Cheapest Fuzz Pedal on Amazon - Azor Mini Fuzz vs Real Fuzzface

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the azor right even plugged in it almost has that sound like it's a battery running dry a little bit welcome back guitar playing people i'm james and today we're going to be putting a couple fuzz face pedals on the uh on the board we're going to be comparing a real fuzz face pedal to a cheap amazon copy we just hopped online to see what we could find [Music] all right so here it is it has arrived it is in a teeny tiny little box so let's go ahead and open it up and see what we've got in the package okay so as we open this i just want to point out that i unboxed it and then i accidentally deleted the video so what we're going to do now is we're going to pretend that i'm unboxing it for the first time that's why there's no plastic all right so you get the pedal which is just absolutely tiny i mean this little guy is it's kind of adorable to be honest um solid button two knobs um what's really cool is it came with an option and of course since i already ruined this i already put it on but you get a velcro that fits perfectly or a rubber pad so you can put either one of these on that's really cool and at first i was like why did they put this in here and then i realized oh it's too small for a battery so this is cool if you want to use a battery you can plug it in right there okay real quick explanation of the setup here this is just a really simple true bypass switcher the reason i like to use this is so you can just leave each petal on and then i can switch back and forth here from a to b or both not that we want both i want to check to see how it sounds playing some solos and then most importantly with the fuzz face i want to back down the volume on the guitar and i want to see how it sounds with its clean sound because remember the fuzz face different than most pedals does an absolutely killer job on doing a clean sound in fact when you listen to like jimi hendrix play and he's got that super glassy clean sound you're not really hearing his clean sound as much as you're hearing his fuzz tone dialed back in fact i'll give you a little example of what i'm talking about let's just go to the original fuzz face here here it's just playing nice and [Music] clean all that was done just with the volume so to me the really good property of a fuzz face is making sure that you can go from a nice glassy smooth clean up to just you know clipping like crazy with the fuzz and everything in between fuzz face is all about controlling your volume knob all right so let's take a look all right so the first thing that i want to do is i'm going to start off on the original fuzz face pedal you can see it's lit up there as you can see with the blinding light so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to play just a single note riff just something really simple just to hear how single notes sound oh yeah definitely a difference there they're sounding pretty similar with some lower notes on the bridge pickup but net pick up a little higher you can really hear the difference um let me play that again and just listen to the difference on the clipping all right now let's dive into where i think the fuzz face really shines the most and that's going to be rolling our volume back and getting a bit of a clean sound super clean all right now i'm going to leave my volume at the same spot i'm not going to touch it let's see what the azor does [Applause] [Music] it's a little more muddy it's not as clean um it's not shining there quite as much let's go back and listen to the fuzz face again [Music] [Music] yeah the clipping really stands out and kind of muddies up the clean sound a little bit so now i'm going to use it a little more practically i'm going to start with a clean sound and then i'm just going to cut right into a distorted sound and go back and forth so you can kind of hear it in a little bit more of a practical use start with the fuzz face roll it off [Applause] all right let's do the azore roll it back all right all right so on my final assessment i mean i'm gonna say that yeah there's a little bit of difference but for 20.99 that is a killer fuzz face pedal i'm going to go ahead and say that the difference between these two pedals is actually less of a difference than two actual fuzz face pedals just because there's so many models you got the hendrix model germanium silicon eric johnson there's just so many different models there are and they all sound a little bit different and i'm gonna say that you could probably blindly throw this pedal right in the mix with all those other fuzz faces and no one's gonna be able to go through three or four fuzz faces pick it out and say this one is the copy i think it does that good of a job i'm pretty blown away
Channel: BuddyCatAFK
Views: 16,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vintage Fender, Beatles Guitar, Gibson Les Paul, pedalboard, pedal order, boost, overdrive, vintage stratocaster, guitar playing, acoustic guitar, best guitar, guitar reviews, blues guitar, jazz guitar, Jimi Hendrix, cheap amazon pedals, cheap guitar effects, pedal reviews
Id: Z1AlXt73q0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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