PININYAHANG MANOK (Chicken with Pineapples)

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So let's make another recipe, a classic one using chicken. "Why is it always chicken, chef?" It's because meat is very pricey nowadays, right? The meat is better since it's getting more pricey so us, we should also show our love through creating dishes that are very delicious but is affordable and very quick to make. So this is Chicken with Pineapples. I'm sure that every household has their own version of preparing this. So today, I'll be sharing to you our way of cooking this. So first, heat your casserole and my mother's secret to a delicious chicken with pineapples is using good butter. So I'm going to put 2 tbsp. of good butter. There's no oil, just all butter. Okay. So 2 tbsp, I will make it to 3 tbsp of butter. Oh my! My fire seems to be very strong. So there, it's just okay so that it would be like a concert and then you put red onions. You sauté your red onions and garlic. A little bit of salt to bring out the flavor of your sauté. Okay. And then into this, let's add 1 kl of chicken breast fillet that I've cut into cubes. "Can I just use the whole chicken, chef?" Yes. If it's whole chicken, make it as 1.5 to 2 kls. If it's fillet then 1 kl is just fine. So spoon it first or you sauté your meat first together with your Soffritto. Onions, garlic and the butter. It smells so good. You know traditionally, you can also use margarine here. There's no problem if you are gonna use margarine. It will give it a nice color as well but for me, I really like the taste of the butter The tastiness of butter is just very different. Okay, I'm spooning it. I'm going to season it with soy sauce and black pepper. "Why is he putting a lot of soy sauce?" So that even just in the beginning, what you're cooking is already delicious. Okay. It's better if it's already nice in the beginning, right? Not that, you're just going to rush it at the end. I stuttered. Not that, you're just gonna recover at the end. You must already show the nice things on the beginning. There it is, right? That's where you can see the durability of relationship. "He's saying a lot of word even he's just cooking chicken with pineapples." "A lot of different topics already" Okay anyway, when you spoon it already, you put evaporated milk and your pineapples. So I'm putting 1 can, this is 850 grams. There's a bit of juices so that the flavor is there. "Chef, I'm from Tagaytay, from Cavite, there's a lot of pineapples there." "Can we use the real pineapples instead?" Oh sure, no problem. You may really can. "But how would it be since I'm not really fond of pineapples?" Oh my! That question seems to be very hard since this is Chicken with Pineapples. But okay, because you may not continue watching the video because your feeling that you don't like to eat pineapples but the recipe has pineapples. You can remove that and then, you just replace it with other vegetables such as green peas, add the bell pepper, you put carrots, you put pickles and that will be like a Chicken Pastel. Okay. It would already be Chicken Pastel. So what I'm going to do here is, I'm going to simmer it. Okay? You don't need to cover it. You may put the lid but just ajar. Just right that it's evaporating a bit. Just like that and then you simmer it for around five minutes or until your chicken is almost cooked. So after around five minutes, it's already like this. It's just quick to cook because it's breast fillet. Look. Don't mix too much since it may get crushed and the reason why we put the chicken just at the beginning, Sorry! The pineapples with the chicken just at the beginning is for the pineapples to really become tasty on the sauce and on the meat of the chicken. Now you can put, this is pickles - relish. It would add more flavor. Sugar, this is 1-2 tablespoons. If you don't like it too sweet, you put just 1 tablespoon. I like it a bit sweet and then this is slurry, You have cornstarch here that I'll just melt together with the juice of pineapple chunks. If you use fresh pineapples, you melt it on a bit water or on a bit milk so that the sauce would just be gooey a bit. You put it there and then you just bring it to a boil. Oh look. And then you can put a splash of vinegar, just a bit. Bring it to a boil. Don't mix it when you put the vinegar already so that your vinegar wouldn't taste raw. So since it's boiling now and you can smell. The flavors are really incorporating already. You can do your final seasoning so I'm putting some black pepper. Put it bell pepper for color and you can also put some mushrooms. Okay, look at that. And then of course, you must taste it again. Perfect. I would turn the fire off, this is perfect and then a secret, I would not write in the recipe. Put it a bit butter. Mount it with even about 1 tablespoon of good butter so you will get the fresh butter flavor. That's it, your Chicken with Pineapples. Now, let's try. Get some rice. Look. So there, the butter is just melting now. Look how tasty it looks like. I will put it bell pepper for it to be colorful, now let's try. The sauce, you just want it like this, not that too gooey. Not that too thin also, right? So you may also put that water chestnut, potatoes. You may also put carrots, you may put but here in our household, we just put it like this one when we cook Chicken with Pineapples. Thee chicken is very tender because we cook it with the pineapples. Pineapples are high in acid so it tenderizes meat and it really reduce the feeling of being fed up. Even we put a lot of butter, even we put a lot of evaporated milk, it's richness is well-balanced. So make your Chicken with Pineapples already so that the sweetness would also be well-balanced on your homes. I'll see you soon and take care always :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 1,087,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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