this, he had to get them to talk, but he’d  never had much success chopping off fingers and   smacking people around the face. It was his good  fortune then that he had recently been introduced   to a new method of ensuring cooperation. A while back he’d met a fellow thief in a tavern,   a thief who said he’d always had a 100 percent  success rate in extracting information from his   victims. The man explained that to get people  to talk it wasn’t not good enough just beating   them up a bit. What was required was a device so  brutal the very thought of it would get people   talking in seconds. If they didn’t immediately  talk, the solution was simple, start the device   at notch one. The man explained that no one,  absolutely no one, could endure notch two.  So, the thief woke up the couple and in  no uncertain terms, he told them that they   needed to take him to the stash of jewels  he knew they had hidden. Not surprisingly,   the husband said there was no stash. “Just take what you see and please leave   us in peace,” he told the robber. After uttering those words,   the thief pulled something out of a bag. The  man and his wife had no idea what they were   looking at. It looked like a pear, a pear made  from metal connected to some kind of a key.  The thief calmly explained to them, and  we should say with some amount of relish,   that in a minute or two one of them would be  trying on the device. The woman screamed just   thinking about that, which helped the thief  to make his decision regarding who would first   experience his dear Pear of Anguish. We won’t explain what happened next.   Your imagination should be able to come up  with the rest of that story. If you just can’t   see how that thief might have gotten the  information he wanted, you’ll soon find out.  The Pear of Anguish wasn’t something to be taken  lightly. It was sometimes only used as a gag,   but if that screw was ever turned a few times  the results could literally be jaw-dropping.  The question is, did that ever happen. Was it  ever used in a Hollywood horror kind of way?   Some folks think yes, others think no. First, we need to talk about the earliest   recorded uses of this terrible pear. Some of  the contraptions are sitting in museums today,   but the evidence of their use is somewhat scant.  Still, we have some evidence to work with.  There’s a book that was written in 1639 by a  French author named F. de Calvi. The book in   English is translated as, “General inventory  of the history of thieves.” In this book,   the writer states that the pear was invented by a  well-known thief named Gaucherou de Palioly. The   writer explains that Palioly used the device when  robbing wealthy Parisians, although Calvi doesn’t   say that the victims had their jaws broken apart,  only that it was used as a very scary type of gag.  There’s more evidence of this device being  used for robberies, but outside of France.  In the 1811 book, “Dictionary of the Vulgar  Tongue” it’s written that the pear was used to   extort people in Holland. Another book written at  the end of the 19th century called the “Brewer's   Dictionary of Phrase and Fable” also includes a  passage describing how Dutch criminals would put   the pear in a victim’s mouth and then demand a  certain amount of money. What’s frightening is   that the book explains that on some devices the  key was detachable, so if the criminal wanted,   he would leave the pear in the victim’s mouth.  Without the key, it was very hard or impossible   to remove. That’s why cash could be extorted. Such a torture instrument may have made its way   around the United States sometime during the 19th  century but that’s debatable. A detective working   in Boston at the end of the 1800s admitted  that pears as gags had been used in the U.S.,   but he noted that they weren’t quite as cruel  as the gags that had been used in Europe.   The detective wrote that the American pear  was “far less marvelous and dangerous than   the pear of Palioly.” The U.S. Pear of Anguish  was likely comparable to a pool ball or a sock.  Ok, now for something more gruesome. It’s said that during Medieval Times the pear was   used to extract confessions from people accused  of being witches. In this case, most of the people   who faced the pear were women. It doesn’t take a  genius to figure out how else such an instrument   could have caused immense pain and even death. The human body has a number of orifices other   than the mouth, and it’s those places where the  pear was sometimes inserted, or at least that’s a   tale that has been told. Once the key was turned  the petals opened and the woman would suffer   unimaginably. Often the petals would have spikes  attached to them to cause extensive internal   damage. We know this because of the artifacts  that you can find today in torture museums.  Those artifacts are very much real, but  as you’ll see, they are also questionable.  Men it seems might also suffer from similar  torture, except the orifice of choice in their   case was the entrance at the backside. The outcome  of the torture was similar: Immense pain, internal   damage, heavy blood loss, and possibly death. This is what we can hear about the Pear of   Anguish when visiting certain museums, although  in the 2014 book “The Pear of Anguish: Torture,   Truth and Dark Medievalism” the writer states  that there’s no proof this ever happened.   He goes as far as to say that some of the  devices still around today were actually built   after Medieval Times, so like some other torture  devices we’ve talked about in the past, such as   the Iron Maiden, they may have been created for  the scare-factor only, to show more modern people   how brutish and backward people were in the past. Nonetheless, during our research, we found sources   stating that the pears were used on blasphemers or  even liars, and in those cases, the mouth was the   place the torture took place. The same sources  say that if a woman purposefully miscarried,   she might also face the pear, but the location it  was inserted into was her vagina. As for a man,   if he was accused of being homosexual, he  might have been brutalized by the pear,   but the location was his anus. There seems little doubt that the Pear   of Anguish was used by thieves in Europe, but if  they were ever employed by torturers in Medieval   Times is up for debate. It’s highly likely that  the French thief we talked about had his very   own Pear of Anguish and there’s little doubt  some Dutch criminals used them, but historians   these days argue that pears expanding in men  and women’s lower orifices in the Middle Ages   was possibly an invention of propagandists writing  in the 19th century about the terrible past.  One historian writes that the surviving  devices you can currently find around the world   would not have been sturdy enough to cause the  internal damage we have talked about, although he   admits that they could have certainly expanded an  orifice and caused a certain degree of discomfort.  Now you need to watch this, “Iron Maiden - Worst  Punishments in the History of Mankind.” Or,   have a look at this, “Drawn and Quartered  - Worst Punishments In History of Mankind.”
Channel: The Infographics Show
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Id: kZiqWnPhVxg
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Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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