China and BYD are Throwing Away Fields of Electric Cars, Letting them Rot

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Chinese car company candy deployed the following strategy they made an electric car they sold it to a so-called car sharing company this was a shell company set up by candy itself but without any formal relation they parked the car in a field they took out the battery pack they assembled the same battery with a new ID plate into another car and they did the whole thing over again this was profitable because the cost of making the car without a battery was lower than the cost of the EV subsidy but big problem here this doesn't apply in 2016 the Chinese government clamped down on this subsidy fraud they actually find a string of Manufacturers essentially bankrupting them they took away licenses and ended those car companies at the same time they tightened subsidy rules increased monitoring of the manufacturers and they lowered subsidy amounts for EVS after that there haven't been any high profile cases of EV subsidy fraud the pictures you see in this video are from hung Zoo the pictures you see in this video are from hangzhu in China and they relate to a car sharing service called micro City that went bankrupt in 2019. in fact there's also pictures there from a company called Auto lib which was a Paris based Car steering service that went bankrupt in 2018. now Lee breivord made that comment on a post on inside EVS where basically inside AVS was promoting this original story saying it was true saying it actually yes byd Anita have basically put hundreds of thousands of electric cars in a field just to beat Tesla just to prop up their sales just to get subsidies right now there is well over a hundred thousand if not more than a million depending on what your source is Vehicles parked basically left to rot to dub in Chinese car Fields this is true however those vehicles are not what you think many of you have been sending me a link to a viral video it's had millions of views now about Chinese electric car manufacturers byd Anita in particular dumping electric cars hundreds of thousands of them in fields because they want to benefit from a Chinese EV scheme providing them subsidies and they want to lie about their sales numbers so it looks like they're selling more cars than Tesla now obviously the creator of this video has made these claims he's saying byd is doing this simply to benefit from schemes from the Chinese government and number two to actually say it's selling more EVS than Tesla therefore it's willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in the most expensive marketing scheme in the history of the global automotive industry simply to one up rival Tesla I watched the video and it was the most humorous video that I think I've ever seen the fact that people watch this and believed a single word of it has to make me question why people will watch this and not question the fact that almost every car showed in the video had a gasoline tank in it in fact almost every car shown in the video was actually a petrol car and not an EV a my friends welcome to the channel great to see you thank you for tuning in my name's Sam Evans I'm the electric Viking and yes of course I do have an incentive here I mean trashing this video and that is to well tell the truth many many YouTube channels that I've bemoaned this for a long time want you to click they are desperate for you to click so they create any narrative for you to do so in fact they'll even make up things that are completely false in order for you to click is there any truth to these claims about byd Anita leaving tens of thousands of cars both not hundreds of thousands of cars according to this video in fields to Rod well I watched the entire video in fact I replayed it a few times without sound because it's hard to listen to some of the nonsense in this video and hey it's very possible that byd has put a bunch of cars in a field it looks like byd has left maybe I don't know a couple of thousand cars in a field somewhere what EVs they are they look to be plug-in hybrids to me I could be wrong though it's hard to see from the video because the video only shows these cards for a couple of seconds about 90 of the video they show models from neither of those Brands neither Nita or byd in fact they show vehicles from a completely different brand and they are all gasoline powered vehicles they've got plug-in hybrids they're not hybrids they're purely gasoline power cars now I reported on this a while ago a few months ago in fact I report on the fact that there are thousands of gasoline-powered vehicles in China sitting there Rod that narrative would be true of course the creator of this video doesn't want to tell you the truth they just want to tell you something that sells EVS are bad EVS will destroy the environment China is destroying EVS those sorts of things yeah you see my point clearly it is true that there are tens of thousands of cars sitting in fields like I said I've reported on that numerous types that is a fact but they are not EVS they are gasoline-powered vehicles and I'll tell you the reason for that the reason is even if there is some fault in these bod and needed cars that meant they had to be stored right which they may be I suspect there probably was a problem with the battery packs even then those batteries are actually worth something why because you can use them for energy storage you can use them for a number of different purposes however if you have a gasoline-powered vehicle that won't sell it's of no use to anyone whatsoever in any way possible meaning well the fact that now there has been a massive over build out of gasoline-powered vehicles in fact there is quite truthfully hundreds of thousands if not more than a million gasoline-powered cars sitting in Chinese fields that is the real story here unfortunately the person who made this video isn't interested in telling you the truth and that is the truth there are literally hundreds of thousands if not more than possibly more than 2 million gasoline-powered vehicles that can't be sold because the key reason here is no one wants them people don't want old gasoline-powered cars in fact they don't even want current model gasoline-powered cars in many cases what does that mean well Legacy auto and Chinese car manufacturers just built too many gasoline-powered cars and as the world moved away from gasoline-powered cars started buying EVS well as Chinese consumers did it meant that the subpar Gasol impound cars didn't have enough demand for the numbers they were producing now many factories in China have been shut down many car manufacturers in China are no longer basically no longer operating because there just isn't enough demand for the gasoline-powered cars they made now you may be thinking hey Viking I mean this guy sounds he sounds legit he sounds like he's telling the truth well I'd question why then at this point of 649 651 653 655 815 857 909 and at other places during the video he showed aerial drone shots and close-up shots right next to his face in mega close-ups of gasoline tanks clearly places where you put in your fuel pump guys honestly if you want someone who's going to give you an accurate indicator of what's going on in China this guy who pretends that he's a Chinese person who hates China uh he's probably not the right place to go to for your Source material people keep doing it they keep on sending me the emails and messages but really I'm pretty confident I've debunked this guy's claims considering the fact that almost all the footage he used was of petrol and gasoline-powered cars is there overbuilding of cars in China like I said 100 it's a known fact I've reported on this numerous times but I've told you guys the absolute truth which is that way too many gasoline Powers were made for market demand when it comes to EVS they are sellable every single EV in China as long as it's from a reputable manufacturer is sellable are there EVS being made by non-reputable manufacturers in China yes there are will those companies struggle to sell them very possibly in fact number a number of Edema manufacturers that you've never heard of in China have gone bankrupt that is a true story but that is not the story being discussed in this video however I'll report on that very soon let me know your thoughts in the comments and thank you for watching
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 101,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: _lrpkV2XaJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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