CHEAP vs EXPENSIVE - Osmo Action vs GoPro 9 - 2021 UPDATE

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[Music] today's video is is long overdue it's also very highly requested by you guys because recently i've been talking a lot about the gopro hero 9 black and really what i've been talking about with this gopro is it is buggy the touchscreen has been trash and it's super buggy great camera amazing features great resolution you just can't trust that it's gonna record a clip for you and i said all that in in my kind of six months later with the gopro video and a ton of you a a shocking amount of you said well then go back to the dji osmo action a a two-year-old camera that's now only two hundred dollars versus a a six month old camera that's now four hundred dollars so yeah i never really thought to compare these two because this is such an old camera compared to this guy but i think stick around to the end i think you might be surprised at how well this guy still holds up versus the much more expensive and much newer gopro hero 9 black before we jump into it though hit that like button that helps me a ton and a huge thank you to epidemic sound who's sponsoring today's video we will talk a little bit more about them later okay so today's video it kind of sounds like it sounds like a ridiculous comparison between these two because this guy again came out two years ago and it was it was to compete with gopros at the time gopros hero 7 black so at the time it was a uh it was a competitor the the gopro hero 7 versus the osmo action that's that's what this was competing against when this was out and then they jumped to to the gopro hero 8 which got a little bigger and a little better and then they came out with the hero 9 which is massive compared to the osmo action it's it's ginormous they the gopros they just kept getting bigger hold on look how much bigger they kept getting the hero 9 is so big compared to now the osmo action that again at the time was competing against the hero 7. and because because the gopro has had multiple iterations when the 9 came out i didn't even really think to compare it against this guy but but i should have and like i said long overdue today today we're doing it i know a lot of you are going to say on on paper this thing smokes the osmo action again gopro has had multiple iterations since this guy was released and now they've got this thing so on so on specs alone yes this is is much much better than this guy but again this is sitting at 400 and this is only 200 so is it is it twice as good is it is it really worth it to spend 400 here when you could spend 200 and get this guy okay so the gopro hero 9 much much larger we know that but how about the screens because when the osmo action came out that that front screen let me switch to it that front screen was where it was at when that came out i was like oh my gosh i didn't realize how much i wanted a front screen on an action camera until i had a front screen on an action camera but of course now the gopro also has a front screen on its action camera and the gopro can actually do the front screen and the rear screen at the same time while the osmo action can only do front screen and then you have to hit the button on the side and now now it's on rear screen and i hit the button and it switches now it's on french but as noted on my gopro six months later video uh the touch screen on this the rear screen is total trash it just doesn't it just doesn't do what you wanted to do when you wanted to do it like even scrolling is is terrible it's just a bad experience to work through the menus to change settings everything you're doing in the menus to change settings is it's a bad experience whereas the osmo action it feels more like an iphone like everything is super snappy it's really responsive you just yeah even the ui the ui on the on the osmo action is better also like how you move through things oh it's just so much better so while the gopro can do both screens uh the touchscreen is is kind of trash the front screen is good oh also the screens on the gopro are brighter than the screens on the osmo action so when you're on the sunlight you will notice that the gopro is significantly brighter than the osmo action but that doesn't do you a lot of good if that bright screen doesn't doesn't work so yeah as for as for screens i i still give it to the osmo action even though i have to press the button to switch which does drive me crazy and i i don't understand why they can't do both screens at once i thought that was just gonna be an easy firmware update two years later they still can't do it it's probably a processor issue and then the other two kind of physical things about these two cameras is yes the the gopro does have that that lens cover that you can you can get off of there and it's got the little mount underneath it that's nice and i really appreciate that they brought that back because the hero8 didn't have that the osmo action has a circular lens thing so you can just screw it off and screw another one on and that also makes putting things like nd filters or or circular polarizers on here you can put all sorts of things on here just like a normal camera lens which oh by the way is circular a circular lens makes sense for a camera whereas the gopro it's got that the square lens cover i still don't understand why gopro went with this and they didn't just switch to a circular lens cover it's so much better but the last thing is is the gopro has those built-in flip down feet so the gopro is really an action camera and cage in one whereas the osmo action it still requires a cage again two years old back when the hero 7 still had a cage uh and this is an aftermarket cage this is by pgy tech so it has the two cold shoes on there but you can see that once you do this once you add the cage the size comparison is a bit closer like this this isn't that much bigger than the osmo action once it's in a cage all right let's get these things mounted up i'm gonna hop on the electric skateboard and we're gonna go bomb around outside and see how these two compare oh these guys these thumb screws in every single video where i use these thumb screws people ask me about them they they say where can i get those thumb screws uh because they're like they're more high torque like you've got two bits sticking out so you're like there's a lot to crank on i will link those below for you guys because yeah everyone always asks about them all right beauty there we go we got the the gopro hero 9 and osmo action mounted up i'm just going to cruise around on a skateboard we're going to look at the the footage side by side we're gonna hear some audio side by side and you guys can tell me if you think if you think that the gopro hero 9 is worth twice as much as the osmo action we'll go uh we'll go skateboard a little bit and uh yeah get some get some fun footage where's my sunglasses i need my sunglasses all right so right off the bat you'll you'll remember the gopro is 5k the osmo actually only goes up to 4k so there's a huge difference there in resolution but can you see the resolution different i'm not going to tell you guys which camera is which just yet so so you'll have to just look at the footage and figure it out and the question there being can can you really see the difference between 5k and 4k is is that significant enough now yes it will give you the ability to crop in in post which is super useful so if you film in 5k you can actually crop which is kind of like a digital zoom so so that's a major benefit of being able to film in 5k but in theory you should see a difference in the actual footage it should look a little bit more detailed than 4k by the way how's the audio sound right now let's do the audio test right now and i'm going to kind of go back and forth between both these cameras again i still i'm not telling you which is which yet so you can determine which footage you like better and you can determine which audio you like better between camera one and camera two before knowing what they are and for the audio test i'll tell you about today's sponsor epidemic sound i i love epidemic sound because i'm a creator i'm making videos like this all the time if you are also a creator or you're making videos for the internet uh i don't know why you wouldn't be subscribed epidemic sound they've got 35 000 plus audio tracks they've got 90 000 sound effects and yeah they're just they're just the place to go to get really really high quality music and audio sound effects but for a really reasonable price you pay one subscription price per month and you get unlimited access to them and oh by the way you can just click the first link in the description and get a totally free trial you can make videos with it you can post it online all during your free trial uh again totally free yeah and they tie directly into your youtube channel so you actually tell them who you are in your youtube channel so that you never get copyright strikes copyright strikes by the way on youtube huge pain in the butt and you don't have to worry about that with epidemic sound again first thing in the description totally free trial all right i'm gonna keep riding the electric skateboard around we're get some more footage and then we'll go back to the office but for all of this just kind of look at the footage back and forth and figure out which one do you like better without knowing which camera is which which camera do you like better here we go [Music] so [Music] all right what did you guys think of of that footage camera one and camera two uh how did you think about the footage the coloring the audio test real quick before before i tell you which camera is which i'm going to show you a quick stabilization test that i did yesterday and uh i was kind of shocked by this one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i know it wasn't like a crazy long stabilization test i just went for a quick run with it but i was trail running like really really shaking these two cameras up and and camera one was the dji osmo action and camera 2 was the gopro now watch it again knowing which camera is which and watch the background of the gopro where i run past the trees you see the trees wobble quite a bit when i'm running down the hill the houses and the backgrounds have a big wobble to them and you don't you don't see that at all with the dji osmo's rock steady and that that was the thing that was the thing that surprised me most about this test i i actually depending on on what you thought of the footage i've always kind of known that i like the footage that comes out of the osmo action better than the gopro i think that the gopro is is really oversaturated i think it's it's very contrast a lot of people love it a lot of people in in previous tests are like i love how the gopro looks i love the the really saturated punchy blues the super saturated oranges that like crushed black contrast tons of people love that so so maybe if you do like that look then i think the hero 9 is is totally your camera i've always known though that if i'm gonna shoot the gopro i usually shoot in flat mode because it's hard it's hard to remove contrast and remove saturation without things looking kind of wonky but if you shoot in flat mode it's easier to add it so the dji osmo action being more of a flatter profile just straight out of the camera i i actually prefer that but that's all subjective that's totally up to you and which camera that's why i didn't tell you which camera was which is because i want you to look at it and say what what do i like better which of these two would i prefer to be editing with and for me i would prefer to be adeline with the osmo action footage now what also surprised me was was the osmo action was not good in the audio test i didn't think that the the audio coming out of the osmo action was nearly as good as i remember i feel like i remember it being better and i'll do more testing and playing with settings to see if i can make it sound better somehow but but yeah especially while i was actually skateboarding i did not think that the audio coming out of the osmo action was very good and the gopro the gopro actually did really really well with wind noise in when i was just sitting there talking to him i think they sound really similar almost identical maybe there's a little bit more warmth to the gopro audio but while actually moving neither of them do great with wind but the gopro hero 9 did do it did do quite a bit better than the osmo action with wind okay so to wrap all this up a lot of this is totally subjective what what do you actually like better when you see the footage side by side what do you like better audio wise is the stabilization on par i think so does this have horizon leveling also yes does it you can put a 360 mod on this totally can't do that on this again though 200 and four hundred dollars the fact that they're that close is surprising but but the last point and the biggest for me is is reliability when we were in park city and i was shooting that whole video for the one x two the the 360 camera i had a gopro hero 9 mounted to my helmet and the idea was that as i went through the trees and i was i was having to weave the stick in front of me between the trees that i was gonna get this like cool behind the scenes shot this cool like pov shot as i went through the trees and the gopro would not record for me that day at all i would hit it to start recording it would start recording i'd be like oh cool we're good have it mounted on my helmet and then i would hear this really weird tone that i think i've never heard from it before and it just said battery error i keep running the battery soon as i hit start to record comes on it says i have 55 battery like i'm good to go it starts recording and then like a minute later-ish two minutes later it gives me a battery error warning so it might be too cold for the gopro battery i don't know but the gopro is not working today that he does that is it off again she's off she's off damn it i tried six different batteries with it it refused to operate that day ah maybe it was the cold because now it works it it does operate for me and it was just another another thing another bug another like oh this thing this camera that is so so good i just can't count on it and that's huge for me that's huge for me and maybe it's huge for you maybe if you are gonna do some cool action sport you're gonna like jump off a cliff or go off a ramp and you're only going to do it one time uh if you hit record on your gopro and you can't count on the fact that it's actually going to record that thing that you're doing but here's the thing uh probably most likely both of these companies are coming out with a new camera this year dji they just have to i i have a bunch of ideas on how they could make this like the most incredible camera in the entire world maybe i'll make a whole video on that but obviously the hero 10 is coming out this year and hopefully it will not have the the struggles that the hero 9 had but in the meantime until one of these companies comes out with a new camera which of these two am i going to be using it's it's the osmo action after after this thing failed me in park city i kind of i kind of swore it off i was i was very very upset that it would not work and i and i pretty much said i am not shooting with the hero9 anymore so for all of you out there that that responded i've never had a problem with my hero9 i'm i'm very happy for you i'm very excited that you've never had an issue with it i uh that's not my experience i've had a bunch of issues with it and and i am officially switching back to my my two-year-old 200 action camera i'll be using this i'll be using my one x two i'll be using my one and i'll be using the insta360 go to that little guy and all together those those will be the action cameras that i use in addition to my big camera to make these videos so i'll be using my big camera and all of those action cameras to make these and i i will no longer be using my hero not unless there's like some crazy firmware update where they go trust us we fixed it it's great now even then i would do i would do a lot of testing with the hero 9 before before i trusted it again fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame how does that go remember when bush messed that up okay let me know you guys opinion i want to hear your thoughts i want to hear your experiences with both these cameras i know a bunch of you have had both of them and i want to hear your experiences as well let me know down in the comments right now after seeing all of this which which of these two cameras would you go with if you have had a hero 9 and you've had like no problems please comment below because i feel like i feel like only people that have had problems are commenting on these videos and and it does maybe maybe there's a bunch of people that have not had any issues make your voices heard below alright uh i'll see you guys soon i'm taking i'm taking this one with me [Music] it is crazy how much smaller this little guy is like once you hold it in your hand you realize like oh that is way smaller that is not what she said
Channel: David Manning
Views: 266,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Manning, David Manning Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, dji osmo action, gopro hero 9, osmo action, gopro vs dji, dji osmo action review, gopro hero 9 black, gopro 9 vs osmo action, hero 9 vs osmo action, best action camera, best action camera 2021, gopro vs osmo action, action camera 2021, gopro hero 9 review, gopro hero 9 vs dji osmo action, gopro hero 9 comparison, gopro 9, go pro hero 9, dji osmo action camera, dji osmo action update 2021, dji osmo action 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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