India's Impossible Market: Nothing for Sale! 🇮🇳

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hmm the Northman is making his way through a post-apocalyptic Park probably looks a lot like the one I got a haircut in in Ahmedabad about uh is it four years ago now anyway uh the reason I'm going through here is that there is a market right behind that building over there now the market too is kind of post-apocalyptic so uh there's not going to be too many things that I can that I can buy there but I walked through there yesterday I just found it by accident looking for a a bicycle to buy so I figured okay uh I'm always up for a unique Market hunt and uh yeah I figured why the hell not man it looks like this building burned down so it's actually right behind here now I hear what you're saying hold on we're filming yes we are uh it doesn't look like much of a market but uh I reckon we can uh we can make an interesting Adventure out of it I had a chat with some some people and uh wanna come wanna come yeah Market yeah shopping I want to buy sari sorry yeah this one all right thank you oh look at the crows so interesting I'm so happy so I'm in a city called Chennai yeah all right it only works 50 of the time wanna come Market uh it's market area shopping okay hello good sir are you harvesting coconuts all right this is your car yeah I'll dispose so you put the Coconuts here from where that's it from from restaurants they cancel recently granting okay from for the bed and then you put it here oh interesting interesting okay good luck guys I see hold on how does this work then ah and then we push it down okay let's do it yeah I want to see I told you guys this Market would be Lively there we go here we go everything okay I have to move here or else I'm going to be covering coconuts this your home you stay here um at our different place huh yeah company Company the company okay so this is you you get paid money for this salary that's it double midday okay for the bed sheets you see oh I see this goes inside the bed sheets and then you sleep okay interesting learn something new every day so they actually put these things inside bed sheets and then you get a comfortable mattress okay good luck guys bye bye wanna come wanna come it looks a bit like the like the fine white wine so here um market right yeah but shopping sorry sorry here yeah okay thank you um man look at this classic bicycle this is what I was looking for yesterday all right let's put in an offer your bicycle your bicycle ice from here all right let's see then wanna come on yeah I want to buy some saris can can I buy some saris from you guys are you selling sorry no selling then then what is it for I am can I come in and have a look can I come in have a look it's okay all right Yes Man Zoom this okay this man is soon all right soon nice to meet you soon thank you think trust vote okay um I want to buy some saris is that possible I want to buy 10 10 sorry yeah nice color for a beautiful lady they're not selling so what do you do with them okay so you you give away to another location not for sale not not for sale okay how do you get the saris here it's it's from from where how do you get this [Music] okay all right so where can I go and buy asari then maybe in the market no one is selling you can go and buy any shops only yeah okay okay I'm very disappointed I was like I like this sorry they're so they're colorful so if I give you 500 rupees you're not going to give me sorry I'll give you 500 how many how many salaries do I get for that ah there we go she's interested in making money you you guys are all Party Poopers I'm going to talk to the lady wow this is beautiful could I buy some sorry from you yeah how many do I get indeed like this I get too sorry yeah hold on I'm confused how about this one like that that's one thousand oh wow wow you're giving me this wow that's beautiful thank you so much thank you guys we made the deal [Laughter] okay okay thank you so much thank you I will go shopping in the in the other market now then I'm gonna trade up the other yeah what's the name of this place that's me Rashmi name Market Rashmi your name is Rashmi your name is foreign ah this one okay well this has been the greatest market experience ever thank you so much thank you thank you okay you're leading me out hold on all right bye bye guys I'm very happy that that uh at least uh you were able to to sell me some what do you say this in Tamil badra okay dance but this is for lady not for men okay all right thank you thank you bye bye bye okay now that we have that out of the way let's go to the to the rest of the the other market then this is for uh old lady for yeah old lady or uh or young lady for young okay like a 20 30 year old all right let's go and find a beautiful lady a 20 30 year old bye bye wow this place is awesome well look they got room Oh They'll have a cat look at the kitten [Laughter] I was just about to talk about the Roman columns you see here um let's activate Gabriel High Roller traveler mode shall we because uh I know I've asked you guys many times for some reason this mode that's better than this High Roller Gabriel traveler mode but I am more fond of uh hello you see I got what do you think beautiful this is thesaurus okay so after they've packaged thesaurus into these um this for transport transport to okay all right is this your cow I'll go it's his car yeah can can I have a look yeah let's check out so they have a cow here a guard cow a guard bull he's guarding the water tank it's quite obvious that water is a precious resource here and uh interesting it may just be then hey there um I'm guessing he'll make a run for it so it's more like the the water tank is guarding the cow but okay oh interesting they got everything here used cars okay we've wasted home man 12 minutes in bye bye then here we go this way right shopping tired what's a tire oh you want some drinks all right all right hold on hold on what's that hold on hold on do we have anything in the how much is a drink then fed the rollers for severals ah there we go enjoy bye bye atika a child where can I get some Chaya I want to have a child with you can we go and have a tire okay let's go Chaya [Laughter] where's the market this one or this one yeah let's go have a tea let's have a tea this one okay let's go yes yeah let's go have a tea time I don't think she wants to go have a tea with me ah hello guys what are you making do you speak English hello what are you making okay that's the market wanna come on what are you making oh what's this a radio can I have a look there a motor for a motorbike motorbike a computer motor okay and now it's broken now broken [Laughter] [Music] oh wow okay so I think they're building computers here interesting this will be new computer okay maybe somebody you can translate in the comment section thank you so much listen I have a would you like asari yeah which which one do you like nice one do you want it present here we go present for you thank you thank you bye-bye [Laughter] wow look at this guy where are you going going okay hey now I need more saris that's why I gave them away wanna come yeah she said nedu Kanga okay are you oh say I'm sorry same shop you're a work man okay no customer so are you are you selling sorry are you selling clothes for sale only Tamil yeah that doesn't sound right push push okay I wanna I wanna go shopping okay shopping yeah shopping where is the market for shopping maybe it's the other side it's to the main road but yesterday I walked here there were many things a messy messy wow Indian messy Indian mystery okay Indian Navy he's telling lies hey hey dead buddy hey hey good buddy he's a dead body dead body wow he looks very much alive to me okay okay all right nice to meet you guys bye bye I'll win money for tea yeah can we get some tea around here for lunch not for lunch huh he's trying to muscle in on uh geraldo's federalist reservos have some lunch guys what's a Kana what's her favorite lunch what does she like to eat what's her favorite food what's your favorite food all right go have some food all right all right nice to meet you guys come on that's got to be enough no see you guys bye bye we actually still haven't um how is the sorry good yeah is that how much would you pay for this one how much would you think money this one price Market yeah yeah okay see you then bye bye I just want to figure out how um man do I have any federalism just want to figure out what the actual price is of uh of those saris um so here we go this is the actual Market I was going to show you guys they have uh I think used clothes and a lot of machines like like these ones broken huh finish kaput yeah for sale yeah how much money shopping like I want to buy a new one are you the salesman here [Music] salesman so did this for sale can buy yeah yeah for sale sale yeah oh I see how much ah you have your boss in here I see okay let's ask hello are you the boss I have a question about your your machines how much are they no price okay okay bye-bye I think they're um I think they know the wanna come I think they're not interested in selling to whitey so are they waving me in here hello what's going on here what are you making it okay a boss okay are you gonna sell this you have service and then for sale and then how much you sell it when when finished like uh when you finish making new one how much to sell 1500 okay boss company German yeah you like Germany you like German and if you want to buy new in the shop how much [Music] seven thousand okay better to go from you okay guys if you want to buy a new Bosch you come to this man what's the name of this Market okay anyone in Chennai looking for a bush machine come to New more Market I hope you get some customers bye bye thank you all right we continue then hello what are you making [Laughter] wow this looks like a great machine this one how much is this one no price that is an outrage it's broken it's broken what is your uh give me something cheaper yeah I've won something cheaper what about this one ah so heavy all right I'll go find something cheaper than one five hundred bye bye let's um this English man foreign and then uh what are you making here ah what are you making I'll have a look s like a ball bearing [Music] how much for one how much for one how much is how much 350. is it a ball bearing bearing a bearing yeah for 350. wow that's a bargain hold on hold on let me see if we have uh 350 huh yes hold on could you hold this for me one second just hold that one only cash huh no MasterCard no cost ah all right I think we just we bought a ball bearing first purchase ah front premium yeah there we go thank you thank you so much thank you bye-bye no change no change no change that is an outrage it's okay we have a ball bearing all right bye-bye okay so we got a ball bearing for 500. um and um let's see what else we can buy then I am kind of in the market for uh for a bicycle but uh it has to be one without um like this thing I can't say cycle like that I'll just crash into things oh there we go laundry laundry ah let's see if I if I want to do some some laundry she can do laundry washing huh how how much for washing one shirt like a one one shirt yeah cleaning yeah if I want to clean my shirt how much one shirt all right let's leave it too thank you she seemed very busy at uh busy at work wanna come can I ask you how much you paid for your bicycle 20 rupees you paid 20 rupees for your bicycle yeah per hour are you renting rupees okay what if you whoa what if you want to buy a bicycle like this how much nothing no sale no sale no but you're renting 20 rupees an hour rent for rent okay so I can rent it for 20 rupees no I give you no it's not possible it's not possible now all right but tomorrow if I give you 20 rupees I can get it for one hour are you always here oh it's near New York stadium yeah yeah yeah okay thank you I'll go and have a look yeah okay good luck no no no no no no fixing no crash no crash bye bye yeah oh this looks interesting like a neighborhood ah it's a nice my name is Harold Harold yeah nice to meet you this you guys live here your home boom yeah okay what's in here it looks interesting what do you say oh okay I'll have a look yeah okay come on I'll have a look with my my ball bearing hey Dogo danger huh all right let's see here then Gonna Come yeah I'll have a look no no no no no okay I'm not granted entry no cannot walk look yeah yeah I'll just have a look yeah yeah okay yeah yeah I'll walk and have a look okay I'll come back let's keep it in Gabriel High Roller traveler mode how are you this is your home oh wow how many people live here how many people how many people yeah one two three six people oh wow can I have a look can I come inside all right oh you have a cat look at that mm-hmm wow six people huh how many years you live here that is could I have a look inside oh yes sorry sorry wow look at this so where everyone sleeping six people one bed six people one bed oh yeah oh wow three okay but you okay you have a TV that's your kitchen interesting interesting can I ask you about your electricity yeah for so as you have a fan oh I gotta watch out you see the fact it's like right there well you guys didn't tell me about that wow hey I just realized that this fan almost took my head off okay can I sit down for a second all right all right huh no mattress no mattress just like this yeah and closet one closet huh interesting interesting can I I will continue walking a bit down the neighborhood thank you so much for showing me your home okay all right let's continue then with my ball bearing nice to meet you [Applause] hold on geraldo's gonna have gonna help adderallis reservos so uh [Music] there we go guys yeah thank you so much hey Kitty can I leave Kitty [Applause] wow what a cool place all right marriage former marriage oh he's married huh marriage okay is she a hottie hi oh how hot are you nice well done respect sorry so whose cat is this he's a Rolex Rolex Surya he sells Rolex okay okay all right good luck in Suriname look at this proud Kitty all right let's continue then thank you look another kitty man this hold on we are 30 minutes in this uh this bag is not working out because it's uh yeah hey Kitty hello there wanna come yeah what are you making here oh can I sit down yeah hold on uh bamboo are you chopping yeah okay show me [Music] receding position is so so interesting it's like she's been sitting that her entire life [Music] I see you're splitting it making it smaller Jesus hello what is she making Japanese what is she making what is she making what what's she making it's for for a bed or for house interesting [Music] there we go all right thank you good luck interesting the industry that goes on there I remember reading about that back in um when I was in um hello good sir what are you making what's it what is this for bamboo it's a bamboo but for what for um for uh are you making baskets so she cuts it gives it to you and then and then here interesting we that was awesome so this is the final product hello you're you're the basket Weaver can I how much how much do you sell for one money how much price okay but how much you sell for one 500 can I buy one yeah okay I want to buy one is this finish which one finished this one finish okay buy one then okay there we go then I take one yeah all right okay no finish five minutes five minutes okay I'll wait I'll wait five minutes yeah can I have a look inside is that okay oh okay yeah can I have a look inside I'll wait five minutes yeah okay I think they're okay with the house tour so okay so this the house is also made from bamboo I'm guessing interesting they're cooking with gas very nice home how many people how many one two three one person how many in home four people four people interesting but no no we're sleeping sleeping on the floor no bed no bed just on the floor this is the hall bedroom yeah on the stone floor Stone floor yeah and TV four people four people four people four people in the home yeah one two three four oh you have a fan oh a fan is it working you see here you can in chop like I can obviously not walk in here because it will it will Scout me not working 5.5 degrees I'm six one okay thank you so much for showing me yeah all right what an awesome finish finished oh she's making the coil let's go look huh okay let's go look in the temple yeah you wouldn't be interested in the ball bearing are you yeah would you like a ball bearing huh would you like a ball bearing yeah a gift you want it no gift okay do you want it okay I keep it okay he doesn't want my ball bearing I just don't want to carry it oh sorry okay let's go yeah don't need it it's a ball bearing I actually don't even know what ball bearing to do but uh I just learned that ball bearings are not very this way huh okay it's is the boss he looks like a fighting Hawk okay [Music] hello again ah oh nice who is it Shiva um I see I don't know who Amma is but Amma is uh yeah I will I never hear about Amma this first time but Amma is uh God gosh yeah that's a nice Temple you make this no interesting with the gate so it's locked yeah wow this is for this is for uh Amma this one is what a cool Community I thought I would never see a cooler Community than um than uh open up sexual you walk yeah okay all right interesting okay I'll try to I'll try to remember and I will I will ask my friends about what Amman is yeah thank you so much thank you yeah so what do you do here you put food like a hair you put you put food you put yeah milk like that okay all right yeah you put offering yeah maybe I'll make a little offering here I think maybe they um here we go yeah thank you so much this is all our family a family everyone family family like your family member or friend you're playing no but same business we win nice hot you're hot family it's so it's so interesting because um so many people speak speak English here May a she understand the word family how do you say in Tamil family English family very have you met it okay all right okay should we go get the basket basket ah this one this one bye bye thank you a photo okay all right what should we take a photo like okay okay [Music] hold on hold on I'll sit here all right now we're having a photo photo session it's a business restaurant a restaurant yeah or a home okay Tamil you speak Tamil yeah okay I only speak Norwegian Norway okay I'm Geraldo nice to meet you okay I'll go see you then bye bye yeah it's finished um oh we're gonna go look at some shoes I think she's giving me the grand tour here hold on what do we have 42 minutes oh yeah hello it's okay hello there how are you I like her pink home can we have a look it's your friend ah nice iPhone wanna come um I like that she's still carrying my uh my ball bearing hello or she have a broken foot ah let's see what happened foreign how long like a one day two day all right all right [Music] community good luck yeah good luck okay good luck oh DC hello oh you speak English yeah oh that's great yeah I'm from Norway how come you speak like you from England I am pretty little Sri Lanka Yes Columbus the Tamil Tigers so you're Tamil yeah yeah I just come from Sri Lanka one month ago I went to Japan my good name Geraldo nice to meet you nice to meet you so much I was just visiting your neighbor but uh yeah yeah sad story husband is is not here anymore interesting I like India yeah it's very interesting you like it yes you already married no I'm not married you are a worker yes I'm a worker yeah yeah I'm here doing a by Richard I'm learning to [Music] wow everyone's giving me the house tour here okay can I have a look at your house okay can I have a little look first yeah yeah okay I find it so interesting the way you live did you make it did you make the home yum okay and this is shower yeah how do you get water here water this outside oh do you have a tap yeah yeah my wife Carrie oh I see I see yeah and then so you you put water in this one and then you you carry yeah and bring it here yes interesting wow so can I ask you because your English is so good everyone here are kind of family or how did you move here how did you come here that time uh 35 years back they are staying only roadside roadside here was a road yeah yeah Road no no 35 years back they are staying Road road yeah the nether Stadium the stadium huh that said they are staying there they are living there afterwards the government given this land yes this land so you have a government gave you this yes yes government given the house not imagine that time they have given so they gave you they they gave you like the land and then you make this yes you make every you you make everything here yes so this one 35 years now no no no yeah yeah we are changing six years about seven years it's six years seven years that changing you're rebuilding yeah because it's not very yeah uh sturdy yeah I see I see how long then does it take so when the houses um like this one like when this one stays right yeah this one's Tony no but when you're building a pump up when you're building this one and the roof how long does it take you to make like one day two day all right yeah but you you're uh your Hindu yeah nice to meet you God God God okay ah she want me to go maybe the basket is finished thank you so much for showing me your your home yeah yes I have a this is my work okay A little present for you okay hold on thank you thank you so much for for showing me thank you bye-bye Good Luck Good Luck okay [Music] maybe I'll come back later after with my basket yeah bye bye bye do you have some tea or something what do you have a tea tea you want a tea tea no no I'll I'll get my basket we're coming back to see you okay okay see you then yeah what a cool neighborhood but this uh where was The Pink House oh so nice your neighborhood foreign thank you what's that [Music] oh okay hold on I think I think she wants a little present for Geraldo hold on hold on we have a little here thank you thank you it's okay bye bye let's go let's go I don't have any more I'm running low I'm running low I'm running low bye I'm running low let's go let's go I need I need uh yeah I need to uh let's go let's go let's go I should have brought one I actually brought a lot because I was gonna do a uh I was gonna do a market hunt but uh yeah I've also been handing out a lot oh wow it's finished oh nice beautiful okay perfect [Music] yeah I can put my uh gongo in here dalu thank you so much thank you like this thank you so much I have a basket okay bye bye then thank you thank you I'm gonna go have a tea with this man I'm gonna have a tea yeah find me no this way this way yeah I'm gonna have a tea with this man no this way this way uh my friend Sri Lanka man I'm gonna have a tea okay thank you then bye bye bye bye oh can I go through here no all right whoa hello how do you like my basket [Music] how do you like it nice one ah nice one all right all right all right good I have some Hangers On It appears but Geraldo is I'm saving the last one I have yes yes no I don't have any more I don't have any more I don't have any more hi I'm saving uh what do you think nice one wow beautiful yeah good quality I wanna have a tea with this uh a Sri Lankan guy and then where was that though was it here hello oh my ball bearing here this man the Sri Lankan man they are asking 500 bucks I already gave 500 for this one oh she thought it was too much yeah [Music] I already gave her more than that much more yeah when you come back I'm coming now to your house huh I'm coming now to your house for tea oh okay yeah yeah okay after I come there all right all right let's go let's go hello all right you know why not how much WoW 54 minutes so I'm gonna finish the um the uh man it's so chaos I'm gonna finish this video here almost one hour in one go that's what you voted on my Instagram you wanted everything shot in one go so I have a ball bearing I lost my sarees um and I have a a basket so um signing off from the place I still don't know what uh what What's the name of it was so uh good night so I'm sitting here everyone's admiring my ball bearing and my basket which would you like more did you like which one did you like more the ball bearing or the basket okay you see it's not just me oh there we go t thank you so much how how much was it again 12 rupees 12 rupees hold on oh it's hot it's hot I need to put the ball bearing down here we go hold on hold on and then we can uh can enjoy the tea cheers are you having a tea with me just make a tea for everyone tea for everyone you can have cookies here too with your with your teeth it's a nice one yeah but it's hot and I'm already boiling hot I'm sweating already and then this one I'm gonna be even more hot I'll show you something very funny hold on hold on something funny this is um this is your daughter yeah and this is her bike so when she rocked up here oh look at the kitten she was alone like pushing um pushing I guess she was cycling here maybe I can hold on I wanna can I try this one can I try it yeah can I try it yeah yeah I want to try hold on hold on can you hold this yeah yeah just like this yeah here okay like that yeah yeah hey get out of the way hey we're uphill here come on [Applause] how the hell do you do this I think if it wasn't for the fact that she's pushing oh man where are we going wait how far [Laughter] all right just a break all right I'm going to show you something funny about this bike so here's the break and the wheels like the wheels literally it felt like a wooden e like a wooden over making a traffic jam okay hold on let's get it out of the way okay okay now uh okay we gotta go back for the tea foreign come on geraldo's gonna have to help him out a little bit thank you so much for trying the bike okay bye bye bye bye wow that was cool anyway there's tons more here at this Market it's all just old engines uh ball bearings and whatnot so I guess I guess now we uh we are we are finally signing off I'm gonna finish this tea so uh okay signing off oh this is my tea okay I'm gonna finish it off all right they're all talking about my cycling now was I a good cyclist that was good yeah no everyone agree it's unanimous okay apparently I'm the greatest cyclist there ever was here so uh all right let's sign off stop bye bye nice to meet you there signing off hey ladies do you want a basket would you like it okay nice to meet you bye bye bye do you want a ball bearing too you don't want the ball bearing it's very nice it's for a car so you can put it inside the basket okay bye bye bye
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 684,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: India Market, South India, Chennai Shopping, Shopping India, India village Chennai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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