Cheng BaGua Circle Walking: A Deep Breakdown

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this is Joseph Hebert from flying tortoise Bhagwat song in this video I attempt to ride a clear example of Chen Bhagwat song Stepan the master demonstrating stepping is sure for Niro hua nee sure who trained with fourth generation banner holder Lucien Han for sixteen years from 1980 until Lucifer's death in 1996 during my last trip to Beijing I requested Anisha if will go over the most basic elements of the cheng system so that I can make these fundamentals freely available my brother in crime Fritz rice is the translator I hope you enjoy it to start support the body on leg while the other leg moves relax the leg that's moving start with straight lines actually don't have them start a turtle [Music] [Music] and it's it's very close to the ground so if it's tense you can't so like if you saw water in front of you you just Jara boy dipper we don't want what get out Danika wall Tenzing daylight he's feeling where he's tense ha ha ha ha so he's holding on until he can't hold it anymore and he's while he's doing it he's searching for places where he's out of balance and very shaky and he's sinking everything down only when he can't hold it anymore is he setting that foot down and then moving very powerfully forward no this is where I'll devour Lila I know it's tired really not good sorry switching play okay bar cheeto but yeah you can't let the muscle you're tense you have formal shoes you rock you knew hundra Geordi back departure day bye guys okay bar you my resume not so it's always oh yeah yeah oh I'm not on our I could also handle fun what that boy wanna eat yeah if things are Ted stuff you're gonna be on stable [Music] for you go this is what you should this all you should be searching for [Music] and this is this is how you develop that goal food this is and that's what turns into bagua you
Channel: Flying Tortoise Kung Fu
Views: 31,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheng Style Baguazhang, Baguazhang (Martial Art), Martial Arts (Sport), Circle Walking, Chinese Martial Arts (Martial Art), kung fu, bagua stepping
Id: j7mVRLSfwWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2015
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