Cheat Code - Talking Tom and Friends | Season 3 Episode 24

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[cartoon game soundtrack] Our first structure is almost done! Hard to believe we only started playing SquareStack a week ago. -I guess we're just naturally gifted. -Yeah, we are! -Wait, why am I jumping? -Hold on, let me check. According to Builder X's How To SquareStack, to harvest a bush, you have to wave to the left. Oh! Got it! -Yay! We did it! -Whoo! -Pathetic! -Huh? I wouldn't store Level 2 moldy wood shavings in there! -I'd like to see you do any better! - You would? -OK! -Huh? Behold my throne! [laughing] [laughing] Ginger, how did you-- This isn't my biggest enormous castle, but it's the closest, and it's well defended. Uh... Defended from what? [chirping] That? Really? [giggling] -Aagh! -[Ginger laughing] [laughing] ♪ Wa-oah! ♪ [laughing] Don't beat yourselves up, guys. Old people aren't good at video games. We're not old! Our brains are fine. [mimics old person] "I'm not old! Where's my quilt?" [laughs] That's exactly what you sound like. Anyway, I have worlds to create! [laughing] -[door closes] - Hey, Ben. -How do we make a big castle like that? -Not easily! Builder X says you need 9,000 bricks of Impossible-to-get-ium. Which is even harder to get than Hard-to-get-ium! Maybe I should spend my free time doing something more worthwhile -than video games. -[door opens] Tom, I need your help applying to perform at the Uncomfortable Rocks music festival. [dance music] [cheering, applause] I need the perfect song if I want to get in. Tom! Don't give up on our digital domain! The manual says if you have game questions, you can contact Builder X. Builder X is the highest-ranking Stacker in the Stack-iverse. -He's not going to write you back. -He doesn't need to. I'll use the data from his email address to find his location, and we will just go meet him in person! Got it! Take that, privacy! -Angela, I'm sorry, but this is urgent. -But I need a song! I believe in you. You are going to write the greatest song of all time! Tom, come on, would you? No pressure. [spooky music] [door creaks] [gasps] There he is, Builder X. -We must treat him with respect. -[clears throat] -Ronnie? -Hey, Scoutmaster Tom! You're Builder X? Yep! I do my homework fast, so I have lots of time to Stack. What can X do for you? We want to be as good at the game as Ginger is. -Just without having to play it for years. -I see. Sorry, Tom. There are no shortcuts in SquareStack. Well, so much for that. OK, if you help us, I'll let you make the first s'more on our next Scout Boy trip. The very first s'more? Mmm-- Maybe there's one shortcut in SquareStack. -[angelic choir] -Ooh! [Ronnie] This is my special cheat code. It doubles your resources! But be careful. Any changes to the code could have serious consequences. Come on! We won't mess with it. We're not idiots. [chuckles] Oh! Hey, Rhonda. I have a question. If you had to write a perfect song, what would it be about? Whoa. The perfect song should be about love. -That's perfect! -That's not right at all. The perfect song should be about a party. The perfect song would be about a breakup! Well, I only like songs that are about outer space! -[all talking at once] -Huh... Thank you, cheat code! This giant mansion is perfect. -Good thing you have your own. -Ha-ha! Yeah! Whoa! Matching friendship mansions? Nice! Hank! Did you decide to join the SquareStack revolution? I didn't want to miss out on all the "Stack-tion." I've carved out my own little nook in this world. -See? -You mean that hill? -There's nothing there. -I know. I felt like anything I put there would just mess it up. Pretty, huh? -[humming] -[rumbling] What? [Ginger laughing] Nice mansions! Kind of! But you're still living in my shadow. And you forgot defenses again! [Tom] Oh, no! How are you still better than us even though we're che...erfully learning this game? Come on, Tom. It's time to mess with the code. [upbeat game soundtrack] I'm proud of you, Ben. You made Ronnie's cheat code way better! It wasn't that hard to improve. Ronnie's a kid and we are adults. -So true. -[Angela moans] Hey, Angela! Do you still need help with the Uncomfortable Rocks thing, or, uh...? More than ever. I asked people what makes a perfect song, but everyone likes different things and I don't know who's right! It's whoever said the best songs are about dancing. Nobody said that! Ugh! -Now I'm even more confused. -Don't give up. I know you'll write a song that will make everyone happy. How am I supposed to do that, genius? Write a song about everything that's good? A song about everything that's good. Ha! You're a genius! -Thanks, Tom! -Wow! -I am on a roll today. -[door slams] I told you not to alter my code! How did you not understand? You've ruined everything! Look at this hot mess! [screaming] How is this happening? All I did was change your code so we got 1,000 times more resources! You multiplied everything by 1,000, including the Zappers! You always forget about the Zappers! We were just tired of kids winning this game. Now nobody's winning. Nowhere is safe! -[chirping] -Oh, boy! [sniffing] Ah! Hey! Welcome to Hank's Hill! I was just thinking of putting up a little sign that said "Welcome." Don't build anything! Your weird way of playing this game is the only thing keeping you safe right now! An army of Zappers is destroying anything players make! This game has bad guys? I dumped hundreds of hours into this game, and I got nothing! No. You have your building skills, and I'm sure those will help you later on in your life. Huh. Hank's right. I have a plan. Ben and I will use the power of the cheat code to give you guys time to use your Stacking skills to build the Zapper trap... [piercing whistle] Uh... Hello? Aaagh! Aaagh! -[Ginger] Oh, boy! -I hope this works. Here they come. Retreat! To the top of the hill! Aaagh! Aagh! [screams] Got 'em! Hey, that was easy. Uh-oh. Maybe it wasn't easy. This building's not going to hold them for long. It doesn't need to. Get out of my game! A rocket hut that can launch itself out of its own game. Ha! You really can build anything in SquareStack. Yeah! Those bad guys are lost in cyberspace now. You guys destroyed the game that I love! But then you saved the game that I love. -I guess it works out. -[door opens] You guys! I did it! I wrote a song everyone will like. -No matter what they like! -[guitar intro] ♪ Yes, we like good things ♪ ♪ Things that are good ♪ ♪ And we like that they're good ♪ ♪ Oh, so good! ♪ -♪ Good, good things... ♪ -Hey! Today had some ups and some downs, but everything really worked out in the end! ♪ ..Good things, yeah... ♪ -[rumbling] -Whoa! Huh? [beeping] [chirping]
Channel: Talking Tom and Friends
Views: 16,924,496
Rating: 4.4047284 out of 5
Keywords: Talking Tom and Friends, Talking Friends, Talking Tom, Outfit 7, Talking Angela, Talking Hank, Talking Ben, Talking Ginger, animated series, Talking Animals, Funny Cat, talking tom season 3, talking tom and friends season 3, talking tom season 3 new episode, my talking tom and friends, Cheat Code - Talking Tom and Friends | Season 3 Episode 24, Season 3 Episode 24, Cheat Code - Talking Tom, NEW! Cheat Code - Talking Tom and Friends | Season 3 Episode 24, talking tom episodes
Id: yoHIJliv_r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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