CHiPs (1977 vs 2023) Cast: Then and Now [46 Years After]

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Hello friends in this video you'll see how the occurs of the TV series chips 1977 1983 have changed you'll know their real names and age I will show you how they look then and what's with them now don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel let's go Sergeant Joseph guitar is the immediate Superior of John Baker and other officers of the service bringing them the necessary information he mostly shows himself as a level-headed person but he can sometimes get a little flaky the role is played by Robert Pine officer John Baker has become Frank pancherella's partner and is also on friendly terms with him he has a serious approach to his work good leadership skills a good sense of that and the ability to support the man they're always performed by Larry Wilcox officer barabaricha is mainly involved in patrolling the streets Direct in traffic and can also often act as an escort for both public needs and police Affairs he is resilient and responsible to incidents the roles performed by Brady Greer [Music] officer Gene Fritz was a member of the chips as was Barry baricha he primarily performs job duties on vehicular Patrol and is often present at accidents may take an active part in work meetings worth watching his left hand he was played by Lou Saunders officer arthro Grassman hauling is mostly out on major traffic accidents he has a somewhat gambling nature and likes to organize bats among his colleagues Arthur has good writing skills which she trains regularly and even collaborates with CHP magazine works for chips where he is a mechanic his duties include regular inspection and control of serviceability of all vehicles of the service his Summit lean built is shortened station and has curly hair the role was played by Lou Wagner officer jibidi Turner is listed as one of the Chiefs and is also closely related to Alexander roshenko he is a rather shrewd man who can think strategically and can devise operations to carry out Beauty assignments where's the bushy mustache played by Michael Dorn officer Benjamin Webster has been on the chips for some time and was assigned to the South Division performing his duties in central Los Angeles not noted for being conflicted played by Clarence Gillette Jr who died after a long illness in 2022. Luther Swiss Collier worked with Bernard gerardine and ran his cider ants he's not to need lights to eat and can drive extremely fast wears a small earring in his left ear played by Robert Hedges who passed away in 2012 from a heart attack Julie Barris likes sometimes to reminisce and look at her photos which usually make her smile she is used to dress simply and not vulgar she has long hair with a slight gray which usually goes in a neat hairdo [Music] officer Bruce Nelson Bruce penhall is related by blood to Bobby with whom he also serves in the same chips unit his observant has a fairly quick reaction time and is an experienced motorcycle driver Bruce is quite smiling and has Pleasant facial features Sarah is one of the members of the Cadillac foxes where she holds the leading position she's a pretty active and musical girl with a good voice who knows how to interact with listeners played by Laura Branigan who died of a brain aneurysm in 2004 Bernard district is involved with Luther in robberies and mostly Jewel thieves he tries to work fast is quite resourceful and attentive and can break away from Pursuit if necessary he wears a watch on his left hand the role is played by George shakiris Kamil is dramatically involved with Bernard Jester Dean whom she also actively assisted in the path of jewelry she is a rather well-mannered woman who doesn't like having sloppy people around her she is a good driver the roles performed by Judith Baldwin foreign thony Harrington 3 o' Larry Poindexter has been involved in the theft going on on campus he is self-confident and knows exactly what he wants and preserves towered his goal he knows how to manage his time and is not one to make amends for his mistakes [Music] Dr Joyce Brothers has collaborated with Chiefs she's well versed in many aspects of psychology and is able to be considerate dress discreetly and was not prone to my changing style played by Joy's brothers who died in 2013 of respiratory failure game show host Rick portal called the million dollar question asks certain questions of the contestants one of whom was officer Arthur Grossman he is confident in front of the camera smiling and has a quiet demeanor he has a well-established voice dirt ball along with malt is in the same student hostel and like others helped hang a poster over the roadway he can show purposefulness and can show negativity to those who get in his way played by Stephen first who died of diabetes in 2017. Charlie is not exactly clean before the low which is why Chiefs officers are chasing her she can read fairly quickly in a difficult situation and has good balance Charlie has rather Pleasant facial features and often wears dresses Jerry King promotes young talents including being approached by Sarah and her band he is outgoing and can be good-natured but often behaves deceptively and takes advantage of his prodigies has a peculiar handshake the role was performed by Sarah Kaiser Billy braver is listed as part of a student residence as well as dirtball he wants to help other students but sometimes he annoys them a little and they can play a trick on him for example turning a bowl of spaghetti on his head he is of low Stager being engages in some illegal activity with other gang members he knows how to handle explosives and sometimes behaves somewhat aggressively he wears a rat bandage on his forehead played by Miguel Ferrer who passed away in 2017 from throat cancer allows motorcycles and often takes part in motorcycle races herself she is a rather open girl not afraid to say what she thinks and knows how to stand up for herself showed a mutual romantic interest in Bruce Nelson she was played by Amy Steele Angela works at the same bar that bean frequently visits with his company she's a rather Pleasant woman who doesn't want problems and is attentive and loving to her daughter Franklin cherella showed interest in her the role is performed by Anna garuduna Chris Lee Montgomery knows how to drive confidently but may react somewhat sharply to what others say he takes good care of his car keeping it not only in good working order but also keeping it clean he likes to wear his jacket with the sleeves rolled up officer Bobby hot dog Nelson is Bruce Alder brother and was also a member of the highway patrol and was trained by Frank pancherella he's quite good-natured washes to carefully approach his duties as distinguished by high growth played by Tom Riley officer Bonnie Clark Randy Oaks is one of Grossman's colleagues she can be a bit in temperate at times and can be heard by the comments of others but she is also a versatile person she is particularly interested in extreme sports and has good plasticity Billy Joe Brian Cranston likes to drive girls around in his car but his driving style is not always accurate he occasionally likes to rent cars with his car for fun Billy occasionally worse played shorts and often wears a red cap officers Indica hill Brian Leary has a technical mind is determined and tries to achieve a quality of men and women in the line of duty she often displays a heightened curiosity even in dangerous situations but has a certain amount of luck in the matter officer Frank poncharella gets along well with John Baker Hui Hong he also works together he has had discipline problems in the past and can sometimes speak out shortly Frank is popular with the women and is physically fits the role is played by Erica Strada thank you for watching if you like this video please share it on social networks or like it and of course subscribe to the channel
Channel: BIG STAR-X
Views: 245,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CHiPs, CHiPs 1977, CHiPs 1977–1983, CHiPs then and now, CHiPs actors, CHiPs cast, CHiPs 2023, American television sitcom, American television series, BIG STAR-X
Id: sFt7Cl6OQdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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