Cheyenne Indians

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the Cheyenne tribes of Native American Indians were amongst what is now considered the most well known a plain Indian tribes today often a lying the Sioux and Arapaho the Cheyenne tribe originally lived in stationary villages and their eastern parts of the country and occupied much of what is now Minnesota until they migrated to the high plains in the early 1800s the Cheyenne Indians were displayed to two tribes in which the Northland Cheyenne tribe lived in Montana and the southern Cheyenne Indians shared a tribe with their allies the southern Arapaho in Oklahoma by the time the Americans met the Cheyenne Indians they are living on the Great Plains in what is now considered South Dakota Wyoming Nebraska Colorado Minnesota and Kansas during the 17th century the group of Cheyenne came to visit LaSalle's fort in Illinois which this was the first time Europeans came into contact with members of the Cheyenne tribe the Cheyenne Indians were classified as part of the Great Plains culture area also known as plain Indians because of their nomadic lifestyle the use of horses their buffalo hunting and the use of teepees for shelter the Cheyenne nation formed into ten dance spread across which spread across the Great Plains from southern Colorado to the Black Hills in South Dakota the Cheyenne Indians had a Council of forty four which consisted of forty headsman's four from each of the ten bands and for Councilman known as old man Chiefs the Cheyenne Indians of Montana and Oklahoma spoke to Cheyenne language the Cheyenne language consisted of an apple alphabet of 14 letters and had many complicated verbs with many parts over the past 400 years the Cheyenne Indians have gone through four stages of culture first they lived in the eastern release and were farmers planting crops like corn squash beans and they harvested wild rice next they lived in present-day Minnesota and South Dakota and continued their farming tradition they've actually started hunting bison of the Great Plains during the third stage the Cheyenne Indians abandoned their farming lifestyle and became a complete Plains horse culture tribe the four stage however was the reservation face so and women were known for their creativity and decorating objects with horsehair feathers and the bones and skin of animals traditional crafts included beadwork clay of stone carving and pottery Cheyenne men hunted Dean to ride the camp of food the older men made bows arrows and pipes while the younger men spent time enhancing their personal appearance and or listening to the older men for advice for the future examples of resistance to change number one beginning in the 1860s the federal government's policy was to try and stab with small ears of land for specific tribes and encourage them to take up farming while many tribes did settle peacefully on such reservations others resisted up giving their lands in a way of life such as a Cheyenne Indians number two the Cheyenne Indians also battled the US Army for control of the West assai an Indian tribe engaged in constant battle for non-indians and attacked troop installments throughout the late 1860's and Seminoles number three also many scientist whom which were the military leap of the Cheyenne nation refused to sign treaties that limited their hunting grounds and restricted them to reservations south of the Arkansas River the constant fighting between Americans and the Cheyenne Indians was all because the American Spanish Diane Lange who kept taking more and more land from them but Americans of the native people starve to death by killing all of their food sources like the Buffalo and used them just for their fur as a result the only way to prevent all this from occurring was to stand up and to fight in which a Cheyenne Indians bid time and environment the earliest known historical record of the Cheyenne Indians comes from the mid 17th century when a group of scientist at the French fort near present-day Chicago Illinois the Cheyenne at this time lived between the Mississippi River and Millis Lake in present-day Minnesota in the 1700s the sian trial moved Northwest to the Cheyenne River in North Dakota and continued and continued to grow corn beans and squash in the 1750s the sian Indians acquired horses will just allowed them to travel farther distances and hunt Buffalo in the 1780s the Cheyenne Indians moved to the game lands of the Black Hills here they allied with the rapaho this however marked the beginning of life on the Great Plains in 1806 Lewis and Clark met with the cyan leader in attempt to get a grasp in on the weak alliances they saw between the plain tribes in 1825 a friendship treaty was made this treaty was a pledge of peace between the Cheyenne and the United States in 1830 the Cheyenne tribe had split into two bands the Northland and southern Cheyenne tribe in 1851 the first treaty f Fort Laramie was made so yen and Arapaho territory was fully established covering lands in Wyoming Nebraska Colorado and Kansas during 1864 the Sand Creek Massacre occurred which is massacre occurred because a Cheyenne Indians destroyed white settlers property 1865 so Union Indians established a new reservation spaying the borders of Kansas and Oklahoma during the year of 1890 the Cheyenne Indians had their last engagement with the US Army during 1936 the Northern Sun Union approved a tribal Constitution under the Indian Reorganization Act during the year of 2000 President Clinton signed the Sand Creek National Historic Site establishment act setting aside 12,000 acres in Colorado today there are about 60,000 Indians living because the sign in D ins weren't closed to people when they traveled by river that usually built their own routes originally the Cheyenne Indians would use dogs to pull their sleds to help them carry their belongings however once Europeans introduced horses to North America the Cheyenne's could travel quicker and further and began to migrate frequently to follow the buffalo herds the majority of the Cheyenne woman weren't charted their home besides cooking and cleaning the Cheyenne woman built her family's house and direct the heavy poza fur whenever the tribe moved men on the other hand were hunters and warriors responsible for feeding and defending their families however only men became Cheyenne Chiefs through a lot of traditional cheyenne legends and fairy tales that many science told to their children storytelling was very important to the Cheyenne Indian culture as well as her dancing ceremonies like the Sundance and the Ghost Dance the Sun Dance was a religious ceremony of the plane Indians it was held every summer this dance showed a connection between life and death to the Cheyenne Indians the Ghost Dance on the other hand was a religious dance of Native Americans looking for communication with the dead past and present one very important person to the Cheyenne Indians was a leader named Dorman he was a chief of hand of the north and Cheyenne Indians who first came into public notice in 1868 he acquired the name duel knife in battle fulfill a coda warrior which his knife could not pierce the opponent's tough buffalo hide shield door knife is also known for signing the Treaty of 1868 which this treaty was one of the last great treaty signed between the American government and the plane in deeds another event that had an impact on the Cheyenne Indians was the Sand Creek Massacre this Massacre was a surprise attack by u.s. troops on a Cheyenne camp a force of 1200 men attacked several hundred Cheyenne Indians camped on Sand Creek Colorado Territory the Indians had been conducting peace negotiations with the fort's commander when the attack began although the Cheyenne Indians raised a right flag indicating peace so US troops continued to attack massacring more than 200 of that these slangs however led to the plain Indian Wars today the Cheyenne Indians occupied two reservations one at Tom river Montana where some 6500 people live and the other reservation in southern West Oklahoma where which is shared with the longtime allies I wrap up and consists of about eleven thousand members today Sian Indians only put up a tepee for fun or to connect with their heritage not for shelter in a matter of fact most irons live in modern houses and apart built-in apartment buildings just like us and today some Sonia people still wear a beaded dress is but the majority of them wear regular clothes and also speak English just like us
Channel: Dotan Argano
Views: 821,296
Rating: 4.8116717 out of 5
Id: K2gU3FQ8S4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2013
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