Chiefs booed, Mahomes talks Brady & 49ers give KC bulletin board material | NFL | FIRST THINGS FIRST

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you make me make me an oldfashioned oh you're making fun of never a doubt week sorry live from New York it's day two of never a doubt week course obviously he has a tattoo that says never a doubt and now the Chiefs are in the Super Bowl thus never a doubt week exactly it's first things first today perfect answer this seems like a silly question but it's what we agreed upon in the meeting yeah so I'll ask it for btim yeah does momes need seven rings to surpass Brady again this is just like your idea because seven would not okay the goes cuz Brady has seven so just mathematic here's what's about to happen brew and I I would imagine are going to play some beautiful Jazz over these next 12 15 minutes absolutely while Wilds will do his best will Ferell coming in clanging on a cowbell they're out giving the most fasile analysis imaginable but let's start here and see where it goes so I want to start from this place I don't love Rings culture in basketball but I get it I even though I don't I think it is too simplistic because you are playing if you're the best player almost the whole game because you are playing on both ends of the court because it's five on five there's a lot of reasons why of the major team sports count the Rings can be a dispositor element for those I hate it and we don't really see it in baseball no it wouldn't be fair in basball don't like it INB yeah of course you do um and I don't like it in football but for quarterbacks I understand it to a degree I think where Brew and I agree entirely is in order to be in the conversation for the best quarterbacks ever there are three boxes and you have to check all of them it's the jewelry box okay the stats box and the ey test box and if you check all three you are then eligible to be in the discussion if you are if you're Dan Marino you're just out of it it sucks if you are in my opinion pton is the closest to it but the stats in the playoffs hurt him enough to where he gets knocked out of it even though I think he was better than someone who's in it in Joe Montana does that does that make sense and so my answer to this is a resounding no he doesn't need seven yes he obviously needs more than two and that is because in football and I just want to show a couple numbers then I'll hand it to you brew so much of whether or not your team wins or lose loses takes place when you are not in the game true so if we look at most points per game ever Allowed by an eventual Champion there Mahomes is two range rings so nobody has ever won rings with worse defensive performances in the playoffs than both of mahomes's you then compare points per game allowed in the postseasons they won Rings Brady and moles so Brady's worst defense ever was under 21 points per game in the playoffs momes is 25 and 25 so the point there is is that if somebody and and on some of these things you have to take it to its furthest logical conclusion if the greatest if the O was 2,000 Ravens ripped off a dynasty doing what they did that postseason allowing 5.7 points per game and they won four consecutive Super Bowls would anyone then be saying well Trent dfur better than pick your quarterback X you John Elway of course not so there has to be some art to the science as well so he needs more but he does not need seven I I agree with you and and look wild you know he doesn't need seven there are already people saying a lot of people saying he's the best we've ever seen not many saying he's the goat really har which are two different things right but if he wins just Sunday yeah which will give him three yeah I will not be in this Camp I know you won't either I think there will be a few people though saying he's the goat yeah he's the best they'll say he's the goat not just the best we've seen I think it'll be a handful of people that will begin to say that I won't be in that camp to me Nick he needs if he keeps playing the way he has been he needs like five for it to be a legitimate debate well it's but it's not WR cuz look Nick brought it up in basketball ring culture is probably more legitimate both but nobody says Bill Russell has 11 Michael Jordan only has six Jordan's not better or LeBron only has four Russell has 11 LeBron's not better so in foot it it shouldn't just come down to seven versus five or seven versus four or whatever so I think he needs to get to five all right and the reason he doesn't need seven Wilds is because as his he started like he's been the driving force behind their first two Super Bowls you just show with the stats right Brady not to mention Mahomes has won two MVPs been two all time two First Team all Pros while he's winning his two maybe three Super Bowls Brady had never made all pro Brady had never won an MVP throughout his first three Super Bowls I know so Brady and Brady for most of his career was not even viewed as the best quarterback in the league it was Payton Manning at points it was Aaron Rogers Brady though actually got better statistics Al as his career went on so here's the caveat Nick I'll throw at you and if they win this Super Bowl Sunday and that's three for Mahomes and they do it the way they've kind of been doing it this whole year where the defense is the driving force Mahomes May throw two touchdowns 21 yards whatever if he continues to win this way then it's different right see he can't win five with his last three being like this totally agree with right I totally with an asterisk no no it it's just how it happened and Brady won his first three like this and his sixth and right right he won his sixth like that but his play throughout the season and was different go ahead and so that's where I think it's going to be Nuance I yeah I get it now I I got it the depository thing that you were talking about I understood that and I understood that deposit perfectly I got it positive positive yeah go ahead I understood that depository go ahead that's a bank I got it perfectly so I do think what you were saying about how some people will think that if he wins this weekend that he's the greatest of all time based on a little bit of confusion multi sport like you were talking about cross um cross Championship comparisons like in golf for example lowest score wins okay this you know what I mean in baseball it's like erra like if you're ER is three so what does he need so we actually made some graphics Josh and I went up and grinded the all 22 so we dug into it here's where we are right now okay so he's got two now if he wins this weekend mhm he'll actually have three so then we updated it okay so he's got three so then we just went crazy we just went to Crazy Town and we're like I don't care man like what do you want to do add another one and Josh was like no dude we should double it I'm like well if he doubles it he's going to have more and it turns out we were wrong yeah well that I was like you got to be kidding me I was like Josh run it back again he's like no dude six is still less than seven even if he got to seven turns out he would just be tied so can I ask you question I was just like I was flabbergasted and I made Josh run the numbers again but turns out wait can can I ask you a question yeah does this apply only to best versus second best or does this apply across the Bo amongst greats I I said D earlier so like let me ask you this honestly not being a smartass okay am I allowed to no no no so no big Ben or Dan Marino I take that's a good question I why hold on why how do you not know two is greater than zero as you would love to say if it's seven to five there's a whole Hall of Fame career so okay um Eli or Drew Brees oh not sure about that yes you are though wasn't the assignment no see so that's the the thing is you are nobody as Big Ben's going to be a first batt Hall of Fame nobody thinks he's better than they're all in the they're all in the very good camp when you're up on the goat Camp you have to start talking about like looking into it I'll give you one Stafford or momes why is why is momes better than Stafford they both have good stats they both have r mahes one tell me why he won consistently throughout his career any argument that you make that mes is better than Stafford is the same argument you can make that Brady is better than mes sa made one Pro Bowl mes has made and Mahomes has made six Mahomes has two MVP v no that's that's not the argument you wanted to make you you spent too much time making your graphics and not enough time think get into the empirical world and why momes is better than Brady you have to live in the empirical world that's what I'm saying don't go I testing me left and right I think this I'm not I testing you left I think Wilds so how fast momes and we're if he gets to five if he gets to five if he gets to five in 10 years and then retires or even like at that point if he's in his 10th year and he's now got five Super Bowls I think he will be widely viewed as the I bought that we'll get to the PACE thing in a moment but there's one other thing I want to show you guys as far as empirical stuff which is obviously Mahomes has not played nearly as long as Brady but how many awesome playoff games do they both have so playoff games with a passer rating of 110 or higher and their team record because you're a quarterback wins guy I think this will surprise you so momes has won away from Brady's whole career of awesome playoff games that should be shocking then there's the flip side can I just stop there for a second or no yeah go ahead sure and I haven't dug through all 10 games but we just saw momes play a game that he leaned on this great defense is like you know what I don't need to take chances I can sort of lay back in the cut get my 14-point lead and put it on cruise control don't you think that pass rating is not hurt by that great yes and he had a great passer rating passer rating is not hurt by that that's why I didn't do total yards or touchdowns passer rating rewards you for efficiency so then the flip side to that is what about games in which you struggled in the playoffs how did your team do so passer rating below 80 momes has two and one of them is his first ever Super Bowl though and that's the win by the way I'm talking Brady Brady's 11 and eight in those spots which gives you so he has 19 playoff games where he struggled and he won more than half of them now some of those were you know great comebacks or rallying and some of them were he downright played poorly and had a bill bellich defense the pace thing is what I think is why some Brady folks and why all of New England is Niner fans this weekend even though I don't think typically folks from the greater New England area love San Francisco we can show you the current pace for Patrick moles Brew the first one is if he loses if he loses he's ahead of pace I I don't mind this pace SC if he wins we can show it to you he is blowing the pace out of the water and so that is and for both of them we didn't include the rookie year cuz they didn't start and if you want to knock off one extra year from Brady cuz he missed his season with injury you can but that could happen to Mahomes as well so that's where Brew I think this could become a moot point like oh what if he only gets five but it also right now it could not have started more positively in any realistic absolutely sure what I said surec I bought that no not at all and I I actually think it's a little bit insulting to Mahomes if we want like Mahomes is talking about fast forwarding uh you know know 15 years if momes is sitting at five rings in 15 years and let's say that would be 21 Arch Manning comes up and has two Super Bowls but he's like hot out of the gate right away and there's younger versions of us being like Arch Manning right up there with momes I think we would freak out and you guys would be making the same to do the arch Manning thing if if and then we can move on if let's just take it again to the furthest possible conclusion if Caleb Williams comes into the league and his first two years in the league wins both Super Bowls would people then would it be fair to then be having the discussion is Caleb Williams on Pace to be the greatest quarterback we've ever seen absolutely and if the question then is if Caleb's like hey guys by the way my plan's only to play eight years and if he wins five Super Bowls in eight years and people want to say I think that's the best quarterback I've ever seen that would be fair we'll meet in the middle if Caleb Williams wins five Super Bowls in the next okay you know what I will give him a go congratulations Chicago are you surprised that chiefs were getting booed goat bro I gotta be honest and I know yesterday we had the discussion about Mahomes being a villain and why everybody's or a lot of people are against the Chiefs I am surprised I mean those were loud boo like the Chiefs have done nothing to be disliked the commercials are great momes is great like I don't mean it's G play personality wise Andy Reed likable Kelsey and T Taylor Swift even though some people might like like that right like I I the Patriots did things where outside of football you understand why people didn't like them bellich che's personality cheating scandals stuff like that yeah I don't get this at all now I get the jealousy of we want somebody else to win or how are we going to beat this team here they are in a Bad season and they're G to win the Super bowl or at least they're in the Super Bowl I get that but those boo were rockless so I am surprised at the the so I'm gravity of I'm not surprised at all and those people are not the people going to the Super Bowl so listen that nobody gets to the Super Bowl a week early and if you do and it's the Vegas Super Bowl you're going to be selling your Super Bowl tickets by Friday to pay for the gambling Lawes so that those people were locals so who are locals oh wait people that have very good reason to hate the Chiefs they're Raider fans guys can we remind you what Patrick Mahomes has done against the Raiders if you will he's 30 touchdowns in 12 games it's it he has tortured them more than he's tortured any other team while the ners are out here complaining about their practice field they should be complaining about the fact that this stadium is held in Arrowhead West otherwise known as allegian field can we show you it at the Raiders stadium Mahomes is second most wins of any quarterback ever only Derek Carr has more what about quarterback coach combo success at a legion Stadium they got the most pretty good so it's the raer fans who has it's four years it's four years and a team that plays there once a year has the most wins of any coach quarterback combo so it's angry Raider fans guys like that that's that's what that's what it was it was locals or people visiting from of town who might not be going to the game but know that they are rooting against the Chiefs it sounds silly but I do think it's going to fire up the chiefs of course it is Kel kelse got real energy he speaking of firing up the Chiefs let's go to this finally some bulletin board material here was Nick's prediction yesterday on who would deliver bullettin board material my money would be on former Chief charvarius word let's take a listen to how this uh take panned out class classic one classic category one 102 players and coaches at media day nailed it and I nailed it Dusty the board chavaria Ward I mean he's had two alltime quotes this week because he also is the person who said the Super Bowls in Vegas so we'll probably turn up Monday and Tuesday but then get down to business by by Wednesday so javarus ward has to go on the board and people might say it's media day what do you want them to do Patrick Mahomes invented something yesterday Brew the reverse bulletin board which is I'll put this up while we play you the video um Patrick Mahomes was asked about drafting an all time fantasy team all players in league history no chiefs allowed and his wide receiver 3 Choice was interesting let's go ahead and play that if we could so Jamar Chase who is the one who has trolled the Chiefs for anything momes putting him on it that's that's what jar word should have all jaar's W said two amazing organizations obviously won a championship with Kansas City you know grateful for my time there but he couldn't help himself so better over here travarus Ward third Niner on the board good job there there's definitely no rule like Andy Reed has the rule no buerton board material my God complaining about the grass also shout out to the reporter oh that kid did great yeah he crushed it that kid also did really well in the draft he had he got Jerry Rice and Calvin Johnson on his team he did great good job uh is pie the next Drew Brees that's next on FS1 and the Fox Sports channel on SiriusXM give it a shot if you're in your car look at our bosses here thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips 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Channel: First Things First
Views: 336,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Patrick Mahomes, Super Bowl, San Francisco 49ers, NFL, Football, First Things First, Nick Wright, Kansas City Chiefs, Chris Broussard, Kevin Wildes, 2024 NFL Playoffs, NFL Postseason, NFC, FS1, Fox Sports, Fox Sports 1, sports, sports news, sports debate, NFL on FOX, AFC, AFC South, AFC North, NFC South, NFC North, NFC West, NFC East, AFC West, AFC East, National Football League, nfl news, nfl talk, sports show, sports talk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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