Chocolate Chip Muffins | One Pot Chef

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recently I was going through some of my playlist on youtube updated a few things and clearing a few things up and I noticed that there was a recipe missing that I was actually quite surprised because I was absolutely certain I'd made this recipe before but apparently I hadn't so I thought time to correct that so today I am showing you a classic baking treat it's one of my favorites and it's really really easy to make you're gonna want to make these all the time let's make these beautiful chocolate chip muffins on the one pot chef first things first let's work on our dry ingredients now into a large mixing bowl I'm going to add in two cups of self-raising flour now if you can't get self-raising flour where you live or if you just don't have any you can use plain regular all-purpose flour and add in two teaspoons of baking powder and I'm also adding in one cup of castor sugar or superfine white sugar and just using a wooden spoon we're just going to mix those two together until they're nicely combined I've just used the spoon to make a little well in the center of the dry ingredients just like that and we're just going to set this aside while we work on our wet ingredients into a jug I'm going to be adding in one cup of buttermilk now I use buttermilk whenever I make muffins specifically because it's got that little bit of added culture to it kind of like yogurt or sour cream and what it does is it adds the immediate richness but it also helps the muffins to raise a little bit it also keeps the muffins lovely and moist in the center it makes perfect muffins every time now if you don't have buttermilk or you can't get it where you live which is common because it's not a universal item but if you can't get a buttermilk where you live you can make a substitute simply by combining one cup of regular full cream milk with a tablespoon of either lemon juice or white vinegar give it a stir and then let it sit on the counter for five minutes and it will work just as well as buttermilk to the buttermilk I'm adding in 80 grams of butter which I have just melted a teaspoon of vanilla extract now you don't have to use vanilla extract this is where you can be a bit more creative if you want you can use a different flavor you could use coffee extract and you'll end up with sort of coffee and chocolate chips so you get some maca muffins you could also add a citrus flavor like lemon or orange orange would be particularly good because you end up with jaffa muffins really use your imagination but vanilla pretty standard with baking so that's what I'm going with today and I'm also in one egg and using my sexy pink whisk I'm just going to give this a quick whisking until it's nicely combined now don't panic if it looks like it's curdling you see those dead lumps there it's not actually curdling what it's doing is that's the melted butter starting to recently to 5 because the buttermilk is cold that's fine it's perfectly normal and it's not going to do your muffins any problems in fact it's actually gonna make them a whole lot better back to our dry ingredients I've got 200 grams of good quality chocolate chips I'm using milk chocolate today but you could use dark chocolate or white chocolate whichever you prefer but I've left a small amount separate which I'm going to be using to put on top of our muffin batter before we put it into the oven but we just kind of strategize around the outside like so just get that well going again and we're just going to add the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and all that's left to do is mix this together now all you need to do is mix this nice and slow just gentle no beating it like it owes you money and just yeah just definitely just make it nice and gentle take your time because the trick with muffin batter is unlike cake batter where you want to be nice and smooth you don't want to over beat muffin batter because you want it lumpy you want it to be just so everything is just Morton moistens moist and yeah just you see how I've got a bit of flour at the bottom there just make sure that's nicely wet and down like so and that's just about right there almost we've almost got it done and you see it's it's all lumpy and weird-looking that would probably horrify most cake bake makers but for muffins it's absolutely perfect because this is gonna make gorgeous muffins here I've got a 12 hole muffin pan which I have just lined with some paper cases these phones was because I'm going for disco muffins for some reason and what we're going to do is we're just going to carefully divide the mixture between the 12 holes just dollop that mixture in a bit at a time so each one's got roughly the same amount of mixture you remember those chocolate chips we set aside all we're gonna do is scatter a few of those on top of each muffin like so and they're just using your finger just gently touch them slightly just so they stick to the batter that way they won't fall out when they rise and chocolate chip muffins are ready to go into the oven preheated oven 200 degrees Celsius about 400 degrees Fahrenheit and we're gonna be baking these for about 20 minutes while our muffins are baking in the oven I thought I'd take this opportunity to remind you to check out my social media Facebook Twitter and Instagram links in the video description underneath this video on YouTube and speaking of YouTube don't forget to subscribe to my channel hit the subscribe button and the little notification bell next to it and that way you won't miss out on any of my new videos and our chocolate chip muffins are fresh out of the oven what we're going to do is leave them in the pan for at least 5 minutes this all let them cool down slightly and allow the muffins to finish cooking on the inside once that five minutes is up you can carefully transfer them onto a wire rack to cool completely or you can eat them while they're still warm whatever you prefer this recipe yielded 12 muffins which admittedly is a lot of muffins for the average household but keep in mind that once these are cooled completely they are fully freezable so once they're cooled completely you can sling a couple into a ziplock bag pop them into the freezer and they will keep for up to three months then all you need to do is take them out of the freezer whenever you feel like a muffin pop up onto a plate in the microwave and zap erm until they're nice and warm golden and gorgeous with chocolate nuggety goodness how could we possibly say no to these well I'm going to grab one and look at the little silver case my disco muffins look gorgeous or peel this back a bit and we'll have a little taste hmm oh that's still steam coming over so hot hmm that's beautiful the muffin is lovely and crisp and golden on the outside but the interior is soft and moist and cakey and of those wonderful chocolate chips all through that that is absolutely divine and like I said ridiculously easy to make it's just a bit of mixing who couldn't do that well I hope you enjoy this recipe check out my other videos at one-pot chef show calm and until next time see you later before you disappear don't go away please go and check out my channel and check out all of the playlists I've got there I've got playlists filled with recipes for just about every occasion you can think of guaranteed you are bound to find something you haven't seen before and you'll find a whole lot of ideas to keep you busy in the kitchen so go over and check out those playlists go and explore some fun recipes and have fun
Channel: OnePotChefShow
Views: 81,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onepotchefshow, onepotchef, one, pot, chef, cooking, cooked, baking, easy, quick, slow, fast, tips, ultimate, chocolate, choc, chip, muffins, muffin, cupcake, buttermilk, butter, milk, vanilla, grilled, sweet, baked, food, warm, cold, hot, learn, basic, simple, tasty, home, made, main, meal, dinner, lunch, breakfast, dessert, treat, snack, recipe, howto, how, to, how-to, make, side, dish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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