Choctaw Bingo by James McMurtry
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Views: 1,598,246
Rating: 4.7747416 out of 5
Keywords: choctawbingo, uncleslayton, oklahoma, jamesmcmurtry
Id: Nggqe-L9ZQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2012
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This one is so great. “Strap them kids in, give ‘em a little vodka in a cherry coke, we’re going to Oklahoma.”
All the imagery is so friggin’ great, too. The McDonalds over the Will Rogers Turnpike, the Indian Smoke Shop at the Big Cabin exit, the lingerie store with the Rolling Stones lips - I love it! McMurtry’s amazing.
McMurtry was my last show before COVID19 hit. We caught him at The Graduate in Gainesville GA. Rocked the fucking house!
This song is a slice of America, it’s fucking perfect. The part about getting a hard on so hard you could hang a pipe rail gate from it by thinking about sex with his second cousins Ruth Ann and Linda is perfect.
I can never make heads or tails of this song.
Such a good tune!
Y’all know he plays live on Facebook on Wednesdays at 9 pm EST right??? It’s a great way to kill an hour during these stay at home days.