checked for rules violations - MLF PRO CIRCUIT PRACTICE

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all right y'all it is the first day of practice here on the saint lawrence river and um this is a cool place i know what you guys are thinking you've seen all the big weights in all the tournaments and all you're all like oh be like that'll be right up your alley you love finesse fishing they're catching 25 pounds of bags a small amount this is gonna be easy for you well i'm gonna tell you a secret about fishing places like this where guys catch a lot of big bags and you see that stuff on tv it's never as easy as what you see on tv they're cutting out all the part of us not catching any fish so when you look at those results you got to realize there's a lot of background work to go in to that 25 26 18 pound bag or just a successful day on the water but that's what i'm going to show you today is uh some of that background work here in the saint lawrence river it's kind of fun i've been practicing for a couple hours already i've been using my electronics a good oh look at that big boulder right there i've been using my electronics a good bit today which is a little bit unusual for me usually i'm kind of a visual guy but um if you look at the base there's really not a lot of a lot of that stuff is just flat banks not a lot around it a lot of choked out grass which small mouth typically don't like choked out grass but i just uh so far this morning i've caught all my fish in like 30 foot 27 to 35 foot uh just dragging the drop shot around on these rocks you can see it's a little rough spot right right along in there so there's a contour line if i open this up we're going to just drift back down this contour line and you know i'll just i'll just hang around for a couple minutes you know 30 minutes 20 minutes usually if there's some fish there there's fish in whatever area you're fishing you know they'll they'll bite pretty quickly if i see one on the grass just about i don't think there's been many that i've had my bait backdraft into and then they not got the bait so i just kind of set my boat in 30 drift around until i get bit i haven't caught any big ones yet like not even a three pounder yet and that's that's a problem because you're gonna need three and three quarters and four pounders and i haven't caught any of those yet so that's the next project is just try to catch some bigger fish that's a fatter one i want you to see how these fish a bit he's got look at that look at the head on that thing the head is literally like a minnow right the head on this fish is like literally could be a 10 inch fish but then the body the body is like body is like gina oh god the body on that thing looked like gina look at that i mean literally look at that that incredible huh i don't i want to see how much this fish weight because i i'm betting it's not a three pounder or maybe right at three pounds he's a lot bigger than i thought that's a 345. i mean but look at the head that head is tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny little head and put them back they're real fragile fish so so a little goldy a little goldilocks he's not even a brownie this is just a little goldilocks small mouth right here right now i'm just idling around one of these shoals just looking for uh like rock piles and stuff because it seems like it's pretty obvious where the fish are so i'm just trying to get myself used to what what it looks like where the fish are what they're using and how they're kind of setting up on structure it's almost like when i weighed fish in the river like that how they get behind rocks and current it's like the same thing but on a bigger scale so i'm just uh there's a big rock right there geez so i'm just idling around see what i can find on all these shows i'm gonna mark as many places as possible and then i'll come back and fish them after i make a loop really if i can find between the rest of the day today and then tomorrow if i can find you know probably six places that's got em like this you can only fish so many in the tournament you're probably getting tournament only fish like three or four come on so many small ones there's a lot of fish here but just not the right even though they're small they pull drag a lot the head is versus the body i mean the fish is not big anyway but look at his head versus his body his body is like oh yikes that's what he just this is this is what the fish are eating see that guy that's what that's what they're eating that's what he just spit up it was a about a three or four inch goby and my bait what pretty much what i've been fishing it's just a trd on a drop shot i mean it pairs up the gobi is actually a little bit bigger than the drop shot that's what i've been using today [Music] still another small one it's just like big enough to where you can can't fight both flipping and they kind of fight hard i caught a 340 like a three and a half it's gonna be bigger than three and a half if i can get him in the boat let's see if i can get him in [Music] yeah that's he's a little better than three he's about three and a half i would say he's a pretty little guy i think so far my best five probably about 16 which is which is nothing here you don't want to be catching 16 pounds yeah he's a 3 21. so my experience with these skills were a little bit light that's not bad though i'm a re-rig i kind of spent a lot of time in this one area today i think it's about the storm i think you guys can see it in a distance there i'm gonna swap up cloaks cause i'm losing so many baits they keep coming up shaking them off and you want to you want to go somewhere where there's where there's food and where they where the fish are at because they're gonna bite that's what they're feeding on right there you see that's a little perch a lot of people think that small mouth eat like small baits well you see that's about a seven or eight inch long perch and that's what that's what they're eating right there big old perch down on the bottom look at that big brick rock out there jeez see that rock pile off the side right there it's a huge rock if you can find you can find a half a dozen or maybe even a dozen hey like there if it's a rock out there if it's any kind of rough spot out in about 30 there's a fish on it they're not big but we'll get there i should be able to find the right size eventually that's what i feel like anyway i want to want to check this part out this looks pretty dang good i'm going to ride down through here and see if i see if i get bit on any of this there's a lot of rocks down through here just caught that thing that's a pretty one in it and we had a big rainstorm come through just a little bit ago i had to suit up but look at bro i'm gonna put a little scale on him now that's as small as his head is look at the size of his head okay see how small is it this fish is probably gonna be about three and three quarters if i had to guess that was two on back to back cast i just caught let's see how much this thing weighs yeah almost four pounds just 393. big one i'm hurrying getting back these fish are super fragile i think because they jump so much i just need to know you know normal tournaments like what we have in the south you know you're shaking them off and not even trying to trying to catch fish but here if you can't catch one or two of them there probably is not enough fish there all right so we had a really bad storm roll through and i had to kind of tuck it for a minute that makes it really tough when you got two days of practice and storms rolled through especially on these these big northern lakes you know what you're really subject to weather what changes but uh the days are ending oh by the way i know y'all watch me like a hawk i do have my life vest on it's under my ring jacket because i know i know how this goes okay it's on there i know how this goes especially me let y'all read in between the lines on that i got my life jacket on you ain't got to call nobody got me it's right here you see it anyway back to what i was saying a lot of fish today not the right size i um i think i picked just the wrong pool of the river for today so tomorrow i just kind of got to get out there and and go at it hard try to cover as much water we're going to drop go further towards the lake tomorrow i hope i can find some bigger fish i think i'm gonna take a risk and go like way out like maybe an hour drive by boat and um you know i'll drive out there but be pretty much close to where our boundary is we can't go to lake ontario this week we we have a boundary line at the mouth of the river so i think i'm going to uh i think i'm gonna go out that way because if all else fails i can hang around in here within three miles of here and probably catch 17 pounds or so which is not great with two days you know you just just got you just got very limited time you really got to gotta have a plan of attacking and go at it good morning it's the second day of practice i got a lot of stuff to figure out today um i feel kind of good about it some reason i don't know after let me set you guys down here so i can do what i got to do yesterday evening when i got back i was kind of feeling i was kind of feeling kind of nervous and shaky about it i was like man i really got to catch him you know i'm not catching enough weight and yeah yeah really kind of just spooking out a little bit and then last night i kind of sat down and looked at the map and i'm telling you like filming a little bit actually kind of it helps sometimes a lot of people say oh man if you filmed the mess gotta take up a lot of your energy and time but then i started back going through like some of the footage from yesterday and realized like maybe it wasn't so bad like uh and and so i did that and then i also started researching like some of the uh tournaments like they had a lot of toyota series tournaments here over the years and uh i started realizing like you know there's years where the weights are really high and there's also years where the weights are kind of like just par we're 16 17 a day not so bad so you kind of have to be careful about getting too excited because you see other tournaments here and realize that you just got to fish your tournament uh if you're catching 15 or 16 in the same places you see everybody else's fishing 16 or 17 then maybe that's not so bad so you really have to kind of uh calm down sometime and just fist the tournament all right safety first amigos hold on mercury hold on mercury fish are like you want to get in to me it seems like the best the best thing for you to do is getting the swiftest current you can find and then just get behind something there's a little fish down there now i see one on the graph i might catch him got him got it see that's the thing he's right where he's supposed to be like look at look at this look at this 25 foot of water rock pile on the back of a point and this one this is what you're gonna do this is what you're gonna do right here okay st lawrence okay st lawrence river this is what you're gonna do that's what y'all be talking about right here when you talk about st lawrence river okay i'm gonna try this is the senate jerk shads i got right there senate jerk chad sometimes uh let's go with something like a bigger profile these fish eat they're not eating like small baits you know they eat like perch and rock bass you know i haven't had any rock bass this week you'll probably start marking a few you'll see the boulders down there there and you just got to run something down there to them ah yeah i've caught my share of these little things this week get right where a place where you think like right where the a good one should be sitting and you feel that doo doop and then it's like oh i don't know why that's going on this week but the better fish is like the better fish is just not being the better fish i haven't had any place where i feel like i could pull up and just catch them you know 20 at a time or something but there he is see what that one is same thing smaller you gotta be kidding me bro right there in the same spot but i gotta tell you though that was on a different bait that was on my jerk shots like all type of shiners and bait i'm seeing clouds of bait and everything down there there he is that feels like a better oh i waited a second i should have hit that sucker that was a good bite there he is nope same thing i was off of the spot bro better than the other ones i caught i was in like 33. he's better than the other ones but he's still like what are you like what are you doing like bro i thought y'all was gonna be five pounds a piece down here i guess they didn't really lie on that part the fish do look like footballs yeah yeah i mean like look look at you oh wow i'm way off the spot now i'm like 200 yards oh when you get on the spot that's got em right though you could drift you know a couple hundred yards a lot of times it's rained all day i hadn't had any i hadn't filmed in like five hours because it literally poured for i i say poor but just a good steady rain for the last few hours so i just put everything up but by far so far this is 3 30 in the afternoon by far my least productive day out of the two i haven't really found much i kind of really feel like today is a waste in a way because uh i'm just not catching much but i can't say this i got no motivation to come down this way and it's so late that i'm pretty much stuck i got a little worried because i didn't see many boats um you know being your first time here and i'll go ahead and finish out the day a little bit wet of course like always i waited too late to put my rain suit on so i'm a little damper than i would is ideal better one that's actually one of the better ones i caught today large mouth come to the party big ones he don't know he wouldn't be bringing my largemouth he would maybe make 12 inches but god he's probably pounding half oh boy you probably can sense the frustration in this video it was at one point during my youtubing videoing making these weird videos career i am going to have one of these practices where i'm looking in the camera just cheesing and smiling because everything is going just perfect in practice but i don't know man it's a little it's a little frustrating because this tournament is so important and i know that i know that their fish are biting and it's gonna take weight like you're gonna like when you go to let's say um smith lake or something if you're getting seven or eight bites a day you can figure out how to get your five and let let major league fishing figure out how much they're going to weigh you're probably going to be okay you can't do that at the st lawrence river what do you think i should do what would you do that's the big one watch him come up yeah that's the big one that's the biggest one i had all practice that's a freaking giant it's freaking giant right there dude i think he got down in the grass he's got nothing in the grass that's a freaking giant that's the one we've been looking for that's what we've been looking for right there can't even turn it yes that's what i've been looking for all practice right there let's see oh dude he's not big he's not even big wow you just out here tricking brothers huh he's not he's the smallest of all of them he felt so big and was pulling drag out there and all that grass that's incredible yeah he wasn't that big sorry but you saw how i was fighting him though he's not that big but whatever it don't matter where i go what i do this is what i keep catching on st lawrence river this is these type of bass i have no idea it is starting to get a little frustrating at this point no cool little spot if i could catch a couple three pounders it would be better but you know there's a little fish like that they don't that's that's not gonna do me any good okay just digging like he's some big muscular well actually he is kind of muscular you're just forgetting the big part killer part little ones like that we always hold them upside down [Music] so today is what we refer to as uh as an off day it never ends up being a true off day at least for me anyway but it was uh today was an extra special off day i don't know set you down here so i'm not shaking and moving all over the place but today was is it exceptionally different off day in the major league fishing pro circuit and the bass pro tour they have what's called polygraphs not sure if everybody knows what that is and it's random selection it's it's never like a polygraph because we think you're doing something wrong we want to check you out and bring in for questioning but i had my first ever polygraph today ever i think this is my i've been fishing tour level competition since 2016 my first polygraph so i got the text yesterday from daniel about uh i had my turn it's almost like hey tom what's the thing they call you when you have to go to court jury jury duty it's almost like jury duty you don't do anything to get jury duty all you do is be a citizen and you're going to get be called to do jury so basically i was called up my number was called i had to go do the uh the polygraph i was alone i was a little like like nervous because like what if you know like no i hadn't really done anything but at the same time i was like what if i did you know or what if they kind of popped a question on me but it wasn't like a pop quiz deal it was super easy they uh kind of walk you through the process lady tells you what's going to happen what's going to do you know what they're going to they actually tell you what they're going to ask you uh tell you about the the process of the polygraph and then they turn around and ask you the questions with the machine hooked up to you so it all went pretty smooth the purpose in these polygraphs is for us so they make sure they're fact checking us and make sure we're following the rules that we signed off on when we enter the tournaments we have a lot of rules in the pro circuit for as cheating is concerned not necessarily like putting fish in the box and going back to get them not necessarily that we can't take information so when you come in on my videos and say hey when you're at st lawrence you need to throw x y and z we can't take that i actually have to turn that into the tournament director and let them know that i had information so we can't get information about tournament waters baits we can't ask you solicit any information we can't solicit you what i should be doing um basically that's the biggest thing that they're trying to stop trying to make sure that you're not on waters during competition time you can't fly over competition waters they're making sure you don't do that um trying to remember some of the things she was asking but just making sure the rules that are in that are stated in our rules that you're not breaking them when no one's looking they're just going to ask you those questions so long as you're not fishing during off limits you're good long as you're not asking people what bait should you be using on a body of water you're good so long story short i did pass it was about a two hour two two and a half maybe about two hours of my off day that uh that i had to devote to that so uh yeah whatever you know i usually just do tackle and scroll on my phone for most of the day anyway on the off day and just kind of figure out what i'm doing so it was pretty pretty cool so here's the thing that i often wonder about the polygraph all right or some of the rules that we have let me see what you guys think let me know in the comment section what you think about this so we can't have information uh the goal of not having information to uh the goal of that the no information clause basically i can't come to sam rayburn call up a buddy that i know that fits the same rate and say hey man shoot me a bunch of your dots that is meant to keep the playing field level since we do have uh limited practice you can only practice two days and there's a cut off and so forth my question is to you i'm gonna post let's start a conversation do you think that really levels the playing field tell me what do you think i don't think it does i actually i'm actually one of the people that would benefit from a no information clause supposedly i don't think it helps anybody you know i the only thing it does is like i can't talk to my friends as freely as i would like to you know if like if i got a friend that lives in a close by fishery of course if we go to the california delta yo what's up what i need what i need to prepare like um most of the fishes we go to i don't know anybody that that that has fished on those bodies of water and if i did and sometimes i have in fishing other tournaments like triple a events whereas no holes bar you can get as much information as you want stuff really never helps me i'll prove it to you like this the no information clause is actually just kind of creating a way for us to cross a boundary it doesn't have to be there it's not really leveling the playing field i'll prove it to you toyota series that i fish get as much information as you want you can practice as long as you want you can hire whoever you want to help you can get as many dots and many waypoints as you want in toyota series same people win every time i don't think i personally don't think anybody's getting a check because of information they got it's just my thought process honestly i don't think getting information and dots and waypoints and asking people about base that's not a sustainable way to have a career personally i worry about it if if you beat me by calling a buddy and saying like hey what i need to use and you beat me over four days i well first of all you're not going to beat me over four days doing that but i'm not really worried about that that is not the way to make a living fishing and if you're if you've reduced fishing to calling buddies and getting information you know a factor that's my thought process on it i don't i think it's only just creating boundaries that we really don't need i'm sure that'll start a firestorm in the comments but do whatever you want to it it's a conversation piece feel free to put whatever you think about uh those rules because they are negotiable we as anglers is if the whole tournament organization in general like the league the anglers if we decided that's maybe a little bit overkill they'll probably change it but i feel like the majority of the anglers do want information rules and that's why we have it and that's why we created it it hasn't always been there so my opinion doesn't mean it's the gospel truth it's just literally my opinion that's all it is nonetheless i gotta try to go out here and catch them whether no information or not i gotta try to catch them this week and i'm looking forward to it all right hope you enjoyed this video the next vlog that you see actually might not be the next vlog but very soon you will see the vlog from this tournament the st lawrence river right here in massena new york hopefully it's a good one i don't really know you saw the practice what do y'all think it's gonna be like
Channel: Brian Latimer
Views: 44,358
Rating: 4.9421339 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish tips, bass fishing, bestfishingvideos, brian latimer, flw fishing, pro angler, lake hartwell, blat
Id: cnE5JnJ6eKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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