Cheesesteak Pizza in the Ooni Pro Pizza Oven

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hey pizza lovers welcome back if you saw the title and thumbnail of this video we know why you're here let's not mess around and get right to it [Music] [Applause] that's right we're making a cheesesteak pizza today i'm doing it in my outdoor pizza oven but this dough recipe is meant for the indoor oven too so if you can get your oven up to 550 degrees fahrenheit you're good to go don't go much hotter than that this crust will burn at a higher temperature and i love this cheesesteak pizza recipe i got it from chef jack chaplin daddy jack cooking with the blues i'll leave a link to his channel below check him out he's got something for everybody and you can really learn a lot from watching this guy and this is pretty much exactly his recipe i'm leaving out one ingredient just because i don't have it but let's get over and start cutting up some vegetables and i've got one yellow onion that i've already sliced up kind of thin and we're gonna do the same thing here with the peppers so i'm using green peppers but you can use any kind of bell pepper you want i'm basically just emptying out the refrigerator of stuff we got to use up so here is some green pepper slices so we got peppers and onions right there in a bowl here i've rinsed off some baby bella mushrooms so these are the kind of traditional things that i like anyways on a cheesesteak now what i have here this is a chuck roast leftover so some roast beef that i smoked in my smoker what i did is i put it in at 250 degrees fahrenheit and cooked the chuck roast until it was medium rare we served it up for some roast beef sandwiches so i cut it real thin and this is what's left over so we're going to take these pieces out and i'm gonna cut these up pretty small too some little bite size pieces to put on our pizza and then just look for any tough pieces you don't want someone chewing on a piece of fat so that's why i like using my hands just put that a piece that piece aside that'd be a little tough to eat there we go so this should be enough i'm doing a 16 inch pizza today i think that'll be enough another little tough piece get that out of there but i love chuck roast it's got a real beefy flavor much more so that i think than a top round or something like that you just gotta deal with a little bit of the gristle and what we're gonna do is saute some vegetables here so this is kind of the genius of daddy jack there's no like a white sauce or anything he puts on this pizza instead what we have here i've got three tablespoons of butter i'm gonna crush in a couple cloves of garlic so we're gonna saute these vegetables a little bit and some garlic butter get that in there if you were to put these vegetables right onto your pizza without sauteing them a little bit first they're probably still going to be pretty raw by the time your pizza is done cooking so we're going to give them a little head start but if you like raw crunchy vegetables on your pizza then you could probably skip this step if you wanted and i'm gonna hit them with a little bit of salt and some cracked black pepper get that going so these are going to sweat down they're going to have all that butter on them the garlic so that's going to be this it'll be the sauce too it's just mixed in with the vegetables all right so there goes the mushrooms a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper on those and then the mushrooms especially it's good to kind of pre-cook them get some of that water content out of them so it doesn't sog out your pizza crust we'll let these cook here and then come on over i want to show you the pizza oven so right now we're sitting at about 450 degrees fahrenheit and i'm using charcoal all right so just straight charcoal today around the back and i've had this preheating for probably 30 minutes so by the time these veggies are done we should be good on that pizza home pizza stone heating up these are coming along nice i want to get these onions caramelized a little bit bring out the sweetness mushrooms are coming along so i'm going to turn this heat down to low and then let's stretch out that pizza crust so this is my new york style pizza dough it's a thin crust so i really like thin crispy crunchy pizzas a little bit on the well done side unless i'm doing a neapolitan style so i'll leave a link for you to check out that recipe the exact amounts will be in the description below so what i have here is some semolina flour it's real fine ground dust my board a little bit i'm going to dust the dough so my hand doesn't stick and then just let gravity pull this out of the bowl there we go so this is enough dough for one 16 inch thin crust pizza one thing i'll point out it's a it's a good tip or practice the top side of your dough just keep track of where that is because if you put that down onto your pizza stone you're gonna have a better chance of it not sticking so just a beginner tip for you and this dough has been sitting out on the counter for about an hour and basically i made this dough three days ago and it's been cold fermenting in the refrigerator so what i'll do just come out press around and we're going to build the cornochony so this is the crust area and i like to keep it to about one fingers width depth all the way around the edge and once i get it started what i'll do is i'll bring it up i'm not a professional pizza maker and i'm not going to toss it in the air yet but i take my hands underneath and just start to stretch a little bit this is a lower hydration dough and i made it that way on purpose it's easier to work with for beginners and i'm just going to start stretching coming around and like i said i'm doing a 16 inch pizza today so i'm just gonna guess get it close and then i'll put it down on a pizza screen to uh get the exact 16 inch so just do it with confidence that's what people say go slow and you won't tear it and you should see some daylight coming through which i do so i know i'm close so let me get it down on a pizza screen and we'll see how it looks so here we are pretty close so i'm just going to pick it up one more time here and just give it one last little stretch around the edges you can let gravity do the work and you'll actually feel where it's thicker than other parts that's looking pretty good all right i think that's good let's see yep so it's overhanging just a little bit which is fine because this will actually shrink a little once we put it in all right so right down onto the crust we're going to use some of the finest cheese in the world this is white american deli cheese daddy jack's favorite and i agree i love the taste so like he says if you don't like american no pizza for you so we're gonna spread out a couple slices here then i've got a little bit of shredded smoked mozzarella and provolone do that to fill in these gaps just add a little bit of smoky flavor that chuck roast is already smoked a little bit so now for some of that chuck roast spread it out all over all right so uh over here just gonna combine our peppers and onions and mushrooms let's get these over on the pie same thing just spread it out nice try and make it so you don't have one piece that's all peppers and one piece that's all mushrooms all right now daddy jack says he likes his cheesy and so do i so i'm gonna go down with another layer of american over top and we'll try and overlap so places where we didn't have the american before and don't forget this cheese has some grease to it which is going to melt down onto the crust as well a little bit more shredded cheese we'll get the rest of this meat just a couple more peppers and onions over top all right here we go looks good enough to eat now but let's get it in the oven and start cooking it all right so let's check our pizza stone temperature right around 550 in the front almost uh 650 in the back which i think will be okay here all right so here's the beauty of the screen i don't have a pizza peel that can support a 16 inch pizza i've got a 14 inch and since i already have these greens i'm not going to bother what you do you put it in on the screen for the first couple minutes makes it easy to turn that crust starts to cook then i'll be able to turn it with a small peel so let me just get it in here and you'll see it barely fits put that in close the door and in about two minutes i'm gonna come back and give it a spin all right coming up on about two minutes so what i'm gonna do grab a pair of tongs get underneath and i'm going to rotate it since our heat source is in the back we're going to rotate so we get nice even cooking on that crust that looks beautiful already it's perfect timing so door back on for about two minutes and then i think we'll take it off of the screen and put it directly on the stone all right coming right back so i'm just going to check that bottom crust it's looking pretty good so what i'll do is grab my peel pull out the screen now we'll just rotate it a little bit now that hot pizza stone is going to start crisping up the bottom while the rest of this top gets done so a couple more minutes and we're done all right so we're coming up on about five minutes or so total cook time this usually takes about eight minutes with this dough pull it out give you a look so it looks awesome it's not done yet though what we're looking for on that bottom crust just a little bit more on the edges but you can see it's nice and brown and crisp it up a little bit more and i'm going to give this a spin to get that backside there we go i think two more minutes we'll be done all right eight minutes this pizza is good check it out let's get it out of here look at that beautiful cheesesteak pizza let's get it over here on the board and cut it see how we did now one thing i want to show you let's do the listen test nice crispy crust puffy full of air all right so let me start here i like the way that's cutting nice remy there's only one thing that'll get the dog away from the food and that's the ups driver all right so here we are nice and cheesy a little bit of burnt cheese on there which i like let's take a look look at that underside yum all right here we go daddy jacks cooking with the blues go check them out awesome videos awesome recipe that american cheese is so awesome on pizza this dough is fantastic hey if you guys like this pizza video i've got two more using the same dough one's a pepperoni one's a plain cheese new york style go check those out and i'll see you over there you
Channel: Weekend Warrior BBQ
Views: 3,950
Rating: 4.9761906 out of 5
Keywords: ooni pizza oven, ooni pro pizza oven, ooni, ooni pro, cheesesteak pizza, cheese steak pizza, thin crust pizza recipe, ooni cheesesteak pizza, pizza, pizza recipe, pizza dough, weekend warrior bbq
Id: G08ISVi03dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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