Cheers - Frasier & Dickens
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Channel: Zed Aleph
Views: 181,606
Rating: 4.9038463 out of 5
Keywords: Cheers (TV Program)
Id: qA9nRB_8aFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 14 2015
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Later in this episode Lilith is at the bar when the regulars begin asking for Frasier to keep reading about the clown in the sewer from Dickens, or something like that. One of the best shows in the history of TV
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"....bloodthirsty clown who swallowed them whole"
Now I know where they got the idea for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
"Boy, this Dickens guy really liked to keep his butt covered didn't he?"
For whatever reason, that's one of the lines from Cheers that has always struck with me. I think of it every time somebody says something contradictory.
Based on my having seen Gran Torino, I assume Cliff's "get them frogs, eh!" means he was talking about shooting Asians.
One of the best sitcoms ever, one of the few shows that didn't go downhill in it's later years, glad I have it on dvd.