Chefs Try Each Other's Eggs

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what mmm wow wow it's coming out like lava this person is a scientist i've got the most technical cooking method for eggs this has got balls come to mama today we're here to find out who makes the best egg dish it's not yoki you get hulk ryan divine divine absolutely divine hey i think it looks pretty sexy this is a moment i think we need to take a moment we are trying each other's eggs eggs i am so excited for these eggs are literally my favorite food whether they be poached crispy fried oil no matter where you go you're gonna find eggs one of the world's most eaten foods i'm no scientist or anything but i bet you there's stats to back that up so i've got a joke for you why should you be careful around egg whites i'll give you a second to think okay because they can't take a yolk what i'm gonna be looking for is flavor and also the other thing is texture sometimes eggs can be like a little bit too runny if you ask me so the way it works is we're each going to make our favorite egg dish then we're going to rate them out of 10 and the person with the highest amount of points wins just to let you know all the eggs that we've used today are free range eggs and have been locally sourced let's do this the recipe i'm making is ontama eggs on rice inspired by my love for japanese food the word ontama comes from two words onsen tamago and this refers to eggs being cooked in a japanese onsen they've got this translucent texture they're silky smooth and there's no other egg like them so the first thing i do is get one litre of water and i put that in a pan i'm gonna bring it to a rapid boil take it off the heat and then i'm going to add 200 ml of tap water i'm going to slowly add the eggs in and they're going to sit in the water the lid goes back on the pot and start a timer for 17 minutes need to watch that like a hawk next up i'm gonna make the killer sauce soy sauce mirin some brown sugar then i'm going to add some sesame oil caramelize that golden brown take that off the heat it goes into a glass we're gonna add chopped spring onions some sesame seeds and good to go once that's done i'm gonna take them out and they're going to rest for five minutes off heat let's crack the eggs open oh nope not that one that didn't work this is like scary because you don't know if they're cooked inside ah look how perfect that egg is crack the eggs on a bed of rice there they go they look perfect garnish it with some coriander lots of crispy shallots sesame seeds and also some japanese sashimi powder pour the sauce over it and that's the egg dish done looks wonderful magical theatrical this dish is going to blur the other chef's mind i am seeing like an experience there is like a silkiness to the egg whites here very soft it looks a bit jelly-like and then we've got this beautiful aromatic dressing god i wish you could all smell it because it smells divine now the food porn part breaking the yolk mmm that smells divine like look at that silky silky let's see what we think my goodness asian vibes there's textures i was worried about the translucent egg it actually is really quite yum that dressing it's salty it's sweet absolutely divine it's wholesome healthy hearty the crispy shallots is really good too just makes a bit more of a texture i'm surprised that i like it as much as i do a little bit too much salt but that's if i'm being super picky i'm going to rate this dish a 9 out of 10. i think it's been executed really well it's quite technical it's simple and clean so i'm going to give it eight and a half the rice to egg ratio is a lot though i think just adding maybe a few more flavors perhaps because of the level of technique i gotta give this a seven so today i'm making scotch eggs because it is my all-time favorite egg dish they're crispy on the outside they're soft in the middle but i'm making a vegetarian version and i promise you it's going to be absolutely delicious first my batter blend together lots of chickpeas boiled potatoes herbs dukkha lemon for freshness salt pepper until a rough paste forms boil my eggs just for five minutes until they're perfectly softly boiled peel off the shells then take some of our batter smooth it out onto your hands so we get a nice thin layer then take your little soft boiled egg and wrap it up like a little present and dip it in to some flour then some eggs and then some breadcrumbs and dukkha so that's going to form the very crispy delicious golden crust we take our scotch egg and we deep fry it quickly not for a long time until it's perfectly golden brown crispy on the outside soft and delicious in the middle i smooth over some of my delicious whipped batter then i place my scotch eggs on top i top with chervil that's a small micro herb and then i also drizzle over lots of chili oil for a lot of spice they are an unexpected surprise with a crispy outside and a creamy center oh and by the way scotch eggs aren't actually scottish they're english wow wow wow someone made this for me i can see that's fried so that's a big win for me i think we need to take a moment whoever made this is an artiste i could frame this put it on my wall a whipped feta situation there's no meat so i feel like it's a beautiful vegetarian sister of a scotch egg can you hear that oh whoa it's coming out like lava ah can we can we take a moment for this egg yolk silky velvety not too runny yeah there's a letter crunch i could eat this all this person is a scientist because in order to fry an already soft egg that takes a lot of skill and wonderment usually they're quite heavy this on the other hand was light it's got this potato mash on the outside don't get me started on the feta because the fed is quite cold and then you've got like the spicy chili oil it's just a really good combo it's a very big portion but i don't really have anything to say that i that you know it could imp i think this person did an exemplary job have to say that i am really scared now the competition is stiff i'm gonna give this definitely a strong nine room for improvement adding a bit more dukkha i love like lots of flavor i don't really know if i can fault this so i think my score for this person is a nine out of ten but there is a fault it's just a lot maybe give me one egg but then again that's just me personally it absolutely looks like perfection on a plate so for that reason i'm giving it a 10 out of 10. so today i'm making huavos rancheros because like who doesn't like mexican food it's savoury it's filling it's like hearty first of all i'm gonna add a tablespoon of olive oil on a medium to high heat add two cloves of chopped garlic half a yellow capsicum that i've thinly sliced and let that saute for another minute or so now add 400 grams of black beans that i've rinsed and now i'm going to add 400 grams of tinned tomatoes now i'm going to just make some indentations into the sauce crack four eggs into the indentations of the pan and then cover i'm gonna leave my eggs cooking for about five to six minutes because i like it to be not too soft but it's still a little bit gooey for the pickled onion what you're going to need is one red onion a tablespoon of salt and then further to that sugar and then two tablespoons of vinegar now you can use any type of vinegar today i'm just using white vinegar and now i'm just gonna add one cup of water and just let that sit for about an hour and then bang you got pickled onions i've got my pan with the eggs which i'm just gonna leave and serve it in the skillet because hey i think it looks pretty sexy now i've got the pickled onion that i've made before it's going to place that there half a fan avocado now i've got some tortillas i'm using flour today and then i'm just going to finish it off with a little bit of coriander yum and chili flake enjoy i think this is going to be the best just because you can eat it at any time it's kind of healthy it's packed with protein and really easy to make i am getting aromas and flavors of mexico build your own adventure can of brekkie it smells absolutely divine i'm gonna call you out here um is everything divine everything smells divine yes absolutely divine i can say that word again and again i've cooked this dish before and i'm a big fan of it i love that there's a little wedge of lime so that we can acidulate say with me tom a sigilate what does that mean that means to apply acid to something so that it doesn't discolor i love coriander look at that beautiful soft tortilla let's see whether we get that perfectly yolky center oh okay we're a bit more hard boiled on this egg the egg yolk is not the viscosity that i like it but that's okay let's taste it first don't judge a book by its cover guys let's take a bite of all this and see what happens [Music] this is fun i like a jazzy breakfast my favorite elements from a vegetarian taco pop some eggs on there bob's your uncle we've got the hearty tomato bean mixture which sort of grounds the dish but these red pickled onions really jazz things up i could eat a jar of them on their own quite happily definitely giving me sustenance it's given me energy it's giving me brightness the only thing that i would say is letting it down a little bit is the egg yolk whether you hate it or love it a runny egg yolk or that little bit of that just a little bit of something does take that dish from home level to cafe level i think that there's some crucial elements that aren't coming through to me there's sort of a lack of salt or maybe a lack of spice i think the only thing that i would have preferred is if the yolks were a little bit more runny so the way that i'm going to rate today is a 7.5 all-round i'm super impressed and would love to eat this again i would give it a 6 out of 10 purely because egg is the star of the show for what we're doing today the egg i don't feel like it was the hero so for that reason i'm going to give this dish a 6.5 out of 10. my dish today is a pakistani twist on shachuka which is otherwise known as baked eggs so i took a beautiful dish that my mum makes for us and it's derived from both pakistan and india so it's a beautiful remix of a classic how to make a pakistani sugar heat the oil throw in some cumin seeds throw in some onions ginger garlic paste and cook out until lightly golden brown turmeric chili powder coriander powder and garam masala add in your tomato puree and let this simmer for about an hour after this add in your red kidney beans allow this to simmer and then add in a handful of spinach add in your eggs and cover it with a lid in order for the eggs to cook to your liking add in some cheese once your cheese is melted a little bit top with a little bit of fresh coriander salt pepper and italian herbs and it's ready to serve that's how you make ace pakistani sugar representing that desi power you know we love it as always this is a dish coming from the heart and i really hope it resonates with the other chefs oh this looks like something i've never seen before i think it smells better than it looks to be honest actually ugly food tastes really good so i'm really keen to get stuck into it hopefully we're gonna get some yolk porn happening oh yeah quite saucy [Music] wow that tastes incredible i'm loving this saltiness spiciness this is a shakshuka baby pure magic in my mouth that is divine [Laughter] middle eastern version of like baked beans and eggs which is way better than the westernized version the fact that there's something to dunk into this dish means i can soak up all that liquidy goodness it's smoky it's got lots of beautiful spices in there i feel like this is like a family pass down a recipe this has got balls so i'm gonna give this a eight and a half the only thing i think it might be missing is maybe a little squeeze of lemon to freshen it up i'm gonna rate this dish an eight but in saying that i'm still going to take it away and eat it afterwards the yolk tick it was runny the sauce mmm so much flavor i'm going to give this one out of 10. [Music] really oh my god thank you guys it was such a pleasure to cook for you and i'm so glad you enjoyed my scotch eggs thanks for watching guys tell us what food you would like us to cook next see you next time
Channel: BuzzFeedOz
Views: 762,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, aussies try each other's food, buzzfeed, buzzfeed australia, buzzfeed egg, buzzfeed eggs, buzzfeed oz, buzzfeedoz, chef challenge, chef eggs, chef eggs recipe, chefs cook eggs, chefs making eggs, chefs try each other's food, chefs try each others, chefs try eggs, easy eggs, egg, egg dishes, egg recipes, eggs, fancy eggs, food challenge, professional chef challenge, recipe challenge, scotch eggs, taste test, trying other people's food, trying other people's recipes
Id: tU-r9whDFE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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