Cheating in BB+ (the epic sequel) (bonus included, but bonus includes swears)

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oh hi well [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] welcome to my store that can come in handy this will fill out your map try again when you have more you thought points say hi to baldy for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] welcome to my store I love those I love those thank you for shopping foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] welcome to my store thanks I hated that item anyways thank you for shopping [Music] what's up [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] like that thank you [Music] sweep no drinking drinks in the Halls [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh hi let's play hide and seek ten nine [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] 20 seconds no drinking drinks in the Halls 25 seconds no drinking drinks in the Halls 30. no drinking drinks in the hall no drinking drinks in the hall no drinking drinks in the Halls no running in the Halls no drinking drinks in the Halls no running in the Halls no running in the Halls 99 seconds detention for you your parents will hear about this one foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay it's mine sleep [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thanks [Music] an Apple for me thanks oh my God [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thanks for playing come back soon hi guys it's me Noah the guy behind this channel is my mic even working right now yeah it is all right so you're probably wondering what the heck am I doing here and why am I not doing cheating in all these Basics plus like I was earlier in the video well guess what this is the bonus that I promised in the video we are going to be playing the first version of baldi's basics because I don't know I feel like it and sensitivity around education and learning right oh hi welcome to Molly's face [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now it's time for everybody [Music] excuse me a second I'm gonna go down all right we're back I downloaded 1.1 I was gonna play 1.0 but seriously the mouse issue is kind of a game killer I want to see if this version's fixed it fixed it and it created my sensitivity down you know I should probably not play this version now that I think about it I'm gonna go download 1.2.1 um this is starting to add up all right here we are brushing it do oh hi I keep forgetting to turn down my mouse sensitivity [Music] now it's time for everybody's favorite son I can't believe you're a dueling fans who are doing fantastic [Music] you did great come here and get your prize that's annoying my physics are weird now it's time for you're doing let's are you serious my guys dude the physics are so weird as a guy who played baldi's Basics classic remastered physics are just so weird someone just played it like two seconds ago two seconds ago eight five your mama why is there like dots on the x button what's up foreign he's still hot on my tail [Music] [ __ ] that's gonna make the game a little harder since you know please don't go in this room please don't go in this room please don't go in this room please don't go in this room please don't go in this room please don't go in this room please don't go in this room please I beg of you please I beg of you foreign he's gone let's go looks like it's sweeping time that was close nope I'm safe now you can't get me you've got a sweep sweep sweep I'm pretty sure the piece soda works now so or as like my friends like to call it the pitch soda he's right on my ass I can't eat food because this is the version that doesn't allow me to eat food okay I'm safe okay that gave me a heart attack foreign he's coming from that angle I know it I knew everything in the hall are you foreign both my V sodas congratulations I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead one more all right that was a good run now it's time [Music] [Music] foreign I guess I'll have to take an alternate route since this [ __ ] is following me foreign I'm sorry if my language is foul I just can't control myself leave me alone you 15. no wait that's one jomama all right let me go let's play foreign makes me happy God damn it two three four wow it's not looks like it's sweeping time sweep sweep sweep seven six dollars sweep sweep sweep a sweep sweep sweep oh holy [ __ ] sweep sweep what the beat soda still doesn't work wait am I faster than him I think he's faster than me I honestly can't tell I just have to keep running and running and running and praying to God I get to go to RNG because if I run out of stamina I'm gonna go like two miles an hour foreign Dumbo for the last like be here for a while so you get okay I'm gonna die here eat this before I die for today's video um thanks for watching oh please okay okay shut up shut up we get it we get it all right uh thanks for watching uh you are uh sorry if my language was foul I just want to add a little bonus in because this video I promise I was gonna get this video out Wednesday but I got school off again because of slippery roads so I decided I just upload the video now and yeah I'm pretty sure half the videos like the bonus anyway so let's just get this over with thanks for watching see ya
Channel: SQ (real)
Views: 40,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tI16Fz3LYO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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