Chet Baker Quartet โโ No Problem (1980) [CD edition]
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Views: 7,316,925
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Keywords: full album, complete record, album complet, รกlbum completo, disco completo, cool jazz, contemporary jazz, european jazz, bop, smooth jazz
Id: E95STK2tnoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 41sec (3101 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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I remember reading about how Chet Baker needed new teeth around that time because he'd gotten badly beaten when he was high or owed someone money. One of the tracks on this album is him basically singing the solo part. It made me think about how the process of improvisation works for different people. Like do you practice in advance or does it just spring forth as you think about what you want to do.
As a rank amateur, I'm beginning to understand why some people vocalize while they're playing (piano players, mostly). I also realize how connecting the notes on a page with the fingering (I play sax) and knowing that this note on my head is a D and connecting a solo line with the notes without having to do a translation step (ie: you have a melody in your head and you can play it without stopping to think which note it is and which keys play it in real time).
tl;dr - I like this album.