CHILE | 8K60 | Los Lagos to Atacama
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Timestorm Films
Views: 1,250,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patagonia, chile, atacama, america, south, lagos, osorno, Puntiagudo, calbuco, puerto, varas, montt, santiago, andes, 8K, 4K, uhd, suhd, fuhd, demo, 60p, 60fps, 8K60, hdr, 10bit, depth, high, resolution, kim, planert, skydance, music, timestorm, films, martin, heck, martinheck, D850, A7R3, Sony, Nikon, RED, Helium, smooth
Id: 1HbZmkNzkk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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