Checking swales and log dam in the rain

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this here is my warm Tower project this is where I'm digging three to four foot deep holes and just putting kitchen scraps and organic material in the holes this is a rim that's a one looks like I've got 11 at least 11 of them anyway from here over they've all been filled in and I'm in before I let the horses back out I keep I'll scrape it I'll come back with a tractor bucket and scrape this because I want to make sure there's not an area where they step and fall in with these last four I've got covered up this one I've been adding material to it we'll take a look kind of see it there last time I checked on it there was a lot of roly-polies in there anyway that will help eat it also anyway these three are empty so these are future dumps once once this one once this one is full I'll fill this one then we'll fill this one then we'll fill that one then from there I'll decide if I want to keep going I mean from that point we've got an entrance I've got to have Road access right here to get into that gate there so I may uh step over 20 feet and start doing it over here because this is all Rocky ground and just an update I'm the worm Tower allows me to support the organic material in there the worms will come and eat it turn it into good organic matter and start just creating creating deeper topsoil I mean I think I've got about two inch of topsoil here when I bought this place this was all Limestone almost like that road over there just Limestone base with hardly any vegetation we've moved in some soil planted some Bermuda grass um but it really hadn't thrived here so I've added the vetiverse whale which kind of waters this area here that stays green I've got another swell here that's full of mulch when the mulch breaks down that's going to add topsoil and then I've got the worm towers here so all through all three of those things are going to add water and nutrients and topsoil to this area you can see where the low spot is where the Overflow point is I'm kind of just following it down it goes down to what I call the diversion swell and rain is when you really get to see what the how good good or bad you did anyway this is where I had to see if it's going down that Hill so I was pollen soil this way so that the water would hit it flow in and go into there you can see where you can kind of get a result of your work I mean I I am not done with this I need to continue this up to the propane tank there but you can see I've got a low spot here holding water and then you can also see what I talked about on the diversion swell that the water was puddling to the right and seeping down and as I pan across it kind of shows it we do have a high spot in the middle we've got this area where there's no water and then it's pulling here so I need to just make them on a metal note this cedar tree here I need to add soil into this area to raise a level to get all that water flowing to the left which is what I want to happen and then from there it goes down in my Terrace system I also want to go check the One log Dam because it's probably overflowing right now so I want to take a video of it so let me move down there okay well here's my One log Dam probably six inches from overflowing I was just hoping to get a video because that's pretty cool to see the water overflowing I've got V not just cut in and all the water pours out of those V notches we had a I guess a few weeks ago we had a freeze I mean the grass was just starting to Green up and then we had a freeze of 11 to 13 degrees Fahrenheit which is I think I did the calculator and it was negative 10 degrees Celsius anyway he was just Greening up and then we had that freeze and everything dried again and the whole place looked like it was the middle of the summer here when our drought anyway this rain is probably the first rain since then so we'll we should start seeing things green up I mean here in the winter time we got plenty of green grass anyway hoping to show that to you overflowing it'll I mean honestly come April May when we get the rains it'll be greener and I mean just think about all this grass just green and Lush and water overflowing it's it's a beautiful sight anyway we'll just have to have patience on that to see it okay this is an area where I was never never able to show it to you with water in it I'm going to call this a 100 Year floodplain maybe the it just scooped out here as the water flows down well I didn't dig a hole I just added a berm I added this area here to Dam it up and you can see where it's where it has got water I feel that I think I put some wood chips in there but I'm just trying to build soil there in some depth anyway uh this is where a big tree was that just collapsed and that's that right there is the beginning of another Pocket Pond I had to divert off the Earthworks because we were building the greenhouse but we'll be getting back on this we can see a culvert over there I don't know if you remember from a walk through if you watch the walk through I've got a I got a pond on both sides of that Culvert so it fills up before it exits the Culvert then it fills up again as it as it exits hope I've got the warning right there I'm not good with words then I'm gonna show one other thing which is my big swell let me run over there real quick okay we're here at my big Swale and coming and looking after rain is so important you know when you're when you're building a square the first thing you do is get everything on contouring marker contour lines because you want you want the water to fall in equally everywhere just falling in drop it in and not moving not moving left not moving right because that comes with disturbances but you do that and then you come in and dig your hole You don't know if you're digging a constant depth and you don't know if your berm is at a constant depth and I've got a skid steer so I don't really worry about it I'll build it look at it after rain and then go do the necessary remedies on it but what I can tell right here is the water is coming out at the bottom now I don't disagree with that because this is on the high side of my land you go to the other side that's on the low side of the land the highway is over here and I've got a pond down here but having it exit here is not bad because it it puts it on the high side so it's going to start working downhill I mean honestly I'm actually thinking about maybe even converting this into a Terrace you know where the water is flowing down this way falls down and maybe another another Terrace and just zigzag it down zigzag it down I mean one thing I do with with moss whales is I want them wide and shallow I mean I periodically have to mow I mean I've got cows out here but you got to think about the stuff that the cows don't eat they're going to take over so you know there's certain certain things that are flowering and seeding and they'll take over the whole pasture so I do build them where I can mow it so wide and shallow lets me get the lets me get the mower through here anyway so technically we didn't do a good job on this one we can fix it puddling on the left we've got a high spot in the middle and then it looks like it's probably slowly moving to the right down there it was probably the first time since I built it that the grass was low enough where I can see what was going on and we had rain I mean we went we went 2022 with man 12 inches of rain for the whole year where we're usually getting in the 32 to 36 inch range anyway I think I'm gonna shut this down here this showed what I needed to see so I can come back and do some fixing anyway you guys have a great day
Channel: Heron There
Views: 14,879
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Id: DKnvhb-59IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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