CHEVY S10 350 swap!!! HELPFUL INFO

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okay it's been a minute it's been a while in today's video this is a change I've been wanting to do to the channel for a while it's not gonna change you completely it's gonna be like a little addition you know so we already got these crazy challenges that we do whenever I can get like the gaming setup back up again running good and then we all do back to gaming but um when I did gaming I did racing games racing games with all the majority of my things that I did was old cars that I made go really really fast cuz I like that that's cool yeah well um let's do some of that stuff but in real life okay and what I mean by that is um this right here this is my truck say hello to Stacy it's 1985 Chevy s10 and I'm gonna try to get some beauties of it you know I ain't never done this before so this is gonna be a start of improvement for videos let's try Beauty shots let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so yeah this is my 85 s10 if you guys know anything about maybe 5 s 10 that is not the stock motor boy if it was no hates so better than what they did but uh sale they were like 2.6 was a 2-point the v6 they had and then the two versions of the inline course in it and then options of automatic or 5-speed oh well Drive or this is a rear-wheel drive originally had a 2.5 liter fuel injected engine which made 60 horsepower right here's where I said the 2.5 fuel injected it's so worn out anything suspension wise seanix and everything it's all stock chart for the bags of shakedown - its shooting back a little problem with this truck is that uh I've ever wanted that had that close back I have to move this right here have to push it back because it doesn't work automatically now that awesome is I gotta go over here make sure I put this back too because that doesn't stay either yeah but that's about all the problems with it another problem and that problem is that that is any headers and right over there that's that's the ground because there's no exhaustion on this name now we put the heat wrap over here because it was melting mom see let me show you guys um I can't show you guys oh but uh the heat from it was melting a piece of it we don't have here app over here nothing hasn't been melting everything hasn't it's been doing good these are headsman headers this thing does have a small cam it uh oh we got it it was just the engine there was no carburetor we did buy a few carburetors but they didn't work for it luckily enough we had this carburetor given to us and then a lot of these things that we got luckily was given to us but we still got about $3,000 I've been to this thing it shouldn't be making around 325 horsepower is at least look the guy we bought the motor from said it was gonna be about this is a High Flow Intake see what happens oh we got those but you keep it cool oh speaking of keeping it cool we couldn't fit a mechanical fan in here no room at all we had to do we got electric fans yay oh and we also had to get a new radiator because like the other radiator was like that it was small Oh problems that you were like you as someone who will be small would swap 350 into a 4-cylinder s10 is that over here we had a lot of fitment issues right here so we had a Bing in the firewall a little bit right in here because the ship eaters whenever it the motor would flex it would rub onto it which is another problem is the distributor we had to get a small one not one of those large ones because the larger one is set up somewhere right up around here so that wasn't too good what else oh I don't think I've seen too many of them to where you can still have the stock pulldown to change your gears if you had wanted an automatic transmission cuz that would be this right here to change it well once it would go down the lever would be pushed down and hit right here on the valve covers so that created a problem cuz you can't get it in the drum so just solve that problem we installed the bnm shifter it's pretty nice oh the transmission in here is a junkyard 700r4 came off of the 4.3 liter Vortech motor it's now on here death engages to because I don't know if you can tell but uh yeah nothing there's no temperature gauge no battery gauge and no oil pressure there's a hole light there's a temperature light can you see these focus okay there we go temperature light that's about it yeah the ODE the seats oh these are some nice seats got bench seats and they're so comfortable this is the stock seats what kind of the back when we bought this truck when I was 7 or 5.5 this was the Rex truck let me stick in it got wrecked over here get right over here do you see where there was some bodywork made there you go yeah there was somebody like those made and we ended up managing to chip off a lot of this bodywork while we were working on it see the crack here and then think can't what's called right now smooth out not lead not a nice lady yeah oh but we left the 2.5 liter fuel injected on there just to hopefully screw with people's mind whenever the people up next to me or something like that yeah oh just a little voice telling them oh we got a big bb-8 up in here the plan with this truck is I want to make this a drag truck I'm going to work my butt off for whenever I get out of high school I always save every ounce every dollar I have I'm gonna pour into this motor I want to make this motor like a NASCAR engine very similar you know it's already been bored its bored now this is classified as a 355 but I want to get NASCAR ro7 a little bit of them heads for it I want to get a ro7 intake our seven water pump and dry sump dry sump oil pan a really large can make this thing rev up extremely high but high-compression pistons in it interesting beasts hopefully get it up to 700 horsepower naturally aspirated that'd be pretty cool and then eventually I want a turbocharger every target and they try to push out 12 under horsepower yeah it is it's really insane especially for this small motor oh by the way Motors from 1989 it was a back three crate engine I guess we had a problem with our gas system it was not pumping enough feel the power this big baby so uh we got a fuel pump I don't I try call a fuel pump it runs down to the fuel lines oh this is how we can like change the adaption for it which I still feel like we did it backwards but hey it works so it doesn't run again we also felt that stopped working which is great so right now it says that it's a beyond a full tank of gas I wish on this little thing and I don't work no more oh we're gonna be changing the radio out too yeah and corporation er yeah all right now I know why you guys are waiting for just for me to fire this sucker up right oh boy okay yeah let's do it oh by the way reals different oh wait I wasn't even pointing at okay yeah the grill is different and the license plate or the front license plate if you got a problem with that it's not not racist this isn't in a meeting of like I mean even blacks or anything because I don't you know my good friends o'clock that's so bad to say like that let's do ya know that especially when I look at that I do not see that as a sign of hate or anything that is a side of religion family like all my family my granny lives down there she has a flag just waving and it's a big rebel flag but we don't look at it as is and a racist thing especially if you go to history class and you learned that their flag wasn't like that it was actually something completely different a little kind of different and there's more like white and stuff it was different than that white and stuff no that's stupid okay that sounds so dumb so look at what the actual rebel flag looks like because that is not it that is like the redneck flag my eyes yeah so sorry for that little rant I just always gets mad when everyone's like or do you have a robe of luck on your truck because it's been there ever since we got it and I don't see no bad meaning in the roadway oh you have the key has to be in the mission for it to go boom oh my god where did my light bulb go oh okay wasn't that been here whenever they were doing that um yeah and in the next part just think she'd be fired up oh this thing's kind of loud this warning here I'll give a few thank you ass get into it takes a while it's pretty loud too [Music] [Music] [Music] so I can't really wrap it up for you guys probably won't do that evening cuz I I started Rivlin yet oh my god [Music] okay that was weird I turned off the ignition key but yet it was still running I had to be and pull out the ignition key just okay let me get the key pull out the key just to have it cut off what's that's not too good I can't really say much about it because like Danica I'm not supposed to be picking this up but I'm gonna clean my stuff that doesn't watch the YouTube video so we're good all right this is my truck 1985 Chevy s10 Stacy is a beast right I always said as a kid I wanted her to have a V a leaf ash I've always wanted to be a drag racer ever since I was seven years old and I mean that - all thanks to my second-grade teachers also and like I turned it all the way this way I was like why is this still running that's alright and as soon as I pulled it out that worked because it was cutting off the electricity so the fuel I guess was running up there too much like I did pump it a few times just so it would actually crank up because he actually have to do that with this because it's not tuned properly yet it's not timed and everything so if you had like the chopping was real it sounds good though it sounds really good oh this is the thing I was talking about like this is time we just took it off um yeah so um yeah hope you guys like Stacy any update videos that I do hopefully I'll be like video taping us like tuning it like doing the timing on it or the new exhaust I could do a video on the new exhaust yeah anything you guys let me know and I'll let me know would you what like think I should do with his name I'm open to here see whenever I get out of high school I want to dump in as much money as I can into this I want a new suspension rebuild the motor you want to do a lot of things to make this thing a really really big competitor in drag racing this thing is gonna be direct race it's gonna be tough again I'm holding the rear end with coil setup don't be a stranger react so you know this thing it's gonna cost a lot of money a lot of time if I could take you guys on the journey yep hopefully soon like next to my good suit jacket I'm gonna try to get me some Blazer taillights cuz I like how the chrome is around it and this one doesn't have that like there's nothing wrong with these taillights like a brilliant like so money veered towards another good thing about the about this chart 1985 look oh wait okay nevermind spoke too soon I was gonna say the tailgate opens ah no problem then never mind that thing can't can only get what I want gonna go for some new rims hopefully I'm not gonna try to change these rims up until I go to drag slicks or really big wide tires Stacy's my baby all right tell me what you guys think in the comments below [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah hey if you wanna see like simple how-to mechanics with a 2001 Chevy Blazer comment down below I'll show you guys a lot because we just recently changed the water pump flushed the radiator and show you how to flush the radiators do a lot we rotate the tires change the tires to hand codes make handles semi decently these things are gonna be gone after we roast them off that's gonna be a good video and a change it was something to grip here well this thing is making power now voice crack that okay I'm sorry let's make a power now so this thing is gonna be ready to lay down some shreds I need to wash this thing make you look pretty detail it up a bit Oh No all right please like liked this video oh that's the other project vehicle yep it's hiding over there doing something else with that like I gotta change motor mounts and CV joints if you want to see a video on that let me know down in the comments below but change my CV joints on that I'm probably just gonna change the whole actress CV axle yeah if you like this direction for the channel I know I know I mostly do challenges and stuff with my bro crystal which that's not gonna stop I'm gonna to be trying to do a challenge tomorrow well like not tomorrow from when this video is uploaded but like tomorrow like today's Friday tomorrow Saturday my brother's coming over tomorrow probably gonna have to rake up this big pile of rocks and then the video will happen oh and I'm sorry if I'm like really monotone and I keep talking and talking cuz I took my medicine and like I'm really focused right now really focused it's so bad I have ADHD yeah you do you like this video leave a like if you didn't dislike and tell me why see I said like this video so many times dislike it and tell me why like what's bad about it that way you can improve cuz like I'm filming with my frickin iPhone still I have a good camera but I don't have a good computer to edit the videos with the camera and I don't know what I would use on the computer to edit the video so yeah if you know that stuff please comment down below gosh I really need that cuz I got some footage on there that's gonna be great usage alright yeah that's gonna be the end of this video it's a long one but welcome back alright deuces you
Channel: Romeo Sandoval
Views: 54,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kz2RkfA2T7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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