Chia Farming Doomed or Farm On? MEGA Chia Farm Update

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how doomed are we in the Chia ecosystem as Farmers today we're going to answer this question with not just feelings not just what we assume but with what we can observe we're going to do some modeling and I'm going to give you guys a breakdown on what my current Farm plans are how I'm plotting what level of compression I'm going to how much space I'm going to be utilizing and I think this will be pretty interesting so strap in make sure you hit the like And subscribe down below drop your comment at any time here I want to know how big is your farm What compression level are you at are you at a compression level I know several people that are not at any compression level at all and do you think you're going to grow a farm or do you think you're going to reduce a farm these are questions that I'm going to answer and I'd love to read what you have to say in the comments below so to start off with of course we have the catastrophic price of chia which has gone plummeting down over the past seven days and indeed if we go back a month we can see that the price has declined precipitously now we do have a general crypto uh Holocaust going on especially for alts and chia is not immune to that so we do not have a decoupled cryptocurrency unfortunately and that is leading to a lot of problems and strife for Farmers out there in particular and this is geared mainly towards Farmers this may be of interest to you if you are a general Community member but this is mainly going to be talking to people that are chia Farmers themselves not spe speculators or sideline players or anything like that so we can see that we started out about 30 days ago of 2932 and we dropped to and new all-time low that was in the 18s and I think it might have even been a little bit lower than the 1880 that we uh were able to highlight there we'll we'll get a closer look at that here in just a second you can see that there was two large volume events that precipitated that and there has been quite a bit of a short pressure I have read from some people out there and so the other day I put out a tweet so I'm going C30 gigahorse on the CHF arm replot that is the tweet and Brian Freeman chimed in how are you going to be profitable with x value under 20 are you farming in the red no I'm not farming in the red the energy for a replot is not insignificant either so yes the energy for a replot is not insignificant but I am using just basically some uh machines that I think it'll be okay for me to already have up and running and I'm going to go into the logic behind this and what it means for you in just a second but the systems that I have are already systems that are up and running and operational and this is one of the core things that I'm doing to double duty some things and I'm I I I guess I have a lot of data actually that I need to keep and that helps me out in one regard however I had a lot of storage that was purposeful purposefully not useful for anything asides from maybe Chia farming or other cryptocurrency hard drive farming I'm going to drop what I'm doing with that storage here in just a few minutes but let's get back over here to the screen and take a look the energy for a replot is not insignificant either and not only that it is the summertime it is Texas here and it is hot I know uh he's in Southern California it is hot there also during this time of the year and his electric rates are higher than mine mine right around 10 cents per kilowatt hour and so this was uh something that I came up with the going with C30 gigahorse after analysis on what the earnings look like and where we're at now I had done this sheet in the past and a lot of people were like you know this is this is pessimistic it it goes down to 20 15 10 five uh and that was back when Chia was actually this was the last all-time low so this was I did this sheet originally quite a bit before even the having happened and so you can see here that pegged at one uh pyte of effective space we were earning prehab about at current price $2,199 about $2,200 a year a month about $183 that's per petabyte effective so that would be compressed and we have compression coming in big and strong saving the day kind of but also at the same time this is a very double-edged sword which I'm going to explain that concept to you guys also now you see what it looks like post having and the reason I did this preh having so this actually predated the having and post having is I wanted people to be able to see this giant difference it's not just a 50% reduction either that's important to keep mind of because the incremental cost as I said back in the video when I did this the incremental costs of farming go up higher as a percentage of what your net is that is reduced as you go lower and lower so you're going to see that be a pretty significant impact as the price of chia gets lower and lower and you see that Illustrated here because we are not at ,100 uh we are at 886 as far as our earnings post having and that of course accounts for the increase in electricity load of the filter reduction but this sheet was inadequate to do planning and calculations off of so I spent some time and I've got a new sheet this sheet is not yet released for General consumption this sheet uh was something I came up with uh everything on this channel is basically you guys following along with whatever the hell I'm doing at any rate so I did this sheet for myself cuz I wanted to know some numbers around what my different options were that I was considering and there is additional work that I am going to put into this sheet before I release it out there so there will be another video talking about that when that happens and uh we can see here the compression technologies that I've included and notably I did not include uh chia's Native compression uh technology in here which is one of the things that will be corrected uh that was a bit of an oversight I didn't consider it myself but but uh that reflects in the fact that you're just following along with what I'm doing but I also wanted to give people the bigger spread so I did take the criticism from this sheet that I did not go you know kind of in the upside either and so I went also 25 30 35 and 40 here so I gave people price breakdowns that may be interesting to you to take a look at because you might be wondering what is the potential you know if this was at $40 if this was at $35 uh prices that we've seen not too long ago for Chia but we'll get into whether or not I think we'll get there again in just a few minutes but taking a look at this sheet you can see the current price is in column B here for each one of these and you can see the quite large uh disparity between earnings at optimally high compression levels which are all the way up to about $10.40 if you had 5 490s you could be earning off of uh a paby of raw space this is all pegged to a paby of raw space and so I was answering a question specifically around my farm which was I have all these 22 terabyte drives that first off they're SATA and I am not a fan of SATA I am still not sold on SATA actually saving me electricity either because I that jbod was using more electricity running its workload than the other two jbods that are running sass so I do want to eventually at some point get around to doing some more analysis on why that the hell that is maybe it's the oper if they're in an operational State they actually consume a little bit more wattage I have no idea but for a ZFS workload I was noticing that the 22 terab drives did consume more wattage themselves and a 60 Bay jbod than a 60 Bay jbod of 10 terabyte drives or 14 terabyte drives the other two jbods that I've got if you see Mr Blinky down there below Mr Blinky down there below is the primary data point right now being hit by Chia plotting and you can see the Chia plotting go on over here in this screen as it is filling up and we are 366 uh plots deep on this plotter over here of C30 plots going over there you can see the right speed is about 400 megabytes per second so this is a drastic difference than what you saw when I had raid zero arrays the logic behind this one of the original messages of chia don't buy Hardware so let me say if if nobody bought Hardware Shia would be a couple of exy bytes maybe five six seven X bytes of space probably in my estimation Max and that's actually maybe not too terribly far off from what the actual net space is it's probably in the teens but I think there's a trend that's happening and I think that trend is that people are turning off their Farms it's going to be a painful time for many people that are looking at their Farms right now because the earnings per terabyte affect are down and they are down big now if you have a small farm this may or may not apply to you let me just say that right up front a lot of the people on this channel are not necessarily small farmers they don't have an evergreen single you know unit or something like that they don't have a Raspberry Pi single unit running a couple of hard drives they're usually people that have a bigger operation jbods and stuff so you're starting to look at a different class of how much space somebody has how much they've outl as far as time and how much they have outlaid as far as electricity in the production of whatever their compression technology is this presents a really tough point for us because we have now a I haven't seen the chip for it yet I hope it's a well thought out ship and I hope to see it very soon I view this is probably one of the biggest problems is that we have this disparity going on between Shia right now we don't have actual security through hard drives as much as we have security through gpus is the way I view it and I would suggest that that's actually the accurate way to view it uh and the reason why is because if you look at $251 C this is your uncompressed plot nft earnings per day on a petabyte raw about a, or $915 roughly a year if you look at what that same hard drive space can effectively be with 5 490s you're looking at 3,797 now do do I think it makes sense for somebody to go out at this moment and buy 490s absolutely not uh especially since we've got new gpus coming out very soon so the C30 choice that I made was geared around Hardware I already had laying around because I already had gpus I already had quite a few gpus 390s I have two 490s they're not really for chiaia stuff and they'll never probably be dedicated use for cryptocurrency but as I'm learning more about Docker and the ability to utilize a GPU for multiple workloads that could come into play but for more than just Chia even especially things like locally hosted Ai and stuff like that which this channel is definitely going to dive more into because I've got actually a pretty killer setup I think you guys are going to be excited to see this but that's one of the reasons that it's been quite a while between me doing a video and this video here is that I have had to redo almost all of my systems and taking a look at some of what I've redone here do I have my trz pulled up I do so we've got our backup storage technology which is based on trz and we have our primary storage technology so orbital is my primary storage this is where I dump all the data that's pretty active that I'm actively working on and it's five RAID z2s 10 wide with backups hot spares and those are 14 terabyte drives this gives me an effective space on all those 14 tab drives of about 484 Tipp bytes of space so under 500 under half a pyte of space from 60 of those 14s that should be that's a quite a reduction that should be in the 700s if I was just looking at setting up raid zero Stripes like I had before of 12 wide which gave me amazing right speeds I mean those were 2.33 all the time uh which I mean that was great when it was for dedicated use this is now business use primarily and me following along with what Shia said originally make a primary use thing that you uh put on what you have already like I already have to have storage I already have to have fairly significant amounts of storage I can't afford flash yet to account for all that storage and until I can afford flash for that it's going to have to be based on hard drives I'm not going to do an intermediate step hard drive upgrade to SAS 3 I don't think the performance gains are there and I think the price of uh ssds is coming down so significantly that I'll be able to fit 100 terabytes of ssds into my system pretty effectively in the not too dist distant future so that's where I plan on going and I'll probably skip the jump to SAS 3 jbods and stuff like that these SAS 2 jbods definitely definitely have a limitation if you're riding to all the discs at once you could expect to hit maybe 50 megabytes per second and that's just because of the sasu bandwidth limitations that you're running into on a 60 Bay jbod 24 Bays optimally sized for the kind of workload with spares and included and accounted for to hit about 150 megabytes because that's 20 discs actively writing so you can really max out and the technology for SAS 2 around the time 24 Bay jbods were out uh kind of matched up very nicely for that some of these larger units were met mainly for backup data and not necessarily high performance applications so when we're looking at this we can see that I'm storing stuff here so I'm using extra space here this is ZFS ZFS is not necessarily the most optimal uh way to store your cryptocurrency uh data that may or may not be important to you and the reason why is because if you're looking at hitting about 50 to 60 75% utilization that's where you're going to want to stop for sure on that because you're going to run into right amplifications and also a lot of other things that can be pretty negative so you really do have to be very judicious with your usage of ZFS you never want to hit over 80% on it or else you're going to see some really really bad stuff happen and essentially the only way to get rid of that is to defrag it which means you need to have this much storage space potentially available to you to defrag that data by copying it off and copying it on again if we look at the backup that I've got here 363 tites of effective space here this is on 10 terabyte drives this is 6010 terabyte drives five wide raid z3s with one hot spare uh three parodies on each one of those raid Z arrays and five of of them stacked together that gives me a usable space of about 363 so if I look at that about 75% of that and about 75% of this that's about 550 is TI bytes of raw space that I have so I didn't actually geared my calculations towards that I geared it towards these 22s because the 22s 60 22s works out to be roughly right in the neighborhood of one Pibb bite when you size it of raw space so that's where I pegged it I thought that was a generally decent way to do it in this sheet but you can see $252 all the way up to $10 so we have darn near a 4.2 or so X difference between where we're at in Chia as far as the lowest compression technology and the highest compression technology Dr plotter I do not think it is a good idea to go run out and buy 409s because even though it does dramatically increase your ability to earn your payback period is still pretty long and 490s are going to be probably on sale here pretty quickly as we get the 5,000 series that probably pushes down the price of 390s also so I have 4 390s and I was very seriously strong considering doing a 4390 Dr plotter X3 setup I still am considering that I still might do that and that would actually be an earnings of about $742 a day however when I got here I started looking at where we were at on some other Technologies and I've got to say a single 490 on no SSD c34 is just they did a really really good job they released their uh updated technology for compression last they did a really good job of positioning themselves as the most competitive alternative to uh Dr plotter Dr plotter you're going to have to have significantly more gpus to do that versus one GPU on uh no SSD technology I'm not going to use no ssds technology myself but it is actually probably if you're looking at just the dollars and cents and you only have 14090 that's probably not a bad way to go about doing things now if you look down here at the single 3090 on a C30 for gigahorse your earnings are still it's a big jump from where you're at on something like a C13 c-13 and the cni uncompressed those are both just CPU based and so both of these two are just CPU based uh for compression and decompression the jump to a 3090 on a C300 gigahorse is substantial and right now A 390 is like $650 so it does kind of make sense if you were going in a certain direction and you liked the gigahorse technology which in my opinion is the most flexible of the Technologies out there having things like Docker packages and stuff like that make it very very viable if you want to multi-use and multitask your usage of a farm or an operation because your ability to multi-use a GPU with Nvidia container toolkit exists like that and so when I'm plotting things like uh MMX when I'm doing things like plotting other cryptos out there I think that you could see that that's uh not a bad idea to be able to multi-use the GPU at the same time and not have to have it shut down for things like task solving when you're looking at your operations so how bad is it for Chia right now if you're a farmer this is definitely lowest that we've ever seen by a damned mile earnings per TI per farmer so this is where I've always had and I've always said actually quite vocally that it never made sense for $20 to be the price of chia because if $20 was the price of CH like it is now there is not a chance in hell we ever would have been to a place where we have 23.2 X byes of storage that is the problem we have too much capacity this is why there is a solution it's it's just the market itself and this is going to happen this is painful for people also but this is a needed correction to CH that is underway right now and will continue in my opinion to be underway for some time and that is people will be turning off their nodes people will be stopping farming and that is probably what we need to see happen if you look at total nodes over the past five days you can see that we have a reduction for sure if we look at the total number of peers over the last 30 days we have a very significant reduction we saw a leadup that was uh right about 8, 8,734 that was I believe the peak during the last 30 uh 30-day period yeah yeah and now we are down to right around 71,000 so that is 10,000 nodes that have gone offline or turned offline some of that was probably planned by people oh I wasn't showing the screen there of that was probably planned by people as they went hard and they were out when the filter cut happened I know a couple people that had voiced that to me and actually that was probably not bad these are also people that were selling stuff up till the moment this is also not a bad time to consider if you have hardware and you have been selling and you have a potential to hit an Roi on sale of Hardware that is something I would consider because the market right now for used Hardware is very strong and we have seen many many times in the past where the market for used Hardware is not very strong so there is a decent market for used Hardware as far as flash as far as hard drives as far as gpus right now thanks to AI that will possibly and probably not continue and there could be an economy uh correction in the works force in the United States I would not discount the fact that that is a very likely probable kind of thing that we could see in the near term here it looks like it's shaped up I know I am in Austin so I'm hyperfocused on my real estate St prices uh and definitely my House's value is plummeted tremendously over the past two years and I think that we're going to see that continue and that is going to be possibly leading into bigger wider economic problems that we could face it really matters a lot what happens in certain credit markets and stuff like that so I'm keeping an eye on that but there there could be some some problems on Deck definitely seem like there could be some problems as far as what you see as far as the delta in net space over the past 30 days 4.51 xtes have left the Chia blockchain that's natural that is actually what probably should be happening in my opinion this is getting us closer to what we actually should have as far as an actual net space of the Chia blockchain it should be dramatically lower this makes no sense that these prices for it to be this high in my opinion 15 Ex bytes would make a fair amount of for where it should be at these prices now that's with compression what happens when you take compression off we should be dramatically lower than that so I think this is the reality of what prices are now you're seeing people that have good electric rates like me benefit from the fact that other people who possibly don't have good electric rates like you have to turn off their farming operations as they get less and less competitive or go into the red so Mr Freeman the answer to your question is no I am still profitable and I could actually stay profitable down to a pretty darn low level if we go over here and take a look like $5 is where if she is $5 I'm really going to be hitting it hard on staying profitable now I'm using gpus to replot and I already have operations in my garage that are accounted for as far as the air conditioning because I have to run the servers no matter what and so the servers have to stay running I house my own data it would cost me tremendous amounts of money to put this in the cloud that doesn't mean I'm discounting the running of the electricity on those I am only discounting the running of the AC because the garage is a very uncomfortable place and I wouldn't leave it un air conditioned at any rate with a data center in here like this now it is just one window AC unit and it actually is not that bad as far as efficiency it does a really good job of keeping it very nice even during the hottest times of the year thanks to the massive amounts of insulation that I blew in to the attic and the Radiant Barrier of that stuff in the history make sure to check that out I'll drop a link to it in the description below if you're watching this later also so my guess is I'm going to hit about 500 tib bytes of raw space on C30 gigahorse that's going to come out to a little bit over one pebb bite I still don't think I'm going to turn those 22s back on this was a decision that I made live with a lot of people and now that I'm looking at it I'm like I don't know man I just don't know I don't want to sell the hard drives to folks that are chia farmers and that is something that I still have the store at shop. digitalspace but I do not want Chia Farmers this is the reason that I stopped selling hard drives at the beginning of this year was because I knew that things were going to be interesting as we saw the having and the filter especially the filter has been like kind of the kick the the having was really the big kick to Farmers the filter was kind of like ouch to your electric utilization but as we saw those things shaping up I saw six months in the future I was like I don't know so I just decided to pause sales even though 50% about of my sales were not to people that were Chia related at all because they didn't use coupons everybody in Chia uses coupons because they they know they know that they're going to save that 5% or 3% and that is a pretty big savings for people and that makes good sense so why why why am I talking about this now what do I think the next moves for Chia are like of people have been very upset saying things that may or may not have basis is in reality about no viable economic uses for Chia so there are viable economic uses for Chia Chia is utilized by World governments I don't know of a lot of other blockchains that can say that so there is still optimism in my mind does the risk profile of chia has it changed in the past six months quite a bit so from my perspective so I view it as a semi- risky uh asset Now versus what I viewed it as when this all started which was one of the safe Haz assets one of the big changing points was when they started selling the prearm because that's a little bit unknown now they have their justifications and backing and they probably are right Jean's a very smart intelligent person so it probably is not the sale of a security and it probably does not endanger the IPO the IPO being one of the things that I view as the best time for a potential price action that is going to be beneficial to me and possibly you if you're well timed for it not something that we can predict though necessarily so keeping an eye out for that when that happens is probably going to be a pretty good moment so that is also why I've been holding on to my Chia because I feel like there is a future where there is probably going to be a darn good time also tax implication reasons I you create a tax headache when you do a lot of stuff so I didn't want to necessarily create a massive tax headache for myself by daily selling or anything crazy like that so I do think that Chia has definitely increased its risk profile for me I think there are problems and strategic areas for Chia that they're probably addressing their sales pipeline we haven't seen a huge partner announced on anything since the World Bank really and so that is something that I would love to see you know the carbon Registries were big they had some luxury good markets uh possibly taking them up I don't know what the actual like what is the let's go out to the website and see it and look at it or something like that like I know there was a release but was like like the real world implication of that I would love to see what the real world looks like on that for an enduser like I want to go buy something that I can use this Tech that's what I'm really after um how much demand is there asides from the ultra high-end I don't know and how much does that add to the value of chia is as a traded asset is is probably low from the X standpoint the selling of the prearm a lot of people are like they have a prearm that's a that's a problem I understand that perspective if they didn't have the prearm right now they'd be Uber hosed and we would be in a much much worse space let me explain why if they didn't have the prearm they would probably not be operational even like as a official entity and my that's just my guess when the credit s thing blew up and they lost their IPO underwriting backing that event right there probably would have been the end of it uh and and that's a problem let me explain why that's a problem Sheil I've said this for a long time as a matter of fact me and Chris from the Chia plot love that guy I really enjoyed talking with him also about things like this because he was able while very very critical of most C and I decisions he was able to very well justify and ground his decision making that he had leading up to that that was a vigorous and enjoyable debate that I usually had with him over these type of topics but definitely when we saw sheis chosen I think me and Chris both we said wouldn't cobal be kind of like more standard and there's a lot more people that understand how to write it chisp lisp is hard and that's a fact that's just a fact is it the best suited language possibly for the blockchain possibly is it the best suited language for the mass adoption by developers independently out there no and so that is what the problem is is because there is not a lot of people out there granite ridy a wonderful young talented developer is coming out with Rue and I was checking that out that looks like a much more approachable way much less parenthesis driven way to create some chisp applications so hopefully he can get that running and operational in a near-term period guess it's acting kind of like As an interpreter or something like that possibly for Chia I'm not exactly sure what's happening at the bik code level but uh there is some interesting stuff happening that is positive as far as potential Outreach to developers so that's great he's doing that in an unofficial capacity Now list ch very small amount of people in the world understand can write it can do it good and unfortunately as a result of that the number of community developers is going to be inherently low even though Chia has been doing a bang up job in my Absentia here releasing videos releasing new talking points Clyde has put out so much new effort and work on this that it is absolutely amazing it still is hard and so that is going to remain a problem as long as lisp is the basis language and there's no changing that at this point so that is going to continue to be a challenge now it makes great strategic sense from a red hatm model kind of business perspective because what are you going to do you're going to have to hire Chia to write the Chia list for your custom application that makes a lot of business sense that makes a lot of economic sense but is that necessarily the end of chia if chis was the functional language and the company went out of business in my opinion it very could have been a serious detriment to any patches ever even coming out now that's not to say that the developers that are core developers of chia and chia lisp wouldn't contribute back but that's a pretty big expectation to place on somebody that you may or may not be able to cash the check on and unfortunately that makes it very unknown too unknown to be comfortable for me in the event that Chia was to be bankrupt so I am glad that Chia had the prearm to sell because crypto in general very hard to raise funds in the AI Market that's where the VCS are interested right now granted I think the reality of that is starting to come to roost but we are definitely in a an Uber bear for VC raising of funds in you know uh cryptocurrencies out there in general Chia of course one of the people that has been impacted by that as well now the same people that are saying they have a pre-farm it's a problem are also usually the same people saying they're selling the pre-farm that's that's a problem okay if they weren't selling the prearm they wouldn't probably be an operation they're selling the pre-farm gets rid of the pre-farm out of their control I think that's actually a good thing I don't mind the pre-farm I think that prearm might have been a little bit too big but I don't mind the prearm and I would say that this does give them an operational window at these prices but here's the problem at these prices is a big question because when we see $15 $10 Chia what happens then they have to probably sell more if they're covering immediacy expenses so that would not be something that I would hope for I don't want to see $10 honestly I want to see like $45 Chia but $45 Chia is not in the decks right now even though Bitcoin has been not too far back at alltime highs now trending downwards but I mean if we see Bitcoin retrace to say 30,000 not outside the realm of possibility she is strongly pegged to what Bitcoin prices are that didn't used to be the case early on that is the case now that has been an evolving thing that has happened so when we look at that that right there is a potential for us to see something like a $10 Gia now at $5 as you can see over here pretty much everything at 10 cents per kilowatt hour not GNA happen as a matter of fact that's probably somewhere closer to 750 so around $7 750 maybe $8 most of these are going to become not viable especially the higher the compression you are the lower the compression you are that's probably going to be okay now this is also like I said a big petabyte jbod operation and this does account for the electricity and everything in that as well and I break down each one of these as far as what you're looking at right here pretty nicely for folks to take a look at so I do think that there is risks in Chia and I think they've increased over the past month especially but since probably the past two and a half to three months it's been pretty much yeah it's not been a positive trend going up and right it's been kind of looking a little bit different now there was a crazy runup that happened right before the uh having event happened that man I was really hoping I was really hoping that that was going to be the trend didn't turn out that that was the trend instead the trend has been quite the opposite of that so what we're looking at in my opinion is the reality of where things are for Chia right now that it's going to take something else to change the price of X granted Community developers are awesome and we have some really cool apps being put out there we have of course the xvh name Registries and stuff like that which I'm kind of iffy on uh but we have really solid stuff being developed as far as data Lara from uh Mr Taylor I I look forward to seeing that being probably one of the largest or most successful commercial Ventures we now have the bridge if you're bridging Assets in and out that's easier that's still not a coinbase listing a coinbase listing would probably be a pretty big boom moment for Chia but I think timing that would be an important thing if they can time it at all I did ask Gan directly have they submitted the paperwork for coinbase he told me yes directly they have submitted the paperwork for coinbase so it's really in coinbase's corner I would also say this can you imagine running the Chio wallet at Scales like coinbase has it wouldn't work it just wouldn't work the the wallet's gotten a lot better but it's not there it's not there it's not there for that kind of volume of transactions you would run into some serious problems and I don't think that coinbase is signing up for those kind of headaches I know that Chia has been working on a more Enterprise grade wallet and I do expect that probably is geared towards making things better for coinbase we aren't going to get an answer from coinbase or Chia regarding this you know that they'll know when they know and they're not going to tell us same with the SEC stuff I am checking Edgar every now and then I haven't seen any updates on there either if you have any information about those feel free to shoot me an email social digitalspace even if it's just a wild speculation or drop it in the comments below so that's where I'm at I'm replotting to C30 I'm probably going to get 550 50-ish tib bytes of effective raw space plotted that'll be a bit over a pyte of space on the effective side and the 22 terabyte drives I don't know I don't know I'm still torn on it like am i g to spin up a jbod in the summer that's hard to say yes I am going to be building a quad 390 rig not primarily for Chia but for other uses and it's going to be running Docker and so I can run a lot of things off of it and I may actually be spinning up some plotting off of that also that could speed up the plotting of a as well that is one of the factors that you really want to look at is if you're creating heat load Grant I can I can cool about 6 to 6.5 kilowatts of heat load effectively during summertime Peak temperatures in the garage but still I mean quad 309s are hot this is going to get loud and hot in here really quick I don't have a dedicated place I do spend quite a bit of time in the garage doing all sorts of other activities and so yeah I want to be I want to think this out so at the moment I'm waiting to see on that let me know what your plans are in the comments below and make sure you hit me up at go Spaceport on Twitter hit the like hit the Subscribe ring the bell down below if you want to be a member and thank you to all the members that I have that are on the channel you do get a 3% or 5% discount on shop. digitalspace and we have almost nothing in stock there so that's probably been very depressing for people however I did find some of the f on drives so there will be some more fison drives hitting I have not decided whether I'm going to do another batch of the fison drives they are good but the prices of flash have gone way higher since the time that I acquired them so I would have to be charging a way higher price and I don't necessarily think that it makes a great amount of sense unless you need Super Duper endurance which some people do but that's a pretty small subset of people out there and like I mentioned if you are thinking about if the thigh has entered your mind should I turn off my farm should I sell my stuff consider in this this is a strong time to resell Hardware right now you might say I'm trying to get you to turn off your farm I am not trying to get you to turn off your farm I am asking you to think about it if you are a Chia farmer what you do with your operations there is a correction underway as the prices are being discovered as the market value of chia is being discovered this is the market value that it's being discovered at and the net space Discovery that's happening as a result of that is natural and so these are good questions there's not an infinite Supply or demand for used hard drives on the market space out there we will not absorb five xtes or 10 xtes selling hard drives immediately that is uh that would lead to a precipitous drop in the price that you would be able to realize for a used hard drive so do think about those things use gpus probably a little bit better but with the 50 series coming out there is likely not a better time for you you to consider if you are turning things off turning them off now and if you are selling things selling them off now and if you are looking at where you would sell them I would definitely recommend checking out Facebook Marketplace as your primary place because you can avoid fees and you can also hopefully not deal with super sketchy people eBay's fees have gone through the roof uh Amazon is pretty high on fees also but they're actually a little bit better than uh what you're going to get on eBay of course Craigslist is somewhat sketchy but those are some places that you might consider in your neck of the woods if you know places in your country I know Kijiji is a Canadian thing uh I don't know if there's other Canadian things but if you know other places drop them in the comments below folks go down to those comments and read them and make sure that you thumbs up things that you like and thumbs down things you don't like I will check you guys out next time
Channel: Digital Spaceport
Views: 1,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chia, xch, chia farm, xch farming, chia coin, chia crypto, chia network, chia price, xch price, $xch, Chia compression, nossd, madmax gigahorse, chia gigahorse, chia dr plotter, chia profitability, farming chia, chia coin price, chia price prediction
Id: 7e0TnIzpSyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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