Children Of AntiVaxxers, Did You Get Vaccinated When You Were Older? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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children of anti-vaxxers who grew up and got yourselves vaccinated what's your story how did your parents take it serious mum got rubella when pregnant with me as a result I was born severely deaf so there you go life's not the best you'll don't be frickin stupid interestingly it seems as though you can lose your rubella immunity I was immune during my first pregnancy but then when tested for my second just two years later I was no longer immune and advised to avoid people I had an idea they were anti-vaxxers but it was never confirmed they mentioned my younger brother wasn't but it was justified because we were living in the mountains of Montana and it was too far a drive to the doctor I assumed I had been as I was born in civilization and we didn't move to the hills until I was three we were homeschooled my elder brother had trouble at college with his immunizations and mom said all the paperwork was lost when they moved there I was 30 years old and I was offered a job at a university helping trained doctors started getting paperwork asking for proof for vaccinations I just said test me and give me whatever I need but I know I've had chicken pox turns out I had nothing no antibodies and I'd never had chicken pox either mum said I had lit up both arms with a runoff shot over the next three months all paid for by Vanderbilt Thank You Vandy never forget telling my boyfriend and he yelled you've been to Mexico twice in Europe oh my god called my mom and said hey I'm getting a job and they say I've never been vaccinated was I she got very defensive and said no she hated making us cry as babies and they're bad for little kids also did I really need them she then tried to talk me out of them since I know how they work I felt very okay letting her know I'd already starting the process and thank God for herd immunity I'm so thankful for all of you protecting me until I found out she hated making you cry as babies dang lucky you didn't end up brain-damaged from chemical meningitis or the like what a freakin excuse my mother stopped getting me immunized when I was five my dad wanted us indianized but since mom was against it my little brother and sister never got I got completely caught up once I turned nineteen dad got remarried a few years ago and he and his new wife are apparently anti-vaxxers now and believe that my baby sister's issue with one of her pinky fingers was caused from something his wife got while pregnant and the entire thing is just completely whack at it all vaccines don't mess up pinky fingers I just don't get how that works lol my mum didn't get the measles vaccination because at the time she thought it caused autism she was kind of one of the first anti-vaxxers wrote two papers about it everything anyway a girl in our social group caught meningitis and died basically freakishly uncommon after that mum was really scared the same thing could happen to me with any disease and basically begged me to get up to date with my shots I guess the main takeaway is that when my mum was younger and inexperienced she thought everything was a danger she honestly thought she was doing best by me I guess still has a bit of a problem trusting experts though if a reaction to the Charlie Gard case is anything to go by I think it's important to recognize that parents aren't intentionally trying to hurt their kids well most I'm glad she decided to get you vaccinated after that though it must have been terrifying hey this is relevant to me my parents chose not to vaccinate my sister and me they have some unique ideas about science and medicine we were also homeschooled if that clarifies anything we both wound up volunteering at hospitals at different points in our lives so we had to get caught up anyway for me it was at age 20 for an internship at a mental health facility it was a little awkward explaining to the nurse why I had nothing on my record but she was understanding overall I did tell my parents and I thought they would be really upset they were for a little bit but they also recognized that I'm an adult and it's my choice even if they think it's a bad one I think they were also more concerned about exposing me to anything when I was developing versus now they figure my body can take whatever I put it through my big concern now is what will happen when I get around to having children of my own in a few years I think they'll see me as a bad mother if I get them vaccinated so I'm anticipating some fireworks the real war for me as a mother was getting my parents to vaccinate themselves no baby time unless they got fluent DAP they aren't even anti-vaxxers my in-laws leaned more crunchy and Evac sexy but they happily got the shots my mom tried to lock horns with me while I was on bed rest and in very delicate condition it took me telling her they wouldn't get to see baby for her to get the shots I didn't receive any vaccinations through childhood due to my parents beliefs once I got to college I did my own research on them learned the actual science behind them and got all vaccinations in college I then went to medical school and yet they still don't believe me and my medical degree regarding vaccinations the holidays can get awkward you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into sadly I was not vaccinated as a child because my mother thought vaccines were evil on Christian and other ridiculous things this was in the early eighties before all the autism BS but she had her own unique theories I got myself vaccinated when I went to university my mother was disappointed and wanted to write a letter to the school explaining her religious views on vaccines as she had done for years to keep me exempt but I decided to go with science but the most amusing part was going to doctors trying to get childhood vaccines as an adult one doctor didn't even believe me he actually laughed what do you mean you need an MMR the doctor who eventually got me sorted had to look up a schedule and sort of wing it because it is something she had never dealt with before we had a good laugh though DTaP is no joke that crap frickin hurts my mother was not happy but sort of conceded that getting vaccinated as an adult was less risky than as a baby or whatever it was required for university thank God for that parents didn't really care hey one I can answer my dad was the anti-vaxxer my mom was mostly ambivalent neither my brother or I were vaccinated at birth and I didn't get my shots until I turned 19 my brother had to get a tetanus shot once when he was six due to an injury it burned my dad up for a while his reasoning was typical he believed that the mercury in the vaccines would cause us to somehow develop autism my parents were also pretty hippie dippie compared to most baby boomers so they were concerned about chemicals and all that as well jokes on them though because both my brother and I are a Spees regardless of being unvaccinated it was always a pain in the ass whenever we had to do school related paperwork or field trip stuff because my parents would have to produce a letter stating that it was their religious right to keep us in tainted by vaccinations we were never a religious family I wasn't a super sickly child with a few exceptions but my younger brother suffered a lot he got pneumonia when he was real little like three four they had to keep him in the hospital and I remember my dad taking care of me at home while my mom stayed in the room with my brother about a year or two after that he got walking pneumonia and again was hospitalized he's also allergic to damn near everything and his bad asthma now he has epilepsy and we both have chronic migraines I never had anything seriously life-threatening in terms of illness but there was a nearly year-long period where I had strep throat almost every other week I should have had my tonsils out they wanted to interpret me at one point but for whatever reason changed their minds but my dad threw a fit about having any surgeries performed I also developed shingles when I was 13 which my father initially treated as poison ivy and left mostly untreated until my mother intervened I still have little to no feeling on swatches of the left side of my body from the blister scars that sucked I did however have to get my vaccinations when I turned 18 and enrolled in college he was not pleased about that and actually we didn't talk for almost a year because of my decision to get vaccinate it eventually we worked things out but it took a while I'll be vaccinating any children I may have in the future though when I was 19 I had to get some vaccines in order to start college and my mom was not helpful first she tried to get me exempt from the vaccines and when that didn't work she sent me into the clinic alone with completely false outdated info I was super embarrassed when the nurses looked at my notes and told me that none of it was correct but luckily they helped me figure out what I needed and didn't shame me too much from not having a previous vaccination record a couple years later I went back in to get the rest of the recommended vaccines my sister had her first kid and the first grandbaby last year and our mom has been pushing her not to vaccinate fortunately my sister has chosen to vaccinate she still is trying to get us to watch a documentary about it to change our minds now all us kids just don't talk to how long about vaccines because it always turns into an argument as soon as I turned 18 I got all of my vaccines up to date my mother stopped after I was seven or so my dad didn't agree with her but respected her wishes after I got them updated through my dad's health insurance she was annoyed about it but I eventually managed to explain herd immunity to her and also found enough sources calling that out the study that claimed vaccines cause autism that she finally admitted she was incorrect but still won't admit that vaccines aren't bad for you saying that they have too much mercury in them it's hard for people to admit they are wrong so the fact that she did even a little is great my parents were very against it never particularly vocal about it but growing up my schools would organize mass vaccinations for all the kids MMR e.t.c and I was always mysteriously off sick those days my school never noticed and I was always pretty happy as I have a terrible phobia of needles and never really understood the health implications but I've never had any health problems but I've had partners weirded out by it I was dating one guy who didn't want to go near me once he found out I hadn't had any vaccinations that felt odd last year there was a measles outbreak at my university and I was very nervous about it called my parents for advice and their response go get the vaccine classic I'm guessing their opinions have changed over the years but they're too proud to say outright that maybe they were wrong in their children's health could now be at risk about time I got the rest of them done well that was quite the turnaround on their part my parents used to not vaccinate me or any of my four siblings but when I was like three years old me and my siblings all came down with whooping cough it scarred my lungs and I have yellow stains on my teeth because the high fevers cook my adult teeth inside my head my parents vaccinated us after that Jesus Christ five kids with woobin cough that must have been a nightmare for your parents my mom is against vaccines and I grew up in a very against vaccine school and was treated by homeopathic and holistic doctors I used to believe all that crap then I started med school and change my mind to vaccines aren't bad but they aren't necessary then I did a rotating at a pediatric hospital in the neurological area that was a huge eye-opener meningitis is an awful disease and aunt evacs never talked about it but the children I saw we're the ones that survived and had brain damage afterwards it was awful to see kids that could have had a perfectly normal life to end up like that a coup occurs brother-in-law ended up brain-dead from meningitis he and his flat nerds thought he had the flu in the morning in the afternoon they found him unconscious his life support was switched off after two weeks I'm in my early ish twenties and I have never had vaccines however I am very much for them I'm actually embarrassed that I don't have them my parents didn't vaccinate me as a child for a legitimate medical reason so they say but my brother was not vaccinated either I am pretty sure I can get them now regardless of if a medical situation is the truth or not I'm on the search for a general doctor in my new state right now to ask questions and get vaccinated I'm curious if there were any risks involved in getting vaccinated as an adult the only thing to make sure of is that the reason you weren't vaccinated was because of an allergy my husband's parents are pro science pro-vaccine but because of his congenital condition and a very specific allergy there was one vaccine he wasn't able to get which is why herd immunity is so important when the HPV vaccine came out there was a bunch of stories on the news about girls having poor reactions to it getting seizures Kilmer's most of it nonsense but my mother saw the news stories and chose not to get me vaccinated but then right after college I had a brief bout of thyroid cancer and decided I would take every precaution I could to not get more cancer so I got the shots I think at the time I didn't tell my mom but after when it came up she was more huffy than anything else and defended her thoughts at a time but accepted my decision and reasoning also there was the argument that it would make girls more promiscuous and it would encourage consequence-free yes utter nonsense you have been visited by the brewer puppy comment drink well puppy to get infinite beer if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new 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Channel: Updoot Everything
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Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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