Was This Really A Good Idea? - Cherries Jubilee MGM Slot Game Review

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hey guys Stacey here I am at MGM Grand and seems like every day I get asked why don't you play Cherry shile at the MDM Grand well today I'm going to do it $5 machine is open it's $15 to spend so let's see if we can hit this $5,000 jackpot and I might even try the dollar Tre juilee to see if we can hit that ,000 Progressive so cross your fingers here we go let's hit a jackpot all right y'all here's machine I have 500 bucks in here the progressive is now at $553 but if we get any three mixed with cherry or Cherry's Jubilee it's still 5,000 so we have a couple different ways to win five grand here we [Music] [Music] go come on [Music] [Music] now oh you don't get anything if one lands on the line [Music] and you don't get anything if you hit a cherry on a line I'm not too wild about [Music] that all right guys I'm through 200 bucks without even a line [Music] hit oh my goodness that's not even a wild [Music] I don't like not getting paid on cherries [Music] all right what we need is the Cherry Chile on the line down to 135 bucks [Music] too bad it's not five lines [Music] all right well once again I proved to myself why I don't really like Chile so I'm going to uh maybe try a $2 machine or maybe a $1 machine to see if I can get a little ammo build back up but that was $500 pretty quickly through this um Cher's Jubilee so if you win on him congratulations let's move on to something else hey guys Stacey here down at the MGM Grand in the high limit room I'm going to try some um old school double top dollars so have 1,200 in here let's P $25 denomination this do going to be 50 bucks to spin and here we go [Music] [Music] there we go let's make it a big one give me back to even all in one spin first offer 25 credit second offer 25 third [Music] offer that I think is going to probably have to be a take offer on this one with only one offer left that's borderline but I'm guessing the machine's even going to tell me to take it I think it's going to [Applause] say best play is to take offer boy you're a winner I really would like to see what that last was but game strategy says that if you [Music] get I think it's above 37 on the third spin but I would have to read the come on there we go sweet $625 let's get that gameing [Music] again but if you read the game rules it does tell you that's not a guarantee of course but based on the probability if you get above a certain a certain amount on that third offer what you should do and since I haven't had a very lucky day today I'm going to just play a little conservative but you know scared money doesn't make money or so I'm told [Music] come [Music] on do [Music] it come on top dollar one more [Music] slide it on [Music] down got more here [Music] last [Music] one one more oh man all right well I started with 1,200 in here we're going to cash out with 1400 actually you know what I changed your mind we are going to go till even because I think we're going to get that game ah one more and not meant to be I'm going to cash at her even with 1200 bucks move on and try something something else uh we're looking at Double top dollar the iny grand thanks for watching hey guys Stacey here I'm going to try old school pinball I am um at the MGM Grand in the high limit room $1,200 in here and it's $50 to spin here we go I've washed a people play this and no pinball gam so either that's a good sign or a bad sign we'll see by the end of this video I will be able to tell you if that was a good sign or a bad sign there it is right there it's getting close [Music] [Music] ah come on [Music] pinball Denis do it pinball pinball [Music] one above one 36 Grand wow [Music] finally all right we have four shots come on do it oh no Greg's turn how about 40 I just won a th had Top Dollar on that one and got a th000 all right that's a little better there last one 60 40 there we go that's presentable presentable all right 2125 thank goodness finally a jackpot at the NGM grand for Stacey I get this paid out me back all right here at the Arya going to play some $25 double top dollar I have 12,2 in here [Music] [Music] this [Music] she got the Maj [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Music] all right well people are winning in here tonight they're just not named Greg at least I don't think they are there's some people in here I don't know they may be named Greg anyways appreciate everyone watching all right guys I'm going to try some Checkered Flag we are at the um Fountain Blue so let's uh see what on $2 denomination oh that'd be $100 bet so we're not going to do that let's go to Dollars 50 lines let's do a few at 50 and then I will change things up oh that's loud there we [Music] go come on all right let's get those [Music] trophies do it all right we'll go down here 50 cents $25 a bit those race cars are the ones that get us the free spins three more there we go all right what what do you mean which sorry which video I meant all right here we go let's fill it up Grand is 50,000 5050 C denomination like how about major major major triple [Music] Major here we go triple mini would be good [Music] too nice oh I saw that mini go by I've never had a triple Major or a triple minor or a triple Mini come on there we go huh come on just tease me one time let me see it going through true I've also never had a full [Music] stram the funny thing is that got me back to even [Music] woohoo all right we're up a little bit woohoo all right guys let's do this let's go back to Dollars few at 50 do it [Music] ah race car [Music] well I can't I can say now that I've seen a triple [Music] mini all right two more at [Music] 50 one more [Music] back to 50 [Music] cents ah that would have been a good one to start out with car [Music] all right back to where I was when I got the last game so do [Music] it yeah I thought that'd be more than 15 bucks can I get a mimosa please thank you all right I'm running out of ammo how about the free games free spins well thought maybe I was on to something lucky chance winner will it save me what are the chances and no all right you guys I think this is 900 in this checker flag going to walk away a big loser but we are at Fountain Blue in Las Vegas so you can't really beat that thanks for watching y'all [Music]
Channel: Stacey's High Limit Slots
Views: 16,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: S$H3L&S, casino, slot machine, slots, machines, slot machines, cherries jubilee slot machine, cherries jubilee slots, las vegas casinos slot machines, how to win on slots at the casino, live slot play at casino, slot machine jackpot, cherries jubilee jackpot, cherries jubilee slot today, cherries jubilee jackpot today, cherries jubilee, cherries jubilee win today, high limit slots, cherry jubilee slots, casino slot machines, slot machine win, slot machine bonus, cowboy slots
Id: 24JGFoxQnso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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