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hi guys welcome back to our MOOC song again here we are macking are the food is water and custon our stomachs are empty I hope the food is armed I I'm draw from chick-fil-a to here which is like a little bit of an hour they're building one though so good fries fries what did everyone get again I got a chick-fil-a sandwich with like oh yes hey didn't see you save me sauce goes like just give me like five yeah I've been passing for this all day so not only did I get a chicken sandwich I also got some chicken tenders ready to give me chicken nuggets oh three chicken tenders it's exactly look at that it's not a [ __ ] did you get sauce Bob I asked for chick-fil-a sauce okay like the smell it's TJ's like deathly allergic to peanuts but can he ain't chick-fil-a yeah Bruce can't eat peanuts he's not allergic but it [ __ ] like peanut butter like he will throw up he could eat this too but I don't think you should be having cuz if he didn't know their secret ingredient is peanut oil yeah well it says it on the back and then one time any grit he got it all the time and then one day I was like taking it out I was like you know it's just cooked in peanut oil and he was like oh and some now he's like I slowly died maybe you just like kills off all the thing that would be like an allergen causing thing Oh fascinating [Music] I'm just want to show this off like a typical living style look at that oh let's do a thumbnail and I'm gonna keep this in the move on okay to embarrassing I'll let me get this sandwich out ready let me put you out there we go good so you like to dip it you don't like no I do thank you but I only only have 100 unwrapped sinead good point oh my god the line was so long - I was like how the [ __ ] are they gonna know cuz you like pay when you get there and then they like know the car I guess and like they bring out the food before I even get to the window what yeah like I wasn't even to where you are supposed to order at the little thing with the speaker and there he brought my food out I was like well can I move my car but obviously I'm like oh my god yeah usually get out of the line crash over there like chick-fil-a fountain and everything check please on top of it always good yeah tricular he's always like kind of a long line but usually goes pretty quick mm-hmm it's like in and out was like the worst you know it's pretty quick compared to going inside yeah yeah it is so quick on like getting your order they have that person outside you're not even in in and out you want you're still off the street and they're walking up like what do you know why you're still out your house McDonald's is actually we're not going to talk about about me little off to McDonald why are you they just didn't send me a denim jacket so that's why I'm chick-fil-a that Stephanie that's really salty about that oh you're gonna ask me something about my hair but you're like wait till the video no I think I was just gonna ask you about it wasn't about your hair was about tonight we're having a white elephant gift exchange Eliza's house yeah $50 limit then I don't know what to get I'm gonna get a $50 Starbucks gift card okay that's good that's I want it I think I'm gonna literally bring since MCDOT if you guys saw me are you actually doing that I think so I feel like any girl would be excited cause like a sick jacket but not me sighs it is yeah cuz we got those like gift for McDonald's and then they give you like another one to give to somebody oh but it's just the jacket and the pants but they're cute you know I would I think a good white elephant gift exchange I mean you could get something that everybody regardless of them opening here they bake oh this is cool I'll keep this I want something that causes the swap I want like never everybody is like stealing for - I was joking earlier and saying David's gonna show up and just like there's gonna be a BMW car keys it's like that episode of The Office where Michael Scott like brings in iPod and they're like it was a $20 bill yeah it's a geeky swap I think that do you think David will do something since it's like an opportunity - I know oh I first see something happening I was pretty sure that he was gonna turn around his ten million party and or something else yeah like you doing this I had that feeling and when we were there I'm like something is gonna have yeah like he's gonna arrive on a helicopter there's nothing Casey nice guys gonna come walk out and him his he comes in on the Elon Musk's totally save it up arrives on the tunnel and it let you see the tunnel that they built right there there Eddie built one yeah in Hawthorne it's like that's where SpaceX is in California and like but not only it's like a summer county wait what's it all for I think it's like going from SpaceX to the airport I think that might not be right about it like a three mile long tunnel and like a Tesla can like fit perfectly in it they've been getting us all to be airport yeah yeah that's what they're planning on like I don't know this was like kind of the test or one just to show that it's possible but then they want to build one that kind of like I think goes under Silver Lake a bit whoa and then goes from like Dodgers Stadium to somewhere else and then there's like two other ones that go to the rapid train so we how about here there's gonna be a ferry game I know but who knows it should be interesting I thought he was like not gonna make it anymore oh no it's happening it was just such a mystery like what's he gonna do it was he not gonna do it I think the big LA one for the Olympics is not gonna happen but that would be nice so we spend way too much time in traffic in here yeah I'm just saying like how people are coming up with other ideas and like avoid traffic and under tunnel la is like a terribly designed say it makes some no sense they like like I don't know just like where the highways are and like how you can't cross over to certain areas where you want just the sprawl of it is it cuz they didn't realize like how populate it was gonna be they thought well there was gonna be a tunnel system originally in the 40s like a subway system but they say the he stopped it because they said that the automobile was going to be like the new form of transportation I thought cars would be more efficient than building an entire subway system in LA but everybody has cars like yeah it's truly so annoying truly so by the time you guys are watching this its 2019 for the people oh yeah probably mm-hmm so I hope you guys are enjoying your new year future we're like fill up the future all about to leave for Christmas and it don't look feel like it at all to me like Christmas you know the air has a Christmas tree don't you like today you're going to Hawaii not a real one yeah at all Hawaii mmm I've done Christmas in Hawaii before oh it's gonna be like 82 the whole time on I'll be really nice what are you going on about the 21st I need you fun traditions um me my brother throw a big like house party and I'm living here so I'm kind of excited about that I think we're seeing a musical I don't know whatever one is touring through Dallas usually we see a musical oh really like every year yeah maybe it's usually the 26th I think that's what we joke I love your family oh great and then I'm going right after Christmas and Dallas I'm gonna be here for like one day and then I'm going to Lake Tahoe for an MTV thing this snow globe fest it's like a New Year's Eve festival and then oh yeah I've been to a wedding on Lake Tahoe one tunnel oh it should be actually to see what it's like during the winter snow there oh yeah yeah that's the whole thing we're like actually yeah I think it's time we're small North no but it's like Brendan who know it's in California but it's right on the border of Nevada like it's near Carson City and okay no exactly fly Audrina then I'm going to DC for New Year's which I don't know the group coming to Miami for New Year's I see that in the group text today no Wayne was like are we going to Miami for New Year's I thought Damon what everyone in Chicago good we did that last year that was pretty fun paper towel I'm like I need one for my hands and then one for my forehead because I'm making you nervous I'm so nervous eating in front of you guys oh my god that was so good I want another standpoint I know that's why I got the three tickets because I knew I've even gotten to my prize yet my phone say about Christmas like maybe I mean I have never had like any specific traditions but last year on Christmas Day we were like let's go to a movie like me my brother my parents so it was like I miss day yeah it's look at night time hmm no was like during the day let's open one up I'm like oh I guess so really let's go do that like that'd be a fun like family thing to do so we went and we saw downsizing was bad it was so bad and really okay never mind I remember Shane and I watching bed trailer when it first came out we were this looks amazing I love it and it's from the creator of like sideways and The Descendants which are really good movies anyways yeah it was really disappointing well the trailer makes it seem like a different movie like I know the trailer happens at the very beginning and then it turns into like a different movie yeah it just kind of plucks the same notebook through the whole thing it's just like it keeps just like maybe they're small isn't that interesting and yeah once they are it's not as interesting anymore I'm just staring at my fries you know that marlane welcome to Marwin movie like you see everywhere around town it's the same Martin one with the dolls Marvin it's like Steve or gooseneck Steve Martin's keep around yeah uh-huh it's like on all the billboards around I know it's like coming out on Christmas Day and it's gonna be like the best movie ever I think it's gonna be yeah it looks really good but I have this weird feeling where I wanted to no no because I just there's something about it or like something is off with this movie it's too good it's too bullied and no like toy dolls and enters like an imaginary world and like they're his friend well is it like that it's not a cartoon it's a really yeah but he like thinks he's a toy but he be like there he's like friends it's like his escape yeah it makes you want to cry watching the trailer don't suck so good but there's something about where boy I need to see the trailer now I'm curious I really like what's his name pearl mm-hmm it's crazy how he's like so big on the office but he can play serious role somehow he's like truly an amazing actor job we stand you Steve girl if you're watching oh he is I really want Marwin to do well though Steve now you saying that when he's watching yeah what else is new oh hi I forgot what I was gonna say was about Christmas but it was something that was like a really good question I had for you guys ah say it doc oh did you guys ever do Elf on a shelf no no I never get old yeah I think so too I think it came out after we were like mature or did you what do you really know like 10 like come up with that though nice to understand what like I work at Target when it was like poppin and I saw as some people buying them I saw people like holding them like putting them on hold and I have no idea I think they just write it well else around right and you mean a and it's like it's always watching to see if you're a good player a bad boy but in America lights around at night to a new spot like the Tooth Fairy come on and like doing the Tooth Fairy every day until Christmas I just think it's fascinating but when someone's holding it you go it was like a dad explaining like their kids he was like oh yeah we view Elf on the Shelf in our house I'm like what's that he's like well the hell flies around every night and keeps eye on the kids they're good or Pat and I was thinking it was one of those like flies around and it's like watching over the kids I was like look it up we were like obsessed with it for all because it was like this really popular vine it's like fluid the flutterby xenoverse reasons Christmases right oh my god cute so we all got together before it even moved here we like bought one and we're at Brenda's apartment topped in a flutter ride and we turned it on and Brooke wasn't Brendan in the shower and it like flew into his room gonna go over the shower it was so satisfying when we like started it up and it started flying I was like holy [ __ ] I did not imagine it to be this is a night we went to New York City we we went to New York City we went to Toys R Us in Times Square and they had a huge flutter by like exhibit like in the entire store was just this massive size like flying around no still are like a hot commodity I wonder if they are does anybody have one comment below I want to get another one I had one or do you have both of you still have them but don't you should get for the white elephant oh my god so do you know they get like three because they've got their $50 and you have to get batteries too so we can play with them mm-hmm live a Canadian Toys R Us in a few men like oh yeah where do you even like a target like a thirty rack of Bush light in a flutter by so he like took Brendan's car to we're like what's going on we're driving Brendan's car no a good times I don't wanna go it's so crazy 2014 I was looking at pictures of us this morning or last night and it was just three years ago but we just looked so young you know what are you look just so fresh today and now we're like [ __ ] miss dropping my fries are kind of cold I never have even gone to the fries how do you got the price we it's been 17 minutes sitting here I feel like it's been 10 I know the whole time driving over I kept like feeling the bags like I hope it's still warm by the time I get there could have thrown them in the oven another thing people do we were the flutterby where the floated by the vine we made for the Thunderbirds do it Oh Rendon Oh Brittany breathe breathe yeah did it okay went off I feel like lo Hanson he tweeted it he's like cuz he's a big youtuber and he was like what the [ __ ] is going on over at my early on point early disease yeah oh man what a day today yeah we're like no we're just over familiar with each other like you know every ladies are all this glitter on the on the table from ornaments you were you decorating no we're just taking them out of the bag they're like glittery it's really annoying I like wiped it down a few times too but it's just you know glitter doesn't go away yeah Aaron steel uptown you know this guy one of his packages got stolen and then like it got stolen again or something and he contacted the police and was like I have it on camera like this guy stole my package they're like well we don't feel like doing anything about it so he's like I'll take it into my own hands and he's like this crazy smart engineer guy so he crafted this machine in like a six month time span you know like a contraption yeah it was like for iPhones and then they built around it and made it so precise so they like put it into a box theythey put it into like an Apple home pause yeah so it looks like it's gonna and new house home pause so you put it on his porch and someone would take it but then it's like to [ __ ] them over yeah yeah I mean I'm not putting this like glitter thing on top that's just filled with glitter so that when they open the box and then there was another thing in it fart spray not like after 30 seconds like a king would go off and trigger that to go down and he got all these reactions because there were cameras inside it oh my god yeah wait all you mean just one person's reaction oh no what but he had a tracking device on it so when they like threw it out because it's not like farts like he could go and find where it was oh my tell all these people are like going in their car yeah that's like a viral video right now yes it's everywhere it's seen it like five times today and he was it was even telling Mike earlier like I see this story everywhere oh my god I need to lie so funny because like we've had a lot of glitter packages and you're a frickin worst thing ever this was like you wouldn't have gotten glitter bumps oh yeah we got like Alec J glitter bomb like once or twice we're like stood up in my yeah we're in it was really funny though they're really funny for the video but it was like a tube and it's really hard to get the yeah end open so I was like what if it's something bad so he got kind of freaked out and then we're already scared and it goes really I knew a girl who like sent it to like her boss or something in her boss was opening here available she was eating lunch and the Glitter problem with like all over like pasta and she was just like oh not happening yeah like his one look and I was like asked to borrow it it's also so crazy to me that like so many people get their packages but we're like yeah like it happened to the same guy like I think he showed like five or six videos of people stealing his [ __ ] I need to watch them right when we're done yeah it's really funny he's also so smart we were watching a bunch of he has a YouTube channel yeah I think it was DC a former NASA engineers - I know it was so much of like the video is him explaining like a science behind it I'm like alright I was watching last night where he was like dissecting this video that went viral about like they put propellers on the end of an iPhone like a guy did and then it like to fly away and then took a picture he was like wait so someone steals and I boot and then it like another person posted a video it was like oh I made this contraption that like wool it's like um selfie mode or like someone's taking a picture of you from far away but he just put like two propellers on the end of a phone and so then this guy he was like that can't work because of XYZ and then like proved it all wrong he brought in some other guy who's like this special effects like crazy man and he was like you see the water here that means that with seasoning like this oh hold on and then he went up building when he's like this is how it would have to be done Wow I wish I was that smart and yeah and then I was like wow I feel like this is like Bill Nye but for today yeah but [ __ ] now that Bill Nye wasn't cool but is the property of matter I could actually eat a whole nother sandwich if I wanted to know Mike Ryan like chocolate yeah Oh chili fry like the shelf life is like do they go fast I think it's all like yeah they're so good warmer than ones are a little bit cold it's like done yeah still let me check fly if you want to send us gift cards or anything you know we're open and we stand and there's one gonna be so close to us I don't know I'll think about that I just realized that like some science videos but thank you guys so much for watching this video make sure to LIKE and subscribe and Happy New Year hey cut out and Happy Holidays I hope you're doing 2019 I hope you stick to your resolutions doing this tomorrow and we think it's fasting already um okay it's a first [Music]
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 578,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carly incontro, erin gilfoy, carly and erin, erin and carly, matt king, carly erin matt, mukbang, matt king mukbang, vlog squad, vlog squad gossip, vlog squad tea, carly incontro vlogs, erin gilfoy vlogs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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