Chernobyl Episode 4 Scene | HBO | Graphite Clearing

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that soldiers because of the nature of the working area you will each have no more than 90 seconds to solve this problem you will answer reactor building 3 climb the stairs but do not immediately proceed to the roof when you get to the top wait inside behind the entrance to the roof and catch your breath you will need it for what comes next this is a working area we must clear the graphite some of it is in blocks weighing approximately 40 to 50 kilograms they all must be thrown over the edge here what's your comrades moving fast from this opening then turning to the left and entering the workspace here these are the most important 90 seconds of your lives commits your tasks to memory and do your job [Music] it's time to go after 90 seconds I will ring about when you hear it return immediately pop your shovels in the bin and proceed down the hallway for decontamination above all while on the roof throw your debri over the whale do not look over the whale is that clear very well my mark ready go [Music] [Music] [Music] let's soldier you're done talk to go
Channel: Creative Vision
Views: 5,492,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HBO, HBO miniseries, miniseries, chernobyl, chernobyl 2019, chernobyl miniseries, nuclear accident, 1986, Europe, Ukraine, chernobyl nuclear power plant, soviet union, Russia, true story, true events, chernobyl ep 4, chernobyl hbo, chernobyl episode 4, chernobyl ep 4 hbo, chernobyl nuclear disaster, radiation, chernobyl reactor explosion, chernobyl nuclear reactor, chernobyl nuclear meltdown, graphite, chernobyl 3828, biorobots, 3828, chernobyl liquidators, starodumov, graphite clearing
Id: XzfsfYnuc8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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