Chicken Paprikash - Hungarian Chicken Stew

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today we're making chicken paprikash this is an amazing recipe here are all the ingredients let's get into it right now chicken paos this is a great recipe uh I have to admit it's one of the dishes that I never had experience of having in the past and it's a great one I love this so I'm going to try to make this one very close to an authentic paash I'm just going to show you all the ingredients here it's chicken so we have 2 lbs of Le and 2 lbs of thighs I think I have a little bit more thighs here than legs but any mix of thighs and legs is perfect instead of using a whole chicken if you do use a whole chicken I would suggest after your sear you hold back on brazing those breasts because they'll be like cardboard you could put them in at the end but by using just dark meat it's just way better it's way better for really any of these type of chicken dishes we have a lot of onion in here so I took two large yellow onions and I diced them up five cles of garlic minced I have 1 cup of sour cream that's going to go into our paash at the end to finish it up also 2 tbspoon of flour that gets mixed into the sour cream we're going to temper it so we don't break our sauce little parsley to finish I have a half a cup of white wine I have two cups of homemade chicken stock you can use better than bullion also make sure you use low sodium and Jim you didn't mention the most important ingredient in the dish which is Ty what three different types of paprika now I'm using three different types A lot of recipes will just use one type so when I made the Hungarian gash that was a few weeks ago got a lot of comments on that video and a lot of people were saying that the paprika I used wasn't the best it was a Hungarian paprika but this one is better this one I bought from Amazon I just have tape on it I was actually keeping this in my fridge because for my research you're supposed to keep this in your refrigerator to have ultimate potency and no degradation but I think if you keep it in your spice cabinet relatively cool and dark it's fine it was expensive on Amazon I think it was like $16 for this so but this is going to you know you'll be able to make like 30 meals out of this so that's what I have for the suite I also bought a hot or a spicy paprika Hungarian also was another brand and it was also a little pricey it was about $15 also just remember before you get carry away and thinking like oh this is an expensive you have these you have these for a year they they'll stay in your fridge so we have one teaspoon of that one and then the last one is smoked paprika two teaspoons of smoked this is all the ingredients for the chicken paash but we're also going to do one of the most amazing things for this dish are the dumplings I have four cups of flour this is just allpurpose flour I have six eggs I have 4 teaspoon of baking powder 1 teaspoon of salt and and one cup of water now this isn't exact I made this twice in the last two weeks so I always make these recipes for you in advance I perfect them before I put them out for you I followed a couple recipes that were for supposedly authentic paposh with the dumplings they didn't put baking powder in it they were very very hard and a lot of the comments I was reading were saying the same thing so today I'm going to use baking powder it's going to make them a little lighter or I think it's going to be better that way we'll find out at the end what the taste testers think but let's sear the chicken right now all right so we got chicken here I have the four pounds I just want to show you a little bit first about cleaning up chicken dyes because whenever you buy chicken thighs in the store no matter really what brand you buy they're always going to leave the excess skin here because they can sell you more weight for your perspective to make it better you need to remove that so you only have this much all right just so it'll be just be too much skin too much fat and overhanging skin you don't want when a recipe tells you to clean up the chicken chicken you know trim trim the thighs this is exactly what they mean legs you don't have to some people for legs they'll actually remove the skin completely but I don't think you need to do that you get to the point when you have that overhang I do suggest that you get rid of it we're going to uh season these up and we're going to get our castorian pan out okay I got a big castorian pan here not quite 14 it's like a 13 I have a larger stainless steel anything like that will work really well for this you could also use a dutch oven it just will probably take you like three or four batches to sear o your chicken going to heat this up to about just a touch below medium this burner is too small for this pan that's correct it is too small for this pan but I'm cooking in front of you here if you have a regular stove you're going to have a larger heating element which is going to allow you to get more even cooking here but we'll be okay still this is going to take two batches for this size pan again you you're you might have a different experience the size pan you use this chicken there's no salt and pepper on it but it's already wet again even though I dried it off so just dry it off again okay you want to get this really dyed because you'll be to get a nicer sear on your chicken all right so salt and pepper on both sides we can season fairly heavily with salt and pepper here cuz I am using stock that has no salt in [Music] it this is a seasoned uh pan but I am going to add a couple tablespoons I have vegetable oil here I'm going to use that if you have lard that's preferred this is a movable Isle and it's kind of like tilting that way so the oil always ends up in the pan over here so what I do every so often is I just tip it back so it goes over there okay so it's been about 4 minutes all right so it's like this probably get it a little bit better than that I'm just going to let them keep going and I'm going to tip my oil again you look at a lot of these recipes traditional recipes for this dish they don't even fry it at all you do your onions paprika and then the chicken and then it all just brazes together but I always feel like by searing it even for a little bit you get a little bit more flavor in the pan to do your onions all right so a couple more minutes I pushed them better let's see now all right those are looking nice now all right go back over with it oh yeah that's a real good one that's a good one we'll let these go for couple more minutes on that non-skin side and then we will put them in here the other batch of chicken I didn't salt and pepper yet water is all going to Wick to the top so right when you pull these off dry the that chicken again salt and pepper it do your second batch okay one batch done took about 10 or 11 minutes nice and brown about 10 minutes on that one too these chicken legs you can try to stand up and move all around to get perfect color but good enough our thighs are good again really good this chicken can just be put off to the side you can tent it with foil it's all going to braze for a long time this is a rustic dish if you like it the onions a little bigger a little larger piece better texture keep them larger you want them to really go to almost nothing you can even puree these after we cook them make them small if for some reason you don't have enough fat here add a couple more tablespoons put olive oil and I'm going to take a little pinch of salt here just to get the water out of these onions quicker and kind of use your flat edge of your spoon here and you can just scrape off the bottom okay so this has been about 10 minutes on those onions if you want to let them go longer feel free to I've been on medium heat the whole time here same heat that I had when I seared the chicken which is totally fine you don't want to go too high you don't want to burn anything here's five cloves of garlic maybe more like six whatever type of day it is is it a five clove day six clove you know 15 CL a dish like this you put in 15 cloves it's not going to make it bad it's it's not and I'm just going to cook that in there for like 20 seconds now what I'm going to do is I'm going to lower my heat to basically off almost or like a two really really low and let it cook for about 30 seconds until the garlic gets really [Music] fragrant so I'm just mixing it into the onions really quickly very low heat okay you don't want to burn this basically you want to get it in all of the oil all the fat then you can just add your half a cup of dry white wine and then just with your flat edge of your wooden spoon you can just start scraping up anything here going to turn my heat up to high so because now that we have the added wine here we're not going to burn anything but this is going to evaporate in a matter of 30 seconds 2 cups of homemade chicken stock bring this up I have my heat on high let's bring it up okay so this has been boiling for about a minute just let it boil for a couple minutes use that flat edge of the spoon and just dislodge any of your brown bits nice and smooth the bottom of the pan that's what you want so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to lower this to a simmer I do think this recipe would be better with tomato paste you would have put your tomato paste with the onions and garlic but again I'm trying to keep this really to the authentic way and we we we've already had it twice like this see all the juices in the pan here make sure you put them in too right pour that in get a little bit of sauce on top here your skin is not going to be crispy at the end of this brazing process it's a little too high right now I just want to keep it very low simmer okay if you don't have a 14in lid like I do you can use foil just we want to braze this and retain the majority of the liquid we're going to braze this for 45 to 60 minutes until the chicken gets full apart tender we're going to move it over to my other burner so we can make the dumplings now the timing is pretty good here but the dumplings even if they get cold they're fine they can just sit and then just heat them up for a second in the hot sauce very very simple to do this is four cups of allpurpose flour that I have here this is 4 tpoon of baking powder six eggs that I just put in into a separate thing you know just in case like you have a bad egg I'm just going to beat them up a little bit first get the egg in one teaspoon of regular salt not kosher salt so just fine sea salt or table salt whatever and that's the one cup of water if this is too loose we'll just add more flour to it if for some reason it's too dry we can just put a little bit of water in there basically you just need like a workable kind of wet dough for your dumplings got to get all the flour off the sides I like to use one of these uh like little spatula [Music] things I think this might be good a good pinch of salt here about a tablespoon of uh kosher salt just grab one and just push okay basically every two dip them back in like that and then just go like this and then they'll pop off really easily so some will be bigger than others so what I like to do is let them come up in here and then let them cook for another four or 5 minutes what you can do is on your first batch you or you can just do one initially just taste it and then you'll know the timing probably about two or three batches it will take you I just have a pasta spider here I'm just going to drain them I have another thing here and I just have it on top of my little sheet here just for you right now I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't cook this way if I was you know doing this for my family I'd be you know I'd be on the St and all that all right so what I'm doing is I'm just going to clear this pot of all my little remnants all that and uh start another batch it's going to take me probably another two batches I'm just letting it run under the colander for a minute because we got another 40 minutes before just so they don't stick and I'll spread them apart okay so here's those dumplings just got a little cover over them keep them like lightly warm but it doesn't matter this sauce is going to make them hot anyway if you don't want to go to dumpling route you can do egg noodles which a lot of uh recipes especially American recipes will will do instead that's after 55 minutes so let's just check our chicken see if it's tender want it to be like close to falling apart but not falling apart yeah it's good all right so I got my heat pretty low here like a three out of 10 I'm going to remove all this chicken now to uh a plate whatever I got to try just want to remove it temporarily so we can uh finish that sauce okay so this chicken right here just put it off to the side so what I have here is sour cream this has been out for an hour or longer since we started this recipe some recipes will say to keep take it out so you can mix it right in but it will probably break the better way to do this is just to temper it so we got a bowl and this is one cup of sour cream and you can put more on at the end when you're serving it too so this is 2 tbspoon of flour now mix this in here really well this is a traditional Hungarian finishing technique so if somebody didn't want the flour like if they're gluten-free yeah could you do corn starch yeah I think you could definitely this is very thin right now so we want to be able to thicken it so I have a whisk too honestly I saw some recipes they use like a power wh whisker here I don't want when I do this I don't want the lumps to go back in here I'm going to do a little bit of this at a time so I don't end up breaking this if I poured like a cup in here it it would change the temperature too much what I'm doing is tempering so I'm going to mix this around okay and then we'll do more this temperature will increase the last time I did two times had some clumps if you do get clumps you can just strain again through a power strainer and then and then just take the Whisk on top and push it through if we if we have to do it we will okay I'm like putting a little bit more in each time okay so let's get it in [Music] here so I'm going to whisk really well to try to avoid those clumps of flour that's why I whisked the heck of it heck out of it over there already all right so we want to bring this up to a simmer okay so this is looking good it didn't break it just came together now it's simmering now let's season it up big pinch of salt it's about a teaspoon I put in that's teaspoon of diamond kosher nice good amount of pepper do a little whisk again listen if this isn't thick enough for your liking here all you have to do is just go through the flour process again you can put it in your bowl take some of the sauce maybe a little bit more sour cream mix it put it back in but as this bubbles the flour is going to hydrate and then it's going to thicken here's the beautiful chicken let's get this all back in here pour all that juice back in little sauce on top going to turn it down even more to about a 3 out of 10 let's just let it simmer for about 10 minutes spoon the sauce over so over so often and we'll serve it up for the taste [Music] tester and there's plenty of more sauce here if you want to dip in well the chicken is cooked perfect perly finish with parsley also I forgot to uh say that I'm not sure about the dumplings still they seem just as hard as last time even with the baking powder Edition and more eggs if you're an expert on these dumplings please let us know these are more eggy though for sure they have a lot and I put more salt in them I think they taste good but they're hard I don't think they're that hard I think this is really really good I mean I know you've made this a few times I think this is better than the last time that you made it I do too why do you think that is I used homemade stock this time the other time I used the better than bullion that could be why so this is the same paprika okay y I think this is incredible I love paprika so I really enjoy the flavor of this I can definitely taste the sour cream which I think if you like it to be even more sour you could even add more yeah and people do they put dollops of it on if you want to do a whole chicken I would save your chicken breasts pieces for like the last 20 minutes let everything the dark meat braze the whole time and then add your chicken your seared off chicken breasts for the last like 15 20 minutes I would recommend you do that for any type of dish where you're breaking down a chicken and you're going to braze I think this is great so again I'm using the beef beron as The Benchmark for beef beron is considered the best recipe for me by Tara and actually by people who watch this channel it's been just crazy everybody just loves that one so this is going up against the beef Bergen yard so if I'm going to put this up against that that's a 10 and perfect I will give this a nine I don't think it could get much better yet it's not the beef bergon tear it apart if you're from Hungry tear it apart yeah let us know a lot of people let us know in the goulash which I'm still making amends for that one yeah I really do think that the official taste tester would love this though but he's at basketball we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 210,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken paprikash and dumplings, chicken paprikash recipe, hungarian chicken recipes, comfort food recipes, sip and feast, sip and feast recipes, italian american, paprikash, chicken paprikash, paprikash recipe, chicken paprika, chicken recipes, paprika chicken recipe, hungarian paprikash, chicken paprikash recipes, paprikas, chicken paprikash hungarian, hungarian chicken paprikash, hungarian recipes, recipe chicken paprikash, hungarian food, hungarian food recipes
Id: JicHsv4v7jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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