Cheap Bike Vs. Super Bike | What's The Difference?

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Its a sponsored video by the super bike.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hoohnk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wasn’t expecting to watch the whole thing! Great hosts, fair set of testing methods too and now I walk away from today having learned something new. Thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ahoymateynerf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why does it look like both have massive packages? Like at 1:10, dude!? Inguinal hernia?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rahbeen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cheddar! My neck of the woods

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kraftymiles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ce2c61254d48d38617e4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

When they showed the brakes for the braking bit you could see what looked like webs on the cable. There was also a shitload of space between the pad and the rim. The dude even mentioned the space. Properly adjusted there should be little space there. This bike is also relatively ancient as there are better brake systems on cheap bikes these days that are far more effective.

The fact that this was probably sponsored spoils it a bit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LazLoe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
- How much difference does spending money make to the performance of your bike? - Well, we're going to find out in "Cheap Bike vs. Super Bike". - Ding, ding! - Two bikes at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Firstly is this, Canyon's Aeroad bike. Lightweight, carbon fibre, moulded into aerodynamic shapes, but not at the expense of comfort. And on board, We have Shimano's latest and greatest R9170 groupset. And that means electronic shifting and hydraulic brakes. And also we have Shimano C40 wheels, so low weight and aero too. - Yeah. And then, we've got this a Raleigh, which we bought on eBay, for 90 pounds. To be fair to it, it is actually an awful lot of bike for the money, but how much of a handicap is it going to be? You know what mate? I actually think it's all right. Apart from the bar tape, that's not white, but the rest of its all right. - Yeah. It's pretty much spot on this side. Round number one. - It's simple on this one, climbing. Man and machines, against this. Which is actually a particularly uncomfortable climb. Just shy of 2 km long, an average gradient of 11%, which I always think is weird because most of it feels like its above 20%. It's a tough one. Ah, I'll just grab that one for now shall I? - No, no, no, no, this is mine after all Si, so I'm going to have first dibs on this. For the first ascent, if that's okay? It's all right mate. - Yeah, it's all right, 'cause you will be tired then when you will be riding this one. And that one will feel better. Okay, that's fine mate, if you want to do it that way 'round. It's your call. - [Matt] Oh, and have we mentioned, we're going flat out? Now the major difference between these two bikes when climbing, it their weight. The Super Bike is a lean and mean 7.3kg, with a Wahoo Elemnt attached. Remarkable, when you take into consideration that it's an Aero bike, with disc brakes. And our cheap bike, is a rather weighty 11.95kg, a difference of over 50%. - All right, Si you go first, I'm going to give you a minute. - Okay. - But I'm not overly hopeful to catch you. You know what to do? - Yeah, alright, wish me luck. Off we go! - Look at that! Poetry in motion. - Beep, beep, beep, boop! The first time, whoa hoa! - Aaahhh, I hate that climb! I absolutely hate that climb. To be fair though, I do like this bike. That felt cool! Most importantly of all up there, big range of gears. I ended up using my lowest, which is 34 at the front, and 30 at the back. So we'll see how it goes on the other one, with racier gears. He loves it doesn't he? He loves it! - Well, that's my first proper hill climb for a long, long, time but I didn't even need to think about the bike, it worked a dream, it's just me that's a little bit lacking, but I certainly emptied the tank, went a bit steady early on, but when that steep bit, pitched up I just had to give it everything just to get up. - Yeah, you can see how hard I went mate, 'cause I got a patch of snot on my leg warmer, that I cant' get off. - I got a little bit on my sleeve as well. - Yeah, British hill climbs eh? - [Si] Run number two then, after a quick bike swap. As well as the weight, there's also the issue of the gears, pedalling doesn't feel particularly different. It has to be said. Even cheaper gears are remarkably efficient. As a design, chains and sprockets are fantastic. Just as long as you keep them clean. Which as you know, I do mention from time to time. The gear range of the two bikes is broadly similar. Even if our Super Bike has 22 and our Cheap Bike has 16. And although the Canyon is an out and out race bike, the new Shimano DURA-ACE has allowed us to fit an 11 to 30 cassette, which is just as well, up here. - Okay, run number two, I'm looking forward to this actually, weirdly enough. - Super Bike time for you, Cheap Bike for me. - Go on Si, give it all you got mate. - Oh, will do mate. Off you go. Look at that, sweet as a nut. - Wah hoo! Yeah! Oh my goodness me that feels good! Like stiff, responsive, I'm intrigued to know the results. But, purely based on perception, this is another world I'm afraid. - Here we go, cheap bike time! First time. Well, here we go, run number two, and the bike doesn't feel too much different. Feel the weight a bit, positions a bit different. But even the cheaper gears are remarkably efficient and that was design, the chain and the cogs, well it's just great, especially if you keep them clean. As not all of us presenters do. - Whoa. I hate to say it, but that was, that was like night and day. That was very different. Although, less so in the steep there actually. The biggest difference was when getting out of the seat and accelerating. And I managed to stick it in the big ring over the top. Which you see at times. Well to paraphrase, three time Tour de France Champion Greg LeMond, it doesn't hurt any less, you just go faster. The question is, how much faster? And the answer is actually quite a lot wasn't it? Nearly a minute, for both Matt and myself. Which corresponds to just about 10% time difference. - Yeah, what about the feeling? 'Cause that's pretty important too. Well for me, obviously, this bike, the Canyon, the Super Bike, did feel faster. Far more responsive and I must admit, I spent a lot more time out of the saddle, I felt the power was transmitted far better. This bike, I felt more comfortable sitting down and applying the power in a slightly different way. It just felt generally, a little bit more sluggish. - [Si] Round number two, with the climbing out of the way for today, we've got a simple, but very important test. Braking. - These Shimano hydraulic breaks are the absolute bomb, when it comes to performance. They've got all the power you need, but with added modulation. Meaning, you can use that power to stop, far quicker, rather than skidding down the road. And the tyres? Well they're gold standard as well. Continental Competition, 25 mil, tubulars. - [Matt] It's a pretty simple test, riding at 40kmph, downhill, and then trying to stop as quickly as possible. - Woof, the weight distribution, that was impressive. - Thanks mate. - That's all right, went well. 5.4, well 5 and a half, 5.4 so 5 metres 40, 5.40. - So the markers been laid down, how is our cheap bike gonna fare? Well, on the positive side, the cables are super smooth. Loads of life left in the pads, and I have spent time setting them up. However, you'll see if I squish on the lever, there's quite a lot of flex actually in the calliper itself, meaning that you can lose a bit of power, and you're going to lose modulation. And, I've got a sneaking suspicion, that these pads are really hard compound. Meaning that they're going to last a super long time. But, they're not actually going to slow us down very quickly. Still, I'm going to give it a good go. - Ooph. - Just keep that bike steady please, Si. - Sorry Matt, sorry. - Thanks Mate. - 10 Bang on, 10.5. - 10.5, so we have 5... - 10.5 metres - So we have 5.4 and 10.5, ahhh... - Yeah so, roughly stopped at double the stopping distance. Wow Si, the results are in. And I can tell you, there's nearly 100% difference in the stopping distances of the two bikes. I mean, let's be fair. The Raleigh, it stopped safe enough - Yeah, yeah. - But the stopping power of the Canyon is mightily impressive. - Yeah. There was a significant difference. Admittedly, this is quite a controlled test, so there's not going to be that many occasions where you'd be doing an emergency stop in real life. Well, hopefully not anyway. But you've go to wonder, haven't you? That if that difference over the course of the whole ride, even just coming up to junctions and on descents, and things, you'd have thought that would have quite a big effect, wouldn't you? Or will it? - Challenge number three. Descending. Now armed with our braking knowledge, just how are these bikes going to stack up? Will the added confidence of better braking make us faster? Will the improved aerodynamics help as well? - Yeah. It's going to be interesting isn't it? Now you know that we don't exactly have any Alpine descents on our doorstop, but this one is pretty good. 3 km long, an average gradient of 5%. All right, stop laughing at the back. It's the best we've got okay? We're not going to go flat out because it's open roads and we are of course getting old, but nevertheless, I think we should see how we get on. - But significantly, I get to go on the Super Bike again. See you in a bit Si, hee hee. Okay, Super Bike run, downhill. Here we go, oh no! I'm not clipped in! - Okay, here we go. A descent I know well. On a bike I'm not very familiar with. Poor brakes, but let's give it a nudge. - 25 seconds. - I cannot believe that. Literally. - Well, lets have a little look at this bike though, aerodynamics have got to play a big part. - Yeah. Yeah. - Okay, on that descent. There's no... And there was a bit of a headwind on the descent. But, disc brakes. So much power, they give me so much confidence going into those corners. I could brake, relatively late compared to using normal calliper brakes. And even in these wet conditions as well. So, yeah, aerodynamics and these wonderful, powerful brakes too. - Yeah. I still can't believe 25 seconds. There were a couple points where I, I ran out of gears so I just free wheeled. - And I did pedal. I've got bigger gears than you. We need to add that into the mix as well. - Yeah, yeah, you do. But....25 seconds! I was not expecting that mate. I was not expecting that. That's right. It's another brutally simple test. Ride 10 km as fast as we possibly can. Now so far, the differences between these two bikes have been significant, but not, I think, insurmountable. But I just have a hunch that maybe the Super Bike, is just going to land the killer blow on this one. - Although, you've got a 1.5 watt saving, on your Elemnt Bolt there. - Yep, that's not to be sniffed at. Pulled 1.5 watts back. - It could be closer than we think. Why do I have a hunch that this is going to be a big one then? Well, firstly, it's going to be the longest challenge so the gaps are likely to be larger. But aerodynamics are incredibly important in cycling. Much more so than bike weight. In almost all instances in fact, except for really steep climbs. The rider admittedly makes up the largest component of total aerodynamic drag. And I can actually get into a really good position on the Cheap Bike, so that's not something you have to pay for at all. My clothing is also the same, super aero in fact. However, the difference in the bike is still hugely significant. The shallow wheels and 32 spokes, cause a lot of turbulence. The round tubes too, punch a hole through the air and it doesn't smooth air flow around it at all. - Beep, beep, boop. You missed a beep! That was only four! - Oh, sorry! - Anyway, he's off! - Okay, here we go. Beep, beep, beep, boop. First time again. - I'll tell you what... - You look like you went deep. The funny thing about all of this, is actually the thing that bothered me the most. Let it out mate, let it out. The thing that bothered me the most, was I couldn't get the right gear. 'Cause it's only 8 speed. I know it sounds stupid, but I was either pedalling too slowly or too fast. And like, it's not a biggie, but it does wear on you mind a little bit when you... Full of gas? - Yeah, but... I went pretty much flat out there mate. That one, but there's no... The bike, I didn't really have to think about the bike. The gear ratios are fine. Bottom of the block, just felt good, and it felt, I'm not particularly quick these days, but this bike is pretty quick and it felt like it was doing the job, so. - So mate, can I have a go please? I'm desperate. - All right. - [Matt] If the Cheap Bike shallow wheels and numerous spokes cause a stack of drag. What's the secret of the Shimano C40's? Well, there are fewer spokes, just 16 and 21 on front and back. But the main reduction in drag, stems from the rims. Deep sections are made out of carbon fibre to allow for the specific wind sheeting shape. The rim is 28 mm wide, so that there's minimal disturbance of air as it transitions from the tyre to the rim. And the shape of the rim itself is called toroidal, that means its aerodynamic on both the so-called leading edge but then also on the trailing edge, so as the air meets the second side of the wheel. - You ready mate? - Go for it mate! - Okay. - Beep, beep, beep, boop. He's in again, first time. - Time trial is horrible it? - It is isn't it. But at least it was over quicker on this one. I don't actually know exactly what the time difference was. But just looking at the Wahoo, it looked like, it was between about 3 and 5 km per hour difference at all times. Which is massive isn't it? Let's face it. - Yeah. I didn't have a problem with the gears, I just tended to hoof the big one around, around that dodgy corner, that was, it just took me awhile to get this one going. From the turn, and from out of those bends we have to slow down, that's a little bit sluggish, but once you got dialled into position, it was a quick as it could go, but clearly not as beautifully sculpted and shaped as the Canyon, but... - So, you're not going to talk about my legs then? - Oh no, they are pretty, beautifully sculpted... - Yeah thanks. - Yeah, but no, pretty good work horse this. - It is, yeah, I mean... Like, I don't know about you but I think my average is about 40 km per hour. - That's still pretty respectable in a 19 pound bike. - Yep. that turned into quite tough day didn't it? - It certainly did. - Right. Results then, unsurprisingly perhaps, we've just seen a clean sweep of victories for our Super Bike. It climbed faster, it braked faster, it descended faster and it time trialled faster. Which though do you think was the biggest area of improvement in percentage terms? - It was actually the braking. So in just a handful of seconds, and in just a few short metres the Shimano hydraulic disc brakes out perform the regular calliper brakes, by a rather whopping 100%. That's not just a significant increase in percentage, but from a performance perspective, that could actually save your life, or at least get you out of a very difficult situation out on the road. - Do you need to spend loads of money though? To get great braking performance? I don't think you do. In fact I strongly suspect that a bike with Shimano Sora callipers on would close the gap to those DURA-ACE hydraulic discs quite significantly. So actually if you do have cheaper callipers, then spending a little bit to replace them could well be a really, really intelligent upgrade. - Absolutely. So Si, what is next? Aerodynamics, well both descending and timed trial the performances were pretty illuminating but, for me, the descending did catch me a little bit by surprise. - Yeah, there was a 15% difference on average, between the Super Bike and the Cheap Bike. Now, on the descent, of course, as we've just seen, the brakes will have been responsible for a chunk of that time, but down to the aerodynamics have an effect and certainly in the time trial they did. - The bad news I'm afraid though, is that aero wheels and aero frames don't come cheap. So in this instance, the Cheap Bike was at a real distinct disadvantage. Although, in it's defence, if it's speed that your craving, on that bike, don't do TT's. - No exactly, if you want to race, then race bunch events instead like a road race. Because if you've got some shrewd tactics and some strong legs. Then the disadvantage of riding an un-aerodynamic bike will be lessend really significantly when you're riding in a peloton. So work on your body position, maybe even tail your cycling kit, if need be, and you will be able to fly. - So what about the climbing then? So in that short rather brutally, steep climb that we did our tests on. The difference between the two bikes was around 10%. So it just shows that over 4.5 kg, makes a massive difference. - Yeah, it does and it's also worth saying, isn't it, that those two bikes felt like completely different animals. Like chalk and cheese. And so you can really see why people get obsessed about lightweight. If you like steep climbs. It does make a difference. You know what mate? If we're being completely honest, I genuinely was hoping that the difference between these two bikes wasn't going to be quite so significant. But the fact is, the Super Bike is in a different league. It's just faster, period. - True, so what should we look at next then. Well how much do you think it's going to cost to start to really narrow that gap? 500 euros? - $1,000.00? - $2,000.00 pounds? Yeah. - Before we do get on to that though. I think there is one last important point that we should address, and that is that our Cheap Bike, is still a great little bike, isn't it? It takes two fundamental points. Firstly, it's safe to ride and secondly, being a road bike, it's just great fun. - Yeah, it was a lot of fun to ride. So you shouldn't get disheartened about this at all, if you have a cheaper, entry level bike. It shouldn't always be about the bike. - Yeah, that's absolutely right. We are all part of the same tribe no matter what we ride. So, on that note, do make sure you subscribe to GCN. We're all part of the same tribe. To do so, just click on the globe, it's completely free. - Now for another, sort of science-y video about how important weight is, how about clicking, just down here when me and Dan did that very test in Andorra. - Yeah, wearing your fat rucksacks. - It was fat rucksacks. - Yeah, or to see a little bit more about Matt's Super Bike, and in particular his Shimano, DURA-ACE 9170, groupset, click just down there. - And don't forget to like and share.
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 10,801,561
Rating: 4.6692233 out of 5
Keywords: GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Super bike, pro bike, cheap bike, vs, versus, test, science, climbing, braking, descending, time trial, shimano, canyon, GCN Cycling, Cycling Tips, cycling workout, cycling training, velo, Si Richardson, simon richardson, matt stephens, sec-feature, sca15, gc11shs, gc04s1, c3, h3, gc11sas, Υ‚, o1, Τ±, Τ», Ձ, 3030, 70
Id: Wdb7KEc7xJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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