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Randy you have invited us into your home on literally the busiest week of the year for your family so an extra special thank you yeah thank you for being here yeah this is so fun to actually get to be in your home I see Patrick's picture and of course Mia and Jackson's as well I see jerseys on the wall from college and high school we have to mention we have a seamstress in here getting you ready for the Super Bowl we do and I am like still in all because I'm not used to someone getting me ready except for myself and so I'm super excited let's talk about the Glam part of what you're about to do so you've got um a dress for um a red carpet for the is it the honors SK what NFL honors actually it's a suit it's a fun H suit and so uh I'm super excited to go um I think this is my third or fourth time to go and it was a dream when Patrick was growing up and I would say our family me and the boys before M I got here would watch um like award show yeah yeah and we kind of had head head signals we'd pick who was going to win and so I would always joke like when y'all get to go like I'm going to go with you like I'm going to be your plus one and I encouraged I was like one day we're going to be there and it was just something that I would say and I really dreamed it and spoke it into existence obviously and we got to I got to go and it it it was really a dream come true just to to be there and not even my son being nominated at the time um but just being there and you know being from a small town and and and being able to to see that yeah oh I'm sure I'm sure so before this whole world that you now live in where the whole family eats sleeps lives and breathes football the whole thing were you I know you were married formerly to someone who was in the MLB so You' experienced a little bit of pro lifee but were you a football fan in general um not really um I always say Patrick um to him that football was not in our four-year plan uh and I think it was my fouryear plan but um when he got into like middle school and then in high school I'm like okay your fouryear plan is we're going to go to college somewhere close to the beach oh and he would even if you asked him he would say somewhere close to Beach and we ended up in Leck Texas there was no beach no anything and then but he was going for baseball and football and I said um you know we got another four-year plan of college and we're going to go somewhere close to the beach and now we're in Kansas City and I'm like wait hold on um so just send me to the beach just send me to the beach that's just the goal now uh but that was kind of our our plan U but football wasn't ever in it um he started football uh probably fourth or fifth grade little peeee football Le and that I say that's the one thing he the only thing he he quit with football um he started it and it was a lot it was 3 days a week um I had just um went through a divorce and I didn't have time for it because between working you know and then um having two boys and trying to get one to football three days a week it was too much yeah and so he didn't like it they wouldn't give him the position he wanted and um I was like you're gonna have to quit and I think he did something and I was like you're going to quit he's like fine and I was like wait a minute like he didn't quit anything ever and I would never allow him to quit but he didn't like it and so we just kind of hung it up and kept with the other sports and then so it was baseball and what was it basketball okay baseball mainly baseball but basketball he um he excelled in it and did wonderful in it so basketball is my favorite okay yeah it's my favorite to watch I just think it's so fastpaced and the games aren't as long and yeah I love I love some pro basketball so tell me about Patrick as a young child okay so at what point did you see what I would call grit determination perseverance in him maybe that seemed unusual for a child of his age um well being that you know I'm the the youngest in a really large family yeah she just told me she has 53 first cousins that's crazy yes and so I am my mom was the youngest of 11 and then I'm the youngest of four um but you know our big family so I like I grew up with Patrick uh I started early and um and and I kind of grew up you know learning everything as he as he did as a mom like I wasn't I didn't have little sisters to take care of or you know everyone was older than me and so um I kind of I learned with him and um his dad playing professional baseball everything to him was a ball to Patrick was a ball and and and so that was the only kid I had been around and so like I just it was normal and you know looking back now I remember you know his dad play on these teams and some of the really big name players it I was like they would say how do you get your son to do this and I'm like do what and they're like go to the field I mean like when he was five and six years old he was catching you know outfi like catching from major league baseball players b practice in the Outfield yeah but I was like that's I can't make him stop like I cannot make him stop for anything and um whether it was Easter and he's like throwing me the Easter egg and he's like catch and I'm like no you put them in your basket and you keep going like everything was a ball so and so when when when like these really big players would say I can't get my son to do any of this and I said um okay maybe he is really good I look back now and I've even talked to Pat when his sister was like six and seven years old and I'm like can you believe I let you catch MLB like when you were like he would look at her and compare it and he was like Mom and I'm like but you didn't and you were out there and that was just what you did and and you focus 247 on throwing the ball whether it was against my TV screen at the time or I mean literally or just up in the air hitting the ceiling like it was always catch yeah for everything I don't I don't know if this was a quote from you or what but I loved it it talked about that even in Little League Baseball Patrick was on the sideline given these motivational speeches at the end of the game which we always see him you know like pumping everybody up been one and he's a team player I mean it's not ever been just him um you know I used to get upset um because I worked nights and weekends and he would go with other families to his tournaments and stuff and come home and I'm like did y'all win I'm like where's the the trophy or the medal you know I'm trying to like interact after I'm home and he's home and half the time he would leave them not even bring it home or he would throw them in his bat bag and it would be broken and so I would say I would really kind of hurt my feelings but I'm like he's a kid well he did it in the NFL and like one day I happened to be home when he came in and I was like what is that or I was at his house yeah I was like what is that and he said oh it's just the game ball and I'm thinking oh he brought home the game ball cool yeah then I look at it and I'm like he had won the game ball like it's something they actually do but I mean this was like two years into football and I didn't know that he had like so many of them that I just never saw so he's never been it's always been the team and he's always like from the the the person that wasn't really playing he's always motivating them uh or helping them or telling them to catch because Mom wasn't there to catch but he's always been motivation uh for his team and encouraging do you think that part of his personality translate to even translates to even now for example being named MVP of the Super Bowl and those kind of things like it's great but the team won it is it is and so whenever he he does stuff it I've have to remind myself like he never looks at it as an individual thing and that he went and did it and that he you know ran the ball when I told him not to or you know whatever like he is like there to win and um you know it's you know I've heard all different things but I'm like he is there to find the open person to throw it to it doesn't matter if it's you know a linean like he he wants to like get it in the end zone so how frustrating was it for you because you know everybody talks about how he was so under recruited in high school you know that people were overlooking him that shouldn't have been and boy I bet they regret it now right but how difficult was that for you as a mom seeing what you saw and knowing how good he was and what his potential was um but there weren't a lot of teams coming after him like people might have expected oh absolutely um I know for me because it was not football like his junior year before he started uh football his junior year he was ready to quit he came to me wanting to quit and he said you know I just I'm not into it he wasn't getting the quarterback position that he had wanted and um CU at the time he still playing three sports right yeah okay so even junior year high school he was going to give up football came to me cuz he started in Middle School always had to split it you know the time at quarterback because he saw no other position on the field that was it and I wanted him to be a receiver because you actually run it into the end zone the reason I wanted it and so he um came to me and said he wanted to quit I mean right here in this living room wow and I said um I don't see you being bored like sitting in the student section like and he's like if I quit like five of my teammates are going to quit and we'll just do basketball and you know sometimes I'm like maybe I should have let him do basketball like because there's been so much change and so much yeah it's been wonderful it's a blessing beyond anything I could have ever imagined but still it's like a whole new life I'm learning day by day and my other kids are learning and even he is learning I mean it's like a whole new life on the level that it is and um it's it's it's tough you know it's not you know we can't just say hey let's meet up at Olive Garden and let's go eat um we don't get to do that at all and and so you know the normaly of what we were you know seven years ago isn't the same and so um but I mean going and him getting recruited and you know I wanted him of course to go to a big school because I knew he was capable of doing that and and he got you know letters letters letters and we visited schools and then Texas Tech and then I'm like you know being from from Texas East Texas Texas Tech was so far out there I just never thought of it yeah that was not on your short that was never and I mean literally he goes down there visits and he comes back and he goes that's it and I'm like no and he's he was like I'm not making a decision until you're there um and so I took off and and went down there with him and I knew his heart and soul was there and I literally told the coaches when they were trying to you know entertain us the parents I said they're like what do you think and I said I don't think the school's good enough I was like my son is good like he is so good and I just no offense and they're like well who do you think is better in Texas and so I named teams a lot of teams and they were like ow and I said well I just know like he like if he's going to do football which I just don't see it he needs to go to the best and and you know God put you in places that you you know are unexpected and and we laugh about it with the coaches now cuz they were like your mom was like n and I was like but I just knew that he whatever sport he decided to to stick with he was going to be like awesome he's going to like Excel and um football was one that when football season was over he never like I don't we really didn't have footballs here I mean we we have every ball on the planet and we have footballs now but we didn't have footballs that you know he practiced with at home or anything um and so it was like just not even on the radar yeah it almost sounds like it was secondary to I don't even know if it was third you know it was like baseball season would be over and then he was like oh I got to start two days in high school so let me like we didn't own a football like you go the football's there so when you found yourself at the NFL draft I mean were you just like how did we get here I mean because it wasn't you know because you you know I've talked to moms on the other side of it like oh football was our life that's all we did and and then they end up there but that wasn't the case in your family it wasn't and um it was I mean even to this day it's like it's all still so surreal and I know it's our life and I know it's you know like I said I'm learning daily but um at the draft you know we didn't know what to expect um we knew like agents wanted to be his agent you know but I'm like okay I mean he we saw him going like further down in the draft than where he went and we did it here in in Tyler um he didn't want to um to go so he wasn't even in New York for the draft it was in Philadelphia okay um but I did like we did go up there and it was probably my last as a mom my last one-on-one trip with him that I'll probably forever take and I was begging him to stay I was like one day you can show your son that you were at the draft and he was like no I want to be at home and we weren't here that lowkey he wanted and I was like but and I mean I think his thing was like if I don't go in the first round how embarrassing is that going to be if you're still there and he really expecting to and so we did get to and it was just him and I that went so I that's something I'll always have because it was him and I and he was like sorry we're in the same room and I'm like I'm loving this as a mom I'm like no you're in that bad we could like you know he's my baby and they only have a king we can snuggle yeah and then he would say he was having to sign all this stuff cuz it was part and he was like aelle not signing his name and it was overwhelming and it was exciting and it was fun um but it was kind of like learning each step of the way and even to this day it's like we're learning each step of the way it's you know I'm sure there's a book out there I can read or something but I'm like you might be right ni girl yeah but I'm like you know it's it's crazy how you know it's all played out and it's a blessing it's you know it's been an amazing blessing in this seven years of being in the NFL of of what's changed what's the hardest part from being a mom and seeing you know what the public sees and what they've fallen in love with and we love to cheer them on you know the kind of the Glam of that of that life but yet there's got to be some parts of it you know that kind of make your mama heart ache a little bit yeah there's a lot um a lot of it has to do with um just relearning a new life you know for all these all these years of being a single mom and and it's just being me and my kids whether celebrating Christmas you know opening and Santa gifts together to now we have a football game that day or when we do open gifts there might be other people there whether they're filming or doing something so it's not like I just I want to be selfish and just have them to myself um have my grandkids to myself have um you know hang out with Britney and Patrick or Jackson and Mia or grandparents or whatever I just I want it to to be us without like the other people um or just um just have a normal like what I consider normal like time and it's it's it's super hard and it's um it's just it's been the hardest seven years of my life and I TR I I mean I'm super blessed and I'm super happy and I I mean keep winning we're fixing to win the Super Bowl I already know it I like I always say speak it into existence um but it's just the everything that comes with it it is a lot and um you know we're all learning MH yeah that includes the siblings too yeah yeah there there's kind of almost consequences I guess is it fair to say that come with being in the spotlight yeah it does it does I mean to the fact that you know um whether people were my weren't my friends before or not like close to me or invited me now I get invited and I'm like and it wasn't like we had any beef with each other it was just I wasn't invited and now I'm invited and I'm very happy and I'm it's great but sometimes it's like you didn't want me here before and almost an authenticity that's missing sometimes and you probably have to kind of question that more than maybe you did in your prior life I I I let people in and then I'm like okay basically you just want to get to the the top which we know what the top is and I'm like and I've been let down with that um and just you know I love when people say oh my you haven't changed a bit I'm like what did y'all expect like I mean I'm still the same person you know I you live in the same house where Patrick grew up you were in the small the same very small town right outside of Tyler Texas I mean like a lot about your daily life you still work yes right still work yeah she still work like those might be things that people might be surprised to hear they are and then it sometimes I'm like okay I still work you know like this is not F like you know uh but it it's you know it it's just the new way of life that's like I'm warming up to it and maybe I've already should be warmed but you know when my kids like it's kind of like being like your kids leave and you know thankfully I have Mia still at home oh yeah but you know they don't need me anymore um between Patrick and Jackson like MoneyWise they don't need me you know at one point they still needed me because they wanted me to buy the a nice dinner for them you know oh yeah or they wanted me to you know buy them some new shoes or you know um I think it's one of the hardest transitions as a mom is when you get to that point where the joke in our family is um you know my boys will bring a load of laundry by and I get excited about it because they they you know live crazy hectic schedules or what they need me to do it and and some of my friends think I'm crazy for that but but it's not about the laundry it's about the fact that oh your grown adult child needs mom still to help out you know with Patrick um because I mean it all happen so fast and um you know from him going from a college student to going to the Chiefs in the first round and everything that's happened after that um it's been so fast and amazing you didn't get much of a transition we didn't get it and like talking to his Agent Lee um he would say you know I told you this was going to happen but never did I think it was going to happen like overnight and so we didn't get that I mean it was kind of like boom boom boom which I mean why not you know but think you prepared no no I don't uh I I know I wasn't I mean I I knew it was going to happen I knew he had the ability but just the I mean sometimes I'm like okay we're seven years in like is this really you know for real and and you know Patrick will be like I'm one of the ones that have been on the team the longest or like an old I'm like jeez like you're making me sound old how did that happen yeah and so I think it's uh and I've seen other things on TV and stuff like when you're like an empty nester and your kids move away and like Patrick for a long time because I worked at a I work at a golf course and um he would need me you said laundry he would need me to make golf tea times for him and and I mean he had won MVP of the Super Bowl and he was like hey Mom can you see if that club can get me on and I'm thinking okay yes they can get you on and they're going to kick someone off to get you on I mean I've worked in the golf industry for so long like absolutely that's going to happen no problem yeah but I'm like absolutely I can he's like well I mean I called which he didn't say who he was or had you know and they said they were full and I really want to play there you know and I was like oh I got you and then he's like and he was always like you got me on well then now there's a guy named Brad Brad you know it um that does it for him now and I'm like but he needed me for that yeah he needed you to do it yeah and I'm like I got to call and be like hey this is Patrick's mom and it just was the one thing I still had on the table that he needed me for exctly how old was he when you became a single mom um he was like nine okay and so he was always the man of the house and and I would say you know look you you know you got to do this with your brother you know like your brother or when his little sister was born um you know he was the one that stepped up he stepped up and even to this day I mean he still feels like he is their father B you know or whatever and I'm like and he'd come home from college and be like Jackson you're too right I'm like they do it every day you know whatever and it's fun because it has moments when I'll go to his house and they're wrestling him and Jackson and then me as on top of them trying to punch them and and I'm like I just I'm like I mean I have pictures in my camera my favorite ones is me taking pictures of them wrestling around and I'm like don't get hurt don't hurt Mia you know whatever but they they still like do that and so I'm like I love that and I love their bond and their friendship and you know hearing them tell each other they love each other and I'm like I love that so I want to talk a little bit about your path as a single mom um because I think there's so many listeners that can associate with that and that just would really respect you for some of the choices that you made I mean you were working three I worked two jobs again people I think are going to think oh well she was married to an MLB baseball player they probably Liv this she's always lived this privileged life you know the kids grew up in the major you know but it really wasn't like that um it wasn't I joke with Patrick sometime like do you really remember that like do you really remember like because I mean he was about seven I guess when we really started not going and being at home and I'm like I look and I'm like what do I remember when I was seven you know and things like that but he does remember some of it um but being a single mom um you know he was a very responsible kid very had to grown up for his age um maybe not cleaning up for his age but very mature very independent um and so he um you know went through all of that with me whether it was moving him from a private school that I no longer could afford to moving him to a public school and um and just the different things I had to do um and sometimes I tell myself because I did work I'd work all day and come home for about an hour and get the boy situated and then I'd go back until midnight or one or two or three like I would go back to work um because I wanted them to have every thing that they weren't going to have anymore like they were accustomed um to a life and then they weren't and then of course I wanted them to have what I didn't have what does every mom want like you want your kids to have more and you know the one thing I do say that I wished I wouldn't have done as worked as much as I did well and you missed a lot you weren't necessarily the mom that got to be in the bleachers for every game or you know the stadium or whatever it was I wasn't able to be at any weekend stuff because my schedule was the weekend if I had it to go back again then I would have maybe lived with less I would have lived with less um but I made sure like I had to make sure like all of Patrick's tournaments I could pay for him to get in them um a lot of times he wouldn't have the equipment that the other kids had but I would say Luke over there has that bat just use his Bat y'all not going to use them at the same time and so I really think that's a smart decision yeah that actually makes sense yes mean we weren't at home hitting the baseball or anything you know so I'm like you're at practice doing that so um but then again like a lot of Patrick's friends had like really cool nice first cars uhhuh and to this day my biggest thing I can say is he did not and I'm so glad okay because he's got really nice cars now and so I'm like at least he had that Honda back in the day what was his first car he had a Honda Accord did you help him get it I bought it bought I bought it um it probably wasn't brand new right oh no oh no like it didn't last a year and but I love that he had that car and and even Britney's like that Honda and I was like oh yeah but and and so but I'm so glad that he had that experience because it's he hasn't you know that was something that kind of kept him a little grounded I think was that one of the first big things he splurged on when he could was it a nice car uh no he did not buy car for the first few years really because he's like he's like his mom he saw me struggle and save and he said I mean why would I buy a car if they're going to give me one to drive oh I forget about that part he's like why would I go buy one and so his first big Splurge was after they won like a couple of years in when they won the Super Bowl he bought a car after he after the Super Bowl he bought like a car okay what was it do you remember a Rolls-Royce oh he did buy a car just go but I mean like he could have afforded it you know when he first signed but he waited like a couple years he waited and really spared it's so refreshing for people who are watching some people are listening or watching but like to be in your home that is so homey and you know it's nothing that is you know glamorous of what people associate now but I have a feeling that he really appreciates everything he has well up until this last year I mean Patrick's home like sometimes I've been kind of like I know people are expecting me to have this like hu you know but I'm like you know this is my my neighbors are like they're like family to me I've lived here for so long I have the same neighbors and I love them they watch my house they bring my mail in they you know and I'm not saying another neighborhood wouldn't yeah um but I love them so much and um even for Patrick like I mean he lived in an apartment in Kansas City then he had a condo then he had a house and like his house was I mean now he has a he built a house and it's I mean but when you can't really leave to go anywhere um without people being around or you having to rent out the whole place just so you can play with your daughter somewhere um I get it like if that's what he wants to splurt like I get it because that's where he can just be himself and and like have people over that makes a lot of sense it's an interesting side of looking at you know because somewhat I mean you guys can't go to Garden I thought that was a great example what about you in this small town do you is it hard for you to get through the grocery store and people not want to talk about the game on Sunday yes yes um I am an extreme Postmates door Dash Uber Eats um and WalMart delivery um just because it gets to be overwhelming um whether it's you know getting calls at work or getting emails at work or calls at home um I used to love to sit in my front yard and and sit outside it was like I called it my she shed and my garage and I can't do it anymore without strangers stopping and it's kind of scary sometimes so um I get where he's coming from like you just want to be normal and you know sit outside and talk to my neighbors not like a strange person pulling up and want to say hello are there people who will just drive by your home because it's Patrick Mahomes childhood home there is from the couch to your tailgate party Stella Ros and wines is perfect for every occasion and best enjoyed with friends speaking of occasion make sure to stock up before your party try the Stella Rosa black red and Moscato diasty 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barefaced docomo learn more this episode is brought to you by better help the fresh start of a new year always motivates me to think about ways to improve from being more organized eating healthier or working on tough relationships I'm such a firm believer that everyone needs someone unbiased to talk to about whatever weighs on you and for us moms that tends to be a lot like me you are probably guilty of worrying about everyone else's emotional health and tend to neglect your own but here's what I've learned as a mom if we work on being the best version of ourselves we're in a much better place to care for those around us that's where better help comes in it is therapy that is entirely online it is convenient flexible and can be done at home in your comfy clothes just go online fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and here's your motivation to get started visit mymom toay to get 10% off of your first month that is betterhelp slm myama so if you guys follow our Instagram or watch these episodes on YouTube you have met Tucker our golden retriever who greets the podcast guests whenever they come over unfortunately my little wild man loves to run through the woods on our property and naturally he gets a little dirty which means he doesn't smell great fortunately I can sprinkle coat defenses daily preventative powder on Tucker It's like a dry shampoo that almost acts like a repellent for dirt since we started using this Tucker stays so much cleaner he hardly ever scratches anymore and we don't have to bathe him as often which is good news for us and even better news for Tucker we do love this product and you can try it on your dog or your cat even your horse by visiting coat be sure to use the code Mama 15 for 15% off during the playoff times fans get really excited and we've had some mean fans and nice fans um some that have made death threats and different things that have gotten like really extreme and scary wow um yeah and so I mean when strange men would stop and pull up do they take pictures of your house well you could see them drive slow or take pictures or you they would stop and get out like I said my neighbors are wonderful they watch out for me they they watch my house constantly I think they're all retired so they just like are always at home so that's so nice yeah and a little stability you know of being here and you know still raising Mia's 12 13 she's 12 uh almost 13 and so you know just them keeping their eye out on me yeah and she's gotten some athletic jeans hasn't she she does she does she's trying out for tennis right now and tennis was not our family thing yeah all he either was football though right either was never know I didn't think about that but you know going to watch a tennis match and I'm like I can't yell okay what do I do like do I need does she do I need to sit here like I'm not you're going to have whole new rules toar and I'm like want to go yes and I'm like can't yell out here you know what is all of this like for her just trying to be a normal 12-year-old girl who happened to be in the suite with Taylor Swift I mean like it's got to be some the crazy thing is is you know her meeting Taylor Swift is like she's like okay Taylor Swift now when Jason Kelsey the other day walked by and I was like there's Jason Kelsey she's like oh yes so she I cannot force her to take a picture well she did take a picture with Taylor Swift only because Taylor said Mia let's take a picture yeah but Mom Mia was like really I'm like Jason Kelsey she's like yes and about it we go to the Pro Bowl a couple years ago and she was on the field I mean getting all I mean she is a sports fanatic and she loves it and so uh but I do catch her listening to Taylor Swift sometimes now I'm like okay I see you you know like I look at Patrick now and one of my proudest things of him um everyone thinks it should be football it's not shocker um the second prodest thing is him being a father and seeing him for one he's a helicopter dad and I'm a helicopter mom and all my friends are like Let It Go and I'm like and then I'll hear Britney say yeah Patrick freaks out thinks he's going to hit his head or thinks bronze or and I'm like oh he's a helicopter dad like me or he'll just be like I mean he's the the way he parents is like me got it from I do love that so he did get that from his mama he got it from his mama right over here I love that about him uh the being a helicopter parent is number one H well actually no like him his faith is number one like um when he had went to church camp um he came back and was he had gotten saved and baptized and and that's beyond my number one proudest moment of him um that day when they were at church and and got the youth took over church and you know they got yeah and so you know ignited that fion it was um that's special how would you say you as a mom instilled faith in your kids um the way I looked at it as when they grew up um I grew up my parents didn't go to church on a regular but my neighbors did so I'd go with my neighbors um Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday anytime like I was always with them um going and of course my mom probably loved it you know I would always go and so when my kids uh when I had Patrick like we'd go like I'm like and the way I looked at it is if I can't teach them then they can hear some at church that he I mean it might be one little thing that the Pastor said or you know he read or was taught in Sunday school that hate would stick with him it was something I thought like as a mom as a single mom you know I would just pray like God if I'm not directing him the right way like let him get it at church and then the same for Jackson like let them get it there when it comes to I mean football's a brutal sport are you a worrier like how do you deal with thankfully my hair is colored today cuz I get gray hair I'm like Patrick you're going to make be great lots of prayers of protection though right I do um I literally pray on my knees and but I'm not just praying for him I'm praying for every player I'm praying for every mom and every dad that's you know going through that grandparents like I'm praying like let's just keep everyone safe um because it's scary God's plan is bigger than than our plan and so I can't I try not to worry um but I do I do still worry and I mean well remember that one game um significant knee injury right was that yeah ear on and then I mean I think it by all accounts it looked like an awful injury but isn't there a story about him calling you the crazy story is I was sitting right here on the couch right here and I had a friend here and we had a family moment before this game not right before the game but just just a moment that I was upset and me and Patrick were you know being mom and son you know we're we're still normal yeah and I said I'm not watching the game because I was really hurt about what was going on and I was like I can't even watch and I knew the game had started just because I know the time you know and I look at my phone and I'm like like I I saw it was like blowing up but I had on silent I was like then I look and it lights up and it's Patrick and I'm like kind of caught off guard like you knew you should be mid game yeah yeah and so I answered it I'm like what's going on he goes I'm fine and I go what do you mean he goes I'm fine like money is fine like you know what and I was like I'm not watching the game and he goes on to tell me that nothing was broke I mean like literally I did turn on the game at that point and they're showing the replay the replay and the replay which is torture for a parent and I um crying should have watched the game you know I'm blaming myself like I'm out there like you know I told him not to run the ball you know just different things I'm like all in my head and then I'm like okay I'm double jointed he has some of the double jointed like he's gonna be fine because my legs are very it was his knee like I think his need something I'm like they're gonna pop it back he'll be fine yeah but and he really was like I mean he did Rehab on it but they I mean like I'm very like and I'm like he gets that from me okay got another one look he gets it from me but you know and what's crazy is the two games that I refuse to watch which I don't do that anymore you'll never not not watch a game the two games that I haven't watched he's gotten hurt on both really mhm wow you mentioned her mom a minute ago I know you lost her this year right this earlier this past year um is it hard right now when so much is going on she did get to experience the Super Bowl which is wonderful is it is it a Bittersweet um it is unimaginably hert her her daily um there were so many days that I'm like I got to bring my mom it's so much work you know because it is fast and furious and I don't want to sound like a bad daughter but I was like okay I got to get this this and this I totally and it was it was just a lot because she wasn't getting around as good but she was perfectly still working wanted to be at everything she wanted to be at everything and I'm like Mom I can't take you to everything I'm trying I just can't and um and so I mean and she was their number one fan all of all of her grandkids number one fan yeah and the loudest fan if you met my mom you would think nothing comes out of her mouth she looks like a quiet little sweet lady but she was the loudest lady like Patrick's like yeah I heard her on the field like I like she might wait till it got a little quiet and then she would she had this piercing loud Patrick you know and it was like so loud and like it it's very it's been really hard I mean I would give a mind M as Jackson would have I would be like Mom go take your sisters like you know sweet and it's it's it's hard yeah I'm sure I want to talk a little bit about Jackson okay first of all we're going to start with the positive that boy has a 1.1 million or more Tik Tok followers his whole social media presence is that basically what he's doing for a living now is content creator no it's not actually he works at a a a credit union he he has a N9 to five he has a n to five um February the 1 marked one year okay because I do like to brag he is my only graduate from college oh how about that I mean he is one up on Patrick like watch out H but he graduated from college and I've always said Patrick was my athlete and Jackson could be he's going to go to the top of whatever whatever he decides to do like yeah he played basketball I mean he played basketball he could have went to college in basketball but he wanted to just go to college and get a degree and you know start doing his thing so um we put this pasture behind us we there was some fake allegations against him that finally came out which was a lot besides my mom passing this all going on at all this at the same time and um we were blessed that you know it all got dropped because of the situation was that had to be a tough valy to walk through as a mom especially if you know or feel that someone's that you love has fly accused of something as well and then how did you keep him encouraged how did you stay encouraged through that um lots of prayer lots of U Bible study with um U my Bible study group um just prayers from every direction um because you find out who your friends are you find out really who people are um through when you go through those trials yeah and even for my children uh all of them you know it brought us all closer together it it I mean and that was one thing you know um we might have moments we're still a normal family but it brought us together um to support and to love and to and to stay away from a lot of just media and and and and hate and and reading some of the stuff because whenever as a mother as I watch a TV station that loves one child and then absolutely hates the together I mean it don't only affect me it affects both of my children it affects my daughter and it and I mean we've gotten to where we turn off the TV like uh when people say oh I googled this and I'm like haha like please don't don't because 90% of it is not true and and sadly I used to think Google was like the dictionary or the encyclopedia and I'm like I can't even trust it anym you learn the hard way yeah so I mean I've gotten to where I don't watch the news I don't watch uh I don't read comments and um a few years ago I was you know learning this new process and I reached out to um chrisner who um she probably don't even remember but I reached out to her because I wanted someone that my kids could relate to uhhuh that would see her as like a mom or successful children and you know I talked to her she shared a lot of great knowledge and a great information for me and the one thing the first thing she shared and the one thing I didn't listen to forgive me I shouldn't have done this but she first thing she said is you need a lot of good attorneys and I was like Randy from Troop you know I didn't say it to her I'm like from Troop Texas like a thousand like what do we need attorney I multiple attorneys I like you need a lot of go and I'm like okay I'm just going to skip over that part and listen to the rest cuz I was just trying to find my way and I know she was on a huge bigger scale than me but I was like who would my kids relate to that when I talk to them they would relate and understand and look up to it you know because and she would get the fame and the spotlight and they would yeah and so when she said that and but I look back now and I'm like absolutely like wow like you know that might be like if I share with a a mom that's coming up through through this that would be what I share and I have shared that um whether I just say you know it sounds crazy but you need like attorneys that you can have on your side because um it's made me nervous to the point of taking a picture with you or someone I'm like and I think I read this about Johnny Depp like he keeps his hands in his pocket because you don't know like what is going to the media or someone taking the picture get us a weird shot or whatever I mean it's just made me think of it and I'm like me like I mean I'm not gonna like sorry if my hand hit you know but I I think about things like that yeah that you wouldn't have seven years ago yeah and it's something that it's a learning curve and you know as a parent I mean I would rather what happened with my middle child happened to me you know instead of the one that would give you the shoes off his feet and be like here like the one that's my rock like I Patrick is you know he's a father and a husband and a football player and you know people look up to him in every aspect and if you saw into my family like Jackson are rock wow even for Patrick like he's our Rock he's our one that God put him in our lives to keep us together so when you first saw his Tik Tock pres start picking up how did you handle that hat did you roll your eyes at some of the videos I didn't know Tik Tok well I am on it now but I would not and I would be like Patrick get your brother off this Tik Tok what is Tik Tok I don't know what it is get them off you know because I'm like I'm trying to figure out Instagram and I still have Facebook and everything else and I'm like and so literally then I'm like wait a minute like I can get on here and they would pay me like to do some like I mean I love to tell my kids I was best dancer in high school that was got okay I didn't get president of my class or favorite or anything but I was best dancer so that answers our question of what Jackson got from his mama yes and so uh I was like wait a minute put me out there and so it's been fun like uh I'm still I don't really get it but I I'm like holy moly let's do it but she did hate it in the beginning I hated it just because I think I hated the hate that he got oh okay and so I would read the hate or people and a lot of times I'm not reading it people send it to me like whether it's one of my good friends I'm like I don't want to see this even if you try to avoid it it's hard because yeah yeah you know one of the topics you're passionate about is mental health and you worried about it for your family for your kids what they were being exposed to share a little bit more with me about kind of the depths of of getting in the weeds with that well that is something that you know I really don't think I really thought about it up until the last seven years yeah and the last few years I mean not only does it uh it affect us it affects all of us so tremendously um me reading the comments not just to me um to my children whether it's someone that doesn't like the Chiefs there's people that have set like people news stations different things I don't like them guess what I block and delete and I don't never see it so if you don't like one of my children if you don't like something block it like I mean just for have you changed your patterns and how you and what you see and what you expose yourself to yes yes I have done that but I worry about my children not doing that um you know I I do do that but at the same time it's like it's beyond anything that I would have ever thought the hate the the comment the look looks the I mean even when I'm with my children out in public or if I'm with Jackson doing something like really you know the other day I'm walking into a stadium um and this wasn't about Jackson it was actually about Patrick and I know the fans I'm walking into an opposite stadium with my daughter no one there knew who I was I was very like lowkey just walking in and I had this man in front of me that was probably in his 70s probably they're the fan of the other team and I'm like go y'all can yell against our team all you want but then he like looks at me and he shows doesn't know who I am he's like look at this look at because he saw I was wearing red and they're not a red team and he was like look at this and it was something very graphic and ugly about Patrick and I know it was just like them like hopping up but I was like well my daughter that's 12 saw it but I just said said I bet your mom would be really proud of you right now good for you and I said because as a mom that's not okay and I didn't tell them who I was I I just kept walking through and then the people that were with me were like oh my gosh all of his friends started telling them who you were because they noticed and I just kept walking but I'm like I'm with my 12-year-old daughter yeah like that's a shame that's not okay and then also on the good side of it where I was saying the other day like you know people pick on Travis dating Taylor and you know why is she at the game and I hear all this and I'm like you know what how many families not only like dads are watching the game with their little girl now because she wants to see Taylor up there and I love seeing at the game where you know I'll be there and I'll see little girls with all their little bracelets on and they're just hoping or they'll be like if you see her will you give her this and I'm like I don't know if I will but you know I don't want to tell them no you got to give us a little bit of scoop about Taylor being in the suite and how it changed the environment and the cameras on you and all of that are is it just crazy that people are so fascinated with it it is I mean I am like okay I thought like Patrick being my child um it was a lot it was a lot and now I'm like whoa whoa like I can only imagine her parents uh but I will say she's the most gracious sweet like girl like very personable like I was shocked she was so tall like I was I was like wow you're so tall I was like did I just say that like I've already sounded crazy and it's made me like think about things but um no I mean she's like fun having a good time and I love to see that um but at the same time I'm like Hey we're superstitious in here I need you to go sit back down like you know like We've joked and stuff and so she don't she takes a picture with everybody like if she's going to the bathroom and she's walking away like she's going to stop for all the little girls all the kids and I'm like you go girl like and so for her to I feel like and she may not feel it go out of her way but she makes a point and I'm like okay you're really got a fan now just because you love my daughter who's very shy and very quiet and very you know doesn't like attention or anything she's like really made sure that she felt good she makes me feel good I'm like but it does make me think like I know the first time we sat with her I was like okay I'm going to sit here and I know that I've never I think I've been on the TV once at the game because I'm usually on the floor with the grandkids or pacing because I stress and so I sit down a little bit and I get up and then I was like okay I know people are likeing I'm just going to try to smile that is impossible I'm like and I'm like okay I I'm done done I got to see me scratching my head or whatever ever because I can't do it I don't have it in me and I'm watching the game and I'm like covering my face and all that I'm like I no I don't I don't have that I'm just like do that yeah you know we're talking about family and mental health and all of the things and it's so obvious that those are really important things to you and you really are kind of taking a step forward and incorporating kind of these three key things of what you and your family stand for tell me more about that um well it's something that I've prayed about for a long time um I like to kind of keep out of the spotlight but at the same time I know that I can touch people that need it um and so with faith being my number one uh of course my family and mental health uh it's something that I'm going to start speaking on and sharing with and um you know partnering with some people to to expand it to see you know what God has planned for me and um you know I know the biggest thing is one day I want to give my full testimony and um God put it on my heart years ago and I just think it's a time for me to like share and and and for for people to to have the the truth and and and and if it could help one person or if it could help more than one person uh I just really want to be able to do that and so it's I'm taking a leap of faith into this and I'm really um put it in God's hands but at the same time I'm going to give my all to that yeah well I just really believe that when you're given an unexpected platform which you have been as a mom that you know there's a purpose in that absolutely um so cheers to you I think that's awesome thank you so um got to wrap up with this okay the red underwear that doesn't get washed are you horrified as a mama that did not come from he did not get that from his mom uh let me go and put this on record he did not get it from me at all I had to ask he doesn't okay I did ask Britney because I was like Britney look I when he did head and shoulders and I saw something he's like I've used that I'm like okay people in my generation think Head and Shoulders is like dandr and so I'm like Patrick you cannot say that because it makes me sound like you grew up with it and like we didn't like you know and so I've joked with that yeah and so I'm like now you're out there telling people you don't wash your I'm like no no Britney he did not get that from me and she's like it's not that he wears them in the game it's wears them from point A like leaves the house gets to the game okay I don't think he actually wears them in the game okay but you were horrified for just a minute I was like at work I go on my co-workers office and I was like okay I can't handle this I can't handle it and they're like what did Patrick do he didn't tell you and I was like cuz like if I'm like if something big happens like let me know before I start getting calls yeah don't let me read it online right yeah like I didn't know you were going to be part owner of the Royals like people start asking me and I'm like what and I don't know but it's not something like someone thinks to tell their mom I guess I kind of think you should but I've been that I've been that age before where I was like not going to tell my mom and so with the underwear I'm like definitely get that from the other side of the family and not mine because let me tell you that's not me I'm like I would be like nope and I've even said like he don't get that from me don't get it from his mom then hey if it means a Super Bowl win on Sunday I say we the dirty under the dirty underwear like do as you must do as you must but don't you know yeah so this has been so fun I mean I could talk to you another hour and just not even like learn everything about your fascinating life so I'm so happy for you and your family and I know y'all are just um such kind genuine people so thanks for inviting me into your home this was special yes yes thank you for being here
Channel: Got It From My Momma Podcast
Views: 157,231
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Keywords: @nfl, @superbowl, @patrick mahomes, @randy mahomes, @jackson mahomes, @quarterback, @momma, @momma interview, @got it from my momma
Id: P-yGkkdzs04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 54sec (3474 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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