China's Wolf Wanker Diplomat Follows Gay Porn Account on Twitter

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guys something very interesting just uh you can't make this up no i got a patron he's a patron as well he just sent me a message and i'm this is not my kind of stick all right but i just can't like the fact that this is round two of this happening yeah with a different person in the chinese government we couldn't say no yeah what just happened was i got sent a link to a a homosexual pornographic twitter channel yeah now i was like what am i getting spam right sure that this is spam and they they wrote in the in the body of the email they wrote this is a true wolf wanker so i was like well this has to be relevant in some way sure right so what i found out was this gay porn twitter is in fact followed by the best the greatest wolf wanker male wolf lanker yeah lee jin jiao absolutely depending on how you want to say it how did this happen it's ridiculous and it's not being made up uh we actually yeah we'll we're doing it live right now yeah so if i reload this account it'll say followed by lee jin jiao and if you click it it literally is him it's it's there's blue check mark you know it's absolutely him he's the guy who put out that australian cutting the child's throat thing right and all that you know he's really like the bottom of the barrel we should say the top of the hill when it comes to the wolf wanker turd warriors i'm yeah and the reason this is so great okay guys the reason this is so amazing is that this is not the first time a chinese government account has been caught with his pants down literally literally yeah the first time was with uh leo xiaoming who was the who was he was the uk ambassador to well the chinese ambassador in the uk right yeah so he got caught liking a pornographic twitter what oh you shouldn't look at that no i'm not sorry um i'm too young for that 12 and what is this um anyway he got caught uh liking a pornographic twitter account as well and chyna ran and said this is like his account was hacked and all this kind of stuff i just thought it was so funny because him liking one post was immediately a hacker or something yeah it can't just be like he didn't know that people stopped remember they put out that threat that anti-china forces have you know done this to him and all that if i was an anti-china force let's just hypothetically if we were anti-china forces right and i had this these epic hacking skills or something i'm pretty sure i would go post things on his account like free the uyghurs or free tibet or something absolutely not like one porn tweet yes yes exactly so i can't wait what their excuse for this is going to be but if you want to know you know more things like this we discuss i know adv china you come and watch us for us riding around on motorcycles driving in cars things like that but we have our adv podcast which is every every thursday you can actually catch us tomorrow uh where we discuss these kind of things things that are up to date that are happening in china and that kind of thing so hopefully we'll see there tomorrow yeah but we just had to get this out because it's brand new huge huge step in the right direction for gay rights in china gay awareness because i'll tell you what chinese government officials do not like gay stuff no well i mean they do obviously secretly but they cannot like it publicly because it really goes against the whole traditional values of the communist china yeah gay rights are still a massive step behind in china it's still a big deal b people gay people have it really rough in china maybe jolly gender or lee jin jiao is just trying to be the forefront trying to like debunk those you can say he's the gayest wolf warrior out there he's a he's a proper gay wolf wanker yeah and that's fine turd warrior yeah and i think it's great that he stop why do you keep watching i'm just curious as to what's going on in that top i'm gonna have to crop that out yeah anyway guys you you'll probably see this right now and you can go check yourself it's yeah we'll put a link he's probably sleeping right now he's gonna wake up to an absolute tirade yeah so yeah we will put a link in the description but uh viewer discretion be advised it is yeah of course no we won't put a link we won't put it okay we're not going to put it no because i think you can't share that stuff out are you coming yeah so people can see where they are okay yeah yeah you can see you can google it but it is graphics so just be warned if you're going to go there sure um you know this is what the chinese diplomats are watching yep yes and that's fine yeah and that's fine just own up to it though legion joe just own up to it catch you on the see you catch you on the whatever yeah we'll see you next week yeah cheers
Channel: ADVChina
Views: 93,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zhao lijian, wolf warrior, cgtn, li jian zhao, foreign ministry, chinese diplomat, foreign affairs, chinese government, cctv, ccp, xi jinping, foreign ministry spokesman zhao lijian, china, chinese diplomat zhao lijian, beijing, chinese foreign ministry
Id: 5h-6l_nZ0p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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