Chocolate Macaron Shells

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Hello friends welcome to my kitchen again today I'm going to show you how to make chocolate macaron shells I just broke one shell that's how it looks inside if you're ready let's get started I'm going to be using almond flour this is the brand I'm using powdered sugar cocoa powder and this is the brand I'm using room temperature egg whites and white granulated sugar with egg whites and sugar we're going to make French Marine in a mixing bowl with the fine SI add dry ingredients powdered [Music] sugar almond [Music] flour and cocoa powder use whisk to sift dry ingredients I'm going to speed up a little bit my video I usually sift one or two times if you're using good ingredients there there is no need to sift so many times that's what I have left you can whisk again just make sure everything combined and set aside now let's make French Marine we're going to be adding white granulated sugar to egg whites I'm using whisk attachment for my kitchen eight I placed egg whites in a mixing bowl and I'm using the first low speed in the kitchen aid and we're going to add white granulated sugar I have separate video how to make French Marine so I'm not going to be going into into details but this is the real speed I'm adding sugar to egg whites please take your time to add sugar into egg whites there is no rush and now the last part of white granulated sugar and I'm changing speed to medium low in my kitchen eight it's six four or six it's a good speed I'm also setting up timer for 15 minutes time is up and let's see what we have this is Marine we're looking clean Wisp and we're going to add dry ingredients into Marine I like to do it this way because then you have a less dishes too clean I'm using spatula and start mixing French marine and dry ingredients I up a little bit in this video but the final um consistency I'm going to show you in a real time don't forget to clean your spatula just keep folding I'm doing this way and I'm cleaning sides of the bowl make sure there is nothing left on the bottom of the [Music] bowl it doesn't take too much but I do clean my spatula a few times and right here I'm showing in the real time the consistency of macaronage it should fall like lava just keep checking this what we're looking just a few more times there you go this is good enough and Next Step we're going to transer aonach into prepared Piping Bag with the round piping tee I'm using Wilson 12 and please make sure you have everything ready before you start making mol shells I like to do it this way I'm cleaning spatula at the same time however you like to do [Music] that and don't be afraid to touch macaron I usually place my Piping Bag flat on a countertop and see if I have any like air bubbles um using my fingers from both sides just a little bit just to remove those bubbles don't be afraid it's totally fine I'm placing baking mat I'm using white vinegar and paper towel to clean mat before piping this how I'm holding Piping Bag you twist Piping Bag and you hold with your right hand and you start piping just want to show you from different angle how I hold my Piping Bag after that place baking mat on a baking tray and top a few times you can do it on a countertop or you can place towel on a countertop and then top a few times use toothpick to remove any Bubbles from the macaroon shells I also like to tap a few times after removing any bubbles keep pipe macaron shells on a countertop until they ready to bake to check if they're ready you need to touch them with the finger and finger should be dry usually it takes 15 20 minutes in my area this what I have after baking the tray is still hot I'm placing kitchen towel and I want to show you how you check if you baked macaron shells you see when you touch and you can move them that means they baked just want to break one shell and show you how it looks inside that's what I have full chocolate macaron shelves the recipe is under this video and also on my blog if you like subscribe and follow for more happy baking
Channel: Everything Marina
Views: 3,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macarons, chocolate macaron shells recipe, how to make chocolate macaron shells, chocolate macarons, macaron shells, macaron shells recipe, French meringue macarons
Id: k1phcLND_jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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