Chinese Factory Tour - Ukulele

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[Music] hi guys my name is Oleg and today I will be giving you a Chinese factory tour today today I will go to see and you go to the factory in Nanjing so let's go and see how the manufacturing process works let's go come on right now I'm in musical instrument company and I have seen the Eileen logo let's go take a look at how yeah I would like to visit your home later hello little nice to meet you thank you that's so late and could you tell me please all the instruments are made by a company yes we not only make the string dings from stockpiling and the cello we make all kind of western-style of your chickens like their ukulele guitar percussion and wind instruments we try to provide one store purchasing procedure for our clients all the work actually we have clients over 150 countries wow that's really impressive this is our own you can see all these new Khalidi and the guitar making our Factory actually will produce the student model to professional model so you can see and all kind of the material we do can we produce it can you teach me yes the proper ideas people happy [Music] it's very interesting but I think I have to practice more I can show you our workshop let's go [Music] so now we are at the first step of the whole producing process they do processing materials here could you tell me please Layton what kind of wood is this yeah it's very important to politically the full body ship so this is private but this is the superior wood and also they when the cure that we call the block is very important this should be very dry and in the very good select wood will to keep the body ship this process the own name in my hand cannot by machine [Music] yeah we hear we make a body so this is very important to politically you can see this laser cutting machine we make the top and bottom in a very a curry to the ship a single use the attachment holes [Music] here is very important a political ad the Sun so the leaves the kind of security of these music instruments you see this increasing wood is a special design so the wide the height is all in prince2 a final sound quality so you can see this is our design I see and you design by yourself yes [Music] so late until you tell me please what you do here yeah here is a very important part we join the lack to the body it should be very accurate so you can see the machine or if you want let's look let's go [Music] and now we can see that circularly is almost made and next part is painting yes you're right [Music] so now we're coming to the painting area normally we were used as seven layers for each but you clean but most importantly for this part we use the Harmony's material so it's very safe for a walker and also the material is environmental protection so it's a lot harmless for the environment so it's good for the end user and good food war workers [Music] so now a bowl is like this we are going to see how the strings are put pound let's go and see [Music] this is golf buddy Houston Italian screams thank you oh it looks nice is it ready for selling no we still the last step when you find the right turn and the final inspection all the same I see let's go take a look [Music] [Music] later what if the horses customers wants to buy how can they do it yeah it's very easy we have warehouse University States and all who became rich order so the group comp they can buy directly oh that's great thank you for showing me around today you're welcome see you next year see you next time bye I just finished the factory - what I want to say it was really interesting to see how people make an ukulele I am Oleg with Chinese factory tour if you guys find anything interesting in this video please follow us on YouTube more videos are coming soon [Music]
Channel: Chinese Factory Tour
Views: 2,625
Rating: 4.6595745 out of 5
Keywords: Chinese Ukulele Factory, chinese factory, Ukulele, music instruments, ukulele factory, music instruments for kids, ukulele factory visit, ukulele factory tour
Id: rxdhxwkODGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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