Chevelle - Closure (Official Video)
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Channel: ChevelleVEVO
Views: 4,836,769
Rating: 4.8820591 out of 5
Keywords: acoustic, ChevelleVevo, jars, music, hats off to the bull, amv, Chevelle lyrics, instrumental, the red, Closure, drum cover, vevo, guitar cover, official, download, send the pain below, take out the gunman, karaoke, remix, lyrics, audio, official video, cover, Chevelle Closure, vitamin r, Chevelle live, Chevelle, Sony, Closure live, i get it, face to the floor, music video, playlist, single, closure official music video, album, full album
Id: ZVJmMbf8wAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2010
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I love this song, really anything from Chevelle in those early days is so good.
This and The Red by Chevelle. Takes me back
I went to a chevelle show for the opener and left before chevelle because I thought I was too cool for any kind of band that was on the radio anymore, even though I used to I like them. Now that I've lightened the fuck up and remembered how much I loved "Wonder What's Next" when it came out, I regret that night entirely.
saw these guys in 2004 they kicked ass