Chiappa Rhino .357 Magnum

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Hickok 45 you reckon a cowboy'd was ever shot by one of these back in the 1800s it's going to happen today oh yeah I kind of doubt it really you know I don't think a cowboy a real cowboy could have tolerated being killed by such an ugly gun even a propane yeah it's the Chiappa rhino here the four TDs 4-inch barrel believe it or not have you ever seen a firearm this ugly I mean I ask you really have you ever seen uh yeah a fire not just a handgun any gun that ugly 911 offended some of you because many of you don't really think it's that ugly okay but you'll have to humor me because you know I'm an old guy and I have had revolvers my entire life and none of them look like this creature they look more like that way at the model 19 Smith & Wesson just for contrast look at that yeah it's just gonna be a gun bashing video okay well no it's not really going to be a gun bashing video you guys have been requesting that I get my hands on one of these for a few years and I think the first few requests I got I thought you were kidding I really did because by that time you knew some of the beautiful revolvers that I owned and dearly loved little Colt single-action 's and Smith & Wesson double actions vintage Smiths and everything and so I just like you're joking really like because someone would say hey God you need to you need to review the kappa rino you need to get one of those yeah really don't I aren't they gorgeous but over the years I have realized people are serious about it I mean you have been very serious and it's been a surprise to me you know we all learn we're never too old to learn especially when you got so much gap up there you know where you can't go the other way you just you can you know get more knowledge maybe but you can't lose a lot because not a lot up there right but really I have learned something that this firearm is not really repulsive to everybody as it was to me when I first saw them and the second time I saw them and the third time and almost every time I see them they're just a little bit repulsive I'll have to say though since we've had it here at the compound and shooting it looking it over cleaning it and and the messing with it my my impression has changed some okay I'm a calm down it's still ugly but it does function and you know has an old block guy you know ugly is as ugly does if you've got something that functions well okay I can I can live with it so we're gonna look at it and now what you don't want to think of it before I told you a little bit about that heaven but I'm gonna be objective and you know I mean no reason not to be we appreciate the ammo from federal and this is an actual firearm sent by buds so I don't know why did send such an ugly gun to me you know if we requested it and I'm glad to have it we're gonna enjoy you know shoot shooting it some more I've been shooting it quite a bit and and we're gonna shoot it for you let you know how it works and if you don't already know that and this is kind of a tnt gun we uh we've gotten several guns as you know from buds they're a sponsor of ours and to make it easier to get guns and almost any gun we want from them we've decided to just treat most of the guns we get from Buzz's T&E guns which means test evaluation we're gonna send them back to them okay so so this guns going back and they're gonna they're gonna auction some of these off the rollin that we send back they're gonna put them in their auctions and that's that's kind of their thing how they do that I don't know that's whatever they make they make that's their business the only thing we have specified is that 10% of whatever it sells for any gun that we get from them that we send back goes to the Second Harvest Foodbank here in Middle Tennessee the food bank charity in cave a favorite charity so so anyway again watch for when they go up exactly ring of that but you can go to their site and kind of watch for those this one will be up there okay so Chiappa rhino does it look a little bit like a rhinoceros to you I think it does doesn't it I guess it's pretty easy to see why it's named that I'll shoot her some more here but what I'm going to do is I'm going to use these speed loaders a little bit that's kind of unusual I don't know if I'm aware of any other 357 magnums they actually take a speed loader but you get three of those with the firearm and so you know I use one out there I guess I knocked it out on the ground there we'll find it I'll probably step on and ruin it but or die stick in my pocket speed loaders or speed loaders moon Clips like this or a very fragile they're very easy to bend and warp out and they don't work too well so be careful with those if you have them all right you got your cylinder here the flat sides to it and that's one of the advantages of the revolver it keeps it a little more slim you know if you've got the care this could be a carry size model I guess or the two two and half inch whatever it is and it's really a carry kind of a snub gun you've got a flatter firearm there in 357 then you might have with Smith you know with the Smith here you got you don't have a flat cylinder of course okay actually I haven't measured them it may not be all that different but you have a flat one and negatives let me go insert it goes through some other negatives I don't like that latch the opening the cylinder is kind of weird that part of it it's the traditionalist and me I guess but I don't know it's just kind of weird neither John nor I liked that too much it seems okay I guess it's pretty positive and works but not crazy about that now I've been hammering it let me tell you some things that I do like about it the fact that it's going away just kidding just kidding no I do like the grip if you've ever held one of these even if right now you're about to regurgitate people in Kentucky that means throw up if you're about to throw up just from seeing it even in my hand let me tell you you might want to grab one sometime it feels great in the hand it fits really well and the double action on it is not bad okay yeah it's not bad is this a little stiff but it's not bad at all even a single action now it's got a stiff hammer a single action is not great not like a Smith but it's not all that bad either this is a kind of revolver that you pick up I mean me again my bias is a little bit like the the rushing of them.the got revolver which is kind of a contraption in a way you pick it up and it takes three men and a boy to pull the trigger you know expect it to be like that but it's really not it's it's a lot smoother and it's much better built than you would expect okay it's just this surprisingly and if you search around the forums and the web you really do see mostly positive things about these these characters okay I mean it's a gun you want to hate it's a gun I wanted to hate and I really have hated the looks of it but once you get it in your hand there is an element of pleasant surprise the front sights you've got your fiber-optic you're going to adjustable rear sight and you get a pretty good sight picture on on this particular model I think some of the much smaller ones they have a lot of different configurations have maybe no rear sight like that the sights actually even on the hammer a group cut into the hammer this one I've requested a four and so on just kind of a midsize piece they're all ugly the short ones are even uglier I think and so the Hammers kind of stiff but you know the sights and I have shot it several times the sights are pretty much right on the best I can tell and you know it's shoots it's not hung up on us John shot it I fired it the the claim to fame is you notice where the barrel is it's down here along the bottom of that if you didn't know that if you wondered about these strange-looking animals and so it fires from the bottom of the cylinder so the round and the bottom of the cylinder is one that's being fired so you got a hammer down here this is really just a hammer to [ __ ] the hammer it's not the real hammer and so you're firing down here so you've got a straight line on the board acts as' so it's coming straight back into your hand and I don't know of any firearm that does that as well and so all the recoil comes straight back now the thing you read about these all the time is they have no recoil low recoil no recoil no that well yeah what they really mean is you don't get the muzzle flip okay you know you can't shoot business fire hot 357 or a weak 357 or a weak 38 it has a certain impulse it's going somewhere it's just that with this gun it's going straight back up your arm and and you really feel like you can just hold that thing right on still let's try it again to see if it helps you oh and the most important thing I didn't share with you yet I don't forget that because a lot of people are not aware that John Browning actually designed this thing he put all those stats all the design drawings in an envelope and he sent him to Smith & Wesson with a sign not to be opened until 2009 and voila they I think they must have opened it and then they just got rid of and threw it somewhere and I guess Chiappa found it so you believe that yeah get your act to the comedy club not at the compound right let's shoot some hot rounds 357 okay 158 grain well I say hot you know 357 is hot enough then half P plus P or plus P plus or plus plus PP plus plus plus does it 357 and so healthy little little round so I'll put one of these here oh that's 357 yeah okay now these gonna be a little warmer and before we forget let's again as we do this Kentucky is still alive and somebody told me I pick on Kentucky a little bit so again a little bit of a tribute to Kentucky with our remaining blue two liters yeah yeah let's do that for Kentucky okay that was double action on well all that let's do a cowboy again so it's not a bad pull it's really not too bad it's a you know it's it does come back at you and that's the thing you can feel it right there so while it's true it does not rise as much as say that gun would with the same ammo as far as the muzzle flip you're still getting in the same energy back at you and into your hand you can feel in fact in some ways it hurts a little more I would rather now Smith though it's kind of famous these double-action revolvers for for them sort of coming back into your hand as well but this one with your your barrel let's see you know we've got new shooters we've got people who are aiming for me with guns so again let's not assume too much here that you were gonna see your barrels up here at the top of the cylinder generally okay so so the round is recalling against the top of the recoil shield up here you know if the barrel everything in line there so you recall that round that's pushing against up here about at the top of the hammer there so when you fire it you know it's you know it comes up a little bit right whereas the difference with this one as I shows you and the barrels down here so it's coming straight back into your hand the bore axis even is even actually below the top of your hand so it's really coming just right back okay if you had a 44 Magnum they make a 44 Magnum say I'm thinking they may not maybe they do if you put a really hot 44 Magnum and a light handgun like this and fire that it would it would hurt I'd really rather it come up so I'm tell you the truth but but it doesn't hurt we have 357 most of us can handle 357 without too much trouble so so that's mainly why I had that out here and then too if some of you just get a little nauseous after looking at it you know you can just kind of take a look at that when it's on camera and feel a little bit better okay so these are 38 seer hollow-point jacketed hollow points let's put a couple on the target what the heck I've been trying these speed loaders they work okay drop one in the ground and put it in my pocket all right let's take a the site seems to be on pretty well I'll actually [ __ ] it and do a little bit of single action now I haven't really tried any pinpoint accuracy I've tried two litre accuracy how this holding the middle kind of try to and see where they go wherever they goes where they go single action it is a stiff hammer I can't really see where they're going so I'm just going to hold in the middle try to hold the mill didn't mean to fire that it's got a fairly light trigger not bad nothing I like a light trigger it surprised me a little bit what else about this stupid thing okay so it's not it's lighter than a say a traditional revolver because you know all of this site up here and there's all this construction up here it doesn't have to be you know heavy machine steel does it because your barrels down here and you see it's open so it's safe but you've got a sleeve there and everything so you can they have been able to make it out of a lot of it out of alloy and then steel where it needs to be steel it's like your recoil shield and all that steel your barrel your cylinder and then you have alloy in other places so it's not very heavy I mean this is kind of thing it could be really heavy when you look at it look at all that that construction there and it seems solidly built okay trying to be nice to it the Hammers really stiff you notice when it's cocked this little red plunger comes up there to let you know okay and when you fire it is down so when you [ __ ] it notice the hammer it's really just to [ __ ] the mechanism down here because the firing pin and the hammer are right down there so you know that just falls back forward so you look at the back of it as if talk yeah you got your red plunger to tell you it's copy okay and one thing I discovered in fact before we started here I put three rounds in it and I was just going to take three shots it's something for we've started again and it went click well at what because I knew the cylinder turned clockwise yes I so I did put three rounds in there and click Oh delayed reaction what's going on we found our first problem with the gun well the problem was up here I'd forgotten I aligned it so the next round would come up here under the hammer no dummy that's not where they need to do it you need to align them so the next round when you turn the cylinder the gonna be down here on the lower part right okay I never claimed to be smart but you know that's where the barrel is that's where all the action is down there let's try something really kind of light like these little 38 these are these are uh these are as I use like point out these are wonderful little rounds like this just playing like target 38 special somebody learning to shoot and oh man if you're teaching somebody to shoot on one of these I guess that's okay it works let's drive one on ah there's a two liter left oh and there's a pot I mean I say what it hits where you're aiming it really does it's a hits where the sites are we're gonna pull the trigger and John and I were noticing there's something about it too I'm trying to come up with some positives that when you pull the trigger double action it it kind of wants to stay on target it doesn't want to pull low left and you know when you pull fast it just the contour the geometry of the grip and everything so somebody did their research and it feels pretty good what's oh yeah we haven't shot across the hill yeah heavily but if it's not gone worthy it's totally useless so we'll be throwing it in a ditch we can't hit the gong or that revolvers are fun even though I have the speed loaders but there's another one loaded or forgot about that I don't use them you know that often you know it's just shooting around I enjoy taking my time all right now go ahead and [ __ ] it see if it's going worthy sweet sound better put another one on it make sure it might even be a red plate worthy let's try that left red plate I'm not sure where to hold that will try probably low I've been hi Ashley yeah I'm not sure where it's going let's try a pig here on the left I can see my missus better on the pig yeah hello hi I think that was it yeah yeah okay when you miss the some of those red plates it goes into this that tire and then tires don't stir up much dust or you know show where the bullets hitting actually whereas when you shoot at the one of those animals you can sometimes see where it's missed if you miss right some of you never miss but I do that's just something keep in mind if you're learning to shoot or you're you know trying to see where a firearm hits that's one of the first things I do I bring out here I can just I can shoot one of those animals even even though they're far away if I feel like I got a really pretty nice trigger break and everything I might still miss it but it shouldn't be like two feet away or anything it tells me something about the sights so it seemed like he was going hi let me try that again I'll hold down on his toes like I swear it feels pretty good okay who's next mr. cowboy over here we've got two Cowboys you notice now yeah lots of desperados out there okay anything I've forgotten that I know about it they're not sheep okay and that's one of the things that's been perplexing to me as I have seen them over the last whatever a few years I thought well you know that has a really ugly gun who would want that thing maybe it's really cheap maybe it's $150 gun and but no it's whatever $800 gun or not oh they're not cheap okay and the fact remains they're they're apparently really well-made they're accurate from all accounts and I've read several reviews on them people find them accurate they find them well-made reliable you know there's always the exception but generally speaking the the ugly things just work and if it's not ugly to you you might want to consider let's put some hot stuff in here like I have yeah more of the speedloader there 357 Magnum all right oh we have some items here that have not been addressed look at that poor little bird sorry birdie hmm I'll bet this will knock a limb around on that tree what I think I don't have one my ears in tight I'll tell you what a 357 Magnum if you have never fired it it's not a wimp round you know we tend to thank bigger numbers like 44 45 those are the big powerful babies 357 Magnum it's hot we've got some velocity it's got some punch I mean you can feel it on your hand and but that's your beauty of a 357 revolver you can shoot the lighter loads in it or the hot loads and so anyway a lot have you been wanting to know what I think about these crazy things that's kind of it that's the best I can tell you I'm sorry it's never going to be pretty to me it's just not it's not a design I've grown up with I'm trying to you know look at it objectively but I have to say it is is a good shooter and it's kind of fun to shoot I think one of the real appeals of this gun is when you shoot it and the field where it does is come straight back it's almost like something's holding down the muzzle it's a very interesting feeling if you're shooting light loads it's just strange it's strange but it's a positive feeling it's it's it's pretty unique it does make it quicker and easier to to reacquire your sight picture okay if you like to shoot fast you want to shoot one in competition or something you know you your guys not going to move a lot now you're going to catch it in your arm but you know that sight is not going to be bouncing up and down much on you so anyway if you get past the looks it's uh it seems like a good little revolver so anyway it's been fun trying it out life is good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 2,186,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chiappa Rhino, 357 Magnum, .357 Magnum, 38 Special, Rhino, steel targets, shooting range, auction, CCW, carry permit
Id: Rc2wDyMbh0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2015
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