CHILDE IS THE WORST (BEST) BROTHER.. - Genshin Impact Funny Moments! | Genshin Impact Gameplay 2020

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all right ninjas my prison sentence has ended i finally finished the scenic show sync show whatever the heck that guy's name is i finished the story line the event is officially done i have no reason not to do child story quests it's finally happening we're just standing out here in the rain huh that's how we're starting today numerous eyewitness reports have confirmed an active ruined garden killed like i cut like three of those yesterday what's the problem far beyond their normal area of activity dude you have a spear just kill it we have very little intelligence at present could have fooled is that so well if you're genuinely offering defined genuinely i thought this was a child story course why not help without these guys like i kind of get it like ciao's an outcast right now in the story like he can't just walk around all philly in the open without getting yelled at attacked or something but i mean come on man y'all got me meeting these reject guards out in the wilderness but you can't let me meet child really really quest you say investigate the ruined guards whereabouts you wanted me to go back over there there's literally one asleep right here man then we should we should we should just be calling this quest the rap there's one right here look he's waking up he's waking up dude why is the quest not over oh wait that ruined guard was the one i was supposed to kill wait so so why was the bubble still over there oh wait wait the game was purposely trying to mislead me i don't know how i feel about this guys first they send me to jail lock me out of this quest and then when i get in this quest to try to deceive me hey you check this out isn't it awesome why is there a child out here is somebody gonna explain this to me i've never seen one this close before have you ever seen one wait i know who this is this is one of tartagly this is darth taglia's little brother isn't it i i've look i've read his story i've read his lord everything i know about his family dude wait bruh oh this is so cute his name is mr cyclops actually what sort of dumb name is ruin guard you know what i can't argue with that logic it's always nice to meet someone else who likes toys so tell me where'd you get your toy from it must be a pretty new kind huh oh my god that can fly and talk before he's calling piper toy yo i like this kid man you can roll with me bruh yeah paymon don't ruin the kids dreams that's not nice i'm just trying to help and you failed yet again good job milolis always been hopeless at dealing with children and everything else wait he gave you money i will gladly take it i will gladly take it and give it to your brother will be fine i ain't giving them hell this is my money listen man i'm hurting i need this money you make a pinky promise you keep it all your life you break a pinky promise i throw you on the ice the cold will kill the pinky that once betrayed your friend the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again what the hell kind of demented land are you from kid that is actually kind of intense i don't know what it is about tartaglia and all his story bishops man like every time he shows up in the story i just keep getting money like maybe that's a sign bro maybe tartaglia is trying to help me out like look child i'm sorry that i had to clap your cheeks during that story mission but hey man i'm just happy we can come to an understanding oh great it's vlad you know what i'm turning down the clock where's the daytime setting i don't know i i i need the white food to let me you know i don't i don't look at him though you're going to night time bro i ain't looking at him well listen man i've already been exposed to know that there's a waifu to come to this gate if you wait till night time i'm never entering this bank during daytime again i'm not doing it there you get hey nadia hey girl relax once in a while can't hurt it'll be fine huh what is he doing here come on palma this ain't that hard wait a second what are you doing here in leo two sir how have i not heard anything about this well what happened was i saw a boat that looked like it was selling toys so obviously i thought you were on board the student has created an alibi that he is a toy maker instead of a ruthless villain now he's running around killing people with dual issac lazy he's got his family convinced that he's making toys like you know what that is actually kind of impressive i didn't go live to you man mr cyclops scared off a bad guy and then i found this nice lady to help me come look for you i see the sexy jutsu are still in full effect they are still unaware that i am actually a trap tucson what you did was extremely dangerous i'm so happy to see you really i am but please promise me you won't do anything like this ever again okay i promise please don't be mad at me i'm not mad at you i just care about your safety that's all you know it's kind of interesting seeing child actually concern for somebody like i've never seen that expression on his face it's like you know i'm used to him just being a bloodthirsty villain and now it's just like oh man like he's actually a person i know we've had our differences up to now but a few minor quibbles aside we get on quite well don't you think yeah yeah just keep busting people's ass cheeks open and we'll be on good turns bruh um so anyway said something about you being a toy seller what's that all about are you supposed to be one of the fatu's um uh yes about that smooth parmon very smooth shh look i only told him that so that he'll look up to me in the eyes of a child working with toys must be the best job imaginable oh i don't want my family to have anything to do with the fetus or should i say shnaya's darker wow child is actually a good br wow man man you know what man you know what bruh oh you know you know what i'll be good bro i'll buy you some cream so that your butt cheeks can heal from kachin clapping you bro i feel bad now are you going off to sell toys now that's right as much as i'd love to catch up a little longer too sir duty calls i'm sure miss nice lady here will be happy to keep you company while i'm out you mean you ain't gonna hang out with me you know i did this whole course expecting we were gonna hang out you're just gonna leave your brother with me bro like we have history what's this about i'm just saying i thought me and child were gonna have a good day hanging out you know talking about some white foods and the birds and the bees and all that but no man oh he was like hey i need you to hang out with my little brother instead i got business to take care of and child's like aj i know you were expecting to hang out with me and form a deep connection to mom but hey bro i got something better for you bro i know you always wanted to be your dad so you can babysit my brother i want to fly mr cyclops so all the kids can get to know him well i can do custom builds but i'll need some amount of reference material wait so this lady can build custom kites like why didn't i know this bro like listen i would have saved up morals that i could like purchase a custom kaching kite and i would like fly it around you know while i'm out there adventuring and killing people i mean let me look listen listen guys i mean their throats would have been slashed but at least they would have saw a nice kite on my wife before they died but then again throwing money around willy nilly is you know kind of irresponsible come on we have been through way too much to start trying to be responsible now okay i'm honestly not really good at this whole haggling thing i have no experience doing this okay so how about like a uh just a a modest markdown like god this is this is horrible with the controller where's mike can i can i just use my freaking keyboard with this okay thank you okay i'm gonna drop it down and let you let's get a 2500 discount is that good enough is that good yes yes neither the time nor energy to bargain with you at my age smooth man smooth man i got my speech skill up in skyrim just for this moment why don't we head to one min restaurant it would be a mighty crying shame to come all the way to leela and never tried the food wait isn't that where shangling lives hello welcome table for three where's shangley what this is her restaurant why is she never here giving the people what they want is the very reason one men restaurant exists i want xiang ling where is she i i want her to take my order not you bro okay okay okay okay i got away with that little bit of a mark down last time let's try like a a bigger one a 4 000 let's try we're going to take a third off of it man is it it's good is it going to work come on come on yeah folks yeah yeah let's go with this then any more handling and we'll ruin the other customers appetites man i should try this when i got to pay my rent child i want to hang out now i i i came here for you bro like listen can we can we talk like we can fix this we our relationship does not have to be this way so this harbor is like and it's the biggest mouth you've ever seen go on all the nations float their boats over the sea into the mouth the harbor goes and has a taste of each boat and the cargo it has on board that was very eloquent paimon you've you you've earned this head back thank you for that i feel like i've been enlightened you know i'm kind of curious as to why they don't actually call him tartaglia in the story since child is just his title as a fertility and tartagly as his actual name but honestly it's probably because child is easier for english speakers to say like what's the name like la senora like her title is like what's it called like lady or fair lady or something like that we don't walk around calling her lady like to be honest well honestly we was walking around and saying like fair lady and my lady every time we saw senora i'm pretty sure everybody would have turned into simps overnight like we heard you might as well just patch the game to give us all fedoras at that point i'll say it again toys from shinee three months prior six hundred thousand more paid in full yeah no sorry sales boy the same joke isn't funny twice i'm i don't understand honey is not picking up this innuendo bro you about to die do you not understand that but god damn man we really stopped child from killing all those people so now we have to do these time trial attacks i mean i get it man i get it like you don't want to kill people in front of children but i mean i feel like i would rather murder people than do this so this guy must be the debt collector but why didn't he just say so what's with all the toy talk and that's where you're still green see in a lot of professions like this people speak in code to protect the privacy of their business partners and clients i see i kind of understand that except for me i speak in code to avoid demonetization every new batch of recruits must be baptized by the tsuritsa's will through the words of her harbingers this has always been our rule god dang so every time somebody wants to sign up to be a symbol for the cryoarch they had to be initiated like this is some sort of like [ __ ] like i have never heard of that being a hierarchy for something i'm afraid you're still too young to sir i'm not sure if you'd understand much of it and most of it's rather boring anyhow why don't you go play with the traveler instead sound good but i really do have to go now too sir this is sad i'll see you around all right child come on man you we can't break the kid's heart like that man i mean even i'm not even i'm not this mean you shall sweep through this land like the icy winds of the furthest north as strong as the [ __ ] frost of zeppeliani palace you will chill the very marrow in our enemies bones this is very appropriate for a child to hear for the trials that we face are harsh and our enemies are like and like kites and rattle drums who shall become redoubtable foes of mr cyclops in the marketplaces of liv god dang child just just give it up man just give it up a refusal shall be considered a betrayal and the price for betrayal is to be dishonorably discharged from um uh from the leo institute of toy research god you have lost all credibility man like your whole thunder with the whole medicine act is just gone bro wait a minute wait a minute i just got oh jesus christ okay i actually have to kill them all with child you see this is not a good thing this is not a good thing when your world level is this high and they're all 10 levels higher than you like listen man like oh wait actually you know what never mind this doesn't actually matter that much at all except except for this stupid freaking electro dude with his electro [ __ ] wasn't i just complaining about the electro shield last video no i actually have to fight one god hydro is so bad against us i'm actually about to die child don't die bro don't die bro don't die to the cry i'll do it please oh you know what this is this should not be happening this is this this should really not be happening i don't know what's going on with me right now you know i will say though this being this much higher level than me i actually kind of somewhat enjoy this because like it kind of gives me a little bit of a challenge i mean a little bit i mean let's just be honest i still delete them for the most part but it's like they don't get like obliterated you know what i'm saying like i got to make me work for it just a little bit there i was thinking that the traveler had taken you to play at wong chu in hey man don't hate on me you're the one lying to your brother this is your fault don't don't put this on me man i just spent all day with your brother when you've been out being cool doing all this issac business nah man you gonna take responsibility for this i want to be cool like you now two sir fighting isn't about looking cool you can only continue to get stronger if you know the reason why you're fighting i can teach you but think carefully first why do you want to fight i do we are having an anime one more right now he's gotta question himself i i wanna protect sister tonya dude just just just start the enemy over them i just british bring the shonen logo in the back right there this is a perfect shot just go on ahead and do it man ah yes the institute of toy research is not far at all from ling ju pass now traveler you're not the sort of person who would disappoint a kid now are you the emotional manipulation is real man i deserve this i deserve to shoot this man in the back of the head donna i i feel like i've earned this you know what man i need to ascend my child so that i can actually kill these people detore is another one of the fatoui harbingers he loves tinkering with old things it's a personal passion of his so he converted these ruins into a ruined guard research lab hope he doesn't mind that i have to blow them up every day to get materials wait is this a domain this is a domain challenge are you serious you know this place i'm guessing is like the water temple of this area and oh you know this is kind of just like it's not as difficult but it brings me back like those horror like horror flashbacks in my childhood having to do with the water temples and zelda games like i don't know what the reason is but the water temple in every zelda game sucks like i am fairly certain that every single one i had i just looked it up how to get through it because it i i know it was going to take way too long to do all those dungeons man oh great another damn spider like why do the spiders in this game have such gigantic eyes like it's just so i don't he's not dead are you serious i'm a fertility harbinger and i can't one shot a spider come on cocky you can do this you just gotta jump to the other side of time to get this box okay come on you can do it there we go there we go okay we're getting the puzzles now it's okay okay we're not quite in zelda territory yet we're making progress jesus christ i'll just i just killed myself didn't i oh am i dead yep i am screwed as hell god dang it man i was i got i tried i tried my best i was deceived by the allure treasure what happens if i touch this anyway wait are you serious you can't actually even walk through it it just does like 3 000 damage that is actually kind of painful i only have one more fish that kachin made me am i going to use this on child no no i can't do it i can't do it man that fish is sacred to me oh my god i'm time attacked to kill this thing for 60 seconds i actually don't even know if i have enough time to do this like actually you know what this [ __ ] this should be okay it should be okay he's dying fairly quickly wait hold on a minute there's more spawning dude dude i can't do dude there's no way i'm going to win this there's only 20 seconds left dude i'm going to lose oh thank god okay thank god there's no way to fail actually give me another 10 seconds to sir still hiding you're going to kill all these things at 10 seconds are you serious that's it okay okay you know what actually he's actually going to kill these things in 10 seconds what the hell does this do you know this is this actually looks a lot cooler but he's not trying to kill me with it like i said i can never pass on an opportunity to test my limits and that's why i tartaglia i'm always getting stronger oh child like it's like god dang it guys like i went into the story kind of expecting to kind of kick some dirt on him but now it's like it's like it's like i just look like you're my brother man like i'm sorry anyway childhood dreams are all too easily shattered even if you just leave them be you will fall to pieces all by themselves so someone has to protect them right if you make a promise you keep it if you make a mistake you apologize don't make me cry man don't do this to me if you give someone a dream you defend it to the end that is what family is all about isn't it i need to take some notes oh cyclops action figure oh that's so cute hold on i want to look at that wait can i see it can i look at it where is it i want to look at it oh my god it's so dude i want one of those that is cute as hell it even has my name on it it's my very own mr cyclops guys guys i who's cutting onions in the kage mansion dude who is cutting onions in here this is not this is not what i was expecting tonight hey nadia i see vlad ain't here again thank you you see it's always a better time going to the bank when you're here nadia i really appreciate you ah yes i almost forgot remuneration for your service that word again i really couldn't have done without this time don't start using that big word on me man we had a good day up to this point don't start hurting me now i'd also like to invite you over to my home dang really i'll introduce you to my other siblings tonya and anthon they're great kids i'm very proud of them both wait so we're actually friends with child now this is actually kind of crazy farewell my friends till we meet again in shnaya wow dang dude this quest is amazing i can't believe that we're actually like legitimately friends with child after all this like like that like in the story mission we were like trying to kill each other and now we're all friends and he's inviting me over to see his family like this is amazing you know what i came out here to do the outro but vlad no no you just get you're getting in the way man i need you to bequeath yourself for my presence all right my ninjas that is going to be the end of today's episode of jay's ninja adventures i hope you enjoyed this video as much as i enjoyed making it for your ass man i gotta say guys i am honestly blown away by how good this quest actually was i wasn't expecting this like i was expecting to be a little bit more like serious like so much sparring actually knew all that but no this was this was actually incredibly wholesome like child is actually like i i really like his character now like i've been sort of reading more on like his lore from getting the companion xp up and like like i knew some of this stuff but it it really didn't hit me until actually got to experience some of it so i'm really happy for that but anyway guys if you would like to support the channel you can hit the like button you can comment below and you can hit the subscribe button if you would like to become one of my ninjas but that is all i've got for this time fellas i will see you in the next video nina you
Channel: Jeikage
Views: 265,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeikage, genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, genshin imact funny moments, genshin, impact, genshin impact funny moments 2020, genshin impact gameplay 2020, genshin impact childe story, genshin impact childe gameplay, genshin imapct childe, childe, genshin impact tartaglia, genshin impact tartaglia gameplay, tartaglia, monoceros caeli chapter, monoceros caeli, monoceros caeli chapter act i
Id: KqII_lzKogU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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