Chicago O'Hare Terminal 5 Airport Update - June 2024

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how's it going YouTube welcome back to your favorite Aviation Channel and as you can tell another month has flown by and so today we are here with the June 2024 update for Chicago hair international airports Terminal 5 um should be a pretty quick video relatively quicker update today as today's update is based at 6:30 a.m. so not a whole lot of aircraft to cover today but without any further delay let's go ahead and get started all right so we're going to start off with the taxiways as usual first aircraft here is the American Airlines uh boing 737800 this aircraft is making service out to Dallas Fort Worth as flight 2754 next up we've got the Alaska Airlines Bo 737 900 ER making service out to Seattle as flight 3 33 we've got the Air Canada Airbus a 22300 making service out to Toronto Pearson as Flight 500 here we have a spirit Airbus a321 making service down to Orlando as flight 2057 we've got another Spirit a321 here this is making service out to Cancun as flight 104 and excuse the uh construction paper here I just a bunch of the paper on this mat unfortunately is kind of warping upwards now not too sure if it's just cuz of the air pressure or something something like that down here the glue just wearing out um so I have to probably fix a couple of those areas on the mat unfortunately next up we've got the United Airbus a321 Neo making service out to San Francisco is flight 336 um as United takes delivery of more 321 NEOS of course they're going to be increasing the routes that these things fly on um Chicago I believe has the most uh Neo flights for United obviously they've got San Francisco um I believe Fort Lauderdale might be still running they've got Orlando Houston and I think they might be adding Vegas and Los uh what's it called Los Angeles as well um sometime soon if they haven't already there might be some East Coast flights as well um would love to fly this someday I was I've I've been supposed to fly the Neo a couple times in the past actually to where was it Phoenix oh Phoenix might be another one that they still do um but I was supposed to fly that to Phoenix back in January but because of all the storms winter storms uh snow and having to cancel that trip for good well ended up being for good reason though but um yeah hopefully sometime soon cuz these things are increasing their presence in Chicago so hopefully sometime later this year or next year we'll get to fly the Neo it's a beautiful looking aircraft for sure next up we've got the American 737800 Bacon service out to Charlotte as flight 2796 and then last but not least uh this is United 737 900 ER making service out to New York Liberty as flight 1658 all right as usual next up we're going to start off with the Delta side of Terminal 5 over here at gate M2 is the Boeing 717-200 pushing back for service out to Minneapolis St Paul as flight 2571 here at gate M4 we've got the uh air Airbus Embry 175 from Delta connection uh this operated by Sky West making service out to New York JFK is flight 3799 at gate M5 we've got the Delta Airbus A320 and this aircraft we making service out to Salt Lake City is flight 2426 pushing back from gate M6 we've got the Delta 7572 200 without winglets this is making the first departure of the day out to Atlanta or Citrus aviations airport that's uh flight 1701 the 545 a.m. departure slightly delayed today um so we've got this flight 1701 departing to Atlanta and then there's another flight you'll see right now I'll just do it right now why not this over here at M8 this would be flight number 1367 to Atlanta um that's the 7 a.m. departure so um yeah you have two 757s that actually remain overnight in Chicago which is pretty cool and in addition to all these other planes all these Delta aircraft they uh remain overnight in Chicago which is pretty cool and there's probably more it definitely changes based on the the schedule the monthly schedule but yeah it's pretty cool i' I've seen up to three 757s um at T5 at one time and that's mainly because one of them had a mechanical issue and so the other one had to be brought in something like like that and that was when I was flying out back in November um on the 757 to Atlanta so there was one here maybe there was one probably like right here and then there was us out of M14 for whatever reason that was a pretty cool coin not coincidence but a situation there so we got that 757 now let me we'll do this all in one take why not here is the newly updated part um which I didn't really well I've been saying this for a very long time the past couple months as as you probably know is there a gate M9 where is M9 what's the situation with M9 well finally um I flew out of I flew through O'Hare earlier this month actually beginning of the month June 1st um and I was finally able to get a good look at this part of the airport I was in terminal 3 so I could see right across the terminal 5 you can see this video clip I you've probably been seeing it for the past couple seconds now um these are what the gates look like M M11 all the way back up to gate M2 you can see that M11 is there M10 is there M9 is there where that a220 is and then just moving down more or less the same Gates as you've always seen so finally got that confirmation that M9 does indeed exist and I know where it is now and so I spent from the time I'm filming this I completed this little renovation about a day or two ago so it's uh I'm glad that I finally was able to get it done it was a bit of a challenge a bit of a hassle because I had to rip up a couple of the foils and reglue them because like I mentioned earlier in the video a bunch of the paper is is kind of warping now unfortunately um which I guess is expected over time with you know glue just tends to wear out so unfortunately I had to reglue a bunch of that stuff um so you can you might I don't think you noticed but you might be able to now see that where you have the gate numbers on the apron here unfortunately because I had to redo this whole part um I actually had to shift over M10 where's M10 this is M10 I had to shift it over a couple centimet or inches so you can kind of barely see it the M10 number was right here so you can see how far to the right I had to shift it just to make space for M9 um M11 is still here I'll be at Crooked and then I was trying to do the M11 widebody stand but I ran out of ink on my paint pen so I have to redo that um so M11 does have a widebody stand right here hopefully Delta starts bringing us like wide bodies sometime it'd be nice to have them bring back the Paris seasonal service they used to trade off with Air France during the year um long story short so that probably won't happen anytime soon but anyway M11 is here M10 I shifted over here and it kind of looks like this in real life M11 is actually a bit stag not staggered but it's not as far up as M M11 is M10 is a bit further back so that's what that kind of represents here and so I had enough space to squeeze M9 right here I really don't know what the max aircraft types are here like the ma the the biggest planes that can park here I don't think they can fit a 757 at M9 there's absolutely no way not not that it didn't seem that way when I looked at it um and there's they've maybe M10 they could fit a 75 I think I've parked here in a 75 before it could or it might have been M11 I I think it was M11 actually my bad um M no way no there's no way they're fitting a 75 at M10 my fault um these two gates are mainly for the 717s and the crjs the regional Jets and then just the a220s I think that could fit here and then 75s you only see those at M8 and then probably seven and six I don't see I don't really see them anywhere else to be honest um but that is the Delta side we're not done with these aircraft yet though we'll start off at M9 for the first time uh including M9 in an update really exciting um this one is an a220 100 and this aircraft is making service to New York LaGuardia flight 1416 we got the uh 7172 200 M10 here this making service out to Detroit it's flight 1509 and then we have a a220 300 over here making service out to Seattle to Comas flight 862 all right proceeding with the rest of the terminal over here at gate M18 we've got the United Airlines Bo 787-10 you can probably guess where this came from there's really only one early early morning United widebody arrival and that would be flight 8:44 from sou Paulo Brazil um of course the New Delhi service is unfortunately still suspended it's probably going to remain suspended for the rest of the year because of the Russian airspace restrictions they can't fly non stop at least from Chicago to Delhi without Russian airspace if that makes sense if they were to avoid Russian airspace on that flight they would probably have to stop over somewhere and that' be really inefficient cost a lot of money with fuel and everything so that's why the New Delhi New Delhi flight is still suspended for United doesn't matter for Air India obviously because Air India India doesn't have as cold relations with Russia as the US does right now so that's why Air India continues to use Russian airspace long story short um didn't put Air India in this update obviously unfortunately should have put them in but um they technically don't arrive till around 7:15 or so I don't or 6:45 so maybe I should have put them in but whatever doesn't matter right now anyway this came in from uh sa Paulo so like I've mentioned a couple times in previous updates the early hours of the morning at Terminal 5 uh very common to see a big chunk of um our Latin American traffic out of here even though we do have a bunch of flights to Latin America later in the day like at 2: p.m. 3 p.m. um the early morning hours decent I I think that's the most number of flights we have to Latin America between 12: even maybe 1: and 7 a.m. that's like the peak time for the Latin America flights so uh this one right here idico 1686 from Mexico City and that's arrived at like 5: in the morning 5:45 in the morning it departs at 7 or 7:30 uh back to Mexico City it's flight 1687 it's a boing 737 Max 8 today and next up at gate M21 we have the Copa Airlines bo 737800 making service out to Panama City as fly 236 that's a about 8:00 a.m. departure there um I haven't closely looked at cop's schedule in Chicago but a couple times during the week they'll have two flights in the day otherwise um other days during the week they have just the one flight in the day which is technically this is the one flight that runs every day um the departure flight 236 and I forgot what the inbound flight number is but um this aircraft comes in from Panama City at like 12:30 a.m. and it sits here the the whole night whole you know you know what I mean the whole night basically just sits here till its departure at 8:00 in the morning so it just sits here for like 7 and a half hours um but this is technically the daily flight it runs every single day and then various times during the week I didn't check the exact frequency it's might it might be like 3 to four maybe five times a week um they also have that afternoon service flight 228 229 like I've shown in previous updates that comes in like 2m departs 3M something like that um but this flight I think this is the first time I'm showing this flight in an update might be wrong on that but um yeah that's going off to Panama City today okay so believe it or not this is the last wide body aircraft you're going to be seeing in this update uh right here gate M24 is the Royal Jordanian boink 787-8 and this aircraft has just arrived from Aman is flight 265 and its departure back to Aman will be around 11:30 a.m. as flight 266 so like I covered I think in the last update I might have covered this um Royal Jordanian ads this morning flight during during the summer um to cater for the increased demand of people going over to the Middle East um particularly Jordan and neighboring countries around there um because they're big Auto population in the Chicago area it's I think the big I think second one of the biggest Arab American populations in the US is in Chicago so that's why there's so much you know traffic to the Middle East from here and that's especially why Royal Jordanian adds this uh additional service during the summer otherwise the rest of the year is just that one flight they have a day in the afternoon evening um but this flight is a supplement to that this morning service uh during the summer months so it's pretty cool to see it I saw it when I was uh at passing through O'Hare earlier this month um I think that was my first time seeing it or first or second time seeing it um and it's a relatively new frequency they added maybe one or two years back um so pretty nice to see that one here uh so it comes in like 6:30 645 pretty early in the morning and then won't be departing till about 11:30 all right so like I covered in the previous two updates for T5 Frontier has grown a lot for whatever reason at O'Hare um last month they add they added a bunch of new flights out of O'Hare and I think maybe Midway as well but we're talking about O'Hare here so in this update you're going to see a bunch of new frontier aircraft that I added in the past couple weeks this is the first one this the Airbus a by 21 Neo with the America's green Airline Livery um and this aircraft came in from Houston which is crazy Houston wow InterContinental as flight 1882 arrived at 12:00 a.m. and sat here overnight making service out to Denver as flight 3173 that's an 8: a.m. departure there um and this aircraft I have here at M25 I did that on purpose and that's because this is the exact same plane that I flew last year from Chicago to Atlanta um out of this exact same gate November 605 FR Edward the bald eagle I'm really happy that aeroc Classics decid decided to release this I've been hoping somebody would make this delery soon in 400 scale and thankfully aeroc Classics decided to make the one plane that I did fly so this is uh I think one of three Neo uh 321 NEOS in this Livery um 603 604 605 so the first three uh 3 321 NEOS that Frontier got were painted in the special Pratt and Whitney Livery um so pretty cool to have that here that's the first of five Frontier aircraft you'll be seeing in this update so let's just keep on rolling so right here pushing back out of M26 is a frontier E2 Neo with champ the Bronco on the tail and this aircraft is making service out to Philadelphia as flight 2112 it's a 6 a.m. departure and this aircraft had come in from Orlando as flight 3043 at 1:00 a.m. both of those are I think resumptions I think they might have served Philadelphia in the past at some point from O'Hare if not Midway I could be wrong on that um and then Orlando they've been serving Orlando for ages so that's nothing new there all right moving on to get M27 we've got another new model here it's the frontier a321 Neo with uh Chopper the great white shark on the tail and this aircraft is going to be heading out to Cancun as flight for not Cancun sorry yeah Cancun sorry flight 44 it's a Cancun 7 a.m. departure and came in from Denver the night or not the night before but earlier this morning at 12:00 a.m. as flight 3172 all right pushing back from m28 we've got the frontier A320 Neo with Baja the whale shark on the tail making service out to punana and the Dominican Republic as flight 80 it's a 6 a.m. departure and this aircraft has been here for a while came in the night before from Phoenix as flight 1410 8:00 pm. arrival and moving on we'll just do this all one take here gate m29 we've got the frontier a321 and this aircraft's got Steve the eagle on the tail you've seen this one many times this aircraft is making service to Atlanta as flight 1596 7 a.m. departure and this aircraft came in not too long ago 5 a.m. arrival from Las Vegas as Flight 2146 so yeah that's an that's a regular 321 right here um not a Neo if you look at the engines that's the gem Jets Neo mold and then that's the regular 321 and then if that wasn't bad enough that's a regular 321 right here here and that's the aeroc classics Neo mold look at that that's a proper Neo and then this is I don't even know what that's supposed to be but you can see how big the engines are I didn't I didn't see it I didn't see how much of a problem this was until I put these side by side this is not so the engines are not supposed to be they're not supposed to be that big let's be real that's way too I I don't know what they were doing there but it doesn't bother me that much to be honest I just didn't really notice how much of a problem it was until you put the Neo like aeroc Classics Neo mold next to Gemini Jets regular that's not even a Neo that's what makes it so annoying um like that's a Neo right there with the valaris that yeah the size difference man that's just crazy all right moving on to gate m30 we've got the valaris a321 Neo it's making service out to Mexico City it's flight 703 and came in from Mexico City earlier as Flight 700 um fun fact valaris and Frontier are actually owned by the same parent company uh Indigo travel group or Indigo travel company something like that um valaris Frontier and jetsmart down in Chile jetsmart yeah jetsmart down in Chile they're all owned by Indigo travel Partners all three uh lowcost Airlines pretty cool you got three ulccs from three different countries all under one umbrella so that's a fun fact for today in case you didn't know all right moving on to G M36 we've got a Southwest Bo 737800 in the Illinois one livery this aircraft is making service out to Dallas Love Field is flight 5820 moving on to get M38 we've got a 737 700 making service out to Orlando as flight 2985 and then last but not least over here at gate M40 is a 737 Max 8 this aircraft is making service out to Phoenix Sky Harbor s flight 5245 all right so with that we have reached the end of this Terminal 5 update hope you all enjoyed it um news regarding O'Hare it is the end of June uh starting June 28th austrians going to be bringing in their 787-9 um they're not brand new they're secondhand aircraft they used to fly for bamboo Airways so they have two of them right now one currently is an allwhite Livery and then one just got painted into the full Austrian colors so starting June 28th which uh is a couple days after you're watching this they're going to bring the 789 here to Chicago I probably won't have it the model Itself by the next update I I will hopefully have Austrian Airlines by the next update the July update I'm planning to have Austrian trip 7 and then also air Serbia hopefully by the next update finally um but it's kind of poor timing to add the Austrian Triple 7 because they're literally starting to fly the 787 here just a couple days after you're watching this but um as it stands right now we are supposed to have the 7879 flying here for about what month is it so technically July through October no November and then it switches back to the trip 7 as of now in November unless they decide to keep it full-time 787 for the rest of time I don't know what the update on that is but long story short we're getting the 7879 from Austrian starting later this week pretty exciting and uh that's the only major news that I really can think of I don't know anything else that's really happened lately at O'Hare um there might be but as you probably are used to by now I completely miss out on some news topics you know after publishing the video I I miss them while filming it and then people tell me in the comments that why didn't you cover this well that's why cuz I keep forgetting everything so um it's about it it's all I can think of right now unless there is anything that I miss let me know in the comments below really excited for the July update I think you're going to enjoy the July update when that comes out at the end of July um we will see cuz like I said we are hopefully going to have air Serbia and Austrian in there making their long awaited debuts um because those are two airlines that I've been missing for a very long time and once I add those we only have one airline missing from T5 which would be Viva IR robus from Mexico that's there those are just impossible models to find but anyway that's it for today thank you all very much for watching expect uh you know more videos to roll out as summer proceeds I am doing an internship until August takes up about 40 hours of my week um 9 to 5 every day pretty much Monday through Friday so uh that takes it most of my time but you know I'll do my best power through it you know I end in beginning of August so we'll see how that goes remainder of the time but anyways until then thank you very much for watching take care everybody and I will see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: AS Aviation
Views: 1,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as aviation, ohare airport, ohare terminal 5, chicago ohare terminal 5, airport update, geminijets, geminijets airport update, ohare airport terminal 5, chicago model airport, ohare model airport, frontier airlines, frontier airlines ohare, frontier airlines chicago, royal jordanian chicago, delta airlines, delta airlines ohare, terminal 5, american airlines, united airlines, southwest airlines ohare
Id: sg2bdnm9ZFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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