Chevy Corvette C8 Z06 GT3.R Unrestricted flat-plane V8 Engine Sounds | Pit-Exit Accelerations & More
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Channel: NM2255 | Raw Car Sounds
Views: 163,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supercars, car sound, engine sound, supercar sound, nm2255, video, car videos, exhaust sound, hypercars, supercars accelerating, burnout, antilag, dyno, dyno pull, dyno run, cars, new cars, latest cars, chevy, corvette c8 zo6, corvette flat plane sound, flat plane engine sound, corvette c8 z06 sound, corvette le mans, le mans, wec 2024, fia wec, le mans 2024, corvette gt3.r, corvette gt3, chevrolet, chevrolet corvette c8 z06
Id: 5vYuCs34wSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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