Chip & Joanna Gaines Speak On Chip's New Book, "Capital Gaines: Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupi

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[Music] you know you guys have been here with me before but this is the new studio what do you think yeah and I was telling them that green room is awesome I'm just so bad you wonder where she gets her good looks you might recognize the gentleman there in the green shirt we call him at Thanksgiving el padre this is yes those are my parents right there guys they only come to watch me at work when you guys are here well I heard us and Matthew McConaughey they they they come that's what we're here to talk about chip Gaines wrote a book everybody capital gain I didn't mean to get there that quickly we don't have to we don't have to jump in too early no of course we do now you guys released a book last year the Magnolia story together did that kind of inspire you to think of a new idea and do a book on your own and I'm sure Joanna helped you along the way I honestly yeah any time she and I get together in in that context as I was reading the her portion you know I dozed off a bit I you know you kind of have to it's like a labor really worked through the the literature so as I was experiencing that I was like you know what I'm gonna tell just my side of the story just my portion of the equation so which was captivating I mean as I wrote it I was just like this guy I mean it's like the most interesting I should put my name in the Hat you sure do look like the king of the world look at that raise your hand if you love this book of her and be completely honest I swear to you I love constructive criticism I love it three people okay well that's that's how was it the office about how it was I literally got outvoted like 64 to 2 which was another picture to one which was that picture with my one little hand scribbled vote on the on the option yeah you have a story about picking this cover in particular because you did a whole photo shoot so talk to us about it what happened why didn't you like any of the more Posey you know well you know so this moment was actually on the way to the actual photo shoot so where the photographer had everything set up he had the lights he had all the screens everything and this was chip kind of on a note four-wheeler on the way there his hair hadn't been messed with yet obviously whose rings dirty had on backwards but our photographer friend was in the vehicle with him and said hey let me start you know kind of practice let me start taking some pictures and when they all started coming out somehow this one surfaced and chip thought one of the reasons why you really loved it you see a scar and that's a big story in the book about the scar that moment for chip but I think he just loved how raw it was chip isn't really a polished guy the idea of a you know if you're polish today he's really dressed up in a suit Thank You Kaylee Thank You Kaylee I think to him it was like instinctively said this is the real mean this is what I want out there I don't want the one where I'm posing and everything's just set up perfect and that's what I love about him it's the raw chip we all love the raw Chet we do chip I do love the hair though you really look great because usually when you're here you're in your boots and your Wrangler love to was fascinating I I so season 5 which is coming out here in November will take us into middle the beginning to middle of end of next year I I kind of decided you know what I'm gonna do something a little bit different you know I think you've seen the pretty consistent me and I thought what if I grew my beard out a little bit which I'd never done never grown my beard out ever in my entire life you know this is very like it surprises me when I see myself in that condition because I really I didn't realize I could pull that off like that you know it's that much handsome this and be so gruff and and awful to look at simultaneously but but so I've always had these five shadows I'm not really clean-shaven but I'm not a bearded guy but my hair I grew it out once when I was a little bit younger probably like maybe early college middle college something like that and I thought that'd be fun you know what if I kind of went for this and so I got the crew together we've got a fairly small crew as far as the industry is concerned but but to us its enormous because there's 15 or 20 people all the time you know doing this thing yeah of course it's sort of like this I mean this looks enormous to me but you know big small whatever okay so anyways I'm interviewing these folks I'm like do you guys think I should do it should I not I got Joe involved and I feel like there were a couple of more people who were like should I go for it because there's no turning back I mean once you decide we're doing this for season five you make the commitment and the entire season you've got to be for continuity sake whatever the world that means you've got to be consistent in that so I was like I'm cool with it I said let's go for it and Joe and the entire crew unanimously vote for me to go for it you right okay and so I couldn't believe it I thought she was gonna say no I thought a few people were gonna say don't do it then I was gonna back off and I was gonna be the end of it well as I went into this season the book came out so god Bless America that's the cover of my book my mom is like why do I hate this book cover why do none of my friends want to buy this book I mean this is awful what in the world were you thinking and all these once in a lifetime experiences stewardess sort of started falling into place and I was like well that's that's what you get for me taking a chance like that you know sometimes you bite you in the bud it's the beard the beard is maybe a good luck charm for trip huh do you like the beard I do yeah I I mean now I'm used to it so now when he shaves I think it's gonna be weird it's it's really interesting when you are happily married beautiful wife four beautiful kids a big picture everything's great back at the home front very happy people but anytime you go to kiss your beautiful wife and she gives you a side hug and instead you know she doesn't really love the beard I would like to put that I'd like to put that out there I have to say you guys seem very happy and don't listen to all those rumors that are going around guys look at these two you know it has to be hard to have all the attention and the show and I think you guys are making a great decision so good for you and this book great decision because you were a bit tired of us at this point and we're kind of Tina I'm just exhausted every year I have to interview these two guys and it is just exhausting not fun at all this book is so great and it's so interesting to know all the little things that you have done along the way to to be where you are and how you even help Joanna follow her dreams and and you know this industry talked about you know you do mention failure and how you use failure as kind of a teaching lesson throughout your career can you talk about that a little bit and what you talked about in the book yeah I you know I've always been one of these glass half-full type type guys so in pessimist defense you know there are really two sides to look at this deal there's not a right and a wrong per se so to qualify I see things optimistically I see things half full but in the same token I feel like just in general as a society we feel we we we view failure in such a such an such an odd way from my perspective and I think failure it's almost like the first time you ever tried a math equation or the first time you ever tried to read I mean we learned early that it's okay to make mistakes and that there's failures along the way but somehow as adults we kind of get convinced that when you fail you've lost when you fail you should never do that again it's like the worst case scenario and I try to encourage people in the book and Joe is always so courteous to kind of recall times in our own relationship to where I encouraged her I mean I'm like you know I've got two daughters and two sons and you know I'm like the biggest cheerleader for these girls because I sincerely believe you women have the have the opportunity of a lifetime things that our moms and our grandmothers would have died for you girls have the opportunity to step into that I mean you know Hillary Clinton running for you know President of the United States this this past election I mean you know just variables that with weren't even imaginable 50 years ago it's all that to say it's like I really want to encourage people of all walks and all different shapes and sizes to go for it you know I feel like as a society so few people get to literally fulfill their dreams to live there what I would consider refer to as your best self your best life and I think that so few of us hold back the song that we should have written the book that we could have written the job opportunity that we decided not to because it was the right thing to do quote unquote and I just feel like I feel like as a country we're worse off for so few people taking those big leaps of faith and I think if we'd all try a little harder and you know it's not for everybody it's sincerely not for everybody so I'm not encouraging every person literally to go out and do these dramatic things but the people that feel like what they can't sleep at night if they don't if they didn't they would regret it for the rest of their lives you know it's go for it you know even if it doesn't work out the way you'd hoped it would the lessons you learn even in those failures even in the major disappointments for me have sometimes been the most valuable experiences of my entire life and try again that was very low jhana how long did that take for you to teach that to him I'm sorry does anybody have a cigarette I am shot but for you you know you met chip when he was starting out his business and then you went away I read in the book to study Spanish and you left Joanna in charge of the business and it was a tricky time because it was just starting out and can you talk about that and how kind of chips attitude was he just explained kind of pushed you to to keep going right I think from early on you know I always was the play it safe girl and chip was kind of the risk just he loved a risk he's gonna say risk-averse so opposite of that and so I was terrified of this kind of stuff and just even in dating him I was thinking wow married I'd have to actually do this stuff with him but then six months into it a year and do it it was like kind of one of those things where when you'd see the risk within the reward on the other side you were like missing out I mean this is kind of a fun way to live life and so for me I've got to have that firsthand experience that's him literally coach but then I see him do this with everyone else around us our friends family he's always the one encouraging people pushing them to kind of move past fear and failure because for me that was the thing that's what stopped me is I don't want to fail and you know what F what F what F and chip was like well what if then what you get back up and you learn from that and you get better and so when that's the worst-case scenario it really encourages I think a lot of people to kind of go for your dreams take those risks so it's been a fun journey to kind of see just chip you know when we were first dating he had three or four businesses I mean nothing scared the guy you know sadly none of these businesses make any money at all I didn't know that at the time I called them businesses but looking back there were more like not-for-profits they were they're very complicated you know they were in a niche market that nobody had ever heard of well long story short she just thought oh if you're a business owner you were making boatloads of money and so I let her believe that for unfortunately until right up until the after I do part and she was like what why are the lights off why I was like I I I haven't paid these bills for yeah I'm surprised that they've been on for this long honestly they've been very gracious with me at the electric company but you already said I do so now we're stuck together like sorry can you help me out and then you guys you bought magnolias at the store but then you ended up having children and you felt like you were kind of torn between work and the kids but then you went back to it as we've seen and now you guys are such big successful business owners talk about that moment when you had to kind of give up the shop and and how you ended up getting back there I would say that I would have never even opened the store fir wooden for tip the idea that he said what are your dreams and I told him I'd love to own my own business one day and a month later I was owning business because he was like what are you waiting for so he pushed me was a bit sad in that way let me jump in real quick she had this whole book a notebook full of businesses that she would hypothetically start one day and I was like what is going on I've never even heard of anything like this and the game's family where I came from you thought of a business idea you started it and then when it failed you wrote down the reasons that it didn't make it in this book you know it's obvious she went and wrote down all these concepts in advance and then thought about starting the business like later and it turns out I learned later that that that was called a business plan but you know neither here nor there I was pretty fascinated by this woman's elaborate thought process but to to no avail you know she actually had not started any of these deals so I told her I said pick one of those and you better you better get after it so our first year of marriage that first month we were renovating the shop and our first home together so we were open two or three years and that's really where I just kind of gained this passion for to design helping people in their homes and then you know a couple babies later I just felt like it was time to regroup stay home and kind of focus on our growing family and then what I think 2013 so years later now all of her kids were in school drove by this lot that had two huge abandoned silos as his old grain mill and drove by it and I kept there was something in me they kept saying turn around so when I turn around I literally got out of the car and stood there and started seeing this kind of business play out which was a big dream it was moving our retail there food trucks you name it just everything out there almost like this big theme park for adults who love really pretty things for their home I don't know and so when I brought chip by there he was thinking you know maybe I had lost my mind now which I had done this now for 11 12 years and it was on this side of our first three flip homes literally and I mean she never got out of this I would buy a flip she would come she would bawl her eyes out we would sell the flips we would make a little bit of money and so it do you think after a couple of these she'd be like okay have to cry at the beginning you know I mean it's gonna work did the third one cry fifth one crap I remember when she drove me by those silos and I cried like a baby I was like oh this is gonna bankrupt us for sure there's no chance that this is gonna work but in all honesty he's the one that you know I started thinking when I stood there it was really passionate I was excited about it then the more I start thinking about it the more I'm like I don't want to take that risk and that's where of course he jumps in and says let's go for it and now you know last weekend we just celebrated three years there just seeing people commerce awesome to enjoy it is it's literally a dream come true how many people do you guys have at the silos weekly like I've seen pictures and it's it's churning over there y'all won't believe this let's do a little trivia Pursuit we started with under 20 employees in 2012 2013 with the retail stuff well let's go all the way back to when we started at the very beginning which oh three there you go that's what I remember so we started with just under 20 employees 2003 how many employees do we employ in Waco Texas with the Magnolia organization today ballpark don't something out know fairly no fear of failure just yell things what you say 100 500 people at the employed by Magnolia and then a number of people that come per week to the silos and experience you know various facets but ballpark per week how many Wow okay 30 that's our goal that's our goal 30,000 people a week so when you think about football stadiums and and the amount of economic impact that these amazing places have and when you're talking about collegiate level which is what I'm referring to you know decent Stadium holds somewhere between thirty and fifty thousand people a big stadium like University of Michigan or Tennessee University of Texas back in our home state you know about a hundred thousand people come to these things per week to watch these football games and we're averaging somewhere in the ballpark of 30,000 people a week the economic impact we've had on this beautiful town of ours has inspired us to know no end how does that make you feel that you you're not only following your dreams but you're also allowing others to be a part of it and you guys have really like flipped a Waco upside down and it's now like a spot where everyone wants to go right on vacation dad have you two been to Waco yet you know I think for us it's we really think it's a small part of what we're doing there but when you see the community and the people that we know personally that are starting their own businesses I think when you see you know around the silos all these other entrepreneurs people taking a risk surround us and I think that to me is a dream come true that what our dream was here you know hopefully that's helping others kind of roll with that and just seeing how Waco is I don't know Waco's always had it we that's why we've been there that's why we decided we never wanted to leave Waco is just an amazing community and I just think it's it's time to shine when you guys leave that community and you come some place like New York City is it overwhelming for you too like I've seen you guys like on billboards and how does it feel when you leave Waco which is like your home where everyone kind of knows you you do feel like we're in a bubble but we come here and you just leave super inspired when I lived here in 2000 just took mental notes of the architecture here the type of boutiques like that's all the stuff that really inspired me for my own store so every time I come here I kind of take it as a hey this is a fun way to just get inspired you know get outside the bubble see what else is going on but there's something about New York then I'll always love I love it here but just to answer your question when we see ourselves on a billboard or today we were walking through it basically like a terminal it felt like an airport but it was in a commercial building of sorts but it had this little magazine shop and there we are on the cover of peeple and we're like what in the world is going on we're just normal Waco people five years later we're still like the nerdiest couple in the world every time we see walk away he wants to take a picture by and I'm so embarrassed this let's keep going this paparazzi guy came up to us outside this building and literally you guys they've got they have these folks anyway long story short security people that are trained professionals I mean they're trained Navy SEAL professionals and this gentleman comes up to me is like mr. Gaines I need you to do these certain things immediately or else your life is an imminent danger and I was like what look we're so opposite he talks this guy I'm like bro you know me who's like chip Gaines he's got all these baseball cards looking I'm the one that looks down in charge of Street Joe they look mad I'm like oh that's gonna be on every tag away chip and Jojo by yourself here we go I should have smiled so every time you see yeah every time every time you see Joe and he's really pissed off mood reason and paparazzi and her leaving and the angry deal the actual fight that they're describing in the I'm smiling on my way out really just bad at the paparazzi Joe is the one being safe guys when you see those photos she's just getting out of there he's trying to get at some point A to B and he's stopping and talking to everybody paparazzi you've got out there sweetest paparazzi in the country are very kind we give them what they want you know you got to give the paparazzi what they want good folks is it weird for you guys to talk like paparazzi and magazines and tabloids and we ever think that you would even be a part of that being I think that's what's weird about this whole situation just you know we're with just this show and that's just feeling it's time to kind of step back and take a breath you know I think for people they think there's got to be a reason for like Oh something bad happened and therefore that's why they're leaving the show and you know I think it's just hard for people to comprehend no we're just leaving because we just feel like it's right instinctively for us and our family no negative reason you know but I think when you start hearing all this rumor stuff it's just it's weird it sort of reminds me of when you decided to close down the shop I mean you know I think obviously we were not in a spotlight there were only like 18 people that knew 18 customers yeah 18 customers and that included our aunt pretty slim pickings when she got outside the family but but you know I mean for you to have made that decision it just felt like it was the right decision for you at the time and sometimes we don't let success govern our next move that's just not been our thing you know that's not what motivates us more money more Fame more thing we didn't really want all the all of this stuff to begin with obviously these are amazing side effects that we are so thankful for so I want to be really clear we would not trade this opportunity for anything in the world we're honoured because this opportunity has introduced us to each and every one of you but you know that you know the idea of losing that is not so over powering that we can't sit back and go is this the right thing for our family is this the right next decision for us as a company as a business as a family whatever you want to however you want to quantify it and for us it was just it became pretty evident that we really did need to take a step back we've got four beautiful kids one of which is a 12 year old little boy who's into these I didn't even know this was you know I learned this term a few months back but a tween he's a tweener was like it sounded it did it sounded completely inappropriate offensive I was offended but then when they explained us I totally misunderstood you yes is your tween but all that to say it's like he needs us you know I guarantee you that little boy needs us and when we take a step back and we focus on the things that are the most important things in the world - Joe and I we have just been proven time and time again that when we make those kind of faith decisions if you will leap leaps of faith that it pays dividends for us in the future whether that means literally money or literally some great thing or if it's just Joe and I are gonna make it until we're 80 and we're gonna be on a rocking chair laughing about when you you know people used to refer to us as just about to get a divorce or just about to do this thing and that thing that's our goal and if any of those rumors turned out to be accurate it wouldn't be worth any amount of money to us in the world if I if we fell apart five years from now whether the rumors were valid or invalid you know I would be like well all this stuff what was it what was it for there was you know it wasn't worth the trade-off so we're just gonna take a break we're gonna enjoy our family we're gonna step back really focus on our businesses and what God has blessed us with and then we just can't wait to see what the future holds we really are extremely optimistic you guys are doing the right thing and it just proves that you guys are more about your family and the happiness of your children and your marriage then all the fame and that's really nice to see and we solve another season a fixer-upper to watch in reruns yeah and when the kids are older you're gonna come here to New York and you're gonna redo Brooklyn brownstone sprawl I would I love that yeah I'll produce it I do want to give these lovely people chances ass yes thank you all for putting up with us hello so now that the book is all done I wanted to know is there anything that you wish you had included really good I actually had two buddies that after this book had been written and they had no part in it reached out to me were like bro you told them about this story right you told them but this thing and the one I'm trying to think is there one that comes to mind I think about that football one but there was one that my buddy tweeted or texted me the other day and I'm literally drawing a blank long story short it was a there was a time when I was about a sophomore there was guy named Bo Schembechler in high school bo Schembechler you know no no no sorry Bo Schembechler famous football coach and long story short there you go and he would we would literally listen to these things on cassette tapes I'm a sophomore so I'm like literally just lucky to be on the team and the coach would put these tapes in and it would talk about you know motivational variables from all these coaches Lou Holtz you know Bo Schembechler guys like that so here Bo Schembechler was talking about creating your own destiny and this kid on the team we've all heard the stories you know it's like he's nobody he came walked on he ends up working his way up the food chain he starts and changes Bo's life forever well as I'm listening to that I'm like oh I'm doing that so the very next day that was Thursday night we would go and do these like meditation sessions this was way cutting-edge back when I was a sophomore in high school so the next day which was Friday Night Lights if you've ever seen the show literally I was living that Dallas Fort Worth 10,000 people at a stadium for a high school football game you know lights so bright it was amazing I'm 60 didn't Oh head from a whole new walls wasn't even sure exactly how to play this game I had a buddy who was a punt returner who's out on the field I run my dumb butt out onto the field tap this gentleman on the shoulder hey coach wants you on the sideline Spock have you heard this story hey bro coach wants you on the sideline this kid hate punt returner and he told me that multiplies I said I'd give my right arm to you know return a punt front all these people I'm 16 years old let's do this and so he runs off the field I catch the ball I stutter step awkwardly in place lucky good thing you know it's a miracle that I even caught this thing I get completely annihilated I run off the field and there's a semicircle full of coaches who are grabbing me by the face mask wearing me out what are you doing who are you I was like I think it's dream punt returners sir what what can I do to help and he's like you are never getting on this field again as long as I live there was like a bot one of the ladies volleyball coaches came out of the stands crabs what are you doing you were such a more so I left that out on accident looking back looking back I should have put that in there because it kind of it's kind of it's representative of some of the risks that I'm talking about taking your beautiful you're better at meditation children no actual football not so not so much meditating about football oh yeah I'm not about baseball in here really touching speaking of baseball anybody anybody New York Yankee fans yeah come on I've become a believer I've become a believer in straight pride there you go hi guys so whenever I try to write something I think the scariest part is starting because I'm just intimidated by that blank page what was the hardest part for either of you guys for writing and how do you get past it I I love it I can feel your anxiety I can relate to that but honestly like it's hard to believe because I'm soft-spoken very quiet very man of few words but when I see the paper I'm like oh this is needs to be filled up with awesome things that I can pick up and I want to encourage you to just I can make make the effort you know I used to an event I don't know if this is part of the reason that this has become a fascination of mine but it's somewhere I think it was junior college I went to junior college played a little baseball early and I didn't have a great academic career other than the junior college experience that I'm referring to here but I had this teacher who was like you know you're just gonna write it's almost like verbally processing things you know it's like writer's block happens in those insecure moments where you're you know touching the pin to your tongue going and it's just if you'll just start you know and I tell this to Joe all the time she wants to start with the perfect part she wants to start with the end in mind it's more like hey I'm chip Gaines this is awful nobody would read this you'd have to be an idiot to read this or even consider reading and you know so let the process kind of work itself out go for it man you can do it I feel like you've got something in you I don't want to overdo it but when you when you get your first thing on on on paper talk to my boy Brock Murphy he's in the vest back there send it to him and we'll see if we can't we can't get you to first base how about that I feel like that's probably how you feel when you see like an empty room and you kind of fill it with all of this design that's how I picture it cuz I look at an empty room we just me and my husband just move into a house and my parents have been helping me out but I look at it and I'm like I got to go to home goods or Target now cuz you guys got a target line too and in fairness I mean it's not like every person has every amazing gifted talent when I'm like you I mean when I see a blank room I'm like where would you put the beanbag I don't phoning it in - even for him you know when we've written in the past thinking okay if this is just for our children we're just gonna tell our children this story I think when you start thinking everyone's gonna read this and what are they gonna think you got to get past that same with design when I'm working on someone's home I'm just thinking about that family not what is this gonna look like on social media what is this look like in the magazine it's I'm working for this family so I'm just taking it to that very concrete place and working from there so that I'm not worrying about the rest of the big that's a good word every room she does is on Pinterest so it's pretty awesome pressure no pressure yeah all right we have time for one more hi her being here when you're writing do you ever get like extremely emotional about recalling certain stories and do you think that helps you when you're writing I don't know you know I'm torn I like to be emotional because for me and I mean I'm not really a crier in that sense of the emotional but I like to go for it you know I want to I want to feel it I want to be there you know I want to experience it in every sense of the word so I remember with the Magnolia story there were a few oh when I did the audiobook that's what it was so I was writing it and I mean obviously those were private emotions that I was experiencing but I literally had a mic you know it's like the old school where the guy has a little filter in between he and the the big microphone not a whole lot has advanced in the audio book universe it felt like 1950 literally so I go into this deal here's this big mic it was like a filter in between us and and the guy so I start reading this this book and I literally got emotional in one of the chapters I don't know if anybody heard the out of your book but yeah sorry but T if you could go out and get the audiobook and whatnot is I cried like a baby in one of the chapters you'll love it but I just remember feeling it as if it was the first time and but to answer your question about the it doesn't help I wonder you know I like for people to feel like they have felt the real me and been with the real version of us and that's important to us and I'm convinced that that's why people enjoy the show I think that's why people like this as opposed to some of the things of course shows beautiful of course the designs are great I think all of these things play a part but I think people sincerely believe in their hearts that these people are who they say they are and I feel like that's extremely rare and I'm not throwing any rocks who knows I'm not even referring to anybody in my mind I just think most people go on and like I'm gonna be this person or I'm gonna be that person we just want to be us and hopefully that translates to some extent through the television he does hey you have a big part of that show - you're great on the show especially when you eat all kinds of weird bugs and I I mean I don't want to go on and on but I honestly think that I you know I somehow carry a show I don't want to go on and on but you know how Johnny Carson had his sidekick McMahon McMahon Ed McMahon you know it didn't get a whole lot of credit big picture and I feel like that sometimes I feel like you know I mean I'm you know go on and on about myself like this but I mean it's extremely fun to look at you know they get it two and a half almost 43 fairly good shape really good really that was just what I needed I mean you kind of caught yourself off guard yeah Joanna so there must be something good about you I mean you got our favorite girl right here well guys I love having you on the show I can't wait for the new season to start next month right then you got your target line I'm going down to Waco soon I'm gonna go to Magnolia the silos and chips book is out now guys capital gains make sure to pick it up I got teary eyed one time in this I can't remember exactly what chapter was on the Magnolia story but there was a particular chapter in the capital gains book to where God something about the way this experience played out in my life really really touched my heart and literally got a little teary-eyed it's always funny because I never know you know you get teary-eyed you kind of work through it and then you kind of push the big Mike a way with the filter in front of it was like dude sorry we're probably gonna have to redo this and the guys sitting there going we are not gonna redo that that was awesome people are gonna love it so if you get the audiobook you'll hear a few tears behind the filter there yeah it's perfect I'm getting the audiobook and I'm gonna play it when I Drive down to Texas thank you guys so much love have you for having us [Music] [Applause]
Channel: BUILD Series
Views: 96,272
Rating: 4.8438439 out of 5
Keywords: 2017, Fixer Upper, Chip Gaines, Joanna Gaines, Capital Gaines, book, author LeighB, Magnolia Farm, Magnolia Market, Waco, Texas, final season, Television, reality, episode, remodel, design, HGTV, book tour, The Magnolia Story, AOL Advertising, BUILDseriesNYC, AOL Inc, AOL, AOLBUILD, #Aolbuild, build speaker series, build, aol build, content, aolbuildlive, BUILDSeriesNYC
Id: Bj4OVlVe4vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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