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what up YouTube AR platinum welcome back to round five of chasing which is terrible as we've lost on four in a row of these guys that's just pitiful pitiful pitiful check out AR platinum calm for a ton of good lottery stuff and you know a lot of good winners since I can't get any let's go there and see some other people who had some really good wins I've done this got one two three point three nine we've lost on four in a row god help me I probably miss something I'm chasing after I already won lost huh three four five and six and now we've got seven here we go I'm starting the bonus spot this time I think we did last time to bankroll to win gold bar for five times the prize no all right fast 500 we need two matching symbols nope and no all right winning numbers to your numbers money bag the win gold bar to them five times the prize 32 34 36 we got the 2443 47 24 32 46 43 47 nothing let's try the other side I don't even have any good jokes I'm just so disappointed in this ticket 1/6 8:15 1845 nothing all right three matching symbols or Khobar still nothing [Music] five and a row losers goodness gracious man that ticket is destroying me alright let's try the other 50 ultimate sevens lost on four in a row of these guys lost on nine ten eleven and twelve or ten eleven twelve thirteen sorry and now we have fourteen I don't want to 3.38 man see if we get a win here switch the coin up from purple to red see what we do for that dolla dolla bill y'all there it is so we're gonna give at least seventy back and only something nice here let's see if we can match any winning numbers to your numbers get a seven to win twenty times the prize double seven to win all 35 looking for ten sixteen twenty three twenty nine thirty eight forty five forty nine sixty ten sixteen 23 29 no 50s let's give it a little crease and nothing all right so just this bonus section we see little zeros we know it's 70 and that'll be kind of upsetting to play for tickets and lose and then on the fifth one win and get 70 but that's what happened ouch ouch it stings a little bit all right let's uh at least we know if you get the next two tickets paid for my Blues on this one yeah we lost on 13 14 15 16 we have 70 there we go odds one two three point three three twenty number steer numbers five 10 20 50 100 200 times symbol good things happen okay 23 29 30 to 35 40 to 54 it's 253 for 23 23 29 30 and there's a 5x oh we got a win no it's probably gonna be a small win skin the crease open for no more matches no more matches all right so no more matches that means it's gonna be at least a 20 underneath there for $100 winner let's uh see if maybe we can pull something crazy out and did it uh like a 500 that'd be nice five times its money for one hundred we got a hundred and seventy back there we needed that little bit of help let's uh let's go chase again on the big boy and see if we can wrap it up with a win stay tuned I'll be right back all right as promised we are back and hopefully this will be the last one of these my goodness we've lost on five in a row we lost on seven six five four and three three four five six and seven then we have eight here we go fast 500 - fitting 100 not even fit all right bonus spots look at their a win I don't believe it all right see if we can get anything else winning numbers you know the rules alright fourteen thirty one thirty eight forty three forty six forty nine other side all out of jokes a lot of jokes twelve twenty five thirty six forty one two five nothing all right [Music] cherry cherry cherry one thing I've ever had two matches on all this stupid oh yeah I don't know so we'll see I swear if they give me like ten and ten to break even for twenty lose my mind cherry cherry twenty five and another 25 for fifty well there you have it that ends this horrendous chase put the end in horrendous my goodness where's chase session I've had in a while that's how they go sometimes that's how they go just depends on you know where you end up I've had some chase sessions where I don't even chase you know I just went on just about all the tickets and quit so it's the flipside of this well I hope you guys enjoyed it I think Maya my throat's had about enough too much as much as it can take there but I think you guys for stopping by hopefully I'll be a hundred percent by the next time I record and I look forward to being in full blast full zone mode for you guys whatever you wanna call it thank you guys for watching Accu check out they are platinum that calm like subscribe comment share play responsibly holla at your boy
Views: 11,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gZvtHrZZcXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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