Cher on Tom Snyder's Celebrity Spotlight (1980)

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so then you don't feel that your public your fans hold your unconventional lifestyle I guessed you I don't think so I think that they always wish I would do something else but they kind of will go along with it because I'm doing my best I just happened to be a person doing the best they can making lots of mistakes and I'm in the public eye video in Southern California where she is preparing her latest concert tour and her newest record album a woman who can best be introduced in one word my first guest tonight is Cher I was working by yourself different from working with a partner it's a lot more hard it's not so easy but with sunny I always knew that I could talk to Sonny because I was terrified to talk to the audience now I think that I give the audience a lot more because I talked to them you know I can I can relate to him and when I first went out there I thought I'm gonna die I'll never be able to do this cuz I'm so I'm so shy that when I get out there he's gonna pass out and I didn't and and I kept kind of gutting it out why were you shy - were you shy as a kid I was always shy as a kid like my mother asked me to call information and I just didn't want to do it because I didn't want to talk and I was I was too nervous you know and but I mean if you become a celebrity and you're forced to have people come up and talk to you all the time you have to kind of get over it or don't do it but most the time I mean people are always nice to me that they were really company and they they're you know like a couple of times they're not but out of 12 years or 14 years or I don't know how many years I've been doing this hardly ever people always come up and say I really like you or something you know my son likes you or would you give me an autograph or something like that so then you don't feel that your public your fans hold your unconventional lifestyle against you I don't think so I think that they always wish I would do something else but they kind of will go along with it because I'm doing my best I just happened to be a person doing the best they can making lots of mistakes and I'm in the public eye I don't think I make that many more mistakes and a lot of normal people that I just happen to it's amplified yeah and also I'm not positive of what I'm doing I'm just trying to do the best I can how do you feel about your life to this point I'm thrilled with how are you really well even all that all that all the baloney that's gone down you know the divorce of Sonny and Cher the birth of Cher's child the beginning of acid rock and the career didn't go well and all the gossip magazines and all the columns and the nine-day marriage is that all okay with you yeah people wonder how could share marry gregg allman and nine days later ask for in the because but just think about it for a second your fans are sitting out in Kansas are there in Illinois they're in Georgia and they followed you and they see you get married and the nine days later she wants an annulment they say wait a minute what's going on well I didn't say that I was gonna do everything perfectly you know I mean I guess I know well because it was a mistake in the beginning to do it but I wanted to do it it was like it was like rushing to do something that I knew in some place in my in my intelligent self was the wrong thing to do but I was so intelligent that I thought I better do this because if I don't my smart self is gonna say you better just leave and back off of this whole situation it was either get married or never see him again and I I really was open to experiencing what it would be like to be with him and I I was in love with him even though I knew that it probably wasn't the wisest thing for me to do I don't know all you've got in your life when it's over are the things that you've done you know wasn't there a drug problem sure yeah but that's stupid for me to rehash wasn't there drugs unless I say it doesn't the Statue of Liberty have something in her hand but there are some people who are turned on by drugs who think it's romantic who think it's fun who think it's sophisticated and you're not one of those people it's a it's a turn-off have you made an anti marijuana don't had a drug film at one time I don't think that I don't think people can handle drugs I think if they could maybe it wouldn't be so bad but I don't think they can you know I don't I don't think they people are strong enough it's too much there's too much stress there's too many problems in life and drugs is like it's like a big thing that says here take me and forget all of it you know and and I don't think people can handle drugs I just don't think it does any good for you really how much were you exposed to them in your work in your life I live in Los Angeles a lot around yeah have you ever tried it sure and what made you decide it wasn't for you ah I tried smoking grass and it was like I think I must have tried about ten times and five times it was a lot of fun and five times I was afraid of my own shadow you know I was real like I thought my god I can feel my ribcage this is really uncomfortable you know I it just I don't it doesn't agree with me so well and I think that's one of the reasons that I don't do it if I thought I could do it I probably would because I have never been a person that was very conventional I guess I mean if someone said don't do it that didn't really stop me from doing it but I think that it's not I can't handle it so well what said let's just go over a couple of spots in your life when you were a little kid growing up here in California your mom was married eight times yes three times to your father what were the circumstances surrounding that I don't know because mostly they were before I never met my father till I was 11 and so she married him I think you know twice before I knew him and once after him or once before I knew him and twice after him but I don't really know my mom is a very charming man when you were growing up and there wasn't a man in the house a lot no isn't that strange for eight times there was hardly ever a man in that yeah they didn't stay for long I guess no my mother was my mother would have been much better today because my mother was suffering under the kind of protocol or whatever that you had to marry a man to actually be with him and so I think my mother would have fared much better now don't you suffer under that protocol do you not your turn you know it's strange because I was married to one man for four years in one meant for 11 years which I don't think is you know very I mean at my record I think especially for Hollywood is not so bad where'd you meet Sonny Bono he want to go out with my girlfriend how'd you switch that around well that night we went out to double-date and the guy that I was with couldn't dance and my girlfriend couldn't dance and Sunday night danced and he still didn't like because my girlfriend was really beautiful he moved in next door to her and she really wasn't interested so I kind of was like what's left you know and I was too skinny like I remember the first time you want to take me to go swimming and he said all right go change in your bathing suit and I'll meet you and we'll go soon and he comes running around the corner he was really excited and he saw him in his face just kind of fell he went my god you don't have any shape at all and then he said well come on I was kinda like his palates ragna we lived together in the beginning I told my mother I was living with an airline stewardess and and her name was Sonny no I told her it was I mean I just lie it was just crazy but I didn't want to go home and I was 16 and and Sonny didn't know I was 16 at the time I was lying to everybody it was just too crazy I was 16 and I told my mother he was a stewardess and I told him I was 19 and then finally when my mother said he was she was gonna put him in I had to kind of come clean with both of them and we lived together and he just told me you said I don't find you very attractive but I know you need a place to stay and if you keep the house clean you can sleep with me and I said okay fine you went for that yeah how do you get along with with your former husband's no I don't know I feel really close with all the men that I've been with even the ones that I haven't been married to I still have a really good relationship with him or I could spend time with him I think that the most important thing for me is to really like somebody if I don't like him before I couldn't like him afterwards it's like someone said something once that said you know sure would you marry me and I said no and he said well you were never a good friend anyway which i think is kind of a strange thing because if you couldn't like someone then you couldn't really love them and if you stop loving them you could still like them what's important to you my children what do you do with them what's your life with your kids like I don't know yes do they know their money is share I don't think they care but do they know Roger doesn't know but he he yeah he knows cuz he's I mean like when he was little I didn't work and then all of a sudden you came to Las Vegas and couldn't understand why I was up there what was I doing in those clothes and and all that you know and chassis is just since chess was six weeks old she's been on the road and and knows what it is and doesn't care at all about it what do you want to do and I asked that I mean I want to kiss your little lips okay but I mean do you want Bob Mackie to do 400 dresses for you every year or somebody to do your hair 800 different ways a year or you know do disco one week and rock-and-roll the next and love ballads the next I will have you sorted all this out and decided what what's gonna happen to you know do you worry about it can this all just go on forever no what do you want to do share I want to entertain and I want to do what I'm doing what are you doing well right now I'm doing this rock and roll thing which is it's not so strange really because when I got into music that's what I wanted to do I always want to sing with the band my whole life and then all of a sudden I became too famous at doing other things to be able to stop making the money and and and having the commitments to do what it was that I really wanted to do you know I'm not the greatest singer in the world I don't have a great range like Donna Summer or Barbra Streisand or Linda Rock yeah but lady you got pipes you know what you got pipes that's true but what they lend themselves best to his rock and roll when I went to Casablanca Casablanca said you know we're not very big in rock and roll please do disco because we could break you at disco and so I said okay I did and not knowing if the disco people would accept me you know and take me home was a big hit and it was a good song you know but I I could sing a ballad or a rock-and-roll very heavy song and feel very honest about it and I feel very honest about this music you know but I can also go to Las Vegas and entertain - I don't if it's honest for me I can do it if it doesn't feel right I can't do it no matter what it is Oh tomorrow right after Lobo Dean Martin and Mariette Hartley hosts the big show with guest Joe Namath Sister Sledge and Tanya Tucker then from Larry Gelbart the creator of mash its United States it does for marriage what mashed it for war and Sunday Burt Reynolds Sally Field and Jackie Gleason star and Smokey and the Bandit it's the greatest chase ever be sure to watch The Tonight Show following the news next on NBC
Channel: TV plat47
Views: 20,644
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Keywords: Cher (Celebrity)
Id: XqWGTak1sW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 25 2015
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