China's giant oil painting copy shop - BBC News

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there was a huge order from walmart and i needed cheap rent and labour 20 painters came with me many were unemployed and needed the money i taught them to paint as if they were on an assembly line some painted the sky some painted the mountains and others painted trees at the height of our business we produced 360 000 oil paintings in just one and a half months our products were cheap good quality and identical to the originals uh lego van gaal every month we would make thousands of replicas of van gogh's famous sunflowers we also painted monets and picassos a replica of the mona lisa would sell for a few thousand dollars in the united states but only a few hundred here during the economic crisis in 2008 we lost a dozen big customers we had to tap into the domestic market the real estate industry was growing fast and people wanted to buy paintings to decorate their new flats most of them wanted landscapes china is richer now people have more time to study art and more money to buy what they appreciate everyone deserves to enjoy the beauty of art even for those who don't make a lot of money now we face a lot of competition from online sellers and other people who are trying to copy our business model we need to make more original pieces of art it's the only way to survive
Channel: BBC News
Views: 66,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: china, chinese, art, painting, oil, bbc, news, bbc news, documentary, documentaries, bbc documentary, bbc documentaries, video, youtube, interview, culture, lifestyle, picasso, monet, van gogh, paintings, replica, 中国, 中國, 中华人民共和国, 艺术, 绘画, 毕加索, 莫奈, 梵高, documentary bbc, documentary films
Id: qZVJTW4jpck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 12sec (132 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2015
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