Chinese Children Are Being Abandoned By Their Parents

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- County in central China one of the most isolated areas of the country it looks beautiful but this is home to one of China's biggest social problems we're on our way to meet the kids who've come to be known as the left-behind generation an astonishing 61 million children left behind in the villages and towns of rural China while their parents work in the big cities after months of negotiation the local government has led us into film they've assigned us 15 minders the ABCs Chinese a juicer jeong-seon makes the introductions to shoo the preschool today she'll be helping us talk to the kids he hammers watch ominous rock at Xiaoping school about 40% of the kids are growing up without parents how old are you it's the first time they've had a visit by a foreign reporters 13 years old let's see Wow and what's your name my name is you quick think rimas leak we hasn't seen his father for four years his mother visits once a year she shines is gone told your mother she turns over Kuzma you gonna do yeah well you would reliever ennh pooja mmm Omar - Yahoo - earlier the Chinese residency permit system called the whole car effectively stops parents from taking their children to the cities with them that's because public services like schools and hospitals can only be accessed where you live if you move you then have to pay and for most factory workers that's way beyond their means li e crisis he needs to make sacrifices just like his parents who are tomorrow you were warned is it ontology da you'll need you you know what you thought uh [Music] your polio [Music] on the weekends he goes home but to get there Li equine has to walk up the mountain for a couple of hours and like most Left Behind kids he's being looked after by his grandparents [Music] yah yah yah - oh yeah whoa siren grandpa Marty Shatabdi a sahaja yogi who year they shall have holes in it the boring title is oh [ __ ] are you mom this is an internal 400 sure you me don't wanna moi trainers rock we need I need you poo so huzzah - oh gee - no silly wise you're nothing to her they were you bond with local mother baby parents of the left behind are willing to sacrifice a family life in hope that the money they make will provide a better future for their children no warm dinner warm diggin I'm diggin on her to do you turn kimchi see he says your Roger Richmond ah when he's old enough leek why wants to leave - well should we undo that Union yo-yo qu qu quality mo farah you a sashimi fatima we're passing you in the George England washer you can go [Music] I'm gonna wash up our lemon our walnuts you jo-jo me Mom lemon want your anymore many of these kids may become part of what's being called a damaged generation millions of children suffering from emotional trauma depression and anxiety did you know IRR go back in the 4-3 the Chinese government has only just started admitting the enormity of the problem their response has been slow and small they've sent in social workers to five provinces but they'll only be able to help one percent of the Left Behind children oh yeah the kids here haven't seen any social workers local officials say what would help most is for the central government to reform the residency permit system montego's introduced consignee imagine aha Oh Georgia sure yo you knew she uh Khwaja to Inga you she to go home the tree she knows in the Heysel to the tagging door Sony tagging no me that's in darkness on you she cannot have sushi now I'm not even Jewish a - sure you gotta cheat your papa [Music] to understand the true scale of the plight of the Left Behind kids you have to go where there is no help at all from the authorities this is Chitra her in neighboring Hunan Province we've sent the ABCs Chinese producer and cameraman here to film as a Western journalist I would be stopped by authorities here 80% of the kids are growing up without parents some returned from time to time to visit their children but many are never seen again the emotional and psychological trauma under the town's peaceful exterior is imploding families the core structure that has sustained rural China for centuries [Music] social worker pan yayan is on a mission to help the most damaged kids she understands their pain pannier Yuen was a left behind kid herself come in the seemly son shahanshah fauna zebras Ando to combat a long time alleged are short circuited year washer John Jaso halfway out home we're sorry good Jew Island Nigel Annie yahaha she she not yo Russia she show st. you mean by Toluca shop so you can date Hannah she's a nothing change on y'all she works for a tiny Christian NGO called children charity International and she tracks all over these mountains to get to the kids [Music] today she's come to visit 10 year-old Liang Ming Gao and he seven-year-old sister Liang minge are they've been abandoned by their mother and their father who's working in the city hasn't made contact in years their grandparents provide basic care so you miss I'm gonna shoot you with Tom ohh-ho-ho-ho minute that's the mystery of a sauna horny horny girl and she'll eat all gibberty would you don't you know papa oh shut up Pena un has managed to track down their father she's taking photos of the kids to send to him and is about to Surprise them with a call when you have waiting huh hey let me know the Bhuvana Oh was it a honey then Danny Johnny kind of looking your father's on PMS are you find me the dog hanky woman yeah oh yeah could you find me the talking a hole can you hide the crater the boy can't believe it mm his sister is hiding outside but ultimately she's persuaded to talk to him nobody come here father I owe you mine I chef Obama it's a shaky start pannier your nose it will take years to reestablish any relationship and she also knows it's the only hope for these children sometime and all the yoga can tell you that I knew your little games which Ohana paella or the height agility my shoulder a well has a number fun well has a meal with some a number number the my fan though what you fights about what you have before you die so harder before shisha watching miss out on her Jelani the Hydra Shok hung out with back in town panty on is joined by the founder of the NGO joseph limb there visiting 14 year old she angling yummy with no parents at home she's become the primary carer of the household she looks after her grandmother who's had a stroke into three younger cousins she cooks and cleans and goes to school and she's been doing it since she was 10 years old shall I do when you're making I shall show you some early series of panel presentation pieces of work not surprisingly the pressure can get too much for she angling so joseph has organized a sponsor to help her financially and emotionally like many Left Behind girls she's lost a childhood the parents in this household do call and come back once a year but they're not there for the key moments the milestones in their children's lives she hangs little cousins greatest wish is to have a birthday cake she's never had one new version will have to tell you that don't go on to learn nickel mm-hmm baba mama live in today Homer sugar it is your cooking daddy huh mm-hmm not sure about any scented hangers shoot more usually young one just up the road a grandma is venting her anger I wasn't lead on oh yes she's not coping raising her granddaughter maginot mansion I just wanted the pictures or more well your son Eddie shared it when you come out the shower Wow your side yeah you're quite a yo knocking [ __ ] on our the 16 year old shaping shins mother left for work in the city and remarried now her grandmother doesn't want her anymore Vince you know remember White House there's a lot as you said you know you've been dealt with yet you walk like you never had a burger alcohol absolutely I don't bite on you yeah walking you John John John Jamison what's on those any more radical like we are I loved it oh my god whoa whoa whoa when you have the Mach Punahou Dora was too interested although what is wrong you do it wasn't people never managed a most kind of a bunion yeah yeah evanka big when you go home see a being shin often runs away Penn Yan and Joseph want to remove her for her own protection commending them go for taking food home for my buns at heart before Sonny 200 a timer their precision what hands with opposite people on the winches which I'm assuming is italiani and others some height so the family wins you another bunch of honey those could hum and burner on the pain they somehow to find things I to teach what into system [Music] hi Joshua Meghan King I've had too much to eat some here you should know one time I'm little [ __ ] it for them you won't have too much honey here beautiful gypsy at all just shocked we shall be dull each other y'all [ __ ] again you hardly ever bother shooting supranational questions shaping shin is typical of many of the Left Behind cases they try to help many have never known love only rejection so they become totally withdrawn Joseph says it will take years of work to begin the healing to restore a trust and build self-esteem and we always tell them that you know compared to any children outside you are the same you have a name you're a human being you overvalue and and we come here because we love you and we will value you as a human being in the hills above town a crisis is brewing a 14 year old boy they've been supporting says he wants to quit school let me get on the back so pena young and his grandmother talked to she and BL he says his life is finished here we mentioned Euler always have you know then go kilowatt I assure you I wouldn't you know quantity that what's atoms is it just all around me so balls is the winner and totally societal yeah maybe somebody knows his own antenna Heidi Nigel oh ho ho hold on Tonya you thought of the movie what Adam is cool about Lisa they can't convince him otherwise so they calling Joseph to try and talk him around sheyang BL has no plans about where and what kind of work you'll do and does it once the Italian plan for menu I mean son of a party limit equals war Tina go soon change your photo hi I'm Jeremy - Mahina to Misawa Oh boohoo Yamazaki Janerio me oh then I just called super ticket demolition watch over the top William quality magicky hmm John fancy sistema Lucian tofu into okay she a catchy name and your fancy system are shitty then I heard the word shiitake Shang won't change his mind but most concerning for Joseph is that he wants no support or contact when he leaves we only share today I'm not going to push he only pendulum with a million dancing with an aria how am I getting me this is my swim sir what about her she was drunk when he could see her and I took a citizen we are National Eagle ninety-eight radiance alumina whatever the reaction over here Joe anyone have to be my rhythm she young be ours parents abandoned him when he was a baby after four years Joseph and pan yayan thought they were making progress with him so they're deeply saddened to see him go and they feel the cycle is destined to continue but how humans feel so cleanly heart and then here's one of the ITT notice her body I see loyalty not hyah panting hands how good of the fighting has a new cinder three almond widow by ni drizzle women contested infancy Joseph's NGO has built a drop-in center at a nearby town to provide a safe place for 200 children here they can get a bed a meal or just talk pannier Yan has managed to get shaping Shin away from her angry grandmother rebuilding relationships and providing hope is the key to saving this generation of Left Behind kids otherwise the costs will be massive over 61 million wonder which is about 20 million will get involved in short-term or long-term criminal activities I can imagine that what they will do to China itself another one turned out when Amelia may be in Monday's fusion struck them along them back in her funk County the local government is trying to deal with the problems too they're starting with the basics with help from Chinese NGO free lunch they're now providing two meals a day previously many children only have one many of them was stunted in growth and suffered from anemia four times as much as city kids now they have protein with every meal and it's having an impact this is me and people would say some with you they will miss us and the gingers and go million Kazakh isn't the hope woman meanie and the Gen Con Bobbi on you your meeting that she shall say to go sang-soo thou cometh she gonna be on food side the thong strap look I so the suffered why I can go I can't listen she worried about self with Diana so how may you Reba a little change had a little really cook [Music] fully equine the first boy we met who is missing his mother so much there's some good news [Music] his mother Jo Chong has traveled 24 hours in a bus to see him for the first time in about a year 30 bad delicious.we [Music] will work soon if he mama oh my oh my oh my I can and I have to he need en su hijo de la gente to super Sushma Neteru the Sandman Gheorghe Hagi owes money you get her man solution bye-bye bunny on a zoom boots a little kinky [Music] rich [Music] [Music] the grandparents have prepared a feast for her return and they slowly get used to each other again that's the way we went here Jase efficiencies of ammonia hard was the only reason when she's in Lucien and all the time then she gives li acquired some presents she'll Emma Jean you know Nessa okay but she has a much bigger surprise when he starts High School in two years she will pay for limb by schooling so he can come and live with her in the city I wasn't the one in just a sheer you eating the chant of impede you from visited ensure poison is consumed by Allen tofu ma no submissions yeah Annie Perico yo Shinji negotiate uh can ginger move on me oh so you need your wallet rager we've undergone yeah for most of the millions of children who've been left behind the promise of a better life may prove elusive for them China's economic progress has come at a price a price it's still to be fully understood but for one boy the ordeal may be soon over [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Journeyman Pictures
Views: 1,362,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned children, documentary, Generation Left Behind, charity, China, journeyman pictures, news, current affairs, world news, abandonment, parents, children, rural, social workers, NGO, activism, economy, chinese
Id: ZCo9kvYcRsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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