Chef POV: Fathers Day- Working the Pass Pt.1

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all right how we looking table 55 8 oz fillet mid rare mushroom Mar Sala sauce dried strip medium and the 8 oz mid well two minut on my mid well I'm resting on everybody else heard that this garbage no not M and in between this I'm my and get my man not a digital thermometer fan no not at all all right walking in table 33 baked crab cake calamari meatballs this is my mid rare yes sir big mag right there thanking you oh yeah ser 145 beautiful that's my mid well right there Je take some [Music] hands you got hands Chris nah no I lost them both in a boting accident heard that how's it going behind her there we go table 55 hi walking in table 32 baked crab cake Bara Steakhouse wedge they're going to want the dressing on the side mid rare oh it's all in order girl that steak house watch is also going to get a side of white balsamic with that as well crab cakes working back he has these packs of vitamin yeah you put right there bot water it up he man I don't want to stroke you man get an awesome job with you you're hungry that was TI we how long in that crab cake minutes heard that got one calamari one meatball come back for that crab cake you got a second one working right yes hey you mind if I do that if I take go down try to make that every week thing it's not that bad but I'm take it down after service yeah that's what I mean yeah yeah looking good feeling good are you sure this isn't the medium rare and that's medium cuz the one's lighter yeah we um we put in the oven so it wasn't a full I said it was here differently I realiz was not a lie walking in one more colum already table 40 all right your crab cake that sells 33 Dan oh Dan Dan oh Jeff does this say the aky way what and don't forget the Bev never ever how would you define the Aki way that's what I want to know doesn't matter the answer is sure sure of course it's looking real dark out there real dark outside supposed to be like 90° the next 3 days humid is all hell just prepare for that drink your water all right looks like they're taking the order of our six top let's go table 32 crab cake thank you should be on top of the medical cabinet top of oh my I didn't even know huh it's a GoPro bro really inconspicuous beautiful looking wedge salad Dan I love it walking M54 hot stone Wu garden salad on the side you working that uh Bara huh oh yeah no that's not it it must be gone don't drink that all right Kum already going out table 40 hands oh you sure can Bud um I don't have any square plates is that hands yeah you can start running that to uh 32 and then come back for that Bara then just put on a 9 round for now oh my Lord yes sir I would love to help you out with that my friend here you go s all right big boy walking in oh stand table 33 note that Tomahawk medium on there also one Bonin riy medium with trouble bernes dried strip medium Burger midw GP fry sides potato asparagus another GP fry fried sprouts and a mushroom thank you br and correction on that there's only one garlic parm fry I read it twice beautiful looking Bara sure is table 32 for you thank you that's gone that's gone lead ticket hot stone and a garden salad we do not have a blue cheese dressing okay can I just have an extra chees yes can Dan can I get a side of blue cheese crumbles or Nini table 40 walking in 2 10 oz fillets one medium one mid rare 8 oz mid Well butterfly mashed potatoes fried Sprouts in that order person here never put me on broer you were afraid of broiler that's it you're working Broiler all next week with me all right every single day show you the way you're about to become a master Broiler Chef in one day molini all right one dayak you got seven days oh these are the stakes here they Italian style or like American or it's all the same every are you talking about the the beef yeah oh it's American it's American cattle I'm not talking about the brand of the beef I'm talking about like okay so dry New York St it's so the the restaurant is an Italian Steakhouse that means that we're a steakhouse but we serve Italian food with it so there's nothing really Italian about steaks okay so Italian sure it's because we put toio on it it's funny how that works right little garden salad looking like Olive Garden over here there's something there's something that slaps about the salad from Olive Garden though I think it's just that uh that dressing they put on it it's the dressing it's the dressing that's why they bottled it and Sal you're right I always buy just the Great Value Italian dressing for my salads at home I think I need to start uh dressing it up just that perfect has like the perfect acidity to it has a little bite you get a little nuttiness from the parmesan cheese I think they put in there funny thing is I'm normally like a ranch guy for a Caesar guy but that's the one dressing like that Italian dressing yeah I you know what's really good I love to marinate chicken and Italian dressing and I like Grill it up so good so good pepper overnight yeah y thank you sir Jeff can I get a stone from you my friend abely thank you hands please why are these here thanking you oh Chris perfect timing I know right careful that Stone's hot okay is it called a hot stone a cold St yeah table 54 please gentlemen it's like a Beyblade or one of those fans all right table 33 lead ticket after that table 40 all Jeff today they want your meat Jeff they want your meat bring the that I have first all right yeah so white Chef you're wearing it's given by or you brought it from your they were given to me from the restaurant yes what the restaurant gave me them yes is it good material yeah it's got I chose this style cuz it has ventilation like all this right here is all ventilation it runs all the way down the side yeah but this is not good SP yeah stupid rental uniforms yeah what's up not much you looking for that salmon right there thank you it's probably overcooked by now but no it you enjoy that salmon all right thank you we'll see walking in table 32 Big Boy ticket got one vodka one dry strip medium uh they want shrimp with that but put that shrimp in a separate Bowl please phony riby midw oven roasted mushrooms sub sauteed mushrooms they are sauteed I'm going to figure out more on those mushrooms but also an 8 oz mid well Jeff if you could give that your best Little Slice action I'd really appreciate that uh also aside of sauteed onions cream spinach fried Brussels sprouts GP fries and a potato saled onions yeah so just grab a yellow onion Julien it up real quick I'm sorry so when when you ring in uh do you just want the mushrooms are already sauteed they get sauteed to begin with it's just saute SW up I don't know so don't butter don't add any Demi or anything to those mushrooms just plain mushrooms sorry I don't it's all good what they want what they want it's all good next time just write plain okay to the oven R mushrooms right yeah yeah so let's do mushrooms and a little garlic butter wine no none of that stuff how much are you charging for the onions $3 wonderful is that okay that makes me a very happy boy I was going to ask with then I was like I already ring all this stuff in and I'm not starting over that was like on the left really it's on the front of the ticket I know because it doesn't have seat number it always groups it by seat number like I actually rang in seat this first on accident and then I was like well whatever I'll just change the seat number and yeah so just does or wait sorry this is the one I went first this one right here and then like yeah it just it groups it by seat number so it doesn't have a seat number that shows it first heard that thank you I feel like this this chest strap is like highlighting my man boobs it's giving me support I didn't know I needed for I like take get walking in table 44 10 oz mid well 8 O medium fries Sprouts fake Mac now we looking table uh 33 Jeff minutes 3 minutes all right Dan you can go ahead and drop Brussels drop a GP fry Hayden from you looking for one regular mushroom not that weird modified one just normal oven roasted marsala mushrooms and then here's three bells two trop ber nasties and hollidays don't have any like special Father's Day desserts or anything right only the moms are special three bastes and then uh said it's Tu bernes in the holidays my friend um who supped to cut up B um table 40 the 8 oz bid well butterflied or no I lied 32 8 oz mid well sliced seat six on 32 s you still got time though that ticket's been in for 7 minutes and you got fries down for a birger too D heard that thank you my friend my friending minaa what you know about that German nothing my nasties here sir bur nasty and here we go asparagus I'll take that asparagus I want to cheese that asparagus bro looks very roasted my friend thank you yeah drage beef is the best something about that bunk all right bone and riye medium you saw that Tomahawk on this table right yes sir okay dry strip nasty beautiful sby will get the basty yeah I know it's try it strip mine oh I have fries for a burger oh and my face Hur you got a GP fry coming ANS that's the starter table 33 see one through three that next GP fries coming up je this tomahawk tomahawk looks wonderful sir hey I got it in the window excuse me so fried brushies putting on a GP fry that'll be your final sell two spoons please all right that sells next table 40 two1 oz filet one medium one mid rare and a 8 O butterfly mid well yes sir potatoes and another Brussels sprout after that table 32 the that's when you have the the sauteed onions and those mushrooms are just plain mushrooms with a little bit of garlic butter a little bit of garlic butter okay no Demi no more solid wine that 40 32 44 yeah I got the Sprouts ready for table 40 um Mid rare medium shrim this bad boy elas can you get these menus out of here I don't know why they're sitting there thank you sir all right 8 o b butterfly cells and how we look in table 32 dried shrimp medium shrimp in a separate Bowl please all right Bon ribey mid well and then 8 oz mid well sliced to perfection heard that all right you're good to go table 40 4 minutes 32 all right walking in table 54 8 O medium Bon and riy mid rare dry riye mid rare Sprouts potatoes also one Burger mid well to go please is what a big box now slice me o bo Man O I need some blue cheese mate I just need some blue cheese m in that expeditiously I love that heard that expedite that process that's my dry strip you said yes sir you got those funions work in there in the onions thank you chef 9:00 how long you're telling me 3 hours question is what time are we getting out of here 9:30 9:30 on the dot everyone heard it every time we always say 10:30 it's always like 11:45 some BS happens that we're here 9:30 me 9:30 heard that you know what would help if your salamander was turned on is it turned on yes it's on the dead side though the two lines here yeah it also helps if you like is this working no it helps if you push it up oh you're trying to say the spin oh I'm just mag I understand now got about 2 minutes left on that ticket and Jeff how you looking table 44 8 oz medium 10 oz mid well um minutes heard that 3 minutes table 44 you guys got a Big Mac on that one as well and stabed that up with a little butter little bit of butter all right I'm going to start pull in for table 32 sauté and onions all Sprouts hot cream spino fried bruss that's what I get what being a but head CHP fries and a potato excuse me huh I appreciate that so much I actually do so much all right vodka that doesn't that doesn't go there supp put a Big Mac here I know where it's biged Mac there dry strip medium with the scrimp see now you're confused yeah oh my God Jeff can you you played this for me thank you sir got a little buttery can I get a cherry with me oh of course you can here you go Brock oh thank you for got the cheese all right that goes there Jeff can you replay this one too try to rest your steaks a little bit longer walking in table 56 little gem Caesar extra anchovies on that Caesar that is disgusting but uh all right and an Italian salad also walking in table 33 Burger mid well Bon and riy medium with a bnasty and a asparagus that is to go next the mugan table 44 10 oz bid well 8 oz medium Brussels which I have and another baked mac after that table 54 8 O medium going in riye mid rare with trough bnasty and another dry age ribeye fried Sprouts potatoes and still chilling one Burger made well go no onions you need more yeah we're we're going to melt them down and unreal El can you melt a little garlic butter for me please put in in a a theme mcbob right all you can just put in the Bell thank you sir I need it melted down a little bit Nini so just get in a sauté pan let it melt you're in my way so needy all the time is it on the menu no no that's a good attitude to have all right that's good to go hands your medium to go thank you big mac I'm going to start putting brel Sprouts on plates what start putting the brussel sprouts on plates I like the look of it more yeah and the spoon and like I don't know why we don't do that's like the only thank you very much all right 10 oz mid well 8 oz medium C all want you just to load that load that Cesar up with anov all right Bud load it up give it to him Umami bomb take my back my medium right s on that mid well oh Daniel this SE this Italian salad looks wonderful who made it I just want to know what makes this salad italian some Italian people some Italian people on that ticket that and give you both of them at the same time table 44 and 54 yes sir heard that Dan you can drop another bruss Sprout please I got heard that all right mid well there and it just leaked all over the plate that's great we love that just wiped it clean and transfer it and yeah I don't like the juice I like the juice I don't like it all over my plate though before I start digging in into it sometimes you can get it a nice little circle and it's Prett no that was just like a Hershey squirt just out the side table 44 they know the dangers of taking that home right hopefully what oh it's not going to be a by the time they get home it's going to be a lump of butter well in my hand that's right no microwave mistake all your potato s take that take that eyes side all right that can go there boom hands yeah Jeff try to put less butter on the steaks please problem it's just like the melting and then I put it on the tray and it just chis table 54 ready to go also 56 you wrap that toil for me Jeff you got aluminum foil n do you want to wrap this bone for me for the dog the family dog dog okay gra the sail all right lead ticket table 33 all to go Burger midw bone in ribeye medium with ber nastyy kind of nasty [Music] thank you Nan hands s um would you pass me one of those uh please for the Bern of [Applause] how nasty is your bur that's what I'd like to know it's pretty nasty her sh all right Burger midwell sells that can go by right unreal un real was the breakast huh no breakfast was dead I feel like Father's Day is more of a dinner kind of night I don't think a dad wants to go out for breakfast and get mimosas with his children at home watching NASCAR and NASCAR he [Music] [Music] all right Chris walking in two bread puddings both to go lemon tart to go also one Bara and four and a meatball in that order specifically that order [Music]
Channel: FatBoi Cooking
Views: 2,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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