ChatGPT Power Tips for Lawyers & Law Firms. Embrace AI or Die :-)

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foreign Schaefer I'm a technology lawyer and I've  been specializing in new and emerging   technology for over 20 years since the new  and emerging technology was the internet   the latest technology is artificial intelligence  and I've been evangelizing for a long time that   technology is going to be a huge Catalyst in the  legal industry to provoke change to change the way   law is practiced and that's been true since the  event of the internet where we've seen clients   gain access to information level the playing  field between lawyers and clients allow clients   opportunities to make informed choices about legal  counsel to compare legal counsel by looking at   online information about law firms of lawyers and  a host of other issues artificial intelligence has   the ability to change the practice of law  in ways that we have never seen before so   in this video we're going to talk a little  bit about how to use AI if you are an attorney   why you should be training up your attorneys if  you are a law firm if you are managing partner   and how to take it to the next level using some  plugins and some next steps Beyond just simply   entering information into chat GPT which let's  face it is fun but doesn't really move the ball in   terms of legal practice it doesn't help lawyers  to do their job better in a significant way   so at the end of this video video I'm  going to show you and share with you   some of the very specific strategies and prompts  and tools to use in order to up your game with   chat GPT specifically as a lawyer trying to  deliver better quality and less time for your   clients all right so with that let's go ahead  and jump in you guys have all played with chat   GPT if you haven't you are already behind AI is  here and it is already making things 80 90 95   percent more efficient for certain tasks that  lawyers perform that means that lawyers can do   more and less time than these clients are going  to expect that lawyers can do more and less time   so chat GPT is a pretty simple  interface and you have to manually put   what is called a prompt which is the question  that in the in the that you want chat GPT to   answer or you have to let chat GPT know what it  is you want it to do do you want the answer a   question do you want to respond to an email  do you want to provide a case citation do   you want it to provide uh Authority or authority  authoritative resources for a certain proposition   do you want it to Define certain legal terms those  crops are key to making chat GPT work for you and   not only can you have an uh a prop that tells GPT  what you want in terms of output but you can have   props that also provide contacts that allow chat  GPT to understand more about the specifics of the   situation context around the output that you're  looking for background you can provide information   by prompt and it's a background information for  it to consider in devising a response to an email   or a argument that you want to craft these props  this context is critical and it's why chat GPT   as powerful as it is just in its raw form is just  barely scratching the surface of what is possible   now we're having technology breakthroughs every  every single day when it comes to add-ons for   chat GPT in order to make it more useful and  more user-friendly for specific industry niches   so what are the things that you absolutely need  to add to chat GPT as a lawyer in order to get the   most out of it in order to enhance your ability to  provide contacts in order to provide more specific   information or to get the better answer from  chat GPT all right so the first one is a great   extension that's actually built directly into  your browser and it's called chat GPT sidebar and   you'll find it in the Chrome web store it looks  like this got a little brain with some little   uh nodes and neurons coming out of it and you're  going to go ahead and add that to Chrome I already   have added it to Chrome once you add it to Chrome  you'll find it in your toolbar chat GPT sidebar   what you're going to want to do is pin and unpin  this plug-in this extension as you are using it   and as you want to turn it off so I'm going ahead  and I'm going to turn it on and you're going to   see it's going to give me a sidebar for everything  that I'm doing on the internet with chrome that's   going to provide instead of resources or things  for me to click on it's going to provide me   answers within the context of chat GPT though  it's going to help me with my props so let's   take a look we've got the sidebar in here let's  go ahead and move this over here and go to chatgpt   now here's the interface that you're familiar  with here is the sidebar so what does this chat   GPT sidebar do well it helps provide context by  giving you more options for preps it gives you a   kind of a a little tier one layer one prompt  shortcut so baked into the prompts are some   things like summarize or provide me similar  Pages or give me grammatical spelling uh updates   explain something so when you put in this  prompt you're saying to chat GPT hey I   want you to explain something for me and then you  tell you provide it what you want to be explained   because this is a large language model what is  what each PT is able to is is interpret what it   is you're asking so you can ask jet GPT to explain  using regular Old English and a thousand different   variations AI has the ability for the first  time in history to interpret what you are saying   and then to turn it into a explain output so you  can use any different variety of ways to ask it   to explain and it will theoretically understand  that you are asking it to explain so all these   are different prompts that you can put in there so  if you wanted to summarize for instance I've done   a a kind of a cotton paste here that I'm going  to put in here let's say that you've got uh a   a letter from another attorney and you want to  summarize it for a client so I'm going to put   this whole letter from another attorney which just  came off the Internet it's not mine uh in into   this box and I'm going to submit it under the  prompt summarize so now what it's going to do is   Give me a summary of the letter now this is great  I need to make sure it's accurate most of the   time it is I can now use this in Communications  with the client summarizing the letter buried   practical application but think about having  to read it and figure out for yourself what   it is you want to say and then going ahead and  drafting that up that's going to take what point   let's let's talk in lawyer talk 0.5.6 this was  able to do that in .01 so you can see the value   there all right so let's go ahead and clear that  let's take a look at some of these other prompts   so let's say that I wanted to have it explain  something so explain to me the difference between the common law trademark and a registered  trademark all right so this might be because I   want to explain this for my client look at  the information that it's going to generate   for me distinguishing a registered trademark  from a common law trademark I can reuse this   information with my communications to my client  in order to help them understand Concepts that I   need them to understand now I'm going to  take this now I'm going to say summarize this these spots so I'm now going to go over  into chat GPT and I'm going to use this colon   to DeMark the difference between what I want  Chia GPT to do and the context that or input   that I'm going to provide to chat GPT so I'm  going to say this is a little too long what I'm   going to do is go ahead and say summarize this  response and put the whole thing in here and   now I'm going to go ahead and get rid of this  see around I think I probably have to go ahead   and turn it off but that's okay you can see here  it turned this into a much shorter statement the   efficiencies gained on simple things like this  is what technology is been about and always will   be about and this is a very powerful tool all  right so let's go ahead and get rid of that and   let's talk a little bit about uh some of these  other things you can have it rewrite what about   taking and modifying these props so they're  for specific to the practice of law they're   specific to what we're doing as lawyers well  we can add custom prompts to this system which   is what makes it better than all the other  ones that I've seen out there so far and   I'm sure they'll be even better once uh next  month but one of them is provide reference   when you go ahead and say I want to manage  my my prompts it's going to take you to this   page and this is basically your setup or your  settings so uh what you're going to do here is   you're going to take a look and see some of the  prompts for the the sidebar that are templates   and I took out some of the ones that I  didn't want but that I also created custom   probes specific to lawyers provide a reference  or a source provide a reference or a source for   the following statement and that's going to  be one of the prompts we'll take a look at it   you can create a prompt that says Identify  supporting case citations identify and this first   thing is the name but it often is very similar  to what you're doing the prompt content which is   going to be followed by a colon is going to tell  chat GPT what exactly you want it to do identify   authoritative authoritative case law in the United  States to support this argument you could provide   as much prompt context or a background here  if you want to say law in Michigan or in lawn   California or recent law you get stylizes just  use your words it's all plain English that's the   point of AI and so I'm going to save this out  we'll take a look at both of these examples so   in this instance I'm going to ask for a reference  and let's take a look here a particular statement let's take this statement AI will not replace  lawyers AI will assist lawyers make them more   efficient and ensure better outcomes for clients  so I would like some support for that statement   I came up with it but I know I've probably read  it before so let's see what yeah GPT can provide   me in terms of a citation or reference and you  can see here it's saying that there are several   sources for this one source is Law Society  of England and it gives me a citation here   another source is the American  Bar Association tonight 2019.   and you could see these sources along with many  others in the legalized suggest AI will play an   important role in the future but will not replace  lawyers so you can see providing references   high value okay what about if I want legal cases  and can I do some research so what if I wanted   to get um a a case Citation for this proposition  so let's say I wanted to say here's my argument   and the argument is under Michigan law  employers can protect their reasonable   competitive business interests with a non-compete   machine courts have stated wise reasonable  should be determined by analyzing the context   of the situation and the business interest to be  producted like a citation for that and you can   see here it's providing me citations to Michigan  case law I can ask ask it if the case law is still   good I can ask it if there is any other case law  I can ask it if there's contrary case law so you   can see with this chat GPT sidebar you can start  to really design prompts that are specific to your   practice and when you're putting these prompts  in you can make them as specific and provide as   much context as you want that's like tier one  level one if you're a lawyer you need to start   playing with chat GPT you need to create these  sidebar props I'll be developing uh props for   you to use and putting them in future videos so go  ahead and subscribe like this video subscribe and   you'll see much more detailed props and that you  can use and input into this particular tool now   there's a Next Level to all of this all right  and the next level is more context it's more   background information it's giving chat gbt more  information about what it is that you want in   more context for it to generate that response so  there's lots of different ways that you can design   tools to perform specific tasks let's look at one  common one and that's responding to emails okay so what you're going to need is you're going to  need Google Sheets and of course everything in   the future is going through Google Google Drive  Google Docs if you're not using it you're already   way behind so go ahead and log into Google get  set up with Google Drive and Google Sheets and   you're going to want to go ahead and open up a  new sheet and then you're gonna need to add an   extension and the extension you're going to add is  GPT for sheets and docs right so basically you're   going to go to get and get add-ons that's going to  give you here and you're going to put chat Gene PT   and it's going to give you lots of options and  you're going to get it for sheets and docs here   all right once you get your extension added you  have to turn it on and so once you see it in   this drop down you need to enable GPT functions  and I've already got it enabled but uh it won't   work unless you've enabled your TPT functions  as an extension and there are videos on YouTube   that will help you do that and help you get set up  today's video assumes that you can do that whether   you have done that and now you're just trying to  figure out how can you use chat gbt with not only   a kind of single layer prompt but multiple layers  of prompts and contacts so here's what we've got   we've got tasks as a prompt saying here's the task  I want you to perform I'm going to tell chat GPT   the role in the conversation I'm going to tell  chat gbt the tone that I wanted to take I'm going   to give chat gbt prior Communications so that it's  got context for this specific response and then   I'm going to ask it to drop draft response so this  is all going to get generated into this output as   you're going to see and then if I want to refine  that I can type in a a prop to refine for some   particular purpose task line item one respond to  an email that's what we're asking it to do gonna   add another task consider prior Communications as  part of the response email and I've capitalized   prior Communications and I've labeled prior  Communications here so it knows to and there's   this is like computer coding without having  to know code all I have to do is speak English   it's going to interpret that when I capitalize  prior Communications and I told this I I named   this cell prior Communications it's going to  now to consider the information here after   this colon as part of the response email next  task I wanted to expand on and elaborate in   the draft response okay so the draft response is  going to be uh is going to be one that I put in   and I want chbt to expand on that response and  elaborate on that Sprite response all right what   is the role of chat GPT here G in the senses I'm  asking chat GPT to act as an attorney responding   to a client's email or it could be an adversary's  email and just change that out to a client's   email using prior Communications for context  and using draft response for the main points   right so again prior communication is going to  be this information here the draft response is   going to be what I'm going to tell it I want it  to to say uh Dan have chat GPT expand on that   all right again you're gonna need to subscribe  so we're gonna really dig into this as we move   forward but here is the formula that you're  going to need for this particular client   Communications you're going to do equal  sign and then GPT and then what you're   going to do is you're going to say to chat  GPT I want you to process this information which gives it all its context and then  afterwards we want you to use these variables   and then go ahead and close that out all right  now that we've set up our essentially our our   logic what we're going to do is we're going to  insert here the prior email that I've made up   and so prior Communications is going to be from  a client saying hey there was a Schaefer this   is Alex do you know if you remember me but uh  he's looking to protect an idea and would love   to say hi and see what my thoughts are all right  um so let's change this to our clients emailed so we're responding to a client's  email and we're asking chat gbt to   take as reference the prior Communications  which is this field here for context and   use the draft response for the main points and  for the draft response I've just simply said   let's set up a call right so let's just go ahead  and I'm going to redo the proud for you this will   be baked into your spreadsheet once you save  it you won't have to redo it but again what   we're going to do is equal chat or GPT and then  what we're going to give it is this context here   and then close up the parenthetical comma and  then we're going to ask it to use this data here   oops I only want the commander color and then  close the parenthetical here so we're saying   use this for context here's the information that  you need for or here are the props here's what you   need for context and go ahead and load this up  and let's see what chat GPT comes up with for a   response to this email with a simple instruction  let's set up a call dear Alex thank you for   reaching out to me regarding your new business  idea I remember you from Sam's Circle friends   and I'm happy to hear that you are pursuing  your entrepreneurial goals I would be more   than happy to discuss patents and the necessary  steps to ensure the safety of your idea as an   attorney I understand the importance of protecting  intellectual property and I'm here to provide you   with the necessary support in regards to your idea  of reducing noise pollution I think it is a noble   cause and I'm interested in hearing more about it  let's set up a call at your earliest convenience   to discuss your idea and how we could move forward  in protecting it thank you for considering my   services I look forward to speaking with you so  alright so that's great I mean from let's send up   a call to that you would and I would much prefer  to send this as the response email then let's set   up a call we in the future will be taking a look  at how to do research using Chachi BT in a more   sophisticated level how to draft pleadings in  draft you're still going to have to edit in by   by using Google Sheets and getting more complex  complex tasks and props into this zone so that is   giving you better results my name is turning Rico  Shafer we will see you next time foreign foreign
Channel: Traverse AI
Views: 30,838
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Keywords: chatgpt, ai, google sheets, google sheetz, google docs, lawyer, legal practice, law, lawfirm, ai attorney, ai lawyer, ai law firm, law practice, ai tips, ChatGPT, OpenAI, Openai api, ai plugins, chatgtpt plugins, chat gpt, ai apps, best ai applicaitons, openai, artificial intelligence
Id: VMcXEs3meUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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