“In the blue mountain valleys...” "where the gentle breeze
does its weaving." “In the blue mountain valleys...” "While the sky bends
and touches the land," "I was understanding love..." "In the vast silence,
where even music freezes," "I was gathering knowledge." "I had spread my heart wide open." "I was engrossed in nature’s wonder." "A sparrow, with its friendly glance," "Sitting on a round rock,
asked me to come and join." "'Chirp- chirp', she said.
'Come closer', she said." "Without any word,
asked if I liked her." "'Chirp- chirp', she said.
'Come closer', she said." "Without any word,
asked if I liked her." "In that small sparrow’s
one act drama," "I was a little engrossed." "'Chirp- chirp', she said.
'Come closer', she said." "Without any word,
asked if I liked her." "Is it a one day dream
or a divine relationship?" "Whose entry is it?" "Are you the breeze that moves on,
just caressing the eye?" "Or, is it the song that
I hear in my dream?" "Is it a relationship or sympathy?" "In the blue mountain valleys..." "Moving her beak, she flew
and pecked the sky." "Shaking away the world,
it flew higher up." "'Chirp- chirp', she said.
'Come closer', she said." "Without any word,
asked if I liked her." "'Chirp- chirp', she said.
'Come closer', she said." "Without any word,
asked if I liked her." "With the clouds gathering quickly," "Thunders striking with cracking sound," "Rain splattering around heavily," "There isn’t any umbrella to
shelter the dense rainforest." "How come the wide open skies
fall caressing the mud!" "How come all the directions
melted away in rain and got lost!" "I lost the direction in which
the sparrow flew." "I got separated from her,
by carrying the burden of sorrow." "I parted, parted away.
My life drenched, drenched in sorrow." "Will that little bird now,
wander, straining and sorrowing?" "Bearing this rain," "Will its wings be in pain?
Will it be in pain?" "At that time in forest,
the whole story was different." "Forgetting its home,
see how the sparrow rejoiced." "In the dripping rain," "without getting drenched
in that happiness," "Thinking about the
one who parted me," "See me cry...
see me cry..." "At that time in forest,
the whole story was different." "Forgetting its home,
see how the sparrow rejoiced." "In the dripping rain," "without getting drenched
in that happiness," "Thinking about the
one who parted me," "See me cry...
see me cry..."