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(A new Netflix series on Seollal) (Intern Choi who wants a promotion) (Sukku whom we met before in The Game Caterers) (And the mysterious HEE JUN) (We all gathered to have a heavy brunch) (Yung Suk aimlessly moves around) I'm nervous, I'm telling you! (Gathering his hands) (Feeling particularly shy today) It's because today... A group of people I don't know are also coming. (Today's guests are making him nervous) Oh, hello. Hello, Producer Nah. (LEE HEE JUN/Actor) Oh, hey. Woo Shik. (Choi Woo Shik/Actor) Goodness, what did you bring? Oh, it's nothing too special. I just got some food for everyone. It's not even Chuseok or Seol. I didn't mean you all to bring this much food. (It's almost like a catering service) Hello. What is this? You really didn't have to go this far. (Can't tell if this is the holidays or a simple brunch gathering) (Intern Choi came with both hands full too) (Kim Dae Ju/ Writer of <Jinny's Kitchen>) (Chattering with Nah) What is this? Can you please open it for us? (Here comes the YouTuber) My wife... My wife, she cooks... Oh, it's from Mr. HEE JUN? Why are you bringing it as if you made it? I was trying to joke around by faking as if I brought it, but... (Failed at faking) My wife loves cooking so she made us Mille-Feuille Nabe since it's cold outside. (A handmade dish made by HEE JUN's wife) Oh, so just add water and boil it? Oh, you're wife made it? Yes, for everyone. Did you get the eggs at some far? I got them since I'm coming to "eggiscoming". (LOL) I got 30 stone-hard-boiled eggs. Oh, so this is just for us? - Yes. - Oh my! Wait, hold on. Did you come empty-handed? Oh! I got the dessert. You did bring it, right? I brought some cake and bread! Gee, this looks beautiful. (The Mille-Feuille Nabe looks fantastic) She got us 5 mushrooms since it's the 5 of us. Gee, what on earth... This is making us feel bad. You never had this on the show, right? Yes, nobody brought anything like this before. When should we boil it? (Pulling out a burner) Oh, you brought that too? - Yes. - Oh my. (HEE JUN's about to move into eggiscoming) Then...let's start eating. (Boiling it as he pours the broth) Did she make this broth too? (Broth made out of love) Who brought the gimbap? Sukku! This is the gimbap celebrities have when they're getting their makeup done. It's kind of like the celebrities' favorite gimbap. Really? They really eat this a lot. Shall we start having the gimbap? Oh, for the gimbap, I... Yes, we have plates there. Let's plate it before we serve it. Sure, let's plate the gimbap. Woo Shik, make it look pretty. Yes, I'm trying to lay them out one by one. Gee, I'm trying, but... - It's not working. - On my birthdays, my mom used to... When she couldn't buy a cake... For birthdays! You have to do this. You have to make tiers. When she couldn't buy a cake, she'd make a gimbap cake and go over with it. Whenever I had gimbap at picnics, I had Milkis with it. I remember that. I think it'll go well with this. - Sure. - That's great. Let's dip it in the soup. Oh, we can. How do you read the drama title? I asked the writer myself when he came. When he came on set. Oh, the webtoonist? Yes, since it's based on a webtoon. According to him, You have to read out the vowel for the Korean title. Oh, got it. So... So, it's "ee-eung-nan-gam"? Yes. - However... - However! He did intend... He wants the reader to read it the way they'd like to. I thought it was "Oh". So I read it as "oh-nan-gam". Many people read it like that too. I read it like that too. This was a famous webtoon, right? Yes. That's how I read it. - "Ee-eung nan-gam". - Yes, some people read it "zero-nangam". I thought it was Jang Nan-gam. Yea, many people read it like that too. So... May I go ahead and try this gimbap you brought? Oh, yes. Sure. Go ahead. I'm kind of proud... Mine's being the appetizer of today's meal. May I go grab a drink in the fridge? Yes, there's a refrigerator behind you. Anyone want a drink? I'm okay with water. We have beer too. Have this beer, please? It's not bad. I like Kelly. Were you in a beer commercial? Not me, Sukku! Kelly! - Help me out. - I'm helping him out. (The younger actors are adorable in his eyes) Gee, you know what? You know how you have to drink beer and act like it's so refreshing? That's so hard to do. You don't drink real beer, though. Right? No, it's not real beer. They mix salt in egg foam and put it on top of barley tea. What does it taste like? It's a bit like... A salty egg? Really? That doesn't sound pleasant to drink. Isn't that for when they do product closeups? No, I have to drink that too. Really? It has to show right on camera. There's an instruction for everything. Interesting. (Mouth full of gimbap) How's the gimbap? It's so good. I heard you should wipe cans before drinking it nowadays. This is what I noticed. Woo Shik has a lot of anxiety. When things go a tad wrong, he's the type to say, "I don't think this is right." What about you, Mr. Sukku and Mr. HEE JUN? I don't think he's like that. I'm very receptive so I get anxious when you do. You're the problem! This is what he's like. He's really a worry-free person. But when I go, "Sukku, are you sure about this?" He says, "Nah, this is not going to work." One time I got a call from Sukku because he got anxious from Woo Shik being anxious. Really? Really? What happened? He called and said he didn't have a good feeling about it. In the middle of the shoot? They started shooting first and I start appearing in the 4th episode. So they were shooting first, and... He told me we were in trouble. Why did I say that? Because of my acting? No, I bet not. I forgot. Anyway, I tried comforting you... (Struggling to retrieve an old memory) That everything's alright. Have you seen the final edits of the show? - Not yet. - We haven't. Don't you get to see the draft version on site? Yes, that's pretty much it. It's very extraordinary and unique. It's something you've probably never seen before in movies and TV shows. Yes, it's a production that experiments with a very unique style. Once you watch it, the visuals techniques will be very different from what the viewers are used to. And there's something entertaining out of all that. The more gory or... The more suspense a scene has, the camera zooms out or suddenly... It uses a high-speed camera... And goes like this. It's very special. Got it, so it's a very unique style of approach. At first, you had no clue about it so... When I first met with the Director, he told me this. He said he really wanted to make this very pop artsy. That really struck me. I just thought we were going to do something cool. That was it. Then I saw how boldly he was experimenting with the style. It sounds like it'll be visually interesting. It's not a crime thriller that's gory and noir-like. It's not a heavy-themed show. And... The... Like what HEE JUN said, he starts coming out in the 4th episode. Oh, how much should I... Should I stop here? About what? Your external appearance and stuff. I don't know. Tell us about your roles. You can share us that, right? I... I get involved in an incident. By mistake. Back to back, again and again. I keep on killing people by mistake. Later, it reveals that the victims were all bad people. That's the basic storyline of the webtoon. So Woo Shik, you're the killer? Our Woo Shik...is the lead character? Of course, I am! So many great actors are here! (Feeling proud) Well, I'm not the lead per se, but... (Feeling shy) A partner. I'll serve it for everyone. (The Mille-Feuille Nabe is ready) Can you tell me how to scoop this? Just... I feel like I should do it prettily. (A generous scoop) Yes, let's do that. Don't forget the mushroom. Woo Shik's mushroom... It looks so good. Make it look pretty. What about Mr. Sukku? I am... A detective, so... His name is Lee Tang. I start seeing the hidden intentions of Lee Tang as a killer. He gets a hunch. And this detective's name is Jang Nan-gam. What? He's a detective who investigates by his hunch. So your name as a detective, is Jang Nan-gam? Yes, that's his name. Mr. Sukku's the lead role then. No, remember the "ee-eung"? That's for me, "Lee Tang". Oh, so you're the lead role now? So childish. Just admit that I'm the lead role. The "ee-eung" comes after "Killer". And my last name starts with that consonant. (A Killer Lee Paradox) - So it's you? - Yes, it's me. Producer Nah, you know the current trend in TV series is not having a distinctive lead role. Everyone's a lead. Even regarding that, when you look deep into it... Yes! There is a lead role after all. I mean... The last name "Lee" does have the consonant "ee-eung" in it. Okay, so Mr. Sukku is Detective Jang Nan-gam. What about Mr. HEE JUN? I'm a... Grandpa... This is... You really have to see it! I'm an old man and my name is Song Chon. Ever since I was young... I've been a serial killer like Lee Tang. And I want to meet Lee Tang. He looks completely different in the series. (HEE JUN puts on shocking makeup) It was... We were in shock, right? Whenever I saw HEE JUN acting, I'd be by the monitor and say, "That's a real grandpa right there." He wasn't himself. By the way, they were... a nuisance. - Who was? - Them two. - How were they a nuisance? - I had to act and... You had to focus. As soon as I hear "cut" and come to monitor it, Sukku would come to me and ask, "How did you come up with that voice?" I'm the type who wants to help out when younger actors come and ask me questions like that. Once we start talking, Woo Shik would come by. He'd ask, "What should I do?" Right, he said that all the time. "What should I do?" "Am I doing good?" "How should I do this?" So I tell him what he's doing great and all, and right when we're in the middle of the conversation, the director would call me. I'd go and when I come back, they come back again with questions. (A reckless train of questions) I'd talk with them a few times, then later moved my chair far away. I still remember this. HEE JUN had his airpods on and removed himself far away from us. I had no clue it was intentional and scooted up next to him and asked, "May I ask what music you're listening to?" (He loves HEE JUN) He gave me one of his airpods and we'd listen to music together. Right. He was really annoying. Woo Shik had truckloads of questions. You were the big brother on set. They called you when they had something on their minds... Came up to talk to you... I'm thankful for how much they trusted me. By the way, it's so good. Go ahead, help yourself. Thanks. It's so good. I'm... This is my second bowl. As much as I enjoyed reading the script, I really thought hard if I could 100% do this as it is. When the director told me HEE JUN decided to be on the show, I told him, "Then I'll do it too." (Feeling shy) I still remember this. I went to his house, and he had a side of wall covered with research about his character. On the wall. On the wall? - Yes, it was all over the wall. - So he was studying the character of this production very hard. So I asked him, "How did you come up with that voice?" He told me it was simply from a lot of listening and observing. That he biked out to Iksun-dong on his days off and spent time watching the grandpas there. That really made me realize how he did his studies in real life. So I tried interviewing other people too, but it wasn't easy, HEE JUN. So what's on that wall? Well, I feel so shy to share it... I collect images of the character or images that inspire me about the character I'm currently working on. I gather those together and... Because if I'm shooting something for 6 months, I have to keep that focus. I put it up to not lose that sense of understanding my character. Woo Shik and I talked about this too. We felt like our work ethic was so sluggish. Compared to HEE JUN, who was extremely focused. Honestly, there are many people who work very hard. But what was striking to me about HEE JUN was... You're making me blush. He has so much fun with it! With the work? Yes, in acting. So I asked him, "HEE JUN, do you still have fun acting?" And with such a bright face, he said, "Yes, I love doing it." What are you working on now, Mr. Sukku? After shooting this series? I'm doing another show and was feeling anxious. But he read the script and told me how fun the script was. He told me not to worry about it, and how much it suited me. Since then, I've been doing good. (HEE JUN's been a driving force to Sukku) I'm serious. Make sure you ask those questions only to HEE JUN. If you ask Woo Shik, he'll say, "I don't think this is right, Sukku." Woo Shik and I... We don't really give advice to each other. We worry together. But sometimes to diffuse the tension, you have to share worries. I bet Woo Shik's also not seriously being worried. It's more like diffusing the tension by sharing concerns. When I look around, especially when I'm working on something, I bet there are more actors on this end, those who are continuously anxious. Doubting the success of the project. I've seen more people like that. How could you not? That's what doing your own work is like. Everyone gets anxious. I bet the employees here also feel that. All the guys working in those monitor rooms now. They wonder if today's shoot is going to go well. They worry whether they're doing a good job. Back when we came back from shooting <Youn's Kitchen>, Seo Jin said this to Producer Nah. "We're doomed!" Even for variety shows, we get anxious after shooting everything. Seo Jin said... He didn't say we were doomed. But he said, "You think this is going to work?" Oh, I see. "You seriously think this will work?" And I told him, "No, I think we failed." That was my response. Because even when we're working on it, it's hard to know everything, right? I bet HEE JUN was the same. On the phone, he'd say, "It'll be fine, you'll do great." But after hanging up, tell himself, "Darn it, we're in trouble." Of course. Oh, so you acted fine in front of them. Don't you call anyone when you get anxious? Very rarely, but you know in life, when you go through particular hardships like marriage and stuff... The first person...I call is... It's Kim Yun Seok. How does he normally respond? "Hey, you can't do it like that." (Impersonating Kim Yun Seok) "Don't forget, that's important." (Doing it again) He's very comfortable to talk to. Seems like he gives you much detailed advice. If I tell him what's been upsetting me and stuff, and share how I feel lost and stuck, he tells me to take control of it as soon as possible. (HEE JUN relies on Kim Yun Seok as a life mentor) So the shooting ended a year ago, right? Yes. That means since then, you all were working on something else and are now back together for promotions, right? When we were almost done with this shoot, that's when I went to Mexico with you. (<Jinny's Kitchen>'s shooting overlapped with <A Killer Paradox>) When we were doing all of our shoots in Busan. That's when I was in Mexico. He came to Mexico so exhausted. My eyebrows were... Oh! This was what you were working on. Yes, yes. The end of my eyebrows was a bit... I see we were being a nuisance to that team. We were asking Woo Shik to hurry and come. - My scenes were shot when he was gone. - Right. That's good. Okay, then after that... What have you been doing Woo Shik? You were overseas doing fanmeetings, right? Yes, I just did fanmeetings. Goodness, Woo Shik and his fanmeetings... Well... What about fanmeetings make you anxious? I'm just curious. I bet it's nerve-racking. You know what I'm most anxious about? What? I wonder, 'Do they...really...like me?' (Woo Shik's so cute) But all of those anxieties melted away during these fanmeetings. I've never done fanmeetings before... And while doing it... They really liked you. I realized how much they loved me. I felt so much gratitude. I'm not lying at all. I tangibly felt their love. So it's true you're fed with the love and energy from fans. Yes, seriously. This is what I'm curious about the most when actors do fanmeetings. When idol groups hold fanmeetings, they have a lot to show. They dance, sing, and do everything. I saw actors singing too. I sang 3 songs. Even for that... What did you sing? The soundtrack of my show... And <Love Light> by Yong Hwa. And I made a song for my fans. You wrote a song? I didn't compose it, I wrote the lyrics. So I sang that and... Invite them as guests at your next fanmeeting. Gee...that might be tough. They're rarely available. I'll have to do the fanmeeting after checking their schedule. They're so busy. No, that's not true. - You're not? - I'll consider it as a travel. I can even take an economy flight. I can go and travel around too. What was that recent movie? <The Man Standing Next>? You were...so bulked up. The director! The Security Director of the Blue House. You were so bulked up then... I was surprised to see you in that too. Even the way he walked... It was exactly the way hefty people walked. Out-toeing? You're very detail-oriented to even work on that. Just like how you worked on the grandpa role. You really have to just see... Watch it. His way of acting a grandpa... It's very different from what we typically expect when we think of someone acting out a grandpa. I wonder how he does it. I'm asking him questions again. You're making me blush. You looked different in that other one too. Oh, that comedy movie? <Badland Hunters>. The director's Heo Myeong-hang. He was originally a martial arts director and this is his debut film. He just finished working on the 4th sequel of <THE ROUNDUP> so when it comes to action, he's superb. When I first met them, I liked them right away because... Both of them are so humble. Woo Shik always has that attitude. He says, "I don't know how I became an actor." I want Woo Shik to be a bit more bratty. Please! I beg you! Don't younger actors now ask you questions too? Yes, they do. But... You can imagine how many younger actors there would be on set, and they're anxious like me too. I just can't tell them everything will be alright like HEE JUN. I still can't do that. I'm not like that either. I think I was just as anxious too. Yes, he is anxious, but... As the oldest, he had... He's a solid rock. There was this... I heard this personally from LEE BYUNG HUN. I wonder if I can share this... He said, "Do you know this guy named Sukku?" I said, "Yes, I do." "He wanted to meet up with me, so I did and he's a quite interesting fellow." What he was telling me was, how Sukku approached him by saying how much he admired him and simply wanted to talk with him. Not many have that courage to do that. I've always highly thought of that. I'm the type who has to ask a question right away if I'm curious about something. Right away. So I know some people may find me very annoying. But when they get to know me... After working nonstop for 2, 3, 4 years... I felt like I was running out of showing anything new as an actor. Even in my eyes... Even I was getting tired of myself. I could sense that I didn't have much time. One of the things I tell myself is I have to see the outdated version of myself first before people do. If I miss that, I'll be already deteriorating without knowing. I obsessively think about that. And I felt like that was going to happen soon. I felt stuck and lost about it. Then one day, I was watching TV and realized, I never got tired of watching the films and TV series LEE BYUNG HUN featured in during the past 20 years. I thought he'd have something to share. We went to the same makeup studio. So I got his number and talked with him about how he overcame the struggles I am going through. (Thanks to the makeup studio, he met up for a pep talk) I can't share the details, but... Is there anything that was memorable? Can you share at least one thing? Because isn't that what everyone else thinks about too? I bet Woo Shik and HEE JUN all think about it too. He said, it's all the same. That he's anxious too? Yes, that he gets anxious as well. That he's as worrisome as Choi Woo Shik. But if I could share a realistic piece of advice, he said he doesn't meticulously plan out his acting as much as many people think he does. But he did share how deliberate he is when it comes to choosing a project. He goes for something different in following projects so people could expect something else. In a way... What he shared was very realistic and kind of common sense, but the fact that him, LEE BYUNG HUN said that to me made it sound different. And he's living proof. That's how he worked for 20, 30 years. Right, he's living proof that it worked. I'm in the same agency as him and I drink with him often, but... It's hard to bring up a talk like that. Right, it's harder when you're close. I only enjoyed hanging out, drinking with him. It's more awkward to bring it up. When BYUNG HUN mentioned his talk with Sukku, I realized how I've been wanting to ask him that too but never did. That's why I admire... Right. His courage. Mr. Sukku seems to have... The type who just does it. You don't overthink. I don't know which word best describes it, but... He's initiative? He has to find an answer when he wants it. And he doesn't feel any embarrassment or shame at the moment doing so. No matter who it is! If I must do it, I go, like this. Your life's been like that too. You went through a lot to have a career in acting. During your journey of choices in life before acting, didn't you just go with it at the moment? Like this? Yes, that is right. I originally never thought of living in Korea. I wanted to live in Canada for the rest of my life. I wanted to be on stage as a theater actor. And get married there. But my parents were absolutely against it. They were usually the type who always respected my decisions in life. So I ended up coming back to Korea. What's interesting is, the moment I landed, I knew it was right for me to stay here. You knew it was the right choice. I realized how I was never at ease living abroad for decades when I knew I was a foreigner deep inside. You didn't know when you were there, thinking you were Canadian, but you unconsciously felt anxious. I got to know how much peace it brings to be living in a place with my people after a long time. Once that sunk in, that's when I realized I made the right choice to come back to Korea. That's impressive. It's not an easy job and it's hard to succeed. Can I go use the restroom? Should we try the cake? But do you all have... Aren't everyone too full to have cake? (He's still saying that he wants dessert) We have the stone-hard-boiled eggs too. Let's have one each too. - Which one? - The stone-hard-boiled eggs. eggiscoming. How did you come up with that name? Well... It's... We don't explain it to people who are from English-speaking countries. Because we feel embarrassed. Because... It sounds weird. Egg... It's basically from the phrase, "Eggs, fresh eggs" back in the day. Oh, right. When they sold eggs in trucks. We weren't serious when we made this company. We never knew it'd actually become a legit company like today. I heard another story about it. Everyone who found this company likes eggs and they heard the truck driver outside one day. "Eggs, fresh eggs". Oh, so that's how stories change over time. That's what I heard. Shall we light up some candles? Yes, let's do it. Let's do it to celebrate the new year. Oh, let's do it. - Are there candles inside? - No, none. Let's just use this. We can stick this on the cake. (Celebrating with a match instead of a candle) Shall we sing? Sing? Sing what? It's going to burn fast, so we have to decide beforehand. We love you, Director Lee and hope you all enjoy watching <A Killer Paradox>! How's that? We love you, Director Lee and hope you all enjoy watching <A Killer Paradox>! Happy New Year! 1, 2, 3. (Done making 3 wishes) - That's it. - We're good! - Thanks, Woo Shik! - Thank you. Anyone want coffee? - Would you like coffee? - Oh, yes. I think we talked too much about the show. No, we talked about anxiety. Everything ended up being related to what the show is about. I mean... Other actors... They all talk about their life, funny stories and stuff, but we talked too much about the show. I...before coming here, I watched JUN YEOL's <Alienoid2> episode shot here. (He studied before coming) JUN YEOL said this. He said people would be naturally interested in the movie if they talked about their lives more than about the movie. That's what he mentioned. But I thought, "No, that's not true." "I'm going to go out there and talk a lot about my show." I thought so because there are so many shows out there. I saw the importance of really appealing it to the public. So...I wanted to talk about it a lot. Yes, you did. The show is very unique. Right, I can tell by just listening. Netflix releases its most anticipated production around Seollal. And our show's being released during Seollal. So I heard everyone's confident about it. The reason I decided to do it after hearing the cast was... This list of actors, Choi Woo Shik, LEE HEE JUN, and Sukku Son... I couldn't picture them all together. I bet people would wonder what us 3 would be able to bring together. I thought that would be interesting. I agree. I'm personally close with Woo Shik so I like how he's in this group. I'm very happy. Woo Shik may look a bit soft, but he can put on that crazy look too. He worked a lot too for this show. I did work out hard, but... People don't change...s I always mention this whenever I meet people. Out of all the actors I know, Woo Shik is the funniest. He's so funny, he's crazy. That's why I always say, he's a genius. Because he makes everyone laugh. We get into a bus for makeup before the shoot, and I step in with all sorts of anxiety. Right when I'm about to tell him that, he says, "Woo Shik, tell me a funny story." Then I say, "Oh, okay..." Such a different frequency. I went in wanting to share my worries and concerns. - I bet it was fun to be on set. - It was. I bet you all got a lot closer. We didn't get to see each other that much, though. No. He'd go after to kill someone, you'd go out to look for him alone, and you'd be alone feeling jealous... He's chasing both of us. So you had to imagine what other actors might have done. Yes, we'd monitor each other's though. "Show me HEE JUN's." (Their Bible) It was full of suspense. Is there a character you'd like to play? I've been learning how to wrestle these days. Wrestling? Because of work? Yes, it'll come out later. I first started because I had to, but I had so much fun learning it and I liked it. Just how wrestling allowed me an opportunity to learn, I want to do a character that does music. That was random. A musician after all the wrestling talk? (He just speaks his train of thought) A composer who wrestles? No, wrestling was... I was saying it as an example. I like how I'm able to learn... Excuse me, I'm all over the place. You were all about wrestling, just to say you want to do music? - After all that talk. - What was that? CHEON HO JIN told me this before, "Learn an instrument. It'll help you in your acting career." He mentioned that and it's kind of my weakness. I'm bad at playing instruments. My mom told me to learn the piano so many times when I was young and I hated it. So if there is a project... You want to do it. I want to learn an instrument and act a character that does music. I've been thinking about it for a while. It's a good thing that you want to do a role because of something you want to do. Do you have something like that, Woo Shik? Well, I... I've lost all of that. Why? I don't want to do a certain act or a particular role. I just want to continue to work and have fun with good people. You're saying that as much as books and roles are important, - It's important! - but... You want to be with people who you can work positively and enjoy those times? I'm also still in the stage of growing and progressing. Whenever I forced myself to do a role or show a part of me when I wasn't ready, it felt like I was wearing clothes that didn't fit me. So when I act, I want to just enjoy it like HEE JUN. That is the most important factor. The people you work with. Because it can get stressful. Let's say I got a script that I really liked. But...sometimes it doesn't work. Right. Sometimes things don't work out when you work with an actor you look up to. When thinking of failing a project while enjoying it versus failing it after so much stress... That's hard. Right. No matter how good of a script it is, - if the people are distressing... - Losing all of yourself... I think there's a higher chance of making a good production when you work with good people even if the script isn't that good. I think so too. Let's ask what's right to HEE JUN, the grand master. No, I mean... What was that? We... When we went to his house, he was passionately preaching something and he suddenly... (A sign of faith) "I believe!" (The creator) He did a great job making it look funny. He's so cute when he does things like that. He's so cute. For me... I love doing plays. He knows too, but it requires a lot in the process. Right. Practicing together for 2, 3 months and finding good lines and adlibs together... After all that and by the time we have the final script out, we forget who came up with which line. That's how collaborative of a work it is. That process makes me so happy. You know well about plays too. You punk! - He was in a drama club in college. - Stop it, will you? - Were you in theater? - Oh, as a director? (They all seem interested finding a common interest) Why would you mention it when I'm staying put? - Well, he... - Did he act too? I mentioned it because he acted as if he doesn't have a clue. But he knows everything. You see, recently, there's a director named Yoo Jong Sun. He's the director of <Designated Survivor: 60 Days> and he debuted as an actor. What's important is not whether his acting was good or not. There's an expression in English, right? About catching the acting bug. What does that mean? Once you catch the acting bug, you can't get out of it. - Once you experience it. - You're an actor now. Once you have that stage experience, there's no way out. We did a get-together and he puts his coat off like this. (Slip) He's still in his character. (The acting bug is quite effective) That's what he does. He got bit by a big bug. Yes, one as big as those mountain mosquitoes. He still asks for me to give feedback on his acting and he wants to continue acting. I thought that was an amazing amount of courage. Because he used to give directions to people. He's inviting someone he used to direct, to perform his acting. He's really doing it to be a better director in acting. That's a lot of courage. Regardless of whether he's good or not, there will be a difference between a director who experienced that or not and it'll impact the communication with actors. Producer Nah has done it all too, so... What's the most important fact in directing acting? Okay, so I never told this to anyone... (Feeling so ashamed) But I was never an acting director. I was an actor. It got so quiet. (They froze at his unexpected experience) Were you a lead? I mean, I was in college. What play did you do? Right! You don't have to know. Do you remember stepping on stage the first time? Not that moment, but I do remember my first show. On my first day performing on stage, - DO YEOP touched me here. - Another actor on his show. And my heart was beating so hard. As if it was going to pop out. I went on stage like that. I had no sense of what I was stepping on and touching on stage. That's how nervous I was. I know... I know what you mean. For about the first 15 minutes, since I practiced many times, I was doing my lines. But the time and space all crippled and I couldn't feel anything. - That's hard. - Do you want to do theater, Woo Shik? I don't think I'll be able to do it. Let's do it. Together. Because you might make a mistake? Everything's live. I think I'll be too self-conscious in front of the audience. I would strongly recommend you try it. Doing theater is... I really do... Don't do it with people that make you anxious. Do it with me. I bet he'll be asking you questions all the time. Please be aware of that. For 3 months, I'll... I'm going to get my earphones then. He'll bring his chair and... "You said to do it with you." "You asked me to do it." I feel like today.... It's like a master class on being an actor. (Cute) Let's have the lead role wrap it up for us. It's Nan-gam... So... Oh, so it's you? Are you sure? I mean, the title has that name. - <A Killer Paradox> is... - No. The first person that appears in the first episode is the lead role. But the title has the name, "Nan-gam". So I think... Sukku's the lead role. (Avoiding the title unlike the beginning) Please, give them a good intro. Our show is really... Us three, who love acting, had so much fun making this production. So... It's not a criminal thriller that's all bloody and dark. It's very trendy and... Pop artsy? Is that what you said? It has a very pop artsy touch to it. It's got many attractive features so please enjoy it on Netflix. Tell them the date too. February 9, <A Killer Paradox>. Okay. - Have you seen the trailers? - Yes, I have. I've been trying to look it up, but there weren't any. It hasn't been out yet. Oh, is it coming out tomorrow? (Gathering to watch the trailer together) Oh, very pop artsy. Oh, look at Sukku beaming. Oh, that's interesting. That's very pop artsy. It's not a dark, heavy-type of show. I get what you mean. - It's very pop artsy! - Right? And the music is... They used many different kinds of music. It's not that typical style I was expecting in this kind of drama. None of that. You look really good in a beard. That was all makeup. Right. It wasn't easy to put it on. Don't you already have a beard? That beard was... Who should I call it? A beard makeup master! Yes, there's a beard makeup master. That artist acknowledged how their skills got better thanks to me. Because I went so many times, saying it looked fake. I asked for it again and again. We had to test that makeup at least 7 times. On our first day of shooting, he asked what I thought. I said I liked the vibe of the set. He said, "Not the set, my beard!" He did the same too. "Sukku, what do you think?" "Your character? Well..." "No, my hair." (They love grooming themselves) Right, he was all about his hair. Both of us were always glued to the mirror. I was like this, and he was always touching his hair. You guys got a long way to go. You should focus on your acting more! Give them an earful later when you can. I mean... He's the one who had to put on the most makeup. Half of his character was about the makeup. (Chattering with Nah)
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Id: O_m8yn3L_qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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