China Vs. Taiwan: The People

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how's it going everybody present here welcome back to another video that I'm sure will make a number of you pretty upset and that is the one versus China the people what are they like and I know you guys are gonna get on the keyboard and sort of start talking about how I could how dare I describe a whole country and blanket statement everyone but I can and that's very specific to China and the reason for that is because it's so homogeneous everyone is typically the same it's also a cleft a collectivist society so people there are raised to sort of fit into the mold so to speak another brick in the wall if you will and it's just way the race it's not like in the West how everyone is supposed to be their own individual and your own personality and that kind of thing and Charlie you're supposed to be the most useful person in your group of friends and that means people are going to be typically the same yes each person is going to have their own little you know quirks and things like that and their own bits their personality but still we're just gonna be a bit general here in this video so bear with me don't get too upset and I say we because I've only been in China and Taiwan for a year and so I brought another youtuber with me over here hello with my life and life inside in Taiwan yep yeah and you make videos well I suppose it's in the pretty much but sometimes food sometimes culture sometimes booze and drinking but a little more how should I say a little less touchy subjects you were touches it and I'm seen on prozis Channel yes he's got some he's got some great videos about being here in Taiwan his audience was totally different than one I've got you guys have invited me onto this really easy about the people but yeah yeah I should be here I promise by the end of this video you will have no ego because my subscribers tend to tear everything up alright nice on me I'm I'm a British gentleman I don't like those angry comments I'll just keep them focused on him that would be nice yeah yeah so I will start with Chinese people typically I move on to Taiwan so yeah here's the thing yeah both countries claim China as their own and as they all came well I shouldn't say they all came from mainland China but yeah you know they do share quite a bit of a culture they do speak the same language but there are differences just like Canadians and Americans or the British and Americans or British that's called English and Scottish English and Scottish Australia like you know we all speak the same language but we all have our little cultures and the people are going to be a little bit different because of that as well and Taiwan and China are no different so Chinese people I'll say this if they know you you know personally they are incredibly friendly yeah incredibly nice people they're so hospitable and it's like that pretty much across the board however if they don't know you you're a stranger you basically don't exist and you're annoying so and this is where you get into the things like lack of common courtesy a lack of social mind people there aren't typically going to consider you when you're out in public so you know train stations have you ever been to a Chinese trains train station it's a hell of an interesting place to do some social experiments like that so they're not very considered if they don't know you but if they know you they're incredibly friendly the other thing about Chinese people that I find typically is that they are very innocent people and I think that's because they don't get out and travel much yeah they're not they don't have a very good exposure to the rest of the world you know that most people won't really leave their hometowns really okay I mean of course you get obviously you know if you've ever been to a Western University lately they're filled with Chinese people but that's a recent thing yeah a lot of the locals that I met that we're friends were very innocent yeah would you say evil say that they you know they had a childlike charm to them yeah we'll say that but they don't typically you know they'll find themselves in in situations where they're not very well equipped to deal with it because of their lack of experience kind of anything and they're very protected as well because a lot of them nowadays this will change now that they have a two-putt child policy but because of the one-child policy there's single children and they were most of the time are going to be spoiled when they were younger you know not not everybody a lot of my friends weren't especially if they grew up in the 80s but yeah you know they they're gonna grow up sort of protect it under the household because the parents are giving them everything they don't want to put them in any sort of dangerous situations or anything that will affect their future so right yeah that's right that's a little similar here in Taiwan I think that okay protection of the younger generation yeah but I think you finished on Chinese people I'm just gonna butt in and tell you what I think about how that compares to Tory yeah and it's pretty it's a general thing so we got nice innocent naive friendly if they know you I don't know maybe one might say some other things but yeah go ahead yeah how about Taiwanese people now this is gonna be tricky because the thing I've noticed about Taiwan is that people are actually quite different although it is a collective Society I find that their education system has become more progressive yeah from what I what I can gather from like friends and I've got and even people that I don't know there's a lot more of a more freedom of expression you can look at like especially in the downtown city areas just even from something as simple as the clothes the people where you will see a lot more different styles of people branching out like if you know they're going through their goth phase or their what's the punk phase like yeah again I'm I can't really compare to China I've only ever been to China once for a few days but yeah I feel from what I can gather from people on talk about China we've been there like yourself and other youtubers I feel like it's much more varied here in their styles and culture and that comes through into their their lives to like I think they travel a lot more than maybe the the mainland Chinese would do like yeah that's travel is very popular here a lot of much even from talking to my students in school you can see that they go to different countries at this time of year summer they travel so maybe a little more open-minded yeah but again you'd probably have a better opinion between the two I just know that you're absolutely correct people here are way more travelled and I think it's because well it could be a number of things it could be because they have more money yeah but also people here are a lot more open therefore they're more democratic people here just a lot more use to the outside world as well so you know and most people a lot of people go to universities abroad I mean this is gonna sound like a naive question for me but do they have Hollywood movies in China attitude and they are a lot of them are going to be added in our sensor depending on you know the type of movie so yeah if there's a Chinese character that's portrayed in any way as being the antagonist that is that's not gonna be easy at all but yeah they have got all the movies for sure I mean that's why a lot you'll notice this too in Hollywood this is gonna do with our topic but just an interesting thing is that one thing you'll notice in Hollywood lately is that they do Pender quite a bit so yeah Chinese Lee every movie I go to see if I watch it with a Chinese friend I say this is the the China part or the Asia part yeah some kind of link to Hong Kong like usually they use Hong Kong or Beijing or Shanghai some cities yeah the reason for that is that because the population is so high in China now that we got more spending power most money that movies are gonna be making off the box-office are gonna be in China so if they can't sell their movie in Chinese theaters that's not worth it not gonna make very much money at least compared to the other one so got your next video yeah topic so wait so what else about the town he's like well I mean just to go back to what you said about the people that know you I'll treat you very nicely and the people that don't know you like you don't exist that I've never really experienced that here me too it's me it's much more here like a an intrigue or a curiosity of Westerners and yeah we do we get treated in some cases we get treated exceptionally nice things like in the bank you're in the QL Shepard you off yeah little thing you make you get the occasional especially when I'm filming I'll get given a free cup of tea or treated to lunch people are just they just want to seem nice to us whether that's whether that's fake or not I'm probably is not for me to say but I like to think that it's a genuine like I say intriguing curiosity and foreigners and you can see that in the questions they ask you they'll ask lots of questions about your family whether you're married which country you come from of course how much you earn neither should say head down or something like the nutrition side doors out yeah that's a common question I get in I think if you're let's say if you were a tourist here for a week or two and you got those kind of questions you'd go home and tell everybody there's so rude they ask so many questions yeah but the longer you live here the more you get to just understand that people are just interested in other people they want to maybe they're trying to widen their their knowledge of the outside world or they're just nosy people I don't know but I don't feel offended by it so much I feel it's like more of a curiosity rather than earth anything sinister right I mean that's that's the other thing too when you come here you think it's the question how much money do you make is not an offensive question here so you can't really get offended by it I think everyone knows it's pretty like it's you have to go to the Facebook groups and search English teacher jobs and you'll find out yeah I think super secretive but in our culture back home definitely in England like I've got friends in all different careers and I would never even dream of asking them how much they earn it's just yeah that's a good point I mean Chinese people could be similar as well they're gonna be quite curious although you will meet some people that are a little bit more skeptical you know before sinister as you said yeah however for the most part like especially the younger generation they do want to know quite a bit quite a bit about you and that's why I said earlier in the video they're so friendly yeah they're so nice and one thing one big difference I'll notice about Chinese people in Taiwanese people is that Chinese people were way more inclined to invite you to their home for dinner yeah or tea or something like that and it's not something I see so much here in Taiwan I don't know if that's just because I haven't had as many locals here as I did in China yeah that's right I mean I mentioned in one of my previous videos about Chinese New Year when I get invited for Chinese New Year every year by three or four different teachers from my school yeah and I've never accepted I feel it's like yeah a little bit weird to go into their personal space because maybe they're maybe they know me but their grandmother and uncle is this foreigner doing at our Christmas basically that's the only yeah I've never thought about it I've never been invited to someone's house otherwise yeah they live in such a different way to us back in the West I'm not sure if they're also thinking too many people in their house they go from parents maybe that's a similarity between cultures in China in China yeah I mean it's it is hard to pick the differences because they are similar but those those are the biggest differences that we could think of yeah we could do maybe another video about how they are in other ways because we're just comparing the two yeah but we could generally we could compare them to Westerners as well there's a lot of things we could go there yeah so you know I'm not we aren't talking about this video like what they are in the workplace or anything like that or what they had what they're like we're comparing them to each other which is really a great thing to do yeah it's fantastic I'm sure the comments are gonna be lived roses and butterflies yeah smiley icons I'm sure yeah so if you guys want to see a video where maybe we talk about what they are like not compared to one another if we just sort of talk about what they're like day to day how they're different from us Westerners that maybe I'll make a video about that comment below yeah also let me know if you've had any experience is one of people from other cultures and what they're like and how crazy ly different they are but enjoyed this monthly like the subscribe button doesn't do what it used to you get a little dingy thing to get notifications because YouTube is hiding oh my god videos I'm sure of it yeah so yeah if you want to see more of a day-to-day light thing at fuzzy underscore SR check out my patreon page for extra content that's posted there from time to time also check out his channel at live in Taiwan yes please go subscribe check it out yeah it'd be nice yeah recommendation yeah again he's got great videos on his channel if you want to know more about Taiwan and I'll leave a link to his channel in the description below yeah so yeah stay positive keep particularly nice fella catch you in the next one you got it Instagram you wanna play uh you know life in Taiwan 2017 there you go
Channel: undefined
Views: 70,353
Rating: 4.6864524 out of 5
Keywords: mainland china, taiwan vs china, republic of china, peoples republic of china, taiwan vlogger, living in china, prozzie china, is taiwan china, Are taiwanese people Chinese, Are Chinese people nice, Chinese hospitality, the upside of chinese hospitality, life in taiwan vs china, english teacher salary in china, english teacher salary taiwan, lifeintaiwan, real chinese food vs american chinese food, collective society vs individualistic society, china vs taiwan
Id: T-aSX9e3VVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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